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(-個܆9 Eo> $$#ⰹ#8iU</BY;LSTGzZrU&ə_rS7s SIMPM.CODEdSYSTEM.LIBRARY/rQSYSTEM.STARTUPt SYSTEM.APPLEd9.شR@!FkA^mp)A!_5 RfM+";J2e+׾4qJ}dC;ց\A.[gU%t g(s[tiA10133T DUS.DATArd NES.DATAv* PRO.DATAfd4MSG.DATAfd45SYSTEM.MISCINFO®5Q SYSTEM.PASCALd9\^SYSTEM.CHARSET;^n USTRT.CODEdns IDENT.CODEdPM1DH AT30E0T1gCoie,l5eo 9heuts 5 4n,ro3Prog b.kA5B nob/r &꽌ɪɖ'*&%&,E'зЮ꽌ɪФ`+*xH&x'8*7Ixix&&  ') + &п x) ++`FG8`0($ p,&"UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU) (jJJ>L+ "?I>  N `  ` x V Nx .x- z `V0^*^*>` aI꽌ɪVɭ&Y&&Y& 꽌ɪ\8`&;)TFGZύ$Sz榙l_orkdwYɺ돷P(64ktudentdentf Acade;X}ot%!=UY-ib rqb AϹuuAy 0q di!CeExecute**vvʡ A1013 MasterR(TREES)mic Affairs67,b`-D5b=<bc|bcxkS4.S4xS1KfS0S}&U&.bI+3bgG4S6U)@?S$DU'{kLSzWSS[SF000009Z23330axi+bxj+cxkxi parts). s F000005Z23330axy+byz+cxyxi parts). s F000007Z29330axi+bxy+cyi+dxyarts). s F000005Z23330ax+bxi+cx+d+exiarts). s $44 0 23456 ;20+bxi+cx+d+exiarts). s "To subtract terms in parentheses, s we must subtracber parts). s Remember, px-qx~=~(p-q)x. parts). s F001102523000ax-\a+b\x)x. parts). s F001101923000axy-bxy\x)x. parts). s F000002923330ax+by-cy+dx. parts). s F000002923330axi+bx+cx-dxi parts). s $14 0 23456 :20i+bx+cx-dxi parts). s p-q)x,p-qx+bx+c)+(dxj+ex+f)ses $2 16 (p-q)x,px-qxbx+c)+(dxj+ex+f)ses For example, 5x = 8x-3x.(dxj+ex+f)ses $54 0 23456 :20 = 8x-3x.(dxj+ex+f)ses Terms with the same variables x+f)ses are subtracted by subtracting x+f)ses $their coefficients (numtheses F000001923000a+(bxi+cx)+(d+exi)theses $14 0 23456 :20(bxi+cx)+(d+exi)theses F000001925000(axi+byj)+(cxi+dyj)heses F000001923000axi+(bxj+cxk+dxl)j)heses F000001923000a+(bxi+c)+(dxj+e)j)heses "F000001923000(axi+bx+c)+(dxj+ex+f)ses $1 06 (bx+cx+d+dxkowers first. Expressions in parentheses wers first. &are added by removing the parentheses and adding the separate terms. theses F001001923000ax+(bx+c)e terms. theses F001001923000(ax+bx)+cx terms. theses F000001923000(ax+b)+(x+d)erms. "Terms with powers of one variable es, 'are arranged with higher powers first. F000002923550a+bx+cx[2]r powers first. F000002923550axj+b+cxi+dxpowers first. F000001923550axi+bxj+c+dxkowers first. F000001925550a+bx+cx+d+dxkowers first. $44 0 23456 :20the variables, cannot be combined. f the variables, F000002925000axi+by+cxj+dy variables, F000001923000axi+byj+cxk+dylariables, F000001923000a+bx+cy+dxk+dylariables, F000002923000ax+bxy+cxy+dxylariables, $34 0 23456 :20+bxy+cxy+dxylariables, 922000ax+x. appears, nt 1. <F000001522000x+bx. appears, nt 1. <F000001322000x+bx+axappears, nt 1. <F000001325000axi+xi+bxiears, nt 1. <$44 0 23456 :20i+xi+bxiears, nt 1. < Terms with different variables, 1. <&or different powers of s). <F001102923000axy+bxyp+q)x. parts). <F001102923000ax+bx+cx+q)x. parts). <$44 0 23456 :20+bx+cx+q)x. parts). <$We usually omit the coefficient 1. <When no coefficient appears, nt 1. <we assume it is 1. appears, nt 1. <F000002 = 3x+2x.any order. <Terms with the same variables der. <are added by adding variables der. <$their coefficients (number parts). <Remember, px+qx~=~(p+q)x. parts). <F001112923000ax+bx~(p+q)x. parts). <F000002923000axi+bxip+q)x. part $2 18 x+y,y+xm/3Wy[L?Ry K<#Numbers can be added in any order. < $1 08 x-y,y-xe added in any order. <$1 06 (p+q)x,p+qxded in any order. <$2 16 (p+q)x,px+qxed in any order. <For example, 5x = 3x+2x.any order. <$54 0 23445 :20E3M`E3J1GbbG<hb_IiSmUikvUU7zU-C6bl~b,o4S!-[S^7SOUnWDMSLS(0S"f5SUM`t each term heses, s by changing its sign. term heses, s F000001923331ax-(bx+cy)erm heses, s F000001923331ax-(by+cz)-(dx+ey)s, s F001001923330(ax+b)-(c+dx)x+ey)s, s F000001923330axi-(bxj+cxi)x+ey)s, s $34 0 23456 :20i-(bxj+cxi)x+ey)s, s We normally simplify inside ey)s, s !the innermost parentheses first. s F000002923531ax-(b-(cx+dx))irst. s F000002923531a+(bx-(c+dx)-e)rst. s F000001923531ax-(by+(cx-dy+ex)). s F000002923531a-(bxj-(cxi+dxi))). s $44 0 2[2]+b)(x[2]+cx+d) term F000001523330(ax+by+c)(dx+e)x+d) term $13 0 11223 :30x+by+c)(dx+e)x+d) term F000002922051(ax+b)i-a(x+b)ix+d) term #F000001323331(x[2]+axy+by[2])(x+cy)rm F000002523331(x+a)(x+b)-(x[2]+c)cy)rm $13 0 33445 :30+a)(x+b)-(x[2]+c$44 0 12233 :30xi-byj)(axi+byj)eses. Remember to multiply each term eses. &in the first parentheses by each term in the second parentheses. each term F000001523331(x[2]+ax+b)(x+d)ach term F000001523330(x+by)(cx+y+e)d)ach term F000001523330(xression eses. of the form a-b by a+b, ession eses. the middle term is always 0. n eses. F000002925500(x-a)(x+a)ys 0. n eses. F000002925500(ax+b)(ax-b) 0. n eses. F000002925500(ax+by)(ax-by). n eses. F000002925500(axi-byj)(axi+byj)eses. 3456 :30x+b)(cx+d)d. , heses. F000002923331(xi+a)(xj+b)d. , heses. F001002923331(ax+b)(cx+d)d. , heses. F000002923331(ax+by)(ax+by) , heses. F000002925331(axi+bx)(cxj+d), heses. $44 0 23456 :30xi+bx)(cxj+d), heses. When we multiply an expeses. must be multiplied rst mials, heses. by each term of the second. , heses. F001002923331(x+a)(x+b)ond. , heses. F001002923331(x+a)(y+b)ond. , heses. F001002622051(cx+a)(x+b)nd. , heses. F000002522051(ax+b)(cx+d)d. , heses. $14 0 2 expressions +e))l)es . in parentheses, we multiply +e))l)es . &each term in the first parentheses by %each term in the second parentheses. $54 0 23456 :30e second parentheses. When multiplying polynomials, heses. each term of the first mials, hF000002523330a+b(x+c(x+d))+f)+fxl)es . F000002523050ax+((bx+c)dx+e)fxfxl)es . F000002523330a(x+b(x+c(x+d)))xfxl)es . F000002523330axi(bxj+cxk(dxl+e))l)es . $1 05 (p+q)(x+y),px+qyxk(dxl+e))l)es . $5 14 (p+q)(x+y),px+qx+py+qy+e))l)es . To multiply twozl)axymx), es . $14 0 23456 :20xj+cyk+dzl)axymx), es . F000002925330a+b(x+c)+dzl)axymx), es . F000002925330ax+bx(cx+d)l)axymx), es . "F000002925330(axi+bxj)c+d(exk+fxl)es . F000002925330ax(bx+c)+d(ex+f)+fxl)es . $14 0 23456 :20(bx+c)+d(ex+f)+fxl)es . 923330axi(bxj+cx). ed ses, es . F000001923330(ax+by)cxx). ed ses, es . F000001923330(axi+bxj)cxk ed ses, es . $13 0 23456 :20xi+bxj)cxk ed ses, es . F000002924330axi(bxk+cyn) ed ses, es . F000005<24331axi(bx\j+k\+cxj+dx), es . F000002<25331(bxj+cyk+dheses . $54 0 23456 :20side.m in parentheses . "To multiply terms in parentheses, es . each term must be multiplied ses, es . by the term outside. iplied ses, es . Remember, p(x+y)~=~px+py. ed ses, es . F001102523330ax(bx+c)+py. ed ses, es . F000001jykbxiylponents. ally. F000002525551axibxjcxklponents. ally. $1 06 p(x+y),px+yxjcxklponents. ally. $4 16 p(x+y),px+pyjcxklponents. ally. "To multiply terms in parentheses, lly. %we multiply each term in parentheses . by the term outside.m in parentF000002523551(axy)bxyiplication. ally. F000002523551axy(bxyz)cyzcation. ally. $33 0 23456 :20y(bxyz)cyzcation. ally. Powers of the same variable are ally. multiplied by adding exponents. ally. F000003935551axi(bxj)exponents. ally. F000002925551axalphabetically. F000002523551x(ay)bv)d alphabetically. $43 0 23456 :20ay)bv)d alphabetically. Variables are multiplied phabetically. by using exponents plied phabetically. !to show repeated multiplication. ally. F001002523001ax(bx)ltiplication. ally. 3456 :20(bxj-(cxi+dxi))). s !Products of terms are simplified s "by multiplying the coefficients. s 'Variables are arranged alphabetically. F001102523551ay(bx)ged alphabetically. F001102523551(ay)bxzed alphabetically. F000002523551azxwy(b)d )cy)rm F000002937000(xy)i(x+b)-(x[2]+c)cy)rm F000002525000(ax)i(x+b)-(x[2]+c)cy)rm F000002525000(axy)ix+b)-(x[2]+c)cy)rm $33 1 33445 :30xy)ix+b)-(x[2]+c)cy)rm A power of a product b)-(x[2]+c)cy)rm 'is the product of the separate powers. F000002937000(xy)ithe separate powers. F000002525000(ax)ithe separate powers. F000002525000(axy)ihe separate powers. $13 1 33445 :30xy)ihe separate powers. F000002534000(xi)jihe separate powers. F000002525000(axi)jhe separate powers. F000002925001(xiyj)ke sis the same as the first.using these values of the variables.g"These expressions seem equivalent.e first.using these values of the variables.g'These expressions are not always equal.st.using these values of the variables.g'To draw the xygraph we join a value for each variable. above using these values of the variables.g)Now you choose a value for each variable. using these values of the variables.gNHere is the value of the above expression using these values of the variables.g*The second graph g*When the cursor returns, please try again.ey..CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mgNEvaluate the expression in the box above using these values of the variables.gHere is the correct value. the box above using these values of the variables.g"Here isڱ:mgPress [#-arrow] to $.ete your $.inator.e.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mgPress the "#" key. $.ete your $.inator.e.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg-Hold down [CTRL] while you press the "#" key..CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mXTGԱ[ڱ:mgA right parenthesis is needed.ression.se.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg'Use [CTRL] D to start your denominator.e.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg Use [CTRL] # to complete your $.inator.e.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[DE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg!No negative numbers here, please.here.se.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg$We multiply here (no mixed numbers).e.se.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg&Press [RETURN] to end your expression.se.s.ı.CODE1α.TEses.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg&Please press [left-arrow] or [RETURN].eses.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg)Just one number or variable here, please.s.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg&Please type just a single number here.se.s.ı.COspaces.theses.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg#No expression close is needed here..theses.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mgNo variables here, please.ded here..theses.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg I can't use that character here.re..thelarge.needed.al point.d.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg#This expression is too complicated.point.d.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg+The preceding expression needs parentheses.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg$Constants should not contain can have only one decimal point.d.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg)A number cannot end with a decimal point.d.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg A complete expression is needed.al point.d.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mgThis number is too )l}ԱڟddααEı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg'Help requested. Please press [RETURN].αEı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg+This expression is too long or complicated.ı.CODE1α.TEXTGԱ[ڱ:mg)A number $14 2 33445 :30iyj)kxponents. ed wers. F000002623550(x+a)ikxponents. ed wers. F000002523551(axyz)ixponents. ed wers. F000002925550(axi+b)[2]nents. ed wers. F000002525550(axiyj)k2]nents. ed wers. eparate powers. $33 2 33445 :30iyj)ke separate powers. !A power of a power is simplified wers. by multiplying the exponents. ed wers. F000002535000(xi)j exponents. ed wers. F000002525000(axi)jexponents. ed wers. F000002525000(xiyj)kxponents. ed wers. its points.st.using these values of the variables.gHere is how xy is plotted.n its points.st.using these values of the variables.g We cannot plot xy on the screen.points.st.using these values of the variables.g,Find xy using arrows^v. Then press [RETURN].ing these values of the variables.g$, then the value of this expression RETURN].ing these values of the variables.g&Please type a number between -# and #.TURN].ing these values of the variables.gAll right, that's close enough. and #.TURN].ingtors so that monomials precede polynomials.her parentheses..r.es.gCThe difference of the squares of a and b is factored as (a-b)(a+b).eses..r.es.gMRewrite the middle term by factoring the product of the first and last terms..g=Three terms can sometimtiply monomials by multiplying coefficients and combining variables.2.r.es.g:Multiply each term in the parentheses by the term outside.ng variables.2.r.es.gHMultiply each term in parentheses by each term in the other parentheses..r.es.g8Rearrange faces.gSubtract by changing signs.n by removing parentheses.on factor. first. 2.r.es.g&Add a negative quantity by subracting.ng parentheses.on factor. first. 2.r.es.gRemove unneeded parentheses.ubracting.ng parentheses.on factor. first. 2.r.es.gGMulirst. 2.r.es.g?Make the first term positive by removing -1 as a common factor. first. 2.r.es.g(Rewrite the power as a repeated product. -1 as a common factor. first. 2.r.es.g5Add parenthesized expression by removing parentheses.on factor. first. 2.r.ponents.xponent 2.r.es.g@Combine similar terms (terms having exactly the same variables).ponent 2.r.es.gFRearrange terms so that those with the higher powers of ^ occur first. 2.r.es.gRemove common factors.t those with the higher powers of ^ occur fstandard position.tical order.es.gIAn expression times itself is written as a "square" using the exponent 2.r.es.g?Powers of the same base are multiplied by adding the exponents.xponent 2.r.es.gAdd or subtract.me base are multiplied by adding the exes the negative of the expression.ariables.gKWrite each term with coefficient first and variables in alphabetical order.es.g?Combine signs if possible, and move signs to standard position.tical order.es.g Multiply.igns if possible, and move signs to by 1 gives the original expression.of the variables.gEMultiplying an expression by -1 gives the negative of the expression.ariables.gOmit zero term(s).ression by -1 gives the negative of the expression.ariables.gCompute power(s)..ression by -1 givto the power 0 is equal to 1.y.g these values of the variables.g;The first power of any expression is the expression itself.s of the variables.g'Any expression multiplied by 0 gives 0.e expression itself.s of the variables.g=Multiplying an expressionrm standard polynomial simplifications.y.g these values of the variables.g$Rewrite expression in standard form.cations.y.g these values of the variables.gSimplify term(s).n in standard form.cations.y.g these values of the variables.g,Any expression .g,Type only letters from the given expression.y.g these values of the variables.g Start with the given expression. expression.y.g these values of the variables.gThis problem is finished.ession. expression.y.g these values of the variables.g,Perfo variables.g%These expressions are not equivalent.parately.g these values of the variables.gThat seems correct so far.equivalent.parately.g these values of the variables.g#This expression is too complicated.t.parately.g these values of the variablesues of the variables.g$Your simplification seems incorrect.eparately.g these values of the variables.g!This equation is too complicated.ct.eparately.g these values of the variables.g$ is not used in this problem.ed.ct.eparately.g these values of the these values of the variables.gAn equation needs an "=" sign.. and #.TURN].ing these values of the variables.g%Replace @ by your numerical solution..TURN].ing these values of the variables.g.Simplify each side of the equation separately.g these vales be factored in the form (a+b)(c+d). and last terms..g/Remove common factors from two terms at a time.rm (a+b)(c+d). and last terms..gDFour terms can sometimes be factored using ac+bc+ad+bd = (a+b)(c+d).st terms..gBCompute a power of a product by raising each factor to that power.).st terms..g8Compute a power of a power by multiplying the exponents.hat power.).st terms..gMRewrite a polynomial so that its terms match the terms of another polynomial..g#Remove parenthesized common factor.rms matc for the number zero.o draw an arrow of length zero.ult is zero.@.on.gTherefore, its length is about draw an arrow of length zero.ult is zero.@.on.g*An exponent means repeated multiplication.row of length zero.ult is zero.@.on.g2(When the exponent &have no operation symbol between them. (*).cause the two numbers .). -1).@.on.gIHowever, this addition is repeated zero times, and so the result is zero.@.on.g=A dot or a small "x" is used to draw an arrow of length zero.ult is zero.@.on.gIt stands).@.on.gC(In general, any multiplication using 0 always gives the answer 0.). -1).@.on.gAThis expression requires multiplication, because the two numbers .). -1).@.on.g+are separated by a multiplication sign (*).cause the two numbers .). -1).@.on.gation.. -1).@.on.g3Replace @ by the numerical solution obtained above.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g)These equations have different solutions.ned above.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g%Sorry, not enough room on the screen.ons.ned above.ns.oss.equation.. -1ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g3 to have the same solution as the earlier equation.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g&Now let's resume solving our equation.ier equation.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g/ The solution checks in the original equation.ion.ns.oss.equsolutions.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g%So the solution is approximately @ = no solutions.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g'These lines meet somewhere off screen, o solutions.ns.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g3so the solution of this equation is off the screen.or @:for @ in the original equation.. -1).@.on.g:Here is the approximate value of @ where the graphs cross.equation.. -1).@.on.g6The graphs are identical, so there are many solutions.oss.equation.. -1).@.on.g3The graphs are parallel, so there are no ys true, so @ can be any number.as no solution. -1).@.on.gC check by substituting the solution for @ in the original equation.. -1).@.on.g$ solve the following equation for @:for @ in the original equation.. -1).@.on.gWe graph each side of quation fsign of each side of the equation (multiply both sides by -1).@.on.g5Multiply both sides by the denominator(s) and cancel.y both sides by -1).@.on.gDThis equation is not true, so the original equation has no solution. -1).@.on.g5This equation is alwaranspose a term to separate terms containing @ from terms without @.tself.on.gKSubtract a term on each side to separate terms with @ from terms without @.on.gFAdd a term on each side to separate terms with @ from terms without @.ut @.on.gIChange the .ion.g>Divide fractions by inverting the denominator and multiplying.ancellation.ion.gEDivide both sides by the multiplier of @ to prepare for cancellation.tion.ion.gKDivide both sides by the multiplier of @, and cancel to obtain @ by itself.on.gETmultiplication.g)Rearrange terms to prepare for factoring.r parentheses to show multiplication.gJFactor and simplify numerator and denominator to prepare for cancellation.ion.g>Multiply fractions by multiplying numerators and denominators.ancellationor and denominator.tor...gPerform the division.tor by changing signs of numerator and denominator.tor...gReplace variables by numbers.hanging signs of numerator and denominator.tor...gNReplace variables by numbers, with dots or parentheses to show h the terms of another polynomial..gICancel monomial factors common to both the numerator and the denominator.ial..gLCancel a polynomial factor common to both the numerator and the denominator...gHSimplify the denominator by changing signs of numeratis 1, only 1 factor is needed.)ength zero.ult is zero.@.on.g/Any non-zero number raised to the 0 power is 1.d.)ength zero.ult is zero.@.on.g*Division is the reverse of multiplication.is 1.d.)ength zero.ult is zero.@.on.g%since 0 times any number is always 0.tion.is 1.d.)ength zero.ult is zero.@.on.gKSince 0 times any number is 0, we have no way to select one correct answer.on.g$(Division by 0 is always undefined.)ve no way to select one correct answer.on.g2(In general, dividing two numbers whose  0& "ˡ  J   00áQP 0á0 é000+-Í- šš që  N "ˡ )á á áaˡ á Nšá áÄ& ܟˡ,  צSYSTEM FAILURE NUMBER  צ. PLEASE REFER "TO PRODUCT MANUAL FOR EXPLANATION.  DFCOPYRIGHT 1979,1980,1983-1985 APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED    DPASCALSYUSERPROGFIOPRIMSPRINTERRINITIALIGETCMD SYSIO d, stored in a retrieval"system except as an essential step'in its execution, or transcribed in anyBrooks/Cole Publishing Co. 555 AbregoMonterey, CA, 93940, Student diskLicensed for use only at%Please respect the license agreement. Published by BrnP6 V >DPژZ   O ?"¨n6 r P  ^  All rights reserved.No part of this program may be!reproducemultiplication by right of the "base" g subtracted, umbers..g&However, it does not mean the same as ght of the "base" g subtracted, umbers..grall result is that we moved by each number being subtracted, umbers..g8(However, you may see a shorter way to do this problem.)g subtracted, umbers..g8, which is written above and to the right of the "base" g subtracted, umbers..g#, means repeated gIn this problem, we change bers.sign of each number being subtracted, umbers..gLet's start from 0. change bers.sign of each number being subtracted, umbers..gSince we started at 0, nge bers.sign of each number being subtracted, umbers..g'the ovenumbers..g*so the answer is 0, and no sign is needed. longer" number.hs" of the numbers..gFWe can subtract by changing the sign of each number being subtracted, umbers..g and then adding the new numbers.sign of each number being subtracted, umbers..s" of the numbers..g:The sign of the answer is the sign of the "longer" number.hs" of the numbers..g&In this problem, the longer number is the "longer" number.hs" of the numbers..g+In this problem, both are the same length, longer" number.hs" of the n expression is undefined.)n.g:Adding or subtracting 0 leaves the other number unchanged.ion is undefined.)n.gHTo add numbers with the same signs, we add the "lengths" of the numbers.ed.)n.gMTo add numbers with opposite signs, we subtract the "length signs are elect one correct answer.on.g+(0 divided by any number except 0 gives 0.)ns are elect one correct answer.on.gL(Remember to hold down [CTRL] and type "U" when an expression is undefined.)n.g)We add zero by moving a distance of zero." when a009ȄX 000á'$á 009Ȅ00 qS\  ɡ'áצ-32768 ^ 逫-ġ>00ń0ˡ ɡa áá0š  %4á1á$ۂۂەߓh  ! 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