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Published by BrnP6 V >DPژZ   O ?"¨n6 r P  ^  All rights reserved.No part of this program may be!reproduce                                        ۤ Äݓۤ  dÄÍߢ ˄ɡۤ  dáߢ  dá ߢ #ޣ˄ ߢ  ߢ ۤ ߢޣ ޣߢ ޣޢ ޢۤ ޢ áޢá צޢޢޢ/13:! $ ~\",䚹 9U[2˄ޢߢšáޢ ޣ ߢ  dޣޢޣ ޣߢ  dÍÍޢˡ ݓۤ ۤ Äݓۤ  dÄÍߢ ˄ɡۤ  dáߢ  dá ߢ #ޣ˄ ߢ  ߢ ۤ ߢޣ ޣߢ ޣޢ ޢۤ ޢ áޢá צޢޢޢ١ ˡ) ! 䚹 9U[2˄ޢߢšáޢ ޣ ߢ  dޣޢޣ ޣߢ  dÍÍޢˡ ݓۤ  lܟ˄ݤ צ   ١  n ١ á9 ٓ/! !!! á ݤݚ ˄ܟń ١á  ޤ uš  gá Ä+ޤ  ɡáޤ á ġMáš6 ܂ۻݪ d (   š Í ÄU ǐɄ:ń  System error.8۪M M ɡ M M 0 FڢצMSG.DATAڢצPRO.DATAڢצLES.DATAڢצNES.DATAڢצDUS.DATAצ USTRT.CODEandom subtraction 2ion 4rs) 3UZ2%Random subtraction 3ion 4rs) 3?D& Random subtraction (no arrows) 1=69' Random subtraction (no arrows) 2*s( Random subtraction (no arrows) 3P)Adding and subtra xConsecutive subtraction 1rs) 3/^ Consecutive subtraction 2rs) 3Qv1X!Consecutive subtraction 3rs) 3+H7,"Consecutive subtraction 4rs) 3!#Random subtraction 1ion 4rs) 31$Rion 4yboardCRandom addition 2ion 4yboard FRandom addition 3ion 4yboardS+,Random addition (no arrows) 11WP Random addition (no arrows) 22R,!Random addition (no arrows) 33andom arrows 33ors keyboard HConsecutive addition 1yboardlConsecutive addition 2yboardmConsecutive addition 3yboardu=Consecutive addition 4yboard8 Random addition 1}6Introduction to the keyboardm?Practice problemshe keyboard +Consecutive arrowss keyboard;Random arrows 11ors keyboard L`Random arrows 22ors keyboardCILRتPDŽE  RDŽE ٪P E   (   >6Vz.@~CODE.CODEACKE.CODE1.TEXTG[:mƳgEʷ  تP,,PT  @ \ ܡ@ ܡڡ݂P تPǜE  RCL<<ʷZ\\ʷxR` [E :E BODY3 WRITELINUNITPARTCOMPOPTINUMSTRIN\\ER.CODE1\.TEXTGb[h:mng>ʷB `^ph.CODE.CODEACKE.CODE1.TEXTG[:mƳgEʷ "PROCEDURE SETCHAIN(TYTLE:STRING); "PROCEDURE SETCVAL(VAL:STRING); "PROCEDURE GETCVAL(VAR VAL:STRING); "PROCEDURE SWAPON; "PROCEDURE SWAPOFF; "PROCEDURE SWAPGPON;  IMPLEMENTATION E 2L 8<=>F?A:CGJJLʷ"L( CHAINSTU ػ̃ʃ̃ʃ.DD00................תPʃܻʃ ۻ@@ ʃ ʃ @@@ڢ 2#4:TSTRT:XDN,M M ɡ M M 0 FڢצMSG.DATAڢצPRO.DATAڢצLES.DATAڢצNES.DATAڢצDUS.DATAצ USTRT.CODEػ̃ʃ̃ʃ.DD00................תPʃܻʃ ۻ@@ ʃ ʃ @@@ڢ 2cting 1ectors 3x*Adding and subtracting 2ectors 3-<M+Adding and subtracting 3ectors 3ig, Adding and subtracting(no arr) 1D%c- Adding and subtracting(no arr) 28. 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object3GGraph: area of boxalling object3GGraph: population explosionject3b`-D5Commutativity of additiononject3b=< Non-commutativity of subtractionbc|Distributive law 2@ $Plotting linear functions 1 7c 33JPlotting linear functions 2 7c 358MPlotting linear functions 3 7c 3C"<Graph: rate times timeons 3 7c 33RkPlotting quadratic functions7c 3C0mGstancetion 7c 3SVerbal subst.: Volumeuation 7c 3U`=LVerbal subst.: Populationon 7c 32}Plotting on horizontal axis 7c 32Plotting on vertical axisis 7c 33Plotting in two dimensionss 7c 3ubstitution and evaluation 4c 3Su~Substitution and evaluation 5c 3U,Substitution and evaluation 6c 3UX32Substitution and evaluation 7c 3S(Verbal subst.: Perimeterion 7c 3S11FVerbal subst.: DiUa|{Order of operations 6tic 2 43c 3U{;Order of operations 7tic 2 43c 3Sin Substitution and evaluation 1c 3SH$Substitution and evaluation 2c 3SP~0Substitution and evaluation 3c 3S@Sentstic 2 43c 3SD,VOrder of operations 1tic 2 43c 3S45^Order of operations 2tic 2 43c 3S fOrder of 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continue. Ä h  azȄɡٛٛ ( 2ߪP ުP2ܡ  ()צ ?  \[[[] ][] [Ä^^ ˶ ڡ^or more information, contact:. A  &This demonstration version permits youto try the main featuresof צ quickly.Many lessons are omitted.%Others have fewer problems than thoseצin the complete v of צare available for 64k or largerצ%Apple II computers with the followingtypes of disk drives:%One 5.25" drive (7 student disks)צ%Two 5.25" drives (2 student disks)$One 3.5" drive (1 student disk)צFty.צ("Class Progress Report" prepares a briefצ summary of the current status ofצ students for displayצ&on the monitor, on a printer, or both."The instructor's other options areself-explanatory.Complete versionsof instruction.צ!These parameters are explained indetail when "Set" is selected.צ""Display" allows the instructor toצ%inspect a student disk to see how far$the student has progressed and which$topics have been causing difficulerts the 64k Apple IIeto a 128k machine.ؓצThe  Instructor Diskprovides several options:"Set" allows the instructor to!enter or change a student's name,צ first and last lessons, level ofצ$difficulty, and mode an &١.إ gThe two-drive version requires#only one drive if used on a machineצwith an &.צCaution: do not confuse the"&צ " with theצ"extended 80 column text card"צ'which merely convצlocated in slot 4, 5 or 6.( إ ١tצ#This demonstration version requireseither two disk drives"or one drive plus a 256k or larger&#The student program's response timeצis significantly improvedby   $'(ˡ &ġ |z hhhhhhhhI8HH`8DvL(n D \ t n0ztb8Rj  P (J&צP_šT 0' ˡ  & &,(ۡX((Light your choice with arrows and pressצ$[RETURN], or type the first letter.) $% & (     תP ȡ_@ޢۚڡ(#šޢ#ɡ;ޢ''#$"'#(á"'#(ɡF\v%بǀɡȡ!" J&  P 4܊ۊڊ4 ܊ۊڊT:ǀ(@(Pǀš "(Ǡ #š$0 ئڡ ?8  ߪP  ( צ to  )ޡ ( ) ? RLP 8a88צcc 8c8צcaa8ױac #400 220-@{Η4- Ä .2Nb ڦתP ل ݍ2 $ݡš  ܍ءܡ Pۿoڡ[[[gi ܪPYN YR "צ Pٿ// -/ȡ /0-,ڪP0.2/4-á-á..-2@{Η42 2--á.-ersion.Thus, you may sometimes missthe full logical developmentof a concept produced by doinga sequence of related problems.$The two versions respond identicallywhile solving each problem.However, in this version,צ$errors will not cause extra problemsצ!to be posed, and excessive errors&won't force review of earlier lessons.צ!You are also offered no choice of'difficulty levels and instruction modesצ when setting student parameters location.צ'For information on the complete versionof צ , contact:צMr. Robert Evans.  A message to other educatorsfrom the author of :צDeveloping and testing צצrequired about 12,000 houthis demonstration version ofצ and to share it(with other educators. Standard DOS 3.3,%ProDos or Apple Pascal copy utilitiesצcan be used to make copies.צ The complete version is licensedצ%for use only at a specified ٪ ڡ!*4Dȡs 0+ +,T,,DD, š44,{X $Permission is hereby granted to copyeparate testing is#normally redundant. Achievement isצ"measured by the student's progressצthrough the lesson sequence.x  ˄  > צJohn C. Miller.tery of each topic at'the level of difficulty selected by theצ&instructor. Appropriate prerequisitesצ'are repeated automatically if a studentmakes excessive errors.'Since most of a student's time is spentצ#doing problems, sne.@R j צ&The instructional material is arrangedצ!in many relatively short lessons.&The time required to complete a lesson%depends on the student's performance.A student progresses only upon&demonstrating masצ#contain the instructional material.צ'A student uses only one disk at a time. 'When necessary, the student is promptedצ(to exchange disks. The student's recordצ$is automatically erased from the oldצ disk, and copied to the new oצof the student disk. In this two-drive version,צ of disk 1. צ$A copy of disk 2 must be in drive 2,צ$but other students, working at otherצtimes, may share disk 2.צ#The student disks number 1 through צ'work automatically resumes at the point$where the student ended the previoussession, provided the disk!has not been used in the interim.  each student requires a copyתP GIn this 3.5 inch disk version, versionצof .(Shall I explain how this version differsfrom the complete versionUצ Shall I tell you how to speed upצthe student programAt the start of each session,duced by typing illegal characters.#To restore normal pauses, hold downצ[CTRL] and type "ZR" rapidly.צ(Programmed pauses can also be suppressedצ temporarily by pressing any key. 'This is a special demonstration'after the "Typing Reminders" disappear,צ'you can suppress all programmed pauses.צ&Hold down [CTRL] and rapidly type "ZQ"צwhile the cursor is flashing.צThe cursor will flash faster.צ You may ignore the error messageצ&promarkin answer to various questions.Also, notice how it handlesצincomplete or improperly formed&expressions when you reach the lessonson expression simplification.xצ%While the student program is running,.These features are foundonly in the complete version.צ#Since errors will not slow you downin this version, you can makeצfrequent intentional errors. Note how צ respondsצwhen you type a question rs,צ%for which I received no remuneration.צ#Please respect this effort by usingonly authorized copies of theצ diskettes, in accordanceצwith the license agreement.צ Thank you,   צ"Please press [RETURN] to continue. L Reading data....ءáÄRצ'In future sessions, this message can besuppressed by pressing [ESC].Íݓd33ȡ5צ(Hold [CTRL] and type A for rest of list.ܡ &ܡݡ  צ&Another copy Finished with this list!No student records read.#]d (١.צ%(An earlier disk had this same name.)$This disk has no student data.ړލ< 4 Z תP šߡ  ݡPRINTER: ݡ  ݓÄݥ ٶڨܚ@_6 x  ڡ P ݡHe;  e;  b ݡ  ݡl(Added the following student to the list:ܛAńÍł2 ` // /00Pš  P/0/ܕ0P nn ١ ܢڢܟߓܢ ߡޚirst צnextצ disk is inserted . and the door is closed.No student disks ڡ are available צremainצ to be read. Ú Ŷ,Ä9ȡ ܛ@t١HצMemory is full.(Make a separate list of remaining disks.צ Insert the ڡ צfirst next student disk .(צin drive 1, and close the door.צThe ڡ frent and final lessons, and otherצ!information. It can be displayed'on your monitor, your printer, or both.Do you want the students' namesئ alphabetizedO Are all students' names recordedwith last name firs  ׯצ(no name provided)١8!!ȡ    8<  After inserting as many as $student disks, you will get a roster!listing names, difficulty levels,צ$curٓ צD Acc. Diff Current Highest Final ChoiceצEName Mode Level Lesson Lesson Lesson AllowedצnoP١ צyesPR* Rڨ 0צby John C. Miller V Instructor Published by. R˚( Algebra Mentorת&צApple memory expansion card ion of Wadsworth, Inc.%Pascal Runtime System (C) 1979, 1980,צ%1983 and 1985 by Apple Computer, Inc.צ"Portions of this software (C) 1979צ by the University of California.@Pצ Welcome to Pm except as an essential stepצ'in its execution, or transcribed in any#form or by any means -- electronic,צ#mechanical, photocopying, recording!or otherwise -- without the priorצ$written permission of the publisher,, צa divis ɍ  /ˡ 6 @ (C) 1986 by Wadsworth, Inc.,Belmont, California 94002.צAll rights reserved.No part of this program may be!reproduced, stored in a retrievalצ"syste" ڟ !#Do you want to prepare a class listצfor another classh|fVp   ݡPRINTER: ݡ  ݓÄݥ ٶتPHold down the key marked [CTRL]צ or [CONTROL], and press [RESET]. צ!(On some machines, you must press#[CTRL] [RESET] twice, and then typeצ'PR#4 or PR#5 to locate the 3.5" drive.)١ R  ; S R!ڪP&Do you really want to make this changein the RR"צlease remove the disk  from drive 1, and insert šA צa student disk !student disk number if no change is desiredء.>تP١ : C : No cצhoice permitted. RFڪP١7צ This disk is ء now צthe working disk forױ .(no name provided).Rv ڪPتPRتPR ,٪PتP,"CONSOLE: One moment, please.$تP#04:P 0 0R8צ&Press [RETURN] +V 8تPBrooks/Cole Publishing Company,ڡ<צ 555 Abrego,-צMonterey, CA, 9394OP-P--١ צTelephone: 4O8-373-O728. تP,ersion ,d.,d , צ diskTN٦ Display on: צMonitor Printer צ$Shall I advance the paper to the topצof the next page *(ȡ- צ  تP +,+,ȡ +to position the paperצ'to begin printing at the top of a page.[ ۡ class listת צrecord We can display the %on the monitor screen or on a printerצ(whose interface must be inthe usual slot 1 location). צ$Some printers need double spacing toצ&avoid printing everything on one line.&If in doubt, try double spacing first.Print: צdouble spaced single spacedצBe sure your printer is ready.צ"You may want צcharacters, and press [RETURN].צIf no such line is desired, youmay simply press [RETURN].צStart typing here:X צ!If desired, you may insert a lineצ today's date.(ȡing any information you wish,צ"such as the course and section andצ%in the printed listing, following thestudent's name, containing anyinformation you wish, such asz"Please type such a line, of up to (áצ Wrong disk.;á3'Remove write-protection from this disk.h١X ةۢˑáڞک؞"!ġU jצ"at the top of the printed listing,צ$containڡ צ`4>,ء STUDENT NAMEצCURRENT NAME: ,٢P !CURRENT INSTRUCTIONAL PARAMETERS.3צצ STUDENT: ٢ 35צ 5צڢڢ2צDIFFICULTY LEVEL (1 to 5): ڢ . ٢e;<צLAST<٢bצCHOICń3:٣cšb3Student history desired35*3"צNo student history requested.$3No lessons attempted.3 ;٪Pצ LESSON: ضP%R0<3PRINTER:sons attemptedצsince last printed listing.צ9` 5ڢPؓצ$LESSONS TO WHICH STUDENT WILL RETURN%AFTER REVIEWING NEEDED PREREQUISITES:ġڢe;%':٢Pڢl7PSTUDENT:ײP*8 (LESSONS COVERED: (N=NOT COMPLETED)ݣc*Z900c11ȡ0U š/š6ء78/0cÄJצNo more les since the last printed history.)Recent history onlyComplete history ø//ض6٣cɡN٢U٣c ٢U٣c  UU Ś4١ accelerated. normal (not accelerated).2آP٢Í ٢٢٢ ٢٢ L3צ(We can display either a complete historyצ&or a recent history (only lessons doneצݥ0~ ,٪Pá (Please noteءצ , however,צ thatׯ&צthis option is not implementedin the demonstration version.)R 1ڡ CURRENT צMODE: á צdemonstration. Arom this disk.צ(However, you can transfer it to a suitable disk in a moment.) 0ġˡ /  ⢁⨁ á- ܩ!Ʉ  ⢁. ᓡe desired student disk,p#P# Pٓ#ء ,R ~.Y00Z0ȡ0- B/٢ױ  צŚ,צ The name ٢צis now erased f lesson צ.)Start at lesson צ(LESSONS AVAILABLE (difficulty)áצIN DEMONSTRATION VERSION./*+ڥY Ȅ-ܪPáT->!צ(If this is NOT th ready to begin(`)  Ȅpá š 49ڡU š ߀ړ% ڡ  ńńړ *تP צ(Press [RETURN] to start the at  ۡT0& ڡN&צ" %بD4õ٥TɍC  P'%(צ This student ١"צhad trouble beginning withצwasICULTY'Low difficulty means that fewer correctצ%answers are required to complete each'lesson, and that some difficult lessonsצ$are omitted. Thus, the course can beצ tailored to individual students.צ1 C )צ%At this difficulty level, that lessonwould have been omitted.ضP'צ So now the first lesson will be:(צlevel of difficulty"DߢP $CצCURRENT LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY = ͣ⣁!ۀࢁe;Oɡ ⣁Nࣁc Uࣁc  ࣁc;ࢁe;;ߕ⢁ۀ!⢁⣁2  "áڨڨD ZM,٪PتPצWbeing prepared.7the student using this diskצ will coverQ For more lessons, please contact. ܡ?,O P ٓ>3ࢁcUU ࢁe;ࢁee<ࢁe;ݚࢁdRQ ōɡܚšۚ &Pצ lessons  through .6QɍPP "Warning: This student disk is froma partial version of צצ covering onlyQ Therefore, ܡ"no disk is have  a student disk!student disk number ٦ available P#7צNo disk preparedצ for.L׮Lڡ?,ڡ?,ڡ?\JNKÍ IK BK EK EK ÍJ˄ÍFIRST4Are these all correctۓ=צ Please select one to be changed. ۡ  Aتצ Do you tructor Disk.lesson choice is ALWAYS allowed1ڢb CURRENTLYá:ڢb Permit: צChoice No choiceڢbڢbڢbJöÍKm[; ءK@ents fare better with no choiceצ%of lesson sequence, but you may allow%student choice of lesson if you wish."This is especially convenient whenusing צ for self-study,"as you can then select a new topic"without using the Ins1ܢܢ˄ܢ2á7ܢMode: צAccelerated Normalܢ ܢܢܢˡ3ܢ ܢ˄ۢTۢP'ۢe;M Iء CHOICE OF LESSONצ(Most studTlastצ Last lessonFEۢP١ צINSTRUCTON MODEצ!In accelerated mode, at most four"problems are posed in each lesson.All must be answered correctly.This permits rapid progressצfor well-prepared students.ng+lߡiTʀšGKʀ4G/ʀDGʀʀ˄HġFܢPݢ$١DצFIRSTצfirstצ First lessonFܢe;ɡ4ōۚצLAS[ LESSON:ʀ(ޡ, ortTצype the number of the desired 2' lesson and then press [RETURN], or$press [ESC] to see a list of lessons before you choose. ݶʀɡצlisti(GآP آe;)$Changing the first lesson erases thelist of lessons to be repeated. first lesson" ٢3H[ڪP2٪P تP̀̀ʀP̀ [צ LESSON TO BE COVEREDצCURRENT ulty level T,צ#which is too hard for this student.T is not covered inء"צthe demonstration version.צaccelerated mode.TP'$The next higher acceptable lesson is(.ár(If in doubt, try level 3.) DIFFICULTYߢe;ڥTܓܡ D ޡ6ݡ $ܡá3ߢe;ۚۚޡ BLesson ١]צ has diffice now need the student disk ,צthe parameters are to be ^Sצ#Set, Transfer or Change Parameters.צ$Set initial parameters for a studentצ who has no current disk. Transfer initial parameters from! one disk to another, to prepareצ disks for an entire class.Change parameters for a studentצ who already has a disk.צReturn to main menu. ݚ˄ áon whichצchanged.Sá FROM WHents*> V~=yZu Xo  צSYSTEM.STARTUP..(To run another program, insert the disk.}zvsqm!! *D'&,F\H>4  b nPzZ&W  Wٓإ צQUIZZ-Insert the test generator disk.dXW YWؓ Z𥁁   á 앎UYtable of contprogress.צClass progress report.Generate a test.צQuit using the Instructor Disk. U"إ USTRT -+ړ  צPV +  á앎 W[table of contents+? X~>y\u Zo  צSYSTEM.STARTUP..(To run another program, insert the disk.}zvsqm!! *D'(.H`N . F t V b:` n \"j""N$.%v%%#&''(4(V)(v))t+++l,,,:-N23305*4*6679x-5..Z.0//*677@78--.8\[Yؓ \𥁀 ! &@'$*D\J&  $ R b \@j~>>L | :!<"" $$@%%z#%&v''' )V(@)|)>+++6,,,-22h3h03b44678B-h6-.$../46h77T8|---8]\Zؓ ]𥁀  áX\table of contents+? Y~>y]u [o  צSYSTEM.STARTUP..(To run another program, insert the disk.}zvsqmUSTRT -,ړ  צPY ,Z&Z  Zٓإ צQUIZZ/Insert the test generator disk.צf[Z\Zؓ tion).צRun a student disk.צDisplay a detailed record of one student's progress.צClass progress report.Generate a test.צQuit using the Instructor Disk.ɥ X"إ M ƁL١?ڡUif?  Introduction.Table of contents.צ$Set instructional parameters (name,צ% instruction mode, difficulty level, first and last lessons,צ and choice of lesson opצʁT MUצ$You may transfer the same parametersצto other disks.צAnother transfer>f JW RáWlAV ́ʁצƁʁÄʁTڡ s name. U ,١?ZV́ #Please type the name of the studentצwho will be using the new disk.ʁצ@צPlease insert a disk forʁ!ʁe;,١? ́ʁ to erase the recordצof this student.Is this acceptable RTš? !زצצIt is advisable to storeצ&inactive disks in a central "library",צand to file active disksצby the student'ICHצ transferred.S,ڣcÍۍ_ We can only copy fromצ!a newly initialized student disk.צTry another diskۍܡ?  ^RڪPۡ צWARNING! This disk belongs to!You are about.LZ H"V"":$%b%%#&&'' (B)x(b))V+++N,,,-02330 4456f8X-d4-.:.//456H6D7---7ZYWؓ Z𥁁   á 앎UYtable of cont@@  (p  4"EP`b  ڳ@ D"xqa  er2,@@   @@ @  |U`!8D/p` E 'crXF`_FpD A4^qSK FOR H@`G8B A( ower (go om. 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