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Bx$lf6p|>(x`fW<?`n?B@ &r13,e,r14.  Sometimes a program lets you choose   what you want to do, just as a   restaurant lets you choose your meal.    Press RETURN to see Today's Menu.  %wait "1. Calamari "2. Chile verde "3. Escargots "4. Sauerbraten "5. Bubble to the main menu RUN TYPENAME to give the Apple your name RUN PICTURE to adjust your picture %end gram you want. For example, to use the program TYPENAME (which asks you to type your first name), you would type #RUN TYPENAME # and press RETURN. [Please press RETURN] %wait &r13,e,r19. Which program would you like to RUN now? RUN HELLO to go back important, the rightmost column tells you the name of the file. You use this name when you want to choose from the CATALOG menu. %wait &r13,e. Rather than using numbers to choose from the catalog, you type the word RUN followed by the name of the prokind of information such as text or graphics. Most program files have an A or an I in this column. %wait &r13,e,r15. This column tells you how much space the file takes. Don't worry about this column for now, either. %wait &r13,e,r15. Last, and mostr sorts of files are on the disk. The first column of the catalog tells you if a file is being protected or not. Don't worry about this column for now. %wait &r13,e,r14. The next column tells you whether the file contains a program or some other e the "command" word CATALOG, which will usually display a list of the "files", many containing programs, on the disk you are currently using. Try typing CATALOG now. %wait &r13,e. This catalog is a sort of menu that tells you what program files and othe What do you do? First, before you do anything else, make sure the CAPS LOCK () key at the bottom left of your keyboard is locked down. If you're not sure, click it a few times, leaving it in the locked-down position. %wait &r13,e,r18. Now you can typ&r0,e,r10. This program started up automatically when you turned on the computer, but not all programs do this. Sometimes after turning on the computer, you will see something like this: [Please press RETURN] %wait &r13,e. No instructions in sight!  that you strike a pleasing balance of   rich colours and least amount of colour   fringes on the letters.   Press RETURN when you've finished.  %end ers on the screen have coloured  fringes.   These fringes are produced by the Apple  when it mixes text and graphics. This  is a "fringe benefit" that you can't  get rid of. [Please press RETURN]  %wait  You may want to adjust these colours so e'll use this information later on   in the program.  %end  Since you have a colour television or   monitor attached to the Apple you can   enjoy its colour capabilities.   [Press RETURN]  %wait  You may have already noticed that the  lett You probably don't have a colour  television or monitor, then. If you  know where the controls are, you may  wish to adjust the contrast and  brightness of this text and the picture  to please you.   Press RETURN when you've finished.  %end  W@@0 8  and squeak "6. Tenpura donburi "7. Souvlaki "8. Tandoori "9. Chicken fried steak !10. Moo goo gai pan  %wait  &r15,e.  This entire program is also listed on a  menu, which we will show you next. This  "main menu" has an arrow which will  always point to the topic we recommend  you do next. You may select that topic  or strike out on your own.   Please press RETURN to reveal this  program's main menu.  %end   Remember when we capitalized your   first name way back when? That was an  %wait  &r12,e.  Remember our attempt to capitalize   your first name? That was an  %wait   example of this program making a   sterling effort to help you. But ectly   friendly (much less perfect), but   good programs make an effort to   cooperate with you in getting your job   %wait  done. But what if a program doesn't   seem to cooperate with you? %wait  done.  %wait  &r12,e. t the other end of the scale are the   "unfriendly" programs. They give   unclear instructions and don't tell   you how to correct your errors. Press   RETURN to see an unfriendly question.  %wait  &r12,e.  Of course, no program can be perfly  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  A program that gives clear instructions   and responds reasonably if you make a   typing error is called "friendly".   Such programs are easy to use.    Press RETURN to see a friendly question.  %wait  &r13,e.  A#A break # #from the # #keyboard.  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  As you can see, using a computer isn't   so difficult after all.    Press RETURN to find out why some   programs are especially easy to use.  %wait #Friendly & &vs. " "Unfriende this  be sure to use the right arrow key to  move beyond the end of your answer  before you press RETURN.   Press RETURN to go back to the menu.  %end if you pressed   RETURN before you moved beyond the  %ul '______   end of the answer? Press RETURN   to see an example of what an   "early RETURN" does to you.  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  The moral of the story is:   If the cursor looks lik &r13,e,r14.  As you recall, you use the left arrow   key to back up to where a mistake is.   After you correct the error, you use   the right arrow key to move forward to   the end of the answer.  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  But what would happen___ __  information or help when you press  "OPEN-APPLE-?".   Hold down the OPEN-APPLE key and press  the "?" key to see how you did sorting  apples.  %end  cial -- they can be used either  with other keys (as Ctrl is) or by  themselves.   In the following exercise, you will use  these keys to sort ten apples into  their proper bins.  %wait  &r13,e.  The Help Key: Many programs give you  %ul  ___  &r13,e,r14.  There are two other keys that are   sometimes used to control the way a   program works - the "OPEN-APPLE" and   "SOLID-APPLE" keys. (Please press   RETURN.)  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  The OPEN-APPLE and SOLID-APPLE keys  are spewhat   if a program seems bent on fighting you? %wait $The $ $Four $ $Steps  %wait  &r12,e.  1. Check your typing. Everyone makes #misteaks ocassionally. (See?)   2. Lock the CAPS LOCK key () down. #Many programs require you to type #everything in capital letters. #  3. Check the program manual. The dis- #played instructions may be unclear.   4. Seek help from someone who knows #how the program works.  %end  &r13,e,r14.  Another way to get out of a program &  is to press Ctrl-C. Press RETURN &  and we'll explore what this strange   phrase means.  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  You have already learned about one   helper key -- Ctrl.    Press RETURN dramatic ways to   use the Reset key -- see your owner's   manual for details. As a last resort,   of course, you can always turn the   computer off. Don't do that now, but  %ul /_____ __ ____ ___ %end  !!!  %ul $____ ____ ___ _____ ___ __ ___   If you hold down Ctrl and press   Reset, some programs will start over  %ul _____   again. Use this only in an emergency or   if nothing else has worked -- NOT NOW!!  %wait  There are other more  %wait  If Esc and Ctrl-C don't work, there   is a last resort which can cause a   program to start all over again, just   as if you had turned the machine off,   then on again. [Please press RETURN]  %wait $READ THIS, BUT DON'T TRY IT NOW Another common method of stopping a   program is to hold down the key   marked Ctrl and press the "C" key.  %ul '____   Please do this now.  %wait  Good. This combination of keys   is called "CONTROL-C" or "Ctrl-C"   in most manuals. this keyboard up to the top of the  screen and ask you to find the  first key....  %wait  %end   In the next few minutes, we'll  show you a little of what this  computer can do, but we'll need  your help pressing some keys.  (You're out there and we're  locked up in here.) %wait  It's quite easy, really. Just  get comfortable while we move RESET) !10. Friendly advice  11. The three cursors !12. Disks: a command performance  %end  "1. Start over from the very beginning "2. Type your name "3. The early RETURNs are out "4. A SHIFT of character "5. Arrows, rabbits, and gnomes "6. Colour or B&W "7. Why "lO" isn't a ten "8. Apples, apples everywhere ! 9. Making your ESCape (and ey with a letter on it. Practise repeating the letter by holding down the key. %wait &r13,e. Whether you're typing one letter at a time or repeating letters, your fingers can sometimes slip. This leads to the question...(press RETURN) %end now." %wait &r13,e. One of the first things you'll notice when typing on the Apple keyboard is that you can make the keys automat- ically repeat if you leave your finger on the key. Press RETURN to give it a try. %wait &r13,e. Go ahead and press a kled the CURSOR) where you will %ul ,______ , begin typing. Here is a cursor: %wait &r13,e. So, you see, you type answers just as you would on a typewriter, and you press the RETURN key to tell the Apple "I'm done typing my response; it's your turn  &r13,e. Take another look at the keyboard. It looks like a typewriter keyboard with some extra keys -- but it's much more versatile and easy to use. %wait &r13,e. When the Apple wants you to type some- thing, it will display a blinking square (calto find out about two   other special keys.  %end   There are some keys that don't do   anything when you press them by   themselves; instead they are used to   make other keys work differently.  %wait  &r13,e.  The key marked Ctrl is one of these  %ul /____   special keys; it does nothin~<<  <>? |? |{ ={ =>>  ><@ $[^\~}\[\^[\~@ $\[]~}\^]# $[\]~><  <  <>@ -@ $# $^[\]^]\~@ $# -}^]\# -<<  ><{ =? ={ =><  <>}\]^[\^~}\^][^\][\^[]\[~}[\][^][\ $% '%!"  % &_  %wait     WF  KLM  RST  YZ  %wait <>><>><<>>, :<><>>><<><><>>><<><><>><><  <>><>><<>><><>, :>><<><><>>><<><><>><><  ><{ ={ |? =? |<>  >>}\^[# $# -}\[^# -}[]\# -@ $[\] ;;;;;;  *ALEX+  """"""  %ul (%!  %wait "CDE  BPSWF  GHIJKLM  NOPQRST  UVWXYZ  [\  ]^_@A  %wait  Banque Suisse ' /'  (((((((((((((((((' / '  % '% '  % '% '  % '% _ the word "lot"  2. Press the Del key several times $to erase the words "whole lot"  3. Type "herd"  4. Now press the RETURN key to $accept the entire answer %end with  with the cursor that looks like a  blinking underline: _  %wait &r0,e.  Correct the answer below to read ( ("A herd of cattle"  %ul  ____   by doing the following:  1. Press left arrow to back up to the $right of the "t" inr right  of your keyboard. Please press it now.  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  Good. You will find that the third  cursor is very convenient as it lets  you use Del to delete words anywhere  %ul /___  in your answer.   Now, press RETURN to experiment 1. Press left arrow to erase the word $"fish" 2. Type the new, correct word "mammal" 3. Press RETURN  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  The third and most powerful cursor lets  you use the Del key to erase letters.  %ul ,___   The Del key is at the uppehat it behaves quite  differently when you back up. Press  RETURN to experiment with the "box  cursor".  %wait  &r0,e.  Correct the answer below to read % %"A three-toed mammal"  %ul 3______   by doing the following:  rrect errors.  %wait  &r11,e.  In this section, we will explore two  additional cursors. Each one follows  a different set of rules for backing  up, moving forward, and correcting  errors.  The first new cursor looks like this:  You will find t%wait  &r11,e.  Sometimes even the cursor may be   different. So far, the only cursor you   have seen is the blinking cursor:    You've learned to use the left arrow   key to back up and the right arrow key   to move forward when you co &r11,e.  ...as the old saying goes. Different   programs have different styles and   rules. Some programs use a key other   than RETURN to mean "proceed".   Other programs use the arrow keys   differently. [Press RETURN to continue]  .  So, you can use the Ctrl and G keys   together to sound a "bell".   The Ctrl key, also called CONTROL, is   used with other keys to "control" the   way a program works (hence the name).  %end  %wait  &r13,e.  It gives you a beep! If you would like   to hear the beep again, go ahead and   hold Ctrl and press G as much as   you like or until it disturbs the   neighbours. Press RETURN when you want   to go on.  %wait  &r13,e,r14g when   you press it all by itself, but...  %wait  &r13,e,r14.  When you use Ctrl with another key,   the combination will do something   different. Hold down the Ctrl key   with one finger and press the G key   with another finger.  ^\~<>  %end    You already know about two of the keys   with arrows on them -- the left and   right arrow keys, which you use when   correcting errors. [Press RETURN]  %wait   Next to them are the down arrow key   and the up arrow key. Some programs d it responds with a message such as "?SYNTAX ERROR", lock the CAPS LOCK key down and try again. %wait &r13,e. CAPS LOCK makes capital letters only. %ul 0___ If you want the punctuation symbols on the top half of a key, you must use the SHIFT key. Now ticks into two positions. CAPS LOCK is "on" when it's locked into the lower position. Try typing keys with CAPS LOCK in each position. Press RETURN when you want to go on. %wait &r13,e. Important: If you type a command to the computer in lower case, an&r16,e. Notice that you've typed a capital H. When the CAPS LOCK key is locked down, all your letters come out capitalized. (Many programs will only understand capital letters.) %wait &r16,e. Press the CAPS LOCK key a few times. You'll notice that it clrd. Please press RETURN. %wait &r16,e. First, press the key with the letter h on it -- and please don't touch the SHIFT key! %wait &r16,e. Good. Now, press the CAPS LOCK key () down and then press the key with the letter h on it again. %wait There are two ways to make capital letters. One way is to hold down the SHIFT key, just as you did for punctuation. %wait &r13,e. The other way to make capital letters involves a key called CAPS LOCK (marked with a ) at the lower left of your keyboaoard has a SHIFT key (marked by a ) on either side near the bottom row of keys. The SHIFT key lets you type the symbol that appears on the top half of a key. %wait &r13,e. Now you know how to type the symbol that appears on the top half of a key.  See the long bar at the bottom of your keyboard? It's called the SPACE BAR, and you use it to put spaces between words. Please press the space bar now. %wait You can use the space bar when you type your last name below: %wait &r13,e. The Apple keyb and continue your  explorations in your owner's manual.   (Next time, you can go directly to the  menu by pressing the key marked Esc.)  %end 's colleagues.  %wait  &r1.  We hope you've enjoyed using this  program and will return soon.  %wait  &r14.  For now you have finished. Press  RETURN to start this program over from  the very beginning for the next person,  or turn off the powerrn off the power and  continue your explorations in your  owner's manual.   (As a graduate, you may skip to the  main menu of this program by pressing  the Esc key during the "credits".)  !One who knows 19.3 times as much  about computers as one You are hereby declared a veritable  Computer Genius , prepared to  begin working with the many powerful  %wait  Have fun and enjoy using your Apple.   Press RETURN to start this program over  from the very beginning for the next  person, or tu %wait  Would you rather come to the aid of:  #1) A rabbit # #2) A major financial institution  %end   let you use these keys to move about   or correct errors anywhere on a screen.   [Press RETURN]  %wait   The next part of this program will   let you have some fun experimenting   with all four arrow keys.    Please press RETURN. hat you've learned all there is to know about the SHIFT and CAPS LOCK keys, press RETURN and we'll set you a little test. %wait You've passed the only test (a tough one) with flying colours. Please press RETURN to go back to the menu. %end   " v %CHAINSTUAPPLESTUSHORTGRASHORTGRAASMLIB INTROLIBINTROLIBTYPE1UNITYPE2UNITYPE3UNI Q $  ߩ $ Li`t^cY}zeNEDh0h1hhhhh.h/h,h-h*h+h(h)(ȱ(*ȱ*,ȱ,.ȱ. HH1H0H(ȹ(*ȹ*,ȹ,I4ifH8H hIiH h hL8Iif E J j 8  e e  `(J 8 e  ` Z Z< $ %$P*UH)JJh & & f)4#i JL` T$Q%P)Q I L`#JI`'  I` I0ݩ(0/,",i8i#Hiihifi`i,i,3iPI SYSTEM.CHARSETáSYSTEM.CHARSETG One moment, please... @4` - G`` 8`'    4تP+,+,ȡ+++V 0  آآآǿآآǿآآ@ ٚܢɡܢǿšܢǿɡܢɡܢl    ڪP."ˡ[̄$ʄ$N.ʄ$M ń.ʄ$M  ʄ$̄$.ʄ$M .ʄ$M Y@ˡ    8 ǯ?Ǭ?ǰ?Ǯ?ǩ? áǫ?Ǭ?0 ٢ؚ ڢؚڢٚ ۚܢښܢٚܢؚɡš$hhhhhh9.:.;.<0(0(099JH;HHH`Z310/$ T?@AB ?UB`2<(^`L+L10`LELK뭕 JF8ȹe8ИL`Lø{{ttmnghab\\WWRRMNIIEEAA=>::673401..+,))&'$%"# !hhhhhhh)hpdHHHH`4hhhhhhhi)hH`HHH`0hhhJhh)*XhHH`"hhhhhhH! \L HHH`<hhhhhhHHLM0AP0WRKTCHAINSTUFF.CODE6 z|z6 P0bF6 *,,CHAINSTUFF.CODEAPDISK ̅(צ CHAINSTUFF.TEXT- %̅,ړצLisCHAINSTUFF.CODEE[*]B2WRK:SYSTEM.SWAPDISK.تPš++.تPRš+R+PP0RšزRPزPR,"6h b6 6 ^``Pb6 r  BGGBGBBBBB#Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc..ȹ.`   ""##  )`%)8`)    L)ˢ   â LE % %  )  `8`&e epɀj f f&e e pɀjff %) % )`% L=`0(%$ $ @' &    0&!"   #"  ` ` `SN-(' . hhhhhhHH `  HH8H822١)111xá 1443ŝĄǴħÄ24 ,^  & ǃ   ܪP24310ڡ / ڡ١ J  //ء33{šڡB000<á602 צ  2/á, %ȡ  -š1ŝĄǴħÄڪP1 HáצP33P  צ؝  1 / /Í1/ / /0Ȅhɡ] /a/}Ȅ/ //š33P3 Q3Pڝ/  /áGš>    t/á<ڦתP   D٪Pǖ-  0 2~0á;&  PڧP21   ˍá/  / /ѝá, * e-áK2.ȡ  22---(á-ȡ ع .ǿ"تPR(צBçÄǴ2L HH` HP6 ʪz|z6 5b6 *,,#5:PRELIB.CODESWAPDISK ̅(צ #5:ASMLIB.TEXT- %̅,ړצLis#5:PRELIB.CODEDE[*]APPLE1:SYSTEM.SWAPDISK.ʭhhhhhhhh,  !e  u*Ȅ  !8  uȄݥHH`' `!8!H) JJ h! &! &! f !) !`zycTShhhhȱȱ)i*i)QL        xhXOF=2L d l @d 0 0 V  .   ee8$ %  e e8&'0 8e*e+)*)fjfjfj+*fjfjfj8 8) )` (J(F ((Lee Lw  )LI1LHHH`5>hhh)hh h h h hhhhhhhhhhhhHH  # " `' & 8 ! 0"ee8 !  e e8"#0 88$ % 0" QhhhL.+ rhh heheheheHHL<  B  ""##8&$iT8&UU ! QU"# UT`+%$Y)!p hhhhhhhhhhH8 )%L ئ׷8  צ قّH تP"á#8á 80R N 8 8۝ۓ"8 ڭXڝġۓڕ 8 8áQ8 9قš 9 š89ق"9ؿš89؞؂ڭتP9ת%š 9x9x צ> 444 9ٛ  áܓCŝĄܓ#ޡ Please give it a try.`Please press RETURN when youfinish practicing. ^Rá,š#ɡ %cÝŝǀɄNjɡDˡ9ǃ.צPlease press the "S" key.PSs׮ Ss׮ ǃ .צ$You're done typing, so press RETURN.P x عwצple computer now?> <<"Ǘ.צPlease press the "Y" key.PתP Yy׮ Yy׮ ".Please press the "E" key.תPצEe צEe &,+  Vh WX צ Use the Apple keyboard to answerצ"YES to the question below (no helpצfrom the audience, please):צ$Are you using an Ape1text.txtצ Please press RETURN to continue.!  f تPX WX  R,  ġ  تP,+ WXW.r this rule:# "When in doubt, press RETURN."צ%This lets the Apple know you're readyצ to proceed. á ` ǃ á צ key.partial   Hצ typy.צ Please press RETURN to continue.  šKצ"As you remember, there's a generalצrule when using your Apple:pצYou've got the idea!*צ$Good. You're getting the hang of it.צIn general, remembeg something.    R Please press LJצ to continue.  צSince LJ is rather difficult topronounce, we call the LJ keythe RETURN kereading this, please press theLJצ key to continue.  ɡGreat! צGood. Now you know that you pressthe LJצ key whenever you arefinished readin          4GOOD! You found the LJצ key ɡצ fast. .צ#Let's do it again - when you finishٛ0ÄٛoD T@ǀ  ?    Pl ,  V . 9؛rá?Jۓۧ9צ%endy9%waitׯd9צ%ul ۓI9׷9&Ä1ɡ9 9ء ȡ<ٛAٛZȄ ٛٛ "áۭR:291P9 90@ T9؛.ˡ29؛eá 9؛ráݡx ,: 2 H .x(^Rá,š#ɡ %cÝŝǀɄNjɡDˡ9   @  arrowkeys.img"á "What if you make a [gasp] MISTAKE?!Don't panic. If you make a typingצerror, you can use these keys:$R  dɡX!Press the right arrow key to move%beyond the last letter of the answer. צYou're done, so press RETURN.  E\ xSתP*תPء Yá0S&Use the right arrow key, not the left.תPn ɡ+Sצ!Please press the right arrow key.P<S(Press either " " or the right arrow key.תPS ɡCצPress the right arrow keyצto move forward again.*תP ÝÍP&( \Ǧ [ ȡ תaġ    Ä   Sצ is a neat word, but try "צ".צ(Use left arrow to back up and try again.Ǧ[  S"Use the left arrow key to back up.תP ת  צ Now press "צ" to correct the error.    ɡ6SPlease press the " " key.תPS SPS!Good. Now press left arrow again.   צ'Once more to get to where the error is.   ow.8   Sצ!Please press the "left arrow" keyP*תPǦ[    š{ hing to its rightvanish. $To avoid this problem, use the right'arrow key to move the cursor beyond theצ#end of your answer BEFORE you pressRETURN. Please do that n.   צ The cursor marks the end of your9 ___ ______ _____ ___ ___ __ ___תצ#answer. When you press RETURN, the9צ______צ"cursor and everytWhat's this?! The " " disappears! nצWhat happened to the "צ"?צ Press RETURN for an explanation < VV<<r  What happens if you press RETURN&right now? Press RETURN and find out.ǃ   R6 ġ تP,+ S*,+ V   YJ|צ> The right arrow key$  moves the cursor forward.!Press RETURN to see how it works.  Fp    تP  $v  #(called LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW)to correct typing errors. ת ǃ        צThe left arrow key$@ backs the cursor up.ou're not done yet. Use theצright arrow key to move forwardtowards the end of the answer.   צ"Try correcting the answer above toצread "צ " instead of š" צ". P+P+/"Oops. You pressed RETURN too soon.צnow you must retype the "زؕצ".ease use the left arrowצkey to back up, then type it.XX X(ء2  ~   Is "Xצ" your correctצ first name?  XTTXP XP ׯUצPlease don't be shy; just type#your first name, then press RETURN.š!That's a long name. Do you have aצ$nickname? Pl 44ȡ44ȡN*d55ȡޛd55ȡ44ȡp2T{hXTTXPġaǃ Xš  X n  44ȡAޛޛ܄ R 44ȡ3ޛڡ   ڡ   P Let's see...  ȡ$ٛ áٛ á- :  aeiouyAEIOUYš  @  aIJ  zȄ     š7 ȡ$ ؾAIJ ؾZȄ  ز ؾ ,SתP*צPء̀̀ %This example will let you correct theצanswer above to read " ." Startצby pressing the left arrow key.̀̀ Start correcting " צ" to ""by pressing the left arrow key.   Z NT * ~&6P.$>O SתP*צPء̀̀ %This example will let you correct theצanswer above to read " ." Startצby pressing the left arrow key.̀̀ Staperiscope?תPצJules צVerne Vurneת" Ǘm|צWho or what is "La Gioconda"?P The Mona תצLisa צLesa"pǗck á $>O   צ earlytext.txtHתع|צ What computer are you using now?PצApple Apkleת"ǐǗ|צWhere is Westminster Abbey?PLondonת Lonsonת& ǃ|Who invented the itX׷, X!#צThat's the answer.Press RETURN to continue.JT+š9צ&Sorry, I don't understand your answer.} Y צ key.partial/T/PT/PásT+<צPress RETURN when you're done!/-צConfused about what to do?T+}á/You got it on the first try!sáK You gotצto "צ". You start by pressingthe left arrow key...That's the right answer.צPress RETURN to continue.}^SצP*צP}؂W/צ(Now, press RETURN to try it on your own.Z צPress RETURN to get some help.  Let's go through changing " "> LL,,L#Type YES and press RETURN if it is,צ%type NO and press RETURN if it isn't. //PġXǃ /š  / // //y/yesׯ~i/n/noׯ"~á4צPlease type YES or NO.ء,VL á  SKETCH  arrow.font"á8Y good.eats.txt  !   צmenu.txt0V r 62"z. &'(zI\ ,צ|/-\ ǨǿXצThe Menul//XP/צ's MenuW/Pȡ+9%endׯء( 8+P+ XUVXɶXWōV8  ) (9צ99&--ȡNڛ,ٛ ..ȡš'(zI\ġ+ׯx צ Don't be shy; just type a number from 1 to W , then press RETURN.3 צ$Press RETURN when you finish typing.+š T +TT +ess RETURN.צ * - not fresh today ljצ - Today's Special$$  $.VתPצ> ++P8  11. Quiche X* *ljצ$To choose a meal, type a number fromצ1 to W , then prne is so tasty. Please$press RETURN when you finish eating.  R  WXׯצ Today's Menum,,XP,'s DinerX,Pȡ+FrenchתPצGermanPBritishתPyJapaneseתPhצGreekPZצIndianPKAmericanתP:צChineseP*צyourP {m^RE6( צAn excellent selection -- cuisiZ V צPlease type a number from 1 to W .PV צ&Please use digits to give your answer. They are in the top row of keys.rXItalianתPMexicanתPnoFU+ȡc+ۛ +ۛ1+ۛoá+ۛ0+ۛ +ۛ0Um  $ $$$$ ~ šázOK, X . Let's goצ'back to the menu (please press RETURN).`Great, X.צPress RETURN to continue.ssing this topic,!we'd like to get your first name.>  Please let me try it again.What's your first name?> <<TXP%As we mentioned before, a computer isצ&more versatile than a typewriter. Forצ example, a computer can ask you:á" key.partial  v  &Before we begin discuG@"צProgram: Pascal Quick Sketch Execution error #   צPlease report this errorto your Apple dealer.ڡáW'& '' کWá٫WW x# צPlease select:צ1) I didn't mean it!Oš5צ Give me my old colours back.2 Let me continue my drawing. צ&Type letter of colour you want changed צ"The current background colour is:  AWW š @W " 'Type letter of colour you want it to be צChange کWá background  to "˄)QQQˡQPThe current colour is QJ!F é_aĶ_ šjz"צ"Press ESC if you change your mind. é]QˡQQ 'KYhY]QQˡQQ 'PUT8OWVLMOšOOȡ*M4L4(VWWUT PK b aQQ š& '' Wȡ ȡ^ 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO ^dȡQPXp"  PXYYYáT]]]XPUTQ]Q~ul\QC9- *Oš*צ#Press ESC to exit or restore screen -צ(Press OPEN-APPLE-? for help, ESC to exit lצ'Press the arrow keys to move the cursor צThe current colour is QbW' magenta dark blue violet צ dark green grey צ medium blue צ light blue brown orange צgray pink vצ light green dצyellow W turquoise Gwhite ; "invisible" )"an see the instructions againצ by pressing ǀ?ء2$Press RETURN to begin drawing again.)Please press RETURN to begin.__l<عblackpace bar for an צ"invisible" line. If you want to change the colour"of any part of your drawing, pressǁ and follow its instructions.lצ"You caround the screen."To select a different line colour,press a letter from A to O.ء(If you want to move to a new area of the#screen, press the s1_צsketch simple figures.Aצsketch figures in 15 colours.gi?The Lj lj NJ and Njצ keys move the cursor .@ 'ȡ*צ Quick Sketch'ȡ*ؓThis program allows you toTUSTRW]KYOȡ1ȡ4قښ(LN M ȡ1ڂ1ë^1áǴ[[\Zצsystem.startup.ȡ ~ _\Z"L1L1N!  צOne moment, please...h[š*ZZZš\\Z\[š צ8_@@PU"2) Show me the instructions again.#3) Please erase the screen so I canצ start over.צ4) I've finished. Go back toצ the main menu.צ"Please type 1, 2, 3, or 4 and thenצ press RETURN.>١ ;_,14Ȅ _ل_ع R تP- ,.,.ȡ-,- L[[Xt1234567890-=!@#$%^&*()_+ qwertyuiop[]QWERTYUIOP{} asdfghjkl;'ASDFGHJKL:" \zxcvbnm,./|ZXCVBNM<>?  +/+/ȡ++ؓ(!ڂȡ"8*P(Pؓ p تP-++šbٹ.ǫ2"Ǘ&&ǃo6,"+[ H^ ǃ[ ȡ7hǸ צ$dȡ  ǃ[ U3 zצinverse.partial"á8ˡȡ8ˡX'ȡDȡ   *ǾZȡ Ǿ)X2[Zȡ5[ٕǿٕؓ١ضd[Zǿ ǃ ^ á7׶á8[ {á_áءععDá=BBB B B B B BBB?Px #.7 <I INTRO SPLASHUNMENUUNITCTRLUNITTUNEUNITFRIENDUNSHIFTUNIOUTUNIT ARROWUNIDOSUNIT d^ D\ ](`,  P   Z 4dN.V,` @4f4$ E%Q`cXT$|utk^Xhhh),hHH`HJ) h)i `(:hhhhhh]^HH`0hhhh HH`^ D`Ȅ\ ](ߌ]L&C54#Hhhhhhhhhhh('0/J (JJJJ)HHHH`$PhhhhhhHHL) ) $'( ^&LiH ih)`J (iE%Q E%QLE%Q(''0/(0/)HH`/&xTVSP)(') '$#( &`+$! NTQ`TWRP`hhhhhh)# ##%$HH`#Mg%Q`HJ) h)i `'/_\TQLB6hhhhhhhh&7'0Hh(()  YHH`iH h `UR<96zhhhhhhhhhhHhHh('&&T T&šTUS˩TRˍWQˡ,QUT^ OOOáOɡOPɡ PSRUT PUSTRE  T$.hhhhhhjkl m 5HH`J O(i#O14$O#_ ápá$ ?/ÍTapȄ!G UU  @ɡ@!X dȡ!ǀɡ Xצ0 2 ׹קXX ȡXقȡXق*ÚXXP>wXh ,Hɡ%,,)$H,H,a,,,o give your answer.1צ They are in the top row of keys..צ#Sorry, but you can't see that untilצ you've finished everything else.p 3333ase type a number from 1 to / .Pq.צYou can't fool me! I know that"letters and numbers are different!.&Please use digits t,+ȡkۛ ,ۛ1ۛoá ,ۛ0ۛ ۛ0+u  V.צPleyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc. ]  jL  R  TF:0    צ key.partial ƅצ ƅ ƅ̅̅צApple presents... 8[[ ̅ 8[[ ̅An introduction to  9צthe Apple //e Computer9 ǜ9 ǝ9  by  á' Bruce Tognazzini and JDEisenberg %צ JDEisenberg and Bruce Tognazzini צ#Copbefore.)   \ Please press the LJצ key now.    צ key.partial ƅצ ƅ ƅ̅̅צApple presents... צ#Please find the key marked with theצ bent arrow (LJצ) at the right sideצ"of your keyboard and press it now.צ"(You can use the key marked ESC ifצ#you have used this program 9#...your learning more exciting, andתǸ ȡ9$your leisure time more entertaining.תצ cajole.txti h   צ(This is a picture of the Apple keyboard.Fiscal 1982תȡ/ צ  WXY WXY WXצ UZV UZV UZkk)$0#l  1 carrot=20 S S Sצacres worked T T T%ɡ9ߛ   צ rabbit.img  9צThe Apple //e Computer --9 ǜ9 ǝ9"designed to make your working timeת9more productive...ת9" Mechanized Harvest -   ( )ɡ+ەšٸ    ɡ ácɡ( ɡ  ġ ġ ġš ߡ0)$   Bٕɡ á   ɡ+ڕš   j    ɡ+ەšٸ  FتP +,+,ȡ + ˡ++@++ צZV p9%wait׷9צ%wait  :Bnj # ɡ1 0)$ٞ,,)$#HٕHٕ,٪P,̂-̂,̂-̂.ʂ-ʂ.ȡʂ-ʂ-̂-%X b 9ȡ)9ٛȡ133333 3  3  3  1 á 3  3 3  3á ˡ#3&  1 á13. Quick Sketchy??. 1ɡצWatch this spaceD1ɡThe plot thickensצWon't be long now!צ 14. I want to quit for now* *ȡ,*****סÍ צ"You were holding down the Ctrl keyצ properly, but you didn't get theG keyXצצ, X.צPlease try again. צGg before they press the G.mצ!You're almost there. You got theG key, but you let go of theCtrl key before you pressed G.#Please try again, and hold down the"Ctrl key while pressing the G key. Ý Í#Be sure to hold down Ctrl while you&press the G key. Please try it again. áצ Don't worry. Everybody does this9 ____ ___תצthe first time. They let go of!Ctrl key  $ǃ Yצ"As you have learned, the SHIFT keyis one of these special keys.á-צ'Don't worry. This is tricky for anyone.  2  <  3xá'áǴšܓۡܡ     ȡ١ؚˡA ع &hj@P R x * .$n the numberצ"of this topic for your next visit.pצ$You may wish to jot down the numbersצ$of these topics for your next visit. ȡ4ȡ ڂ ڂٕۮ>e צ ender.txtCursors   Zy/D" Fȡ9צ%wait ȡš  áo#You may wish to jot down the numberצ"of this topic for your . عצType your nameצ Early RETURNצThe arrow keysצ The SHIFT key "lO" vs. ten Helper keysצFriendly advicebESCape & RESETFDisks3צ .  ת Ǵ  0CONGRATULATIONS, X!צApple //e programs.PǜǝǛǛR סs2(á ǴŧÄ  - תPצ .צ??1 ˡ >+,.#ɝ/ō1 ˝ Ä .s what we suggest you do next.+++C( D 3lj.lj1--t . 0->  %To choose a topic, type a number fromצ1 to / , then press RETURN. +' * marks a section you've already seen.סH ljצ# markljQ< /ס31* ,*,ȡ*11**  1צmenu.txt XׯצThe Menul,,XP,'s MenuW,Pȡ+&@ǃ  á'áGÝgÍ  ɡ  l צ    á  á)R Ǧ[:[4ȡ  ȡ   ȡD       Mp   N N 2 * * *   @Xצ< Fantastic!תPá Thank you!תP|Great, תPáצThanks, PCX š F BlueBצVioletAGreen&C9%endׯ * *  *  * * * *  *צbutterfly.data88x6Pv P     0ڪP-.-.ȡ!---*V@EצOrangend out anotherway to get out of a program.  BTx \  ^ Z v  ``<2   ǃ   pצ ctrl1.txt áwצ key.partial ctrl.txt9%waitׯצ ctrl2.txtctrl.txt áצ"Now that you know how the Ctrl keyצ'works, press RETURN to fir.Press RETURN to start.   ȡ   צ   ǃ   pצ ctrl1.tAPPLE as soonas you see an "ǀצ" onצ the conveyor.Press SOLID-APPLE as soonצas you see a "ǁצ" onצ the conveyoX!$Press RETURN to go back to the menu.<>   NNǀ(  ((#ǁ(  ((Press OPEN-?You can select this topicצagain for more practise.ɡ+צNot a bad day's work! ɡTצAn excellent jobXצצ, X.Oצ A perfect jobX׷, while you press the "?" keyášلړǠo =A šmצ You sorted   appleˡ sצ correctly.áHold just the OPEN-APPLE keyצand not the SOLID-APPLE key.ڄٓb צPlease use the OPEN-APPLE key,צnot the SOLID-APPLE key.pٓj צ%You must hold down the OPEN-APPLE keyö Ä ) ؓ %'ؓ% XG vǠo /Ý?Íڄلd צ D    ȡؓġ& ǀ   ȡn 8 N 2N  N 2 N 2 N NV ȡ+ ǀ   ȡ- ǀ X!6767ȡe6@*6 86685858ȡ5566C á    áq > צ tunetext.txt Do the words above appear inצ several different colours?> $TT$$צPlease type YES or NO, thenצ press RETURN    ǾǾؕj؂j4ȡ9צ%wait" 2ȡ1 ɡFؕخ0؂خ ɡ ؂خؕخ8Fȡ1 ɡ0؂خFؕخ ɡ ؕthe idea.צ$Press RETURN to go back to the menu.  )+-/df צ key.partial * lF  *:p* " 1il00oÍG../lç/iÍ ./oá .++2ǫ, ǐ, +áUThat's exactly itXצצ, X.,צGood. You have /š  / //P/ //צ10/צ10.2/ׯ/tenׯ /ˡ1 0 1/0/1צ1il00oÍG..,,+  צ Keeping this in mind, answer theצquestion below: What is 5+5?>[[<<[צP2//Pġbǃ & an answer.x /1d10ׯRThat's just a one. Type a 0צand press RETURN to make it 10.g(We're looking for the number 10. Pleaseצ(use left arrow to back up and try again.ero (0) is in the top row. Please1%The one (1) is in the top row. Please(use left arrow to back up and try again.LZצ Oh, come on, X׷&X,please type!צ'Type a 0 and press RETURN to finish up.bȡKá ǐǫ, ,..4&The numbers are in the top row. Pleaseq.4&The z j צThat's right, XצXצ, צ of course, butצ please back up and use digits toצgive your answer. You pressed RETURN too soon    צ צ looks just like the number 1." However, computers usually treatצ( letters and numbers quite differently!ǫ1lL![Please press RETURN to continue]ǐǫoO0   * A typewriter's lower case L...&ǀǃצ![Please press RETURN to continue]צLlxample, on a typewriter, the letter O...![Please press RETURN to continue]"ǀǗ Oo   צ צ"* looks just like the number zero.[xáO  ܓáǴšۡܡ*     &* Sometimes, a computer can be fussier% than a typewriter. For e/צ/ //y/n/yesׯ/noׯ/y/צyes"áT  <  ؂خ8F   T      ڪP/-.0.0ȡF. .1"..0.0.9Ȅ- .0- . ˡ/../--Z   צ%Try making mistakes on purpose to see'how a friendly question handles errors. /ڧ/ȡ/ڛ á / /*You've got it.ibX צ key.partial  צ friend2.txt ǫ  תP    צ!2áȡ  šġ3ܪP*.0^  +> <}<<j/2  22 2Í32 2áKšBɡܝܝ//  ///2 ġ@/ɡ8ܝܝ/ܝ2///  ~2áš  ]2á6/ܦ4   _44000Pá0Pȡ+/   RH۪P  &/   / P3  dȡnj nj ǚ FX , š_40ȡ/   R0á-  ase press RETURN to continue. ǚ Ǡ Ǡ LjLjǚdȡ nj nj/ Variety is the spice of lifeתP/ȡK//ٕؓá ǫ  ءGצ"Good. You really were reading theצinstructions carefully.q#Good. Sorry for the sneaky one, butצthe point about reading the!instructions really is important.  Ple on"the screen. Press Esc to proceed.9! _____ ___ __ _______תצ     ám Let's try it again. Please readצ!the instructions above carefully.rogram to the next, how can youyou figure out what to do?צ[Please press RETURN]ǫ   צ!Always read the program's manual,$and follow instructions displayedצ(Ghastly, isn't it?)r   .3  5/  xצ key.partial  צIf things can change from one pvery unfriendly question.Input the number.>  << /צNO! You're wrong!  !0 is too small. Please try again.lš8  is too large. Please try again./#Please try again using only digits. `2     Here is an extreme example of a /ȡ / //צ#/ / ȄM Thank you.צ Please press RETURN to continue./צ$צPlease type something.á/!Please type a number from 1 to 4,then press RETURN >   << תצ //ġצ#Press RETURN when you finish.     2   IáǴšá"ء _  ؓ áF We will now leave the underlineצ!cursor and return to the familiarblinking square cursor. צ!Please press RETURN to go back tothe main menu.  "  &   } +What is aUse the SHIFT (ǐצ) and CAPS LOCK (Ǒ) keys to answer   A-OK! צ to the question below.צWhat do astronauts say?ȡ ~[(háhá Há9%waitׯ$ X> D D/ Z$the CAPS LOCK key - you will feel it#click down into place. Then, press&the key with the letter h on it again.5DD>  Hhת&Pǃ      Ǡoצ/?  צ/?  /á R á Gצ? $WELL DONE! Press RETURN to continue.  ء צ%That's still a small h. Please pressstion mark.   !The long bar at the bottom of theצ!keyboard is the "space bar". The SHIFT keys are above and to eachside of the space bar.צ!Please press RETURN to try again. o .  $To type a question mark (?) you hold&down either SHIFT key with one finger,#press the "?" key, then release it.צ"Finally, you let up the SHIFT key.#Now, you type a "?" que  You did press the ? key, but youdidn't hold the SHIFT key at$the same time. Keep holding down the$SHIFT key while you press the ? key.צTry for the "?" again, please.  Ǡ P QP/ צYou have the idea, X.צ Please press RETURN to continue.צ    ǃ   xuT rto back up, then press theצ(space bar before you add your last name.   v ɡo צ!Please press the space bar beforeyou add your last name. áadd your last name or initial.XP>  <<    š &That's a bit crowded. Please press the%left arrow      o (o L[X       %Please "sloth"?תPצathree-toedmammalPTצA three-toed fishP/T  } +What is a "drift"?תPצ aherdofcattlePTצA whole lot of cattleP/T Press RETURN to continue.^  á.צ friend1.txt  !צ friend2.txt  jx:N Z r B|<2 "  &   } +What is a "sloth"?תPצathree-toedmammalPTצA three-toed fishP/T  } +What is a "drift"?תPצ aherdofcattlePTצA whole lot of cattleP/T Press RETURN to continue.^ >$ <<$$$Look at the picture of the keyboard.צ%Notice that the - and ! keys are lit.ȡٛ á! ,#You pressed RETURN too soon, so youצ#must retype the rest of the answer.0/.+-, /A-OKׯ,צA-OK!/{/áo/P_á-1á!צa-ok!00/aç/oÍ/á ǴšX  צ* You stopped the yo-yo.Press RETURN to continue.  t ǫ  צPress RETURN to continue.͂o B P   Press Ctrl-C to stop the runawayצyo-yo at the right.  ȡ-&Ǟ&ǟؓ  ġ+& &ǟڝCÝcÍ  צ$Remember, you must hold down the keyצmarked Ctrl while you press C.צPlease try it again. ǃ$      2 2ȡ:,á 0 Press RETURN'to see yet another "let me out" method./ צPress RETURN to continue. ǃ$ צesc.txt 0o  צCc    áȡ 09ȡi 09ȡS 09 ȡ) 09 ȡ 9çÄzvi\O\&So, you see, Esc is one common "ESCapeצhatch" on the Apple.Iצ . <؂0ؓ$   Use the Esc key to stop theצrunaway odometer below. / / 99//99//98 8ǖ key marked Esc, which stands for9צ ___Escape. Press Esc now. ǫ    ~2ȡ&á ner and!would like to tell the program toצget you out of there.#Press RETURN to see the most commonways to do this.צ key.partial  צThe most common way to stop arunaway program is to press the       צLet me EOUT!C  Sometimes you will find you have"painted yourself into a corX. צ key.partial  ) shift.txt XdvNX p :Zx6, the SHIFT key to makean exclamation point!/š  / ,/ //A-OK!ׯǀ áAAbsolutely terrific, X!5צ That's it, phen.צ(The top half is an underline.)(`צP ǫ  Ǡǫ 1/ /P  "You must use the SHIFT key to makean צ#Look at the picture of the keyboardand notice which keys are lit..5צ$Use SHIFT or CAPS LOCK for capitals.-7&Hold the SHIFT key for an exclamation.+fצ"Let up the shift key for a hykÍ./_+/1-0 /,[צ#Please add an ! exclamation pointand then press RETURN.0The correct answer is A-OK!š+Please back up and try again.a ǫY  $press RETURN to go back to the menu. á     Zl.LjT *      ȡ9צ%wait" 2تP+,+,ȡ + ˡ++@++<VR& & 30>צ צ and Nj ˡ    .á2$   ٶ   ˡ  x      (.N ,ǀ  ,, Lj0 Press: Lj lj NJצfind his carrot.BצTo help the gnomefind the gold. d2.  0צrabbitP צgnomeP    0   '''2á%'áǴšÝ Í1 ȡ ȡ 0CTo help Alex צcold, and Alexצis a very hungryצrabbit. His giantcarrot is hiddenhere somewhere...צ Press RETURN'fast drop in goldצprices. The bankmust convert itsbullion to stableצEurodollars now!צ Press RETURNצIt is dark andצPlease type something.ء#צPlease use digits.oá/!0 is too small. Please try again.;š6  is too large. Please try again.Íø0 h  0צSources predict a.1.- .0-. š..-X %Type either 1 or 2, then press RETURN> /צ/ //צ$ gnome.img8ȡ j  Ǧ[  Ǧ0[ @Ǧ[ VڪP-././ȡE. .0".  ɡ ܡ  & Hɡ#82$HHa82$ٞ882$#HٕHٕ0 rabbit.img צ-0011 0110 1110 1100 1001 0110 1010 0101 1010 $-0101 1001 0101 1100 1100 1001 0101 1100 1001   8צ arrow.font88maze.txt0  Vault NJ1 9צ%wait99צ%wait+8 -0000 0100 1010 0110 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 צ-0100 1110 1011 0101 1010 0100 1010 0110 1000 -0110 1001 0101 1000 0111 1000 0101 1111 1000 /,,..PE^ j !0~# &-&&&&& *%  צRabbit  HoleNJc &%&&&$צ Secret WXYצ UZVצ S T׮/צ BC DEF׮LMNO׮1119$ تP,.0.0ȡF/1/1ȡ+.,/,1û,,/̀   D   3  &  U>"1     ,K ..  .r,+.. .J.š_.á% ȡؓ21 ؆ȡؓk The  can'tgame after the \.  FILE NOT FOUND׮ ] $This message means that you have not"given the name of a program on thedisk. Please try \a program name.PUR j  FILE TYPE MISMATCH׮ ] This message means that /is not a program that you can\צ. Please try a differentnٶȡNJBk      ]N Xȡ9%waitׯ צ$Type RUN followed by ISK VOLUME 254  צ *A 050 HELLO A 030 TYPENAME׮ I 020 PICTURE׮צ T 121 ARGLE *B 037 THANKS׮  ]/HELLOׯ/צTYPENAME/PICTUREׯ/ARGLEׯ/THANKSׯV ٶȡNj   ȡٛ á! , '  DتP á`Ƿ`fR>צD N@Blfp>  > D ( 2T<zh$D|VL&#šġ DDȡ"á.$#š4&,&޶&Í޶&á%! :צ key.partial  צ arrow.txt(ȡb.E\%=̉7š-á á ^&2#šġ DDȡ" Alex doesn'tunderstand you. Q M. Gnome De Plumeצis most confused.$ ȡ[(ȡ(ȡ(ȡɡ  ?v "š&˄i.0 !",%.ø.#0N !,U ɡ  ȡ   , |,5 ȡ   K ȡ ؍  ,..á  ,  ,  ,  ,g ,..á ȡb2$  2$    ɡš2$  ,o that way... 8 ,ؓ4 .á-2$  , ń?., ȡؓ&&K followed by one of the names in the catalog./\RUNת/צHELLO/צTYPENAME2 key.partial  =/צPICTURE$/ARGLEׯ/צTHANKS /\BRUNת/THANKSׯj #Thanks to Jane Major of the British׮"Consulate in San Francisco for her׮צ assistance. ]    ?SYNTAX ERROR׮],"This message  Xق X1Xv <     סBfa[V Q L G B = 83/)"IFC:A4;Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved  Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved  Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved   Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved  Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved  Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved  Copyright 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.  (All rights reserved  3+24,)'A9dġ R Dbh *****************pPXȡXقȡ  Xق X1Xv <     סBfa[V Q L G B = 83/)"IFC:A4;   צOne moment, please.... sketch.code XXXPצ xxxxxx*************************pPXȡXقȡ " צPROGRAM: APPLE PRESENTS...APPLE צEXECUTION ERROR #   PLEASE REPORT THIS ERRORצTO YOUR APPLE DEALER.       dostext.txt ,>D|r2R f (  * N <2ȡYY0/ȡ'/ڛ1F /צ$/צ/צ/צ CATALOGUE/CATALOGׯ;  $Type RUN followed by a program name.תPEצRUN/á/צBRUN/á ype CATALOG and press RETURN.P /צ's Great ProgramsצCopyright 1982 by /]ȡYY0/ȡ'/ڛ"You must type your commands in all%capital letters. Press the CAPS LOCKצkey (Ǒ) until it locks down. X׷ /XP /AppleתP  צTesn't under-(stand. Check your typing and try again. ]צ#When you see the cursor next to the(square bracket ] you may type a command. %as requested. This message means youצ%have typed CATALOGUE and not CATALOG.Please try again.!This message means that you typedצ%something the computer domeans you typed some-&thing the computer doesn't understand."You forgot the word RUN before the&name of the program. Please try again.&Sometimes you must type things exactly3+24,)'A9dġ R Dbh *****************pPXȡXقȡ