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Type a new name for this file: Can't write on d As a precaution, you aren't being given0the opportunity to replace the old file on disk.Carefully saving this file.You can press Escape tocancel the Save.Change Current DiskName%Status Document type SizeChanged UnchangedNewSaved/Appl΅ ΅ @LA"{#{  D!` W@  k !k @`LLEThis file already exists on (Let the new information replace the old.Save with a different name.)A file with this same name already existson "The old file is not an AppleWorks .file. >kLA @ &kLB汩@@ @ @  1LB0X i ?@LB  . &kLB @ i 7@ i ;@Х"{#{LB &!ƱưLB ,Ъ H N΅ ΅ @ @ i D@LALB i I@ @ i F@% "م ͆  H N i@@&  ii` M@ @ i @d @ @ @ i #@R @ 0H ,A : m ) )e  )!{ 8k @ @ i +@LB @ @ @ i 2@ @ @ @ i ?@ @ i 7@ͩ报  l @  ~S8 SL4W$P SP NLV8P W(GC zT NLVP S N`BLBDIF fileCategory~TABLEVECTORSTUPLESDATABOTEOD-1,0V""1,0 /!P!ЭQ!`@ͪ!ͩ! 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R@ѬO@`报!{  0@@@ l @ >kL@!{ &kLA R@L@M@!{ N@ p@LA)  #N@M N@L@N@ Pم ȌN@mN@ ZLfF H PEREOEQEMEiMENEOEiOEPE ~jFOEPE TELENELEMEKEME8MENEOE8OEPE ~uFMENE TELE N` @  @ BLAText (Ascii) file Category XY(How many categories per recor to see remainder of Help @ 9@c@@@@A :AbA AA AB6BHB BB B C2CSC CC C D4D iDDDHErEsEtEȱqE o` WD !KEMELENESESE TESEiSE⥢OEPE D ] are working with AppleWorks0combinations: you can usually see a list of the"available features by pressing -?4CONTROL-Y You can usually clear from the cursor%to the end of the entry by pressing Y$while you hold down the CONTROL key.Help%Use arrowsbination of keys lets you quit&working with the file currently on the(screen. You can then choose from a list of all the files on the Desktop.5-S: This combination lets you Save to disk!the file currently on the screen.4Other While youis combination of keys lets you change'between the "Insert" cursor (a blinking#bar) and the "Strikeover" cursor (ablinking square).8-H: This combination of keys lets you print a*"hard" copy of the contents of the screen.5-Q: This comyou hold down Open-Apple.#This example is shown below as -S.8ESC: The Escape key will erase an entry or let'you leave what you are currently doing.9DELETE: This key will usually remove the characterpreceding the cursor.7-E: Th@ ]@ L@ &!  D!` W@  !k @ *@`FLvE3Open-Apple: This key is used in combination with)other keys to request many of the special%features of AppleWorks. For example,(you can save the contents of any file by*pressing S while @L;C@AVERAGE/LlC ]@X )uLaCLlCGLTC ]@R#C0FLCOLTC ]@RC}LTC ]@AM}LTC ]@ u$>)@ ]@ u$H@ Bh)e@ ]@ @ F}L@LTC ]@ L@ @@}@}@}LTC @ 2u u @ u )uLD9D86D7I$Di$D8D8D 8 BKC :C9D BWC :C8Dн :C$D)* 7D7D` D݌HhHh B B B BV D꩖݌$ D݌ B B B B B`Hh݌`80^݌Hh C C݌ -C -C -C C C CEEHJНh ,C -C -C -C`HJН݌h Hh݌`8`0($ p,&"!D֠LsCԮ#D BLD#D .Bҥҭ"D%D&D8 D DHh#D jA<ԥD/8`#D jA#D AL L)'L L L'L  (L(L $ʩ $$ $L `ީ %  &@DEF   %LҠؠӠ % ɍNH hɛɘɉɈ $ Lc :Lcې)ɮ۰ɺ'Ɲ Lc  : X i % $ɛ$ɘɉ ɈL :Lɍ)ې)ɮ۰ɺH h 'ĝL  L`Disk 1 (Slot 6)04/25/89Epson MXP XʩXύX X A %  ` X THIS IS A DATA DISK, NOT A STARTUP DISK.'  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The first charactermust be a letter.The disk to be formatted shouldbe in the disk drive NOW.Successfully formattedOK to destroy contents? )Caution: To destroy the current contents%of the disk, you must type YES below.$You are not a&D0 &D`%D8`"D %D#D jA%D8` D D$LhCDisk formatter%The formatter will use the disk drive$shown on the top line of the screen.Type a disk name: )A disk name consists of up to 15 letters,*numbeϠԩҠŠƠԠԠŠӢɯϠҠůȠԠĠ ƠϠ i" z E-iB HP`xHP`x6 !"T08r f AT08 T20r T12f AXYAfBf<NAfPpnNEqQnNEqQPPH}O=====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|===8} best dad in Iceland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                    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