8L2C)pJJJJ IH(ȱH:=IH[H`@HcH  $ +   I/H`JLNGȄBȄF aK  haaFF  mJm# KKJ UJ )J ۈ) ;J3ȱJFȱJGJKaȄM  aaNNJFLGJL LdDATABASEu#' #' '*AUTORECALC {wT-H.FORMULA.NUM &+; .H.FORMULA.TEXT""+ -STUDENT.NAMES5xT +DISK.IMPORT:{T (AN.INTRO>$ c SYSUTIL.SYSTEM{c% c% UTIL.0~Qc, c, UTIL.1;yc c UTIL.2 c. c. MOVE2S402KA' DATABASE# COPY.ME$33FASTCOPY.SYSTEM)VNZ [*LAUNCHER.SYSTEMG,b$ b1 PRODOSW#Bb  SETTINGSy >dMԡm#i㰼m#iЕOLԡȱfg hi !dLԡ憦  Ljmkm l y`2 Lԡ8(Je稽)ʈ@LLnSOS BOOT 1.1 SOS.KERNEL SOS KRNLI/O ERRORFILE 'SOS.KERNEL' NOT FOUND%INVALID KERNEL FILE: xةw,@  ȱlmi8#)!)? &PRODOS `DaElH$?EGvѶK+`L HHLy XP LM ŠϠĠӠS)*+,+`F)) (*=GJFjJJA QE'+ '== `@ STSP8QSS8 m P o R(8R GARTD`T4MATHEpT5-FORMULA.DATESGB~xC+FORMULA.NUML~`C,FORMULA.TEXTQ ~pC/H.FORMULA.DATESW0+7 %DD/   a number, regardless of MKa prefixed plus or minus sign; the positive square root of the square of a Knumber. You math nuts know this function makes negative numbers positive.9@Abs(123) will return 123. @Abs (-123) will return 123. Squarens are found on page 175 of the manual.<The Special Functions are found on page 177 of the manual. Absolute2@Abs will return the absolute value of a number.Usage: @Abs(Numeric)PNAbsolute value, in layman's terms, means the value ofinal data used to demonstrate the numeric functions. It is PNsimply a list of numbers. Feel free to add as many new numbers as you please, NLespecially in those cases where the usage of a function may not be entirely clear.<The Numeric Functio  ry in Formula.Dates and press OA-` to read aOMThis is the help file for the Formula.Num Data Base. Place the cursor on any LJcategory in Formula.Num and press OA-` to read appropriate info from this file. NumberDataMKThis is the orig^BO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===this file.Entry Multiplier2.4dudes3.81dudes4dudesEnter a number in EntryEntryory 1 MultiplierResult45678# (Root,@Sqrt returns the square root of a number.Usage: @Sqrt(Numeric)/@Sqrt(4) returns 2. @Sqrt(10000) returns 100.Ж MaximumJH@Max returns the largest number in the list. The number of arguments is #limited only by data-entry space.(Usage: @Max(Number1, Number2, NumberN)@Max(1,2,3,4) will return 4.Ж MinimumKI@Min returns the smallest number in the list. The number of arguments is #limited only by data-entry space.(Usage: @Min(Number1, Number2, NumberN)c will increment with each record by a user-specified amount.+Usage: @Inc(StartNumber, IncrementNumber)MKThe first record displayed will contain StartNumber. Each record displayed 4thereafter will be incremented by IncrementNumber. Prior@CurRow#This function takes no arguments.HFThis function returns the displayed row number irrespective of Record LJSelection rules. Even if Record Selection Rules are being used, the count will always be contiguous.Ж IncrementB@Inby AppleWorks. If Record FDSelection Rules are being used, the row numbers returned may not be /contiguous, as not all rows may be displayed.Ж CurrentRowK@CurRow returns the number of the current row as displayed on the screen.Usage: positive.0@Inv(-5)will return 5. @Inv(5) will return -5.ЖCurrentRecNum7@CurRecNo will return the current true record number.Usage: @CurRecNo#This function takes no arguments.KIThis functions returns the true row number used tion is that portion to the right of and including the decimal point. @Dec(1.999) would return .999. Inverse*@Inv will change the sign of the number.Usage: @Inv(Numeric)CIt makes positive numbers negative and negative numbers the decimal point. The Cdecimal portion in truncated; the integer portion is not rounded.@Int(1.99999) would return 1. Decimal>@Dec return the fractional or decimal portion of the number.Usage: @Dec(Numeric)KIThe fractional poround(1.2345,3) would return 1.235. The next digit to the right was 5, so the 4 was incremented by 1.Ж Integer2@Int returns the integer portion of the number. Usage: @Int(Numeric)LJThe integer portion is that portion on the left of git to the right of the number specified by DecimalPlaces is 0-4, no Dchange takes place. If this number is 5-9, it is incremented by 1.PN@Round(1.2345,2) would return 1.23. The next digit to the right was 4, so the 3 was left unchanged.MK@Ruivalent formula is (3+6+9)/3.EThis is an example of excluding the count of zeroes in the average.ЖRoundO@Round returns a number rounded to a user-specified number of decimal places.&Usage: @Round(Number, DecimalPlaces)PNIf the dimberN, Option)NLIf Option is set to 1, zeroes will not be included in the average. If it is $set to 0, zeroes will be included.F@Avg(3,6,9,0,0) will return 4.5. @Avg(3,6,9,0,1) will return 6.LThe equivalent formula is (3+6+9)/4. The eq;This is an example of counting the zeroes in the average.Ж Average 2JH@Avg returns the average of the numbers in the list. Optionally you can :choose not to average numbers in the list equal to zero.0Usage: @Avg(Number1, Number2, Nuis set to 1, zeroes will not be included in the average. If it is $set to 0, zeroes will be included.F@Avg(3,6,9,0,0) will return 4.5. @Avg(3,6,9,0,1) will return 6.LThe equivalent formula is (3+6+9)/4. The equivalent formula is (3+6+9)/3.An equivalent formula is 1+2+3+4.Ж Average 1JH@Avg returns the average of the numbers in the list. Optionally you can :choose not to average numbers in the list equal to zero.0Usage: @Avg(Number1, Number2, NumberN, Option)NLIf Option @Max(1,2,3,4) will return 1.ЖSumKIReturns the additive sum of the numbers in the list. That is, all of the .numbers in the list are added to each other.(Usage: @Sum(Number1, Number2, NumberN)@Sum(1,2,3,4) will return 10.#RecordI@PriorRec will return the contents of any category in the prior record. Usage: @PriorRec(CategoryName)MKIf the first record is active, 0 will be returned. This function will then KIcontain the contents of the user-specified category from the last active record.OMThis can be used for running totals by adding a current category (Amount) to IGan @PriorRec category using itself (RunningTotal) as the user-specifed category:DAmount RunningTotal --> @PriorRec([Runnin three doors, being able PNto keep the item behind the chosen door. Behind one door is $100,000 in cash. PNBehind another door is a copy of TotalControl, and behind the other door is a NLcopy of DoubleData. You do not know which "prize" is behind whiIfDataHFThis data is here to demonstrate an important point regarding the @IF "function. See the next category.OMTry this totally controlled, TotalControl-unrelated problem. Imagine you are PNon a game show. You are to choose one door from amongse7@If([DataOne]+0=[DataTwo]+0,"Equals","Is not equal").MK@If will also return results that can be used as numerics. For example, if Kthe category Data contains a 1, the following formula will evaluate to 5.@If([Data]+0=1,1,0)+4ЖKThis formula will return Equals because you are now comparing numeric data OMwith numeric data. The "+0" forces TotalControl to consider this term on the OMleft side of the equal sign as numeric. Similarly, to compare two categories as numerics, u]="1","Equals","Is not equal").KThis formula will return Equals because text is being compared with text.OMTo compare numbers, use this little trick- add zero (0) to the category. For example:*@If([Data]+0=1,"Equals","Is not equal").Mand knows you meant -Data to be a number. Consider this formula:(@If([Data]=1,"Equals","Is not equal").HFThis formula will return "Is not equal", because text (Data) is being 4compared with a number (1). Consider this formula:*@If([Datacomparison to use numeric data. PNFor example, assume the category "Data" contains a "1". It's easy to think of IGData as being numeric because the formula [Data]+1 will result in a 2. OMReally, Data is text; TotalControl sees the "+" operator ll data base data is stored as text. JHLogical comparisons assume that your categories contain text data, even NLthough you mean for it to be numeric data. As a result, your @If statements OMmay not return the results you expect unless you force the ions and in the data #you wish this function to return.JHThe @If statement is not very intelligent in that it cannot distinguish NLwhether the categories you are comparing contain numeric data or text data. KIUnlike the AppleWorks spreadsheet, al toLJ@If([Category1]="M","Mr.","Mrs.") will return the text "Mr." if Category1 HFcontained the letter M. It would return "Mrs." if Category1 contained #anything other than the letter M.NLYou can use text or numbers in both your logical operatDataIfFalse is returned if LogicalEquation evaluates to 0.(The logical operators you can use are: = is equal to <> is not equal to < is less than <= is less than or equal to > is greater than" => is greater than or equa to to provide one set of data if a condition is true and another (set of data if the condition is false.5Usage(@If LogicalEquation, DataIfTrue, DataIfFalse)MKDataIfTrue is returned if LogicalEquation evaluates to anything other than Bzero. csJHBy using the "Update empty categories only" option you can keep running PNtotals of the number of records in your file. By subtracting these totals you Acan count the number of newly-added records in any given group.ЖIfOM@If is usedgTotal])+[Amount]---------- ------------1.00 1.002.00 3.003.00 6.004.00 10.00ЖTotalRecordsH@TotRecs will return the total number of records in the current file. Usage: @TotRech door. You NLchoose door #1. Your host tells you it's a good thing that you did not pick PNdoor #2, because behind it is the copy of DoubleData. Your host now gives you 7the chance to stay with door #1 or change to door #3.EShould you stay, should you switch, or does it make any difference?OMHint: You should switch. It really does make a difference. The proof is left Hup to the clever reader. (Set up an experiment and track the results.)f characters in a string (its length as measured in characters).Usage: @Len(String)J@Len("ABCDE") will return 5, since there are 5 characters in the string.ЖLeftMK@Left will return a requested amount of characters starting with thwill return 2, since "a" in the second character in % "Dan", and case is being ignored.NL@Find("Dan","John Smith",0,0) will return 0, since there is no occurence of "Dan" in "John Smith".ЖLengthPN@Len will return the number ohed is returned.NLStart is used to specify the starting character in StringToBeSearched to be matched.NLRespectCase will differentiate between upper and lower case if set to 1; it will ignore case if set to 0.QO@Find("a","DAN",0,0) within another string.FUsage: @Find(SearchString, StringToBeSearched, Start, RespectCase). PN@Find will return 0 if SearchString is not found in StringToBeSearched. If it NLis found, the position of the first character matched in StringToBeSearche first letter of each word changing all .others to lower case, use this construction:<@Caps(@Lower("eVEry gOOd BOy doeS fINE ALwaYS")) to return"Every Good Boy Does Fine Always.ЖFindJ@Find is used to find the occurence of one string Jcategory to upper case. All other characters are ignored and are returned unchanged. Usage: @Caps(String)>The usage @Caps("the leDeaux School of Cooking") will return The LeDeaux School Of Cooking.LJIf you want to capitalize only tge: @Upper(String)Ж Lower CaseNLThe @Lower function is used to convert every character of the data to lower case.Usage: @Lower(String)Ж CapitalizeOMThe @Caps function is used to convert the first character of every word in a LEThis is a list of codes to signify the genders of the names found in @TextData. It will be used later to build titles out the names.Ж Upper CaseNLThe @Upper function is used to convert every character of the data to upper case.Usainal data used to demonstrate many of the text and logic 9functions. It is simply a list of first and last names.9The Text Functions are found on page 174 of the manual.:The Logic Functions are found on page 176 of the manual.ЖGenderG!#$%&'()*+,-./0123+0=1,1,0)+4tains a 1, the following formula PNThis is the help file for the Formula.Text Data Base. Place the cursor on any MKcategory in Formula.Text and press OA-` to read appropriate info from this file. TextDataKIThis is the origRBO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@If([Data]e first ?character on the left of a string working from left to right.Usage: @Left(String),@Left("JEM Software",3) will return "JEM".MKNotice how the the formula in the data base used @Left, @Find, and @Len to NLreturn the first name out of any name in TextData. The first and last names must be separated by a space.RightNL@Right will return a requested amount of characters starting with the first @character on the right of a string working from right to left.Usage: functions to obtain the same result. Using nesting $allows you to conserve categories. Account #'This is some more demonstration data.ЖMiddleO@Middle will return any number of characters out of the middle of the string.?Usagele based on the gender code to the last name. Concat 28@Concat will append all the strings found in the list.)Usage: @Concat(String1,String2,StringN)9@Concat("All ","is"," well") will return "All is well".KIRemember you can nest@If([Data]+0=1,1,0)+4Ж Concat 18@Concat will append all the strings found in the list.)Usage: @Concat(String1,String2,StringN)9@Concat("All ","is"," well") will return "All is well".OMIn the data base this is used to combine a titwo categories as numerics, use7@If([DataOne]+0=[DataTwo]+0,"Equals","Is not equal").MK@If will also return results that can be used as numerics. For example, if Kthe category Data contains a 1, the following formula will evaluate to 5.1,"Equals","Is not equal").MKThis formula will return Equals because you are now comparing numeric data OMwith numeric data. The "+0" forces TotalControl to consider this term on the OMleft side of the equal sign as numeric. Similarly, to compare tder this formula:*@If([Data]="1","Equals","Is not equal").KThis formula will return Equals because text is being compared with text.OMTo compare numbers, use this little trick- add zero (0) to the category. For example:*@If([Data]+0=alControl sees the "+" operator and knows you meant -Data to be a number. Consider this formula:(@If([Data]=1,"Equals","Is not equal").HFThis formula will return "Is not equal", because text (Data) is being 4compared with a number (1). Consiyou expect unless you force the comparison to use numeric data. PNFor example, assume the category "Data" contains a "1". It's easy to think of IGData as being numeric because the formula [Data]+1 will result in a 2. OMReally, Data is text; Totke the AppleWorks spreadsheet, all data base data is stored as text. JHLogical comparisons assume that your categories contain text data, even NLthough you mean for it to be numeric data. As a result, your @If statements OMmay not return the results bers in both your logical operations and in the data #you wish this function to return.JHThe @If statement is not very intelligent in that it cannot distinguish NLwhether the categories you are comparing contain numeric data or text data. KIUnli" => is greater than or equal toLJ@If([Category1]="M","Mr.","Mrs.") will return the text "Mr." if Category1 HFcontained the letter M. It would return "Mrs." if Category1 contained #anything other than the letter M.NLYou can use text or numo anything other than Bzero. DataIfFalse is returned if LogicalEquation evaluates to 0.(The logical operators you can use are: = is equal to <> is not equal to < is less than <= is less than or equal to > is greater than space.IfOM@If is used to to provide one set of data if a condition is true and another (set of data if the condition is false.5Usage(@If LogicalEquation, DataIfTrue, DataIfFalse)MKDataIfTrue is returned if LogicalEquation evaluates t @Right(String)2@Right("JEM Software",8) will return "Software".NLNotice how the the formula in the data base used @Right, @Find, and @Len to MKreturn the last name out of any name in TextData. The first and last names must be separated by a: @Middle(String, StartingCharacter, NumberOfCharacters)-@Middle("AAAbbbCCC",4,3) will return "bbb".Colors'Some test data to demonstrate @Match.Choose-@Choose will return the nth item in a list..Usage: @Choose(Test,"Item1","Item2","ItemN")LJIf Test contained the number 3, "ItemN" would be returned. Test must be a 7number. The items in the list may be numbers or text.ЖMatchNL@Match will match a test item against the list and return the number of the %orderNamegory 1IDGradeTeacher..Comments Citizenship Atten4678 (DD/ ) 0>5,[Cat2]+0>6),"TrueStatement","FalseStatement")ЖNot6@Not will return the logical inverse of an argument.Usage: @Not(Numeric)@Not(1)=0 @Not(0)=1r is considered to be true. There are four possibilities: 0 Or 0 = 0 0 Or 1 = 1 1 Or 0 = 1  1 Or 1 = 1IGAgain, logical operators will work inside of an @Or statement. So, the !following is a valid statement:B@If(@Or([Cat1]+or false, so you can nest this type of logcal equation:C@If(@And([Cat1]+0>5,[Cat2]+0>6),"TrueStatement","FalseStatement")ЖOr4@Or will return the logical OR of any two numbers. Usage: @Or(Numeric1, Numeric2)MAny non-zero numbeof any two numbers.!Usage: @And(Numeric1, Numeric2)MAny non-zero number is considered to be true. There are four possibilities: 0 And 0 = 0 0 And 1 = 0 1 And 0 = 0 1 And 1 = 1NLTotalControl's logical operators return true ","Red","Blue","Green","Orange") LogNums1DThis is part one of a number set to demonstrate logical functions.Ж LogNums2DThis is part two of a number set to demonstrate logical functions.ЖAnd6@And will return the logical AND of its occurence in the list.3Usage: @Match("TestItem","Item1","Item2","ItemN")JHIf TestItem matched "Item2", the number 2 would be returned. All of the 'arguments of @Match are text strings.This example will return 3:/@Match("Greendance..core10.core10.core10.core10.core10!Reggie WilliamsRW111MannyLaPhonso EllisLE112Moe Dikembe MutomboDM110Jack GEglossaries, etc., and was the basis for these features in AppleWorks HF4, although additional enhancements were made in the that version and now in AppleWorks 5. Formulas ========DBLoad these files: H.Formula.Dates, H.Formula,Num, H.Fo=?@ABCGEThe files in the TOTALCONTROL directory are adapted from the samples CAon the original TotalControl product from JEM Software. It added A?category rules to AppleWorks 3.0, including formulas, imports,p@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===NTriggery 1 DB Import SS Import(GradeName Student NamesTriggerNumbersTriggerType in 10, 11, or 12*'9;<(DD/  rmula.Text, IGFormula.Dates, Formula,Num, and Formula.Text. The first three are Word GProcessor files containing help info about the three Data Base files.GESwitch to any of the Data Base files and press OA-` in a category to EClearn more about the function being demonstrated in that category. ECAfter Escaping back to the Data Base, press OA-O to see the actual formula definition. AutoRecalc ==========ECAutoRecalc is a very simple file demonstrating how the auto-recalc DBcapabilFHIJ (sDD/  AARoenick, Jeremy(JEMs,SpellCopy)BiologyIDStudentGradeDM1Mutombo, DikembeALE1Ellis, LaPhonsoB+RW1Williams, ReggieC CA1NINIP nSAARoenick, Jeremy(JEMs,SpellCopy)BiologyIDStudentGradeRW1Williams, ReggieBDM1Mutombo, DikembeC+LE1Ellis, LaPhonsoC CA1NINIP nSss categories are not absolute. In other words, HFAppleWorks looks in the Class category to determine where to look for @the grade. This allows for extremely flexible Data Base files.y and press OA-G CAfor a Glossary list of students. Choose one and observe that the ECrecord suddenly becomes much more filled out. Press OA-Z to switch GElayouts and try it again. One thing different from the "Disk Import" HFsample is that the Clathe Spreadsheet files and notice that an ID is in column A, with HFgrades in column C. Now switch to the Student Names file and note the 7ID category, along with Teacher and Grade categories.IGSwitch to Students. Place the cursor in the ID categorhe first few letters of a state in that category 2and press Return to get the postal abbreviation.$More Importing and a Glossary, too$==================================GELoad these files: Student Names, Students, Art, Math and PE. Examine CA=============ECLoad the Sample and States files. Sample demonstrates various data ECentry rules such as a phone mask, minimum and maximum values, case IGrules, etc. It also uses the States file for a glossary example in the IGState category. Type te to the desktop. Follow the on-screen GEinstructions and it will demonstrate importing from both a Data Base IGand a Spreadsheet on disk. Use OA-O to see the actual rule definitions ,in the DB Import and SS Import categories.Miscellaneousity can automatically recalculate a record when a specific GEcategory is changed, providing Spreadsheet-like capabilities. Add it 7to the desktop and follow the on-screen instructions.Disk Importing==============B@Add the "Disk Import" filtaʍ NumberData10 NumberData10 NumberData NumberData103690036901 ؍ NumberData2 ȍ NumberData Ǎ NumberData ɍ NerIntegerDecimalInverseRecNum CurrentRecNum CurrentRow Increment PriorRecord| TotalRecords à L:IfDataaanother TimeOuIf_2lication disk|`ƍ NumberDa NumberDataAbsolute SquareRootMaximumMinimumSum Average 1 Average 2Round5 6 7 9 : ; < = > &&&&&&&&KMNO (%DD/ )))) 001991D15A011989B28O0011:59 PMl  ՍTimes ˍ DateToJul ٍ DateToJul100001 .( DateToJulȍ DateToJul771@:IntSunMonTuesWednesThursFriSaturChooseday1991L25AatamenDates TymeToNumenDatesީ0DaysBetweenDatesih DateInFutureates !IntosetutureatesChoose8|LM Joinat (6Lǀ  ˍDatesٍ DateToJul2͍ DateToJul̍ DateToJul΍ DateToJuDatesory 1 DateToJull JulToDatee DayFromJull MoFromJulll YrFromJulllTodayymJull`%Read anTimeeymJulut applicatTimes) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 6 umberData  ܍25Ӎ CurrentRow%ލIfData021041234512345-1200.751 12 -1-1123.456-2.2505ABC,DD/     )))))))) VXYZ[\]^_`abces to prevent unwanted updating of the curreMKThis is the help file for the Formula.Dates Data Base. Place the cursor on MKany category in Formula.Dates and press OA-` to read appropriate info from this file.ЖDatesLThese are simAO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===only' to YF 1300-05-0505GrayNums2׍LogNums1LogNums2 ōOr)Al AllanM 5050-01-1800Green00) Bob BrownM 4545-02-5455Blue01. Clem CalhounM 2110-03-6000Yellow10, Danni DanielsF 2550-04-2545Red11( Esther EasterMr.Mrs. If Right 0*ލGenderMMrMrs. Rightݍ Account #623-MiddleOneTwoThreeFourFive60ColorsGreenBlueRedGrayYellow֍LogNums1Log Ortީ0!׭| NotHihL/i   ύTextData ЍTextDataэ Lower Caseߍ TextData10 ҍTextDataۍTextDataFind1 #ڍTextDataLengthFind "ލGenderMee1{` Ifddlee1 Ɉީ0Join 1 1 HihJoin 2 2  ! Account # ! ŀŀMiddle8|LM ChooseentColors|{|Matchms1ums1 à L:LogNums1ums2er TimeOuLogNums2tion disk|`And `|8 TextData 1Genderc Upper Case Lower Case Capitalize8{FinddatNol;|<| ߁LengthtNoT`%Read anLefttttek1ut applicatRight&%'%(%)%*%+%,%: * + , - . / 0 1 PRSTU (ply some dates- one famous, one onerous, and one meaningless.LJWell, perhaps not meaningless to you, since there is a 1 in 365.25 chance 0that this was your birthday several years ago.MKAdd your birthdate in record number four, and use the correct the integer 0.L11:59 PM, or 23:59 for you 24-hour buffs, is converted to the number 1439.OMUsing this function, you can calculate the number of minutes between any two PNtime fixes. You can start with midnight, but you cannot end with midnight not into an integer between 0 and 1439.$Usage: @TimeToNum(AppleWorks Time)PNThe integer returned represents the number of minutes past midnight. Midnight itself is the integer 0.J12:00 AM, or 00:00 for you 24-hour buffs, is converted to tend to price items a penny or two below an even dollar amount, so OMtax almost always bumps you past the magic .00, making the chances less than "1 in 100 in our consumer world.)Ж TimeToNumNL@TimeToNum will convert an AppleWorks time formaher number, .49 for example. The chances for getting either number are 1 in 100.NLThe reason you rarely see .00 is because you have a 99 in 100 chance of not KIreceiving the number .00. (Editor's note: What Dan is forgetting is that OMretailersproduct, and LJhaving observed the total amount were surprised to find it contained only LJdollars and no cents (xxx.00)? You were surprised because this happens so OMrarely, yet you have an equal chance of getting .00 as you do of getting any PNotmesKIThese are times used to demonstrate the TimeToNum function. See the next category to the right.OMSince we don't want this screen to appear sparse, let's talk about something LJtotally unrelated to TotalControl. Have you ever purchased a ks.ЖTime<Returns the current time in the current AppleWorks format.Usage: @TimeMKIf you use this for time-stamping, set the option 'Update empty categories @only' to Yes to prevent unwanted updating of the current time.ЖTi@TodayMKIf you use this for date-stamping, set the option 'Update empty categories @only' to Yes to prevent unwanted updating of the current date.OMIf you do not have a system clock, it will use the date you entered when you started AppleWore year in a four-digit format. Usage: @YrFromJul(JulianDate)PNIt will return years in the 21st century, for example, @YrFromJul(30000) will return 2002.ЖToday<Returns the current date in the current AppleWorks format.Usage: of May 13th.Ж MoFromJulFThis will return the number of the month (1-12) from a Julian date. Usage: @MoFromJul(JulianDate)9This is useful for making your own custom date formats.Ж YrFromJulBThis will return the number of thd on page 174 of the manual.Ж DayFromJulDThis will return the number of the day (1-31) from a Julian date. Usage: @DayFromJul(JulianDate)OMThis is useful for making your own custom date formats, such as a date stamp in the formher in AppleWorks date 8format or in a text format recognizable by AppleWorks.Ж JulToDate+This converts a Julian number to a date. Usage: @JulToDate(JulianDate)MKThe date can be one of several formats. The possible formats are liste DateToJulMKThis formula converts a date into a Julian date. Julian date number one is MMarch 1, 1920. Julian dates increase sequentially with each succeeding day.Usage: @DateToJul(Date)JHTo convert a date to Julian, the date must be eit year, unless MKyou were born in the 1800's; then you have earned the option to choose any 1year you please! Add as many dates as you wish.*These are all in AppleWorks date format.9The Date Functions are found on page 173 of the manual.Жr Dcan you cross midnight between your starting time and ending time.OMTo find out how many minutes elapsed between 3:04 pm and 4:01 pm, place 3:04 PNPM in the category StartTime and 4:01 PM in the category EndTime and use this formula:/@TimeToNum([EndTime])-@TimeToNum([StartTime])(To determine hours, just divide by 60.DaysBetweenDatesPNJulian date math allows you to find the number of days between any two dates. PNThis is useful for billing, time management, and just pl........ AlabamaAL AlaskaAK ArizonaAZ ArkansasAR CaliforniaCA CoeghiNamesory 1Abbrev.tuff....D D/6   &STATESf%|~ PEjT5(STUDENTSlT6NUMBERSpv~n0&SAMPLEr|Gweekend. For more information see Formula.Textby TotalControl.)Usage: @Concat("Text1","Text2","Text3")HFThis formula appends the word "day" onto the prefix calculated in the previous formula.OMIf you are paid on the 15th and 31st of the month, you can now see if payday ;falls on a s formula and returns the Gprefix of the day of the week. For more information see Formula.Text.ЖConcatMKUsing the previous two columns of formulas and this final formula, you can Ldisplay the day of the week for any Julian date supported ChooseLJThis is the second step of calculating the day of the week for any Julian >date. See the previous formula and the next formula as well.2Usage: @Choose(Position,"List1","List2","ListN")LJIt takes the number we calculated in the previou calculating the day of the week for any Julian Hdate. Don't forget to see the next two formula columns in this series.Usage: @Int(Numeric)PNThis formula calculates the day of the week as a counting number based on the Julian date.er of days to a date, and then *determine what that future date will be.NLFor example, on a payment list, knowing you invoice date and payment terms, 3you can display the date on which payment is due.ЖIntOMThis is part of a formula forain fun. If you added PNyour birthday in the Date category, you can see how old you are as counted in days.F@DateToJul(@Today) is a quick way of getting today's date in Julian.DateInFutureLJJulian date math allows you to add any numbloradoCO ConnecticutCT DelawareDEDistrict of ColumbiaDC FloridaFL GeorgiaGA GuamGU HawaiiHI IdahoID IllinoisIL IndianaIN IowaIA KansasKS KentuckyKY LouisianaLA MaineME MarylandMD MassachusettsMA MichiganMI MinnesotaMN MississippiMS MissouriMO MontanaMT NebraskaNE NevadaNV New HampshireNH New JerseyNJ New MexicoNM New YorkNYNorth CarolinaNC North DakotaND OhioOH OklahomaOK OreClass06Score06Class07Score07Class08Score08Class09Score09Class10Score10 IDName Student NamesIDdance.Class01Score01Class02Score02Class03Score03Class04Score04Class05Score05Namegory 1IDGradeTeacher..Comments Citizenship Atten2))J)>)'''kmno     (DD/  )))))))))))))) AARoenick, Jeremy(JEMs,SpellCopy)BiologyIDStudentGradeLE1Ellis, LaPhonsoA+DM1Mutombo, DikembeARW1Williams, ReggieA CA1NINIP nSrbWY[^gonOR PennsylvaniaPA Puerto RicoPR Rhode IslandRISouth CarolinaSC South DakotaSD TennesseeTN TexasTX UtahUT VermontVT VirginiaVAVirgin IslandsVI WashingtonWA West VirginiaWV WisconsinWI WyomingNameID Student Names!IDGrade Student NamesID#IDTeacher Student NamesID Class01IDClass02IDClass03IDPEMathArtMathArtPEArtPEMath CA1NFNFP nS!x82:H762(91l 7 0jL PF"h 2`2FjF:e4y4mL7r9(n 1mpe\y0`rd0u<2ؗ:h1(9dl&&x;jlnƅ$GsDGudGwetDs} 67004P'':H7pq47umƫ6Ht3`eyt:ey2,-psx k@PY)l @(dHdXH\h7؂\&t-PAHZ恇cH @r؂dx؀dpJe x.kXdCaKaqaQ8P@H @?h8Qc` H2QXdR)*&-QxPԈV@FCF< Hal@x(mxVؿ?jl%v rhiסLP.1h&P+8̠Z#.4m :f4B|(/pJ `%( KT A"uB70_$Sr w0x~tK*fxVIJ^qh|%Ls ,"/0!bC >l 7@%0qqcf.^F#QљףFJ=D šHmCɄ@TIv@ bs ,FPPQHd ^B; lm6̄cu$j:dHAe  -j0@b'Ҫ!d"@1  D2$ڀh1,C F" ,CyDk*tl&dk@]N%LT#pk :S6 |J7FRPj;!F it2!`XYPB%Ț() -9999amesAbbrev2NamesAbbrevStatesP` Applied Beagle Bros Call APPLE"Quality Orders(800) 777-3642Name- no rules)Phone- mask nostore MinMax ValMust fill MinMax LenStatex Len UPPER CASE ListnumbersASE1 80)ead anCapstalizeCAP TEXTcat#qst (P`(c) 1991 BrandDD/      $@Ten &@Eleven (@Twelve:8ȄKq4J~l*)G8t20hh PF+G+40i8G638eԂyԂ7x6*:|r72Hi}y:ڴ0F8PjhJP)XǺ1Xf$)1Xl20h\K9x6h!hF28mlMHtLG3OfD!HHktGt2:`65v4JAeФ,2H`,\OAǑM7(ItrKPL=N 7ЀϳD'( 5!mD')H3@lP"*M&X5Pϛ4J#MS8@ "`.-fLzǍDȺͱǟL1 NG8f<;G?Oq9|;:UIF4PHP*ô;h$:(w3E9LHKNTu#MLGXUȬ2HOɖAYNE+3|!AJ.76Kt*xpB9G200癎6 ׈ ut+Gp @ö3_M8@ ٠ ` :@F 6H8 05d8<٬ۄ2h ď¨NZŁKK׸BĉIBp3LBJ3GFl (=C}E\QFo4L} 4g 08I4Iָ()ƪp`Ƒ(tt {D1:(D6@yà 0@ !H$'ȉ*8@\}EtG,􍚸 h:H0H ,9FŰ(H&􋯨 @P )?2 ؋FX 334H@h ؈>Cxʛ`|0< FL $%lBLF8@Ķ$ z7Ǵb P(@&:H! 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