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You will notice that the first letter of each period is"B "brighter than the rest of that line. This highlights the"B "letter to be pressed."B " " C " Next you will be asked to enter your name. Your namound the menu and the explanation line will change to"~A "suit the subject or period. If you press RETURN when a subject"A "is inversed you will automatically go to that period. The second"B "method of selecting the period you wish is to pr period you wish"\@ "to study. You may have noticed on the menu that the first subject"@ "was printed inversed and that there was an explanation line at"@ "the bottom of the screen. By using the arrow keys you can move the"6A "cursor arto teach or memorize any history period or subject."}?r "To read the instructions on changing the questions & menu, press"?| "G, then read the instructions contained in that program."? " "@ " There are two ways of selecting the subject or16368,0:16384,128:->@ A$(X)"END"2810>>E CN2ĺ(12)X>J 3:1002:34,0::490>T " This is an educational game using time travel and memory drill">^ "to teach history. The program is designed so that you can alter"4?h "the questions I.N H.I.S.T.O.R.Y": = :X12= :I1PAGELNH= A$(X)"END"2870\= 6)A$(X):XX1c=" I=, CN2PRI1Ģ2:3:1002:12:28)"Press any key to continue ";:16368,0:16384,128::1:1002>6 CN1Ģ24:36,1:28)"Press any key to continue ";:28):Y$"Y"Y$"y"PRI1K< 18:25:"Is the Printer on and ready (Y/N) ";< 16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"Y"Y$"y"2790< K$(27)ı< 2780< CN22805< 1:1002= :6)"I.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N.S : T.I.M.E T.R.A.V.E.L or P)rinter ";J; 16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""2720q; Y$"S"Y$"s"CN1:PAGLN18:2790; Y$"P"Y$"p"CN2:PAGLN54:2760; 2720< 16:22:"Do you want to pause for paper change ";:16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)1Z$(Z$,(Z$)1):(8)" "(8);:2630O:} Y8(Z$)1Z$"":(8)" "(8);:2630g: Z$Z$Y$:Y$;:2630: ::1:5:" I.N.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N.S : T.I.M.E T.R.A.V.E.L I.N H.I.S.T.O.R.Y ":34,1:; 13:11:"Do you wish instruction to print on S)creen1):A(X,Y)3:N9( S((1)42):N1S:X((1)81):Y((1)81):A(X,Y)8:T92 ^9< Z$""9F 16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128)9P XX19Z X32700X327009d Y$""(Y$)126309n Y(Y$):Y13ı9s Y8(Z$)02630$:x Y8(Z$)1ard to extend this length, but it was"4 "impossible without reducing the number of cells in the maze. We","did not think this was desirable."," "," When generating or changing a question, you are first required"5 "to enter the year then the qres."," This is to show you the remaining characters that could be added to"&4v "that line. The length of question and remark lines are restricted","to 78 characters. You will many times find it hard to stay within","this limit. Sorry, we tried h36,70:"You have";08 SET UP PORT VARIABLESZ8 X18:Y18:A(X,Y)((1)61):Y,X8 H((1)32):N1H:X((1)81):Y((1)81):A(X,Y)7:N8 X18:Y18:A(X,Y)3BB18 Y,X8 B2126009 Q20B:N1Q:X((1)81):Y((1)80:1120:(7 DRAW GAME BOARD SQUARESI7 3:36,20:I141:"-";:I:o7 JJ17:I20605:36,I:"|";:I7 :36,20:"|";:I17:"----+";:I:"----|"7 JJ7 I20605:36,I:"|";:I:7 36,20:I141:"-";:I:8 9:2:"You are in ";:s and suddenly everything begins to Spin":G7(G2):G1((1)G71):MM((1)201)j6j SEC2:1130:GGG16t 1120:36,20:"You are Timeported and returned instantly" 7~ 36,13:"However you lose ";G1;" Gold Pieces and wasted ";MM;" moves":M1M1MM:132"5. 1100:Y1ı#58 KL7240035= KL22390P5B G1((1)20026):GGG15L 1120:36,24:"The door opens, revealing a closet":36,26:"where you find ";G1;" Gold Pieces":5V 23:36,29:"but the door is locked";:S6` 23:36,15:"The door open25:"Do you wish to Push the button ?":1100:Y1ıV4 KT((1)81):KL((1)81)e4 KT72400u4 KT223904 1120:36,11:"You are in a narrow corridor, there is a door on your right"5$ KT((1)81):36,25:"Do you wish to open the door ?(C,D)((1)21)63SEC2:1130:1120:CACA1:K1ıG3CAK4İ1810M3V3ZT53X((1)81):Y((1)81):A(X,Y)2A(X,Y)5:3U8(37)1:U820İ1120336,8:"On the wall is a Glowing Screen, below the screen is a Red Button"4436,0:22202AD$(AD$,1)2G1((1)500126):E$AD$ĺ"Correct ";:CACA1:GGG1:"You win ";G1;" Gold Pieces ";:SEC1:1130:1120:2GGG1:"Incorrect -- You Lose ";G1;" Pieces of Gold ":24:1:(B$(Q,9),79);:SEC4:1130:1120:24:1:868:3A2210%1uY$"F"Y$"f"E$"F":2210/1w2160^1z"Who am I (last name) ";:E$:1340:2220x1"Multiple Choice ";116368,0:16384,128:Y(16384)128:Y49Y50Y51Y52YY48:E$B$(Q,Z(Y)):Y" ";:1340:2220121902E$:E$Y$E$:1347)" 4) "B$(Q,4):Z(1)5:Z(2)6:Z(3)7:Z(4)4=0>R22:1140m0H"Question Type: ";:ID2140,2150,2170,21800\"People, Places, or Things ";:E$:1340:22200f"T)rue or F)alse ";1p16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"T"Y$"t"E$"T":S$"1) "B$(Q,6)" 2) "B$(Q,4)" 3) "B$(Q,5)" 4) "B$(Q,7):Z(1)6:Z(2)4:Z(3)5:Z(4)7:2110/*MES$"1) "B$(Q,7)" 2) "B$(Q,5)" 3) "B$(Q,6)" 4) "B$(Q,4):Z(1)7:Z(2)5:Z(3)6:Z(4)4:2110.04MES$"1) "B$(Q,5)" 2) "B$(Q,6)" 3) "B$(Q,inue your journey":11:36,6:YY:1320R.34,20:1120:36,1:B$(Q,2):ID42120g. RANDOM ORDER. Y((1)41):Y2070,2080,2090,2100.MES$"1) "B$(Q,4)" 2) "B$(Q,5)" 3) "B$(Q,6)" 4) "B$(Q,7):Z(1)4:Z(2)5:Z(3)6:Z(4)7:2110b/ MEsating Blue Glow indicates Activation":SEC1:1130y-Q((1)251):YY(B$(Q,1)):ID(B$(Q,3)):E$B$(Q,8):1340:AD$E$-1120:TRTR1:MES$"You have arrived at the Year "(YY)" in "SUB$:R21:1140&.36,13:"You must answer this Question to cont ";R::w,36,23:"You took "M1" turns to find the way out":::36,23:"You answered "CA" Question(s) Correctly,":,36,29:"out of "TR" Questions asked.":1680, Start of question routine2-1120:21:36,7:" You are in a .Time Warp. a Pul27:"the Key of Time into the slot"Z+36,28:"the machine begins to Buzz":SEC2.5:1130+34,0::6:36,23:"You found your way back to the Present":36,23:"and you have acquired "G" Gold pieces":,R((GCA70001)M1)::36,32:"Game Rating ise at an Exit portal.":36,21:"The Key of Time is required to escape":*1120:36,33:"Before you proceed":36,29:"you look on the ground and":36,32:"find the Key of Time":K1:1320:1510#+1120:36,23:"You enter the Exit portal and insert":36,SQ$(A)H)bC((1)81):D((1)81):G1((1)40075):GGG1:G1G0)l1120:36,21:"You have been Teleported to an unknown":36,20:"location and you lost some of your Gold.":36,25:"You have ";G;" Gold pieces left":G*v1120:20:36,28:"You ar(:1120:36,18:"You entered ..a Time Warp.. in this chamber": TRAP(DTD((1)91):TD8Ĺ36,23:"Boy you're lucky it didn't activate":(NTT1:36,30:"and it is Activated":SEC2.2:1130(X ACTIVATE TIME WARP)]AA(C,D):D22:36,C517:36,18:"You search the chamber and find the Key of Time":K1:u'1120:36,15:"You enter a North-South corridor ";'&"thru a Secret door":36,23:"The door closes and locks behind you":'01120:36,15:"You entered an East-West corridor ";:1830Ed find the Key of Time":K1!&&36,18:"He is friendly and gives you "G1" Gold pieces.":GGG1:TD5K0SEC1.5:1130:1120:36,24:"He also gives you the Key of Time":K1:36,24:"and wishes you a safe journey home":SEC1.5:1130&>'1120:aveler is in this chamber"L%TD((1)101):G1((1)3501):GG10G1Gi%Y((1)81):Y61790%36,11:"He is unfriendly and as he leaves he steals ";G1;" Gold pieces":SEC2:1130&GGG1:TD5K0İ1120:36,18:"You search the chamber antry another direction":1390d$KT((1)91):1120:20:36,24:"You are in a glowing Time Portal"$36,19:"the light is fading, the portal is Inactive":A1ı$1730$20:36,26:"You are in a dust-filled portal":1710%36,22:"A fellow tr2:1130:1390v#1120:36,6:"You lost all your Gold and you are locked in this Time Zone forever.": GOLD ZERO #22:36,30:"Do you wish another game? ";:1100:Y1G0:K0:M10:34,0:::10#:$(7);:36,17:"You cannot pass through, "You are at the West wall":16901"^CC1:1370;"c1910I"hK11930"r24:1:868:(7);:22:11:"You cannot exit the Time Zone, you don't have the Key of Time";:SEC2:1130:1390#|(7);:24:36,40:"Sorry, you are not at an Exit portal";:SECYou are at the East wall":1690/!"CC1:1370i!,A6Ĺ36,25:"You are in an East-West corridor":1390!6(D1)9Ĺ36,28:"You are at the South Wall":1690!@DD1:1370!JA5Ĺ36,24:"You are in a North-South corridor":1390!"T(C1)0Ĺ36,28:90Y1221580 M1M11:1460Z A6Ĺ36,25:"You are in an East-West corridor":1390 (D1)0Ĺ36,28:"You are at the North wall":1690 DD1:D1D1 1370 A5Ĺ36,24:"You are in a North-South corridor":1390!(C1)9Ĺ36,28:"128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""1460eY(Y$):Y8Y21Y11Y10Y65Y97Y90Y1221460RO1COL1ĢRO:36,COL:SQ$(A)M1M11:K0M170İ1320:1920Y(Y$)1120:Y81610Y211550Y11Y65Y971520 Y10YA1`A8A8?dA1700,1720,2000,2290,1820,1840,1850,1640LiAA(C,D)[nKL02330}xG01670: CHECK IF BROKECOLC517:ROD22:RO:36,COL:"<>"MES$"Your move "A$:R24:114011:7:YY;:36,75:G" ";#16368,0:16384,8):Y$""1330!724:1:868:S<QU$"":I1(E$):Y((E$,I,1)):Y96YY32pFQU$QU$(Y):I:E$QU$:PC(((1)81)):D(((1)81)):A(C,D)1UD(D)ZAA(C,D): READS VALUE PORT[COLC517:ROD22:RO:36,COL:"<>"_A16,70:"Gold ";GNR21:MES$A$", you have arrived in the year "(YY):114022:20:"Search the time portals for the Key of time":SEC2.5:1130:1360(24:1:868:24:29:"Press any key to continue";216368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)12k in time":R10:1140cIY2YY5:13:36,36:"Year ";I:T130:T,I:13:36,41:YY:SEC2:1130y START OF GAME:34,20:A5:B8:D8:R13:2450:MES$SUB$" "PER$:R1:1140:G1000:RO0:COL0:M10:CA0:TR0 11:36,1:"Year ";YY;:3=> "::28:"Enter current year => "14:36,45:2620:A$Z$:16:36,48:2620:Y2$Z$:Y2(Y2$):YYY2:Y21900Y21900Y2:YYY2 TRAVEL BACK CLOCKYP((PER$,4)):YR((PER$,4))YP:YYYP((1)YR1)::MES$A$", you are being transported bacS$:)~ ****** FIRST MENU ******* s:5:34:"Time Travel":::TEST1:YP((PER$,4)):YR((PER$,4))YP20:"An Educational Game of ";SUB$:20:"I will Timeport you to study the years"::32:"From ";PER$:$28:"Enter your Name :Y$((16384)128):Y$"Y"Y$"y"Y1:24:36,1:868:b[Y$"N"Y$"n"Y2:24:36,1:868:l\1110`20:36,1:958:jT1900SEC:T:tR20R20yCC((80(MES$))2):CC0CC0:MES$(MES$,79){R:36,CC:R24ĺMES$;:|ME(4)"CLOSE"9216,0:1090<:10:25:"This option is not available.":26:"Choose (G)enerate question":27:" to create it.":DD13000::216,0:490BTEST01160G1240L24:1:36,30:"Enter (Y)es or (N)o";9V16368,0:16384,128FIL$"NINE":1020(FIL$"TEN":1020@FIL$"ELEVEN":1020XFIL$"TWELVE":1020s2700: INSTRUCTIONS::34,0:1084(13)(4)"OPEN";FIL$".DATA":(4)"READ";FIL$".DATA"SUB$:PER$I125:J19:B$(I,J):J,I 8fN880,890,900,910,920,930,940,950,960,970,980,990,1000,1010TpFIL$"ONE":1020izFIL$"TWO":1020FIL$"THREE":1020FIL$"FOUR":1020FIL$"FIVE":1020FIL$"SIX":1020(13)(4)"RUN QUESTION CHANGE"FIL$"EIGHT":1020(M$(JJ))NJJ:690 JJ6* ARROW INPUT ROUTINEf/Y((Y$,1)):NPP:CN0:Y72N1NN1:6904(Y$)8(Y$)11NN1:NN14(N0):690>(Y$)21(Y$)10NN1:NN14(N15):690\740a23:36,1:868:23:1:34)"Please Wait..";?CC((80(M2$(N)))2):CCCC(CC0):21:36,CC:M2$(N);VR(N):36,C(N)::M1$(N):v SELECTION INPUT ROUTINEPPN16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""740(Y$)13865JJ114 Y$M$(JJ)NJJ:690(Y$)3223:3:"Move with arrow keys or highlighted letter, hit to select item"^5:I1710::M$(I);::" ";M1$(I);:36,45::M$(I7);::" ";M1$(I7):I:38)"Select _"N1PP0ĢR(PP):36,C(PP):M1$(PP)721:1:868:11,48,13,48,15,48,17,48 /I156:A$(I):IF LOAD MENU DATA|(13)(4)"OPEN MENU.DATA":(4)"READ MENU.DATA"I114M$(I):M1$(I):M2$(I)I:(4)"CLOSE" PRINT SELECTION SCREEN::2:33:"HISTORY ADVENTURE"P*************************!| rR(14),C(14),M$(14),M1$(14),M2$(14),A$(100),B$(25,9),A(9,9),SQ$(8):M11:KL1I18:SQ$(I):: IA,FT,QP,ED,NS,EW,TW,EPI114:R(I):C(I):I 5,12,7,12,9,12,11,12,13,12,15,12,17,12,5,48,7,48,9,48, * INTO HISTORY * L^ * *u_ * BY CARL K. WOGOMON *` * APPLE VERSION BY *a * WAYNE AIKEN *h * *r *******8:1:1002V,CN1Ģ24:36,28:"Press any key to continue ";:16368,0:16384,128:i6A$"END"240;CN2ĺ(12):3:1002@(13)(4)"CLOSE"E34,0:J ********************************T * TIME WARPS *#Y (27)ı 210 ^ CN2Ċ1:1002::15)"N C S U S O F T W A R E C A T A L O G":s 2::I1PAGELN{ A$ A$"END"300 " "A$ I:CN2ĺ(12) "PRI1Ċ3:1002:20:36,28:"Press any key to continue ";:16368,0:16384,12190 150 16:22:"Do you want to pause for paper change ";:16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"Y"Y$"y"PRI1 18:25:"Is the Printer on and ready (Y/N) "; 16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"Y"Y$"y"230 K$L O G"20)::34,25 (13)(4)"READ SSMR CATALOG" 13:11:"Do you wish instruction to print on S)creen or P)rinter "; 16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""150 Y$"S"Y$"s"CN1:PAGLN19:220 Y$"P"Y$"p"CN2:PAGLN54: S T O R Y A D V E N T U R E ":22);TITLE$;22): 10:20:"PRESS 'C' FOR CATALOG"::20:" ANY OTHER KEY TO CONTINUE..."; y16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"C"Y$"c"390 :1:1::20)"N C S U S O F T W A R E C A T A RALEIGH, NC 27695; (919)-737-3067 / 24685 a APPLE VERSION BY WAYNE AIKEN @1985i :} (4)"NOMONICO" 3:1002: 21:20:"DISTRIBUTED BY NCSU SOFTWARE":35:"BOX 8101 NCSU":35:"RALEIGH, NC 27695"5 1:1::TITLE$" H IC( AMERICAN HISTORY ADVENTUREF VERSION 1.1A, 2/25/1986 ADAPTED FROM A PUBLIC DOMAIN PROGRAM FROM ANAHEIM, CA  MODIFICATIONS (C) 1985 BY NCSU SOFTWARE  DISTRIBUTED BY SSMR SOFTWARE DEPARTMENT, BOX 8101 NCSU-                        3n ******** HISTORY ADVENTURE ********* :x L VERSION 1.0o WAYNE AIKENu~3:1002(4)"RUN HISTORY ADVENTURE" HISTORY ADVENTURE"OŠӍԠӠŠŠԠƠҨΨŨΨŨĠ¡ "," We have allowed space for Four extra Categories if you desire","to use them. You can put in more History questions, or maybe you"Y;"would like questions about Sports, Science, Astronomy, or another","subject of your choosing. You are limited ߢ袍좍梍ߠ󢍢卢󢍱碍卢󠦠󢍱卢󢍱栱墍卢堭栱ߧⰍ󢍱卢좍袍堸󢍲卢堭ᠱ󢍱ߠߠ߬䠦䢍󢍢ߢ墍򢍢墍󢍱ߠ󢍢Ѯ䠦䢍ߢ墍򢍢梍墍墍䠱좍䢍卢䠵󢍢ᢍ󢍢묠ᢍᬠ㮠䢍󢍢󢍢ߢ嬠뢍袍󮢍嬠뢍ήٮ袍ծӮߢ󢍢卢Үɮ蠨ծӮ卢堭⮠蠱堦ߢ堦߬袍袍袍젶袍袍墍󢍱ߠ墍򢍢ߠ䢍     卢ߠᢍ颍颍堦򢍱렦좍ﬠ墍󩢍卢䠦墍ᢍᢍᢍ墍ˠ󢍱ﬠᠦߠ報䢍墍򢍢䢍򠦠󢍱ߠ䠱栱堧卢ߠ󢍲卢󠦠󢍱ʮߠ䢍򢍢䢍䭠򢍱卢栲򠱸堍宍宍䠠堍٬堠砍󠠠堠젲䮠堍宍砍󠠠堠젲䮠堍堍䬠٬堠󠠠堠젲䮠堠堠䬠䠍栠Π堠䮠젠堠䮠蠠ԠƠ堍䠠䮠栧ɧ堠堍󠨷䠠宍ԭͭ׭Ю栍堠堍󮠠䠠堠򬠠堍䮠䠠堠䠠笠嬠嬠ɬ󮠍䮠亠蠠堠栠堍宠砠ᠠ堠堠堠䠠宠栠䠠󮠠砠̭젠䠍堠堠栠󬠠堍砠堠䠠堍䠠蠠蠠堠̭䠠젠堍嬠堠䠠宠堠젍󧮠䬠󠧱堠Ϡ堠䠠蠍䮠䠠砠󬠠砠󮠍󺠠堠䮠堠堠󠠍堠砧٧堍󮠠򠠠蠠䮠堠䬠젠堠殠堠䮠젠砠ή젠堍䠠堠砧Χ堠堠󮠍砠̭̠堠䮠󠭠򮠠䠠栠栠䬠젠䠠堍堠堠󮠍砍򮠠堠堠Ԡ䠍Ԡ堠򬠠栠砠堠堠堠堠堠堍堠堍󬠠ΠŠ䠠򮠠䠠ծΠŮ砍宠堍Ϯ蠠ήή䠠䩮堍ΠŠ堠䠠堨廠堍婻󠴠嬠詻堸堍堨堠󩮠堠堠󬠠蠍䠠󮠠堹堠堍򻠠堠堠婻򬠠堍ӠӠ쩮Ů宠堠Π򩺠蠠Π宠Ӻ嬠󮍍󮍍ΠŠ䠠堠堠䠍䠠󮠠堠栠宍묠ǠҠΠΠԍ砠堨ǩԠ堠嬠堠堠䠍宠堠謠嬠󬠠䬠堍䮠䮍젠堠堠砠נ堠젠婍Р젨젠堠썠栠堠Ġ򮠠᠍쬠宠庍썠Խ򍠠н썠ӽ詍׽젍젠䮠󠠠䮠󮠠宠堠󬠠蠠砠󬠠䬠䮍젠栠䬠䠠쮠堠堠䠠򮍍젠堠堍젠栠宠堠򮠠宠堠堠堠쮠堠ҠΠ堍򮠠堠򠱹蠠堠堠堍䮠堠䠠䠠砠蠠򮠠堠栠蠠䮠堍䮍堠堠堠堍򠠠䮠ҠΠ䠠堠󠠦Ǡ䠠䠠宍젠䠠堠䠠Š宍ǠŠōҠà堍笠嬠亠ΠıΠ٠ŠŠŠξ젍Š֍Š箠堍亍뮠ӠŠŠ堠ԠϬIJξ䮍䮍ж卍堠砠栍砠젠󮠠ᠠ䠠砍䬠Ҡ占謠à卍ˮͮЮǮŠ                             墍󠦠ᢍߠ堭ᮢ墍堭䭠ߠᢍ墍ᢍ򢍱ᠠ䠦ߠ᭠卢󢍱栱ߢ򠱸ߠ򢍱󢍢袍ᬠ墍砲ߢ墍堦嬠卢墍栱袍袍󢍲卢孠卢󢍱ߠ좍ᠧ짠ߠ䢍䠦碍򠱲򠳴ߠ䢍򢍢ߠ䢍󢍢󢍢䢍墍򠴬              󢍢󢍢Ţ䢍󢍠󢍍󢍢ƢѢᢍ󢍢٢ڢɢ򠦠󢍢עǢ󢍢󢍢ɢ󠦢¢ᠱĢᠱ̢ᠱâ󠠱Ӣ堠ծӮ蠱卢䢍󢍢󢍢蠤좍卢栱󠦠󢍴袍䢍笠󢍱ߢ󢍢䠦ᢍߠ謠󢍢堦墍󢍢䢍ߢ䢍砦ߢ󢍱ɠ样袍뢍ᢍ䬠ᢍ卢󠱷򢍱ߠ䠦򠱵ᢍ砱𢍱卢蠦ᠦ󢍲卢堭ῢᢍ墍袍⠱謠򢍱쿢蠱󢍱ߢᢍ袍蠦󢍢󢍱䬠ߢ墍󢍱嬠䢍󢍢󠦠ߠ墍䢍뢍卢뢍ߠ󢍢󢍢󢍢㠦󢍱卢󢍲卢󢍢󢍢ߠ袍墍󢍢袍ᢍ           ߠ墍堧䧠߮䢍󢍢䮢ߢ󢍢󠱳墍ߠߠ좍ũ卢堭ŠɻР󢍱ߠ󠷠卢젱ߢ栱ծӮ魠ߠߠ墍򢍢򢍢򢍢ծӮ堭᭠ߢᢍᢍ墍ᢍ䠦ߢ󠦠󢍱렭卢孠󠦠󢍱򠴰󢍲卢ҧ󠴰䢍卢젦򢍱栱ߠ󢍴墍󢍢袍墍젦󢍱ߢ栤󢍱堦ծӮߢᢍᢍ颍ᢍծӮ墍ߠ렦򢍳tion","It is advisable to view one set of questions, before attempting to","change or generate your own."," " O3l " You should have noticed on your run through the question s that","when the questions are printed, they are often followed by underscoծӮߠ𢍢墍袍墍𢍢栱ᢍߠ򢍴ᢍ颍뢍좍ᢍ and you will go into the Question phase"," "," The first question will now be displayed for you to view or","change. If you don't wish to change that question, pressing CONTROL-A"n2b "keys, will save the question unchanged and display the next queshe"0N "Time period, Examples '1873-1983', '1941-1945'. Notice NO spaces and","all the field length is used. The History program finds it's start","and finishing dates from this entry. If you do not wish to change"1X "this part press the ESC key","the middle of entering your questions."," "0D " You are now asked two quesitons 'Subject', the subject is used","many times in the History program. Examples 'American History'","'World Space History', 'Political Dates'. The second question is td Menu.","Generating or Changing Questions"," "," There is a Minumum and Maximum of 25 questions for each period"./: "and once you have started, all 25 questions must be entered before","switching the computer off. In other words, you cannot quit inield the","computer will go to the next field, without you pressing RETURN"," "," After making changes you will be asked if the information is"t.0 "correct. Pressing 'N' allows you to go back and make corrections,","pressing 'Y' will save the change, "questions, pressing CONTROL-A (same time) will take","you to the next screen leaving the Menu unchanged."," "," The field length is designated by a series of underscores, one for" -& "each character and cannot be exceeded. At the end of a ff that subject."," ","When the Entry is completed, you will be asked if the information" +"is correct. Please check carefully, as your mistakes are there for","everyone to see."," "," If you do not want to change the Menu but wish to change the" is First letter to take you to","the period you wish to study. The computer will not let you violate","either of the above rules."Y+ " Having made your selection, you may now change the Subject and","add your own brief description or explanation oߢ墍䢍䢍墍孠򠱸ߠ報碍ߢƠ̢򢍢̢Ơ̢Ơ̠報䢍卢堭ߠ𮢍좍ծӮߠ堦󢍴ââí         堧袍ﬠ墍󩢍卢䠦墍ᢍᢍᢍ墍ˠ󢍱ﬠᠦߠ報䢍墍򢍢䢍򠦠󢍱ߠ䠱栱堧卢ߠ󢍲卢󠦠󢍱ʮߠ䢍򢍢䢍䭠򢍱卢栲򠱸͠ōŠĨϴ͠ΠōōŠϳ͠ōŠ̳͠ōŠղϳҠɠŠŠҲϷ͠ōŠϿΠɠŠŠòȳϲҠōŠȳϴѩàčŠҲϳ͠ōŠҿӍŠŨȩΠɠŠŠϴ͠ōŠϳ͠ōŠϳ͠ōŠȴòϴ͠ōŠȴϳ͠ōŠΨϳàōŠȩ͠ɲ̍Š̿͠ōŠϳҠōŠϴ͠ōŠȿ͠ōŠϴàōŠҲ͠ōŠ̲ϳ͠ōŠ̲͠ōŠȴɿ͠ : 10:290< 24:8:"(PUSH ANY KEY TO CONTINUE)":Q$C Sx :10:"DO YOU WANT ANOTHER QUIZ ? (Y OR N) ";U$ U$"Y"Į:270 U$"N"450 :10:12:"B Y E K I D S !!" Q12:"B Y E K I D S !!" s field. If you wish to change a field, you must reenter the","entire field again. When you have finished the corrections, press 'Y'","and you go to the next question. Repeating this procedure until": "all 25 questions have been entered."," "," ","ing the game."," "8 " After all the fields have been entered, you will be asked if","the information is correct. Pressing 'N' will move the cursor back to","the first field. CONTROL- A & Z keys will move the cursor to the next or"9 "previoud. If you selected True/False only T or F will be entered in"8 "this field. If 'Who am I' then use the Last name Only. Lastly you","enter the remarks (78 characters maximum). This field will only be","displayed if a wrong answer is given when playz#?  ! ԠĠ" ԠĠɠ"ԠҠ"ԠҠ Ԯ͠Ӡ  ̠Š͠Ҡͮ͠Ҡͮ͠Ҡͮ͠ҠŠԠíǠ ǭǠǭǠŠ Ǡ̠  " ή Ů ծˠӮЮîϠҠԠϠ ŮŮ Ԯà1! ή ҮŮŠŠ1Ϯ ٠ŠEΠŠ5خԮҠǠ  Ů󮍊栠󮠠䠠󠍊䮍頠䠠堍Ӡˠ렣󠱴󮠠砠孍ͭà䮍嬠宠蠍宠䠠뮠䠴󠍊묠砲󮠍嬠堍䬠㮍ᠤ堠笠宠ٍ嬠堷󮠍󠹰栠ᠠ䠍ɠ蠠堠堠堍栠Šō䠠㮠󠍊䠠䠠󠍊ͭì               ravel all over the time/space station without finding"J* "the key. It's there, you just did not see it, so go around again."J4 " "J> " When you have completed your mission, you will be graded on"KH "your performance. The Number of questient) and lastly"ZI "there is ED= Escape Door. Be careful of this one, it holds great"I "rewards, gold, the key, or hazards, you could be time warped and"I "lose some of your gold. The door could also be locked."I " "6J " You may t NS= North-South corridor (you can only move N or S),"H "EW= East-West corridor, TW= Time warp portal (It will not always"H "activate), EP= Escape portal (you will have to be at an Escape"I "portal with the key of time to return to your pres To move you use the arrow keys, A for up, and Z for"}G "down. As you pass through a portal, the computer labels it for"G "future reference. The labels are:"G "IA= Inactive time portal, FT= Fellow time traveler, QP= Question"6H "portal,d it well. There"ZF "are many pitfalls and unfriendly travelers that will steal your"F "Gold. There are also friendly travelers who may give you Gold."F "You do not know what any other portal holds. It could be goodies"5G "or trouble. If the key gets"ZEb "into the wrong hands, it will change the balance of power, giving"El "the key holder the power to control the world, thus becoming the"Ev "first world dictator."E " "F " You will be given 1000 pieces of gold, guar start traveling back in time to sometime in the"|DD "time period you have chosen. Your mission, if you chose to accept"DN "it, is to find the Crystal Key of Time. It is imperative that the"EX "key be found before history is changed forever. e is used"RC "many times in the program to make it more personal. After your"C "name, press RETURN and then you will be asked to enter the year."C& "You can use 85 or 1985; both are acceptable to the computer."C0 " "1D: " You will now堠ŠŠ堠䠠堠ᠠ堍쮠򬠠堍󠴰ͭà㠠ŠҠō㮍󮠍ᠱ䠍󠠠ﮠᠠᠠ堠󬠍䮍󮍊󠠭忍堠ᠠᠠ򠍊䠍堠젠嬠堠䠍䮍讠宍砠堭堠堍謠嬠ﮠ󠍊󮍊堍򠍊箠砠󠍊蠠堠젭䠠宠堠堠栠砍󮍊堤䠍堠젠䮠堠򮍊堠ᠠ宍󮍊٠ԍ堠栠砠󮍊󠭭堠堍宍󠠠堠堠堠嬠󮍊Ϡ堠箠栍򮍊󠠠宠䮍宠󠍊ͭà堠堠宍頭Ѡﮠᠴ䮠렍󍊠󮍊蠭堧Ч뮠ᮍ㮍묠򴰬︰欠嬠嬠嬠嬠宍ӠӠ㮍堠堍뮠蠍쮠謠宍堠宍󮍊򮍊堠󮍊堠䠍䮍堠ᠠ䠠宍宠󠠠󮠠󠍊堠宠砍󮠠䠍ɠ砠堍宠󠍊젠젍䮍𠠠򠍊堠󮠠堠堠堠󮍊䠠堍䮠󮍊렍쮍堠頠蠠蠍󠠠宠堍ᠠ宍堠ᠠ堠򠍊堠宠󮍊䠠󮠠䠍󮍊㠠젠䠠㠍䠠堍䮠󮍊렍쮍堠頠蠠蠍󠠠宠堍ᠠ젍䮠堍堠堠󮠠ᠠ堍墍ߢ栱󢍲卢嬠󢍱ߢ筷嬠笠卢ߢ󢍢栱󢍱報젶ߢ󢍢報ߠߠߢ󢍢󢍱栱     uestion (78 characters max). Next field","is the type of answer to be used when answering True/False, Multi","choice, Who am I, or People places or things. Only the first letter"i6 "is required. The computer will only accept one of the valid letter䠠䠠箠젠嬠󬠍󮍊󠤵堦箠堠󮍊󮩮󠺭䠠半䮍䮍䮍󮍊堠砍󬠠堍宍宠쬠㬠堨砍ﬠ嬠嬠ﮍ堠堠䮠뮍󠤵堦箠宍󠤵堦箠堍ﮍ󠍊󮠠묠򮍊砠썊砠堠砠젍򍊍䬠󮠠宍宍堶堠짠䠠ç堍򠱹䬠䠍ᬠ򠍊뮍򠍊뮍󠤵箠ߠߠ뢍墍䢍Įâ뢍ߠ󢍲卢堭󢍱ߠ򢍳ɢ栱ծӮ砦墍卢砱󠦠栱     󢍲卢堦짢쬠򠱸卢쬠堲嬠墍卢砦卢孠堭ծӮߢ嬠栱蠦󢍲卢련褐ᢍ袍卢ծӮ󢍱젦Įî卢堭뢍ߠ栱碍ߠ報卢堭󠳭袍報ծӮ卢ծӮ򢍱㢍ɠ䠦Ƭ󢍲卢ծӮ󢍱ߠ󢍢卢嬠ᢍ卢堭ᢍ堭ᢍ󢍢     ծӮ󢍲卢孠ɠߠ󢍢󢍢󢍢󢍢報ߢ󢠍嬠ߢ뢍墍좍뢍렭報䬠Ң卢孠堲󢍱󮢍卢򢍢򢍱栱ծӮ卢報墍卢ߠ卢֭Š栱卢墍堳ƮĮߠ碍젱󠦠ߠ袍㢍袍袍鮠Ȯ󠱶򠱹卢堭報ߢ墍ᢍխծӮ򢍱碍卢䠲䢍򴍢卢󢍱ծӮߠ젱颍򢍱㠱ߠߢ򢍢㢍袍ծӮӮ߲𠱹颍墍pe of Ans: T/F, Multi-Choice, People,Place,&Things, Who Am I (T,M,P,W) "*:"Multi-Choice (1)":14)"(2)":14)"(3)":14)"(4)"4:"Answer:">:"Ans. Remarks:"H::24:14:"CONTROL-A if no change needed for subject and period";:870QR ****:QU1:QL25U2:1:"Subject: ";SUB$;:A24(SUB$):A0āI1A:"_";:I36,40:"Period: ";PER$;:A9(PER$):A0āI1A:"_";:I 3::"Question No.";:36,60:"Questions Left"::"Year of the Event:":::"Question:":I "TyEVEN NOT USED$HFIL$"EIGHT":720:HFIL$"NINE":720OHFIL$"TEN":720gHFIL$"ELEVEN":720zHFIL$"TWELVE"(13)(4)"OPEN"HFIL$".DATA":(4)"READ"HFIL$".DATA"SUB$:PER$(4)"CLOSE" **** REM CHANGE QUESTION VARIABLESQ$:I:(4)"CLOSE">D **** GET QUESTION VARIABLES ****vNNN600,610,620,630,640,650,660,670,680,690,700,710XHFIL$"ONE":720bHFIL$"TWO":720lHFIL$"THREE":720vHFIL$"FOUR":720HFIL$"FIVE":720HFIL$"SIX":720  Sn"İ1370:250$Y$"Y"Y$"y"520-490SM$(NN)X$:M1$(NN)X1$:M2$(NN)X2$v **** SAVE NEW MENU DATA ****16368,0:1:1:(4)"OPEN MENU.DATA":(4)"WRITE MENU.DATA"&I114+Q$(34)0Q$M$(I)Q$:Q$M1$(I)Q$:Q$M2$(I)1530:420X1$A$421::LN66:1390:Y27420?X2$A$^(A$)10ST10:1530:45023::868:24:12:"Is this information correct? Yes will change the menu ";(7);16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""490 Y$"N"Y$"T be a capital letter";(7);:350J114:A$M$(J)JNNĢ23::868:24:16:"First letters of a subject CANNOT match each other";(7);:350JX$A$19:37:I128:"_";:I:19:37:LN28:1390:Y27330Z79590 (A$)5ST5:M1$(A);:33:"_ - ____________________________"ST21:1:M2$(A):I166:"_";:I^Z0:19:33:"_":19:33:LN1:PR1:1390:Y27İ1370:16:36,69:" ";:250hZ79590r(A$)1ST1:1530:350!|A$"A"A$"Z"Ģ23::868:24:20:"This MUS800:T:260"A1A122602'16:36,1:868X, **** CHANGE MENU VARIABLES ****624:7:"ESC takes you back to previous entry , CONTROL-A if no changes";:NNA@17:17:"You elected to change this period and message"/J19:36,1:M$(A)" "6,25:M$(I)" - "M1$(I):Ic 16:11:"To change the menu, type the #. Press ESC for prev screen"t 24:1:868 16:36,69:" ":16:36,69:LN2:PR1:1390:A(A$):Y27120 A7A12ĺ(7);:24:25:"You cannot change numbers 7, 13, 14";:T1150% ***** GET MENU DATA *****; 16368,0:1:1:x 34,0::1::(4)"OPEN MENU.DATA":(4)"READ MENU.DATA" I114 M$(I):M1$(I):M2$(I) I:(4)"CLOSE" **** PRINT MENU SCREEN FOR CHANGES **** :1:I114:20:I".";:3m is for Generating New Questions":U 12:24:"Do you need instructions (Y/N) ? " 24:22:"Press ESC to return to History Program "; LN1:PR0:1390:Y27Ģ1:(13)(4)"RUN HISTORY ADVENTURE" Y$"Y"Y$"y"1560 Y$"N"Y$"n"185 76,14,19,15,19,16,19,17,19,19,10,22,1 RF$(9):F$(1)"____":I178:F$(2)F$(2)"_":I:F$(3)"_":I120:F$(4)F$(4)"_":I:F$(5)F$(4):F$(6)F$(4):F$(7)F$(4):F$(8)F$(4):F$(9)F$(2) SI$(98):I198:I$(I):I U1480$ x::10:19:"This PrograON BY WAYNE AIKEN * S . * SSMR SOFTWARE DEPT, 1985 * 2 ******************************************** < F3:1002: K(4)"NOMONICO" PM$(14),M1$(14),M2$(14)% QR(9),C(9):I19:R(I),C(I):I: 7,20,11,1,12,3 QUESTION CHANGEP ******************************************** * HISTORY DATA ENTRY AND CHANGING PROGRAM * * TO BE USED WITH HISTORY TIME WARP PGM *( * ORIGINAL VERSION BY M.P. KAY * - * APPLE VERSI          !!!!!!"""    "  򠴴ߢծӮ󢍱ծӮ𠲱卢ϧ墍ծӮ卢򠱸墍墍򢍱򠱲ծӮ卢堭卢砸䢍󠱹򠲲ծӮߢծӮ卢򠱱㠲ծӮ젲卢Ʈ쮠Ů򢍱򠦠򠱹卢ծӮӮߠ栱󢍢ծӮ墍嬠ծӮӮߠ䠲󢍢墍墍梍󢍢ծӮӮ򍰍䢍ᠱߠ뢍㍢ծӮߢ󢍱®ߠ墍㢍ծӮߠ򢍢𢍢򢍢󠦠袍㢍㠦笠ʮƮˮ墍Үߢ򢍱ߠ墍뢍䠱ᢍƮߠ碍墍ծӮߠ󢍱ᢍծӮ𠱹⢍卢󠱹墍󠦠ߠ堦23::868:23::15:"CONTROL-A = Previous Line, CONTROL-Z = Next Line";:23:W\f2:10:SUB$;:A24(SUB$):A0āI1A:"_";:IpZ0:Y0:2:10:LN24:1390:Y27240uZ79Ģ2:36,9:SUB$;:950z(A$)10ST10:1530:870SUB$A$4卢젦򢍱栱ߠ󢍴墍󢍢袍墍젦󢍱ߢ栤󢍱堦ծӮߢᢍᢍ颍ᢍծӮ墍ߠ렦򢍳ծӮߠ𢍢墍袍墍𢍢栱ᢍߠ򢍴ᢍ颍뢍좍ᢍ鱹笠墍좍󢍢ح⧠򢍢󢍢󢍢墍墍㭠à򢍢嬠󍱹栱⡢󠱱堲򿢍ons answered correctly, the"dKR "amount of gold you returned with and the number of moves taken."nK\ " "Kf " Good Luck, you will need it"Kp "END"FTWARE  DISTRIBUTED BY SSMR SOFTWARE DEPARTMENT, BOX 8101 NCSU- A$(3)"P"A$(3)"p"A$(3)"T"A$(3)"t"A$(3)"W' AND A$(3)<>"w" AND A$(3)<>"M" AND A$(3)<>"m" THEN I=3:GOTO 1060I24:1:868:(7);:24:20:"Is this information correct ?";16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""1220":A$(5)"0":A$(6)"0":A$(7)"0":I7:1200~A$(3)"T"A$(3)"t"A$(3)"2":A$(4)"0":A$(5)"0":A$(6)"0":A$(7)"0":I7:1200A$(3)"W"A$(3)"w"A$(3)"3":A$(4)"0":A$(5)"0":A$(6)"0":A$(7)"0":I7:1200A$(3)"M"A$(3)"m"A$(3)"4":1200x)(B$(I)):R1A:"_";:R::II1:1055RBZ79I1āJ19:A$(J)B$(J):J:1250VZ80I10A$(I)B$(I):R(I):36,C(I)1:B$(I):II1:I101055`I101210jZ01055tA$(I)A$:B$(I)A$:I31200)~A$(3)"P"A$(3)"p"A$(3)"1":A$(4)"0R(J):36,C(J)1:B$(J);:A(F$(J))(B$(J)):A0āI1A:"_";:IFMJXI19850:I1Ģ24:36,26:"Save Question";$Y0:Z0:R(I):36,C(I)1:LN(F$(I)):1390::QST1I1Y27840(8(Z79Y27)I1ĢR(I):36,C(I)1:B$(I);:A(F$(I)(4)"CLOSE"NF0W(4)"OPEN"HFIL$".DATA":(4)"READ"HFIL$".DATA":SUB$:PER$eQST125|K19:B$(K)"":KNF1010(4)"READ";HFIL$".DATA"K19B$(K)K4:14:QST:QL25QST4:36,76:QL" "@J19:2:36,48:PER$;:A9(PER$):A0āI1A:"_";:I]2:36,48:LN9:1390:Y27ĺB$;:870z(A$)9ST9:1530:910PER$A$:(4)"OPEN WORK":(4)"CLOSE WORK":(4)"DELETE WORK"(13)(4)"OPEN WORK":(4)"WRITE WORK" SUB$:PER$:Y$"N"Y$"n"10501Y$"Y"Y$"y"İ850:1250;1220i1::(4)"APPEND WORK":(4)"WRITE WORK"vQ$(34)K19:Q$A$(K)Q$K:(4)"CLOSE WORK"24:36,1:868:QST :(4)"CLOSE":(4)"DELETE"HFIL$".DATA"(4)"RENAME 梍ՠ󠢍袍򠸰碍䠢ՠŢբ謠à    墍ߢᢍ򢍢򢍢ᢍ󠦠䢍堲ߢ墍ᠹ墍砳墍卢堭ߠ墍堧䧠߮䢍󢍢䮢ߢ󢍢󠱳墍ߠߠ좍ũ卢堭ŠɻР󢍱ߠ󠷠卢젱ߢ䢍󢍢󢍢墍㬠Ԡ堧䧢آ򢍢蠭頴嬠忢󢍢硢 $:6 )" AMERICAN SOFTWARE PUBLISHING COMPANY"< .  3, 14, 1, 12, 1, 12, 3, 16, 1, 8, 3, 12, 3, 18, 1, 5, 4, 12  3, 19, 1, 3, 4, 13, 5, 14, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 9  5, 10, 9, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 9, 5, 2, 8, 29, 3"  2, 6, 29, 5, 2,  255 ,(1155)Č1184*1000;XP12500:PC:W (4);"CATALOG"]s34,19:35,19::Z034215A039:A,Z:L10:L0:L20:0LOPS:A1LOPSL1L1LL2:LALOPSćL2 BL1L1L1:B,Z:to 11 Categories total","(four unused at present) and you must have 25 questions in each"; "category. This is a fun game which teaches American History while","Teleporting backwards and forwards in time.","END"󠱹ߢ袍ﬠР򠱹忠ߢ墍󢍢ߢ򢍢󢍢򢍢򠭠󢍱󮢍卢堭客 ߮󢍱卢堭Ĭ٩Ӡ報      !!! ! ! 蠵墠ɠ͠좍򠤱Ģ򮢍էӠ嬠䠤򢍢宠Ģ嬠䠤򢍢宠󢍢󢍢쬢򭢍碍󮠠󠤲򢍢䠤󠨤ө墍󬠶àà墠̠Ҡ󢍢笠墍좍󬢍客à堧좍ٍ͍ˍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍԍΠٍĠ΍ٍٍٍٍ̍:HC:MD:X3:E1:? "2ND LUNCH",H":"M,"TO",:N30:2000::m MMN:M601HH(M60):MM60(M60)~ H12HH12 H":"M:ZM:MM5:M601HH1:MM60 ELAKES VIA THE SCIENCE DEPT. $$":" ":" "^ FX15:" ":"PERIOD "X,H":"M,"TO",:NB(X):2000y PX100,110,120,130,100 d: nSN1ĂX p"SNACK BREAK",H":"Z,"TO",:N5:2000: x:CH:DM:"1ST LUNCH",H":"M,"TO",:N30:2000: E1140 5:B(X)B::B(2)B10] 2"DO YOU WISH SNACK BREAK ";A$:(A$,1)"N"āX15:B(X)B(X)2::60f 7SN1p <936 A1:" 80N" C:10:"**** LAKES HIGH SCHOOL EMERGENCY BELL SCHEDULE ****":18:"++++ BY JOHN TACKE - '81 ++++") D12:"$$ DEDICATED TO   936s"USE THE 24-HOUR FORMAT.":"USE A COMMA INSTEAD OF A COLON":"STARTING TIME";H,M:"END TIME";H1,M1T(H160M1)(H60M):"TOTAL TIME="T B(T65)5:X15:B(X)B::"DO YOU WANT 2ND LONGER ";A$:(A$,1)"Y"BB2:X1 " " ":" "G "NAME----------------------------CLASS-----#-----"U P2ĺ" " " A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E" K125 K;A$(K);K25;A$(K25);K50;A$(K50);K75;A$(K75) P2ĺ" " " 0"THE TOTAL NUMBER OF FILL-IN QUESTIONS";SR @"AFTER EACH -?- TYPE THE NUMBERS";] AK1Sg BF(K) CA$(F(K))"--------------" DF(K)10A$(F(K))"---------------" E 936 1 " 80N" " LAKES HIGH SCHOOL󢍱󮢍卢孠젦䢍ߢϧ碍墍袍ߢ󢍢 A$(101),F(101):K19:A$(K)" O O O O O ":GK1099bA$(K)" O O O O O "h()A$(100)" O O O O O "*"DO YOU WANT HALF SHEET?";P$+(P$,1)"N"P22"DO YOU NEED SPACES FOR FILL-INS ?";S$<(S$,1)"N"151) >   5, 28, 7, 2, 4, 28, 8, 2, 4, 28, 8N  2, 4, 29, 7, 2, 5, 30, 5, 2, 6, 31, 3}  2, 7, 29, 4, 2, 9, 25, 6, 2, 12, 19, 9  3, 15, 5, 3, 5, 12ZK$,1)"N"S55 L1180, VD$;"OPEN ";F$? `D$;"READ ";F$J jA15V tB129c ~TP(A,B)j Bq A D$;"CLOSE "F$ 216,0: TO RESTORE ERR TEST D$;"OPEN ";F$F$ D$;"READ ";F$F$ A15 B129 S$(A,B) B AB(7,30) PT(430) Z(0), D$(4)? $D$;"MONC,I,O"O ."DATE ";C$d 8"FILE NAME ";F$ B"DO YOU WANT A GRAPH ";G$:(G$,1)"Y"G1 G"DO YOU WANT PRINT ON PAPER ";P$:(P$,1)"Y"P91 I"WILL YOU ADD POINTS ON THIS RUN"; JK$:(AM.& l *** ALL THAT NEED BE ENTEREDL m *** ARE THE POINTS EARNED SINCEf n *** THE LAST ENTRY. o *** ON STUDENT DROP CORRECT p *** NAME TO *** q *** NEW ENTRY ADD NAME ALL r *** ALL AT CORRECTION POINT.  S$(7,30),TP(7,30), ""d CHEM GRADER=e *** STUDENTS ARE ASSIGNED^f *** A PERIOD NUMBER - THENg *** A SEQUENCIAL STUDENT #.h *** FILES ARE ESTABLISHEDi *** BY USING FILE START C-G.j *** FILES ARE MAINTAINED BY k *** USING THIS PROGR     ٍٍٍٍٍčٍȍōٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍٍUS ****} P:12:26:"The Instructions go here":24:1:868:24:25:"Press Enter to Continue";:16368,0:16384,128:190 Z17:36,1:958: d **** ALPHA-NUMERIC INPUT ROUTINE **** nA$"":"";(8);:Z0!x16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384WORK,"HFIL$".DATA"U24:1:868:24:25:"Do you wish to do any more changes ?";(16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""13202Y$"Y"Y$"y"240<Y$"N"Y$"n"Ģ1::(4)"RUN HISTORY ADVENTURE"A1320 F **** INSTRUCTION MENӠ卢孠󠱹져Ӡ󢍲򢍢󢍱卢孠墍ߠӠ󢍴䢍ϧ򢍢ᬠᬠߠߢ墍ϧ좍Т報墍ᢍ卢堭򠦠Ӣ좍ϧ좍ϧ墍Ӡ卢RIOD ";PN(N1); xNO# N21NO3 N1;"-";N2;< SN$T S$(N1,N2)(SN$,14)c NNO129y S$(N1,N)"NOBODY" N N2 178 N129 S$(N1,N)"NOBODY" N N1 D$;"OPEN";F$ D$;"DELETE";F$ D$;"OPEN ";F$ w D$(4) D$;"MONC,I,O"&: PN(7),S$(7,30)QTP(7,30),AB(7,30)f"FILE NAME ";F$s(F$F$F$<N115F"A PERIOD ";N1;" ?--Y OR N ";PA$Z(A$,1)"N"175[(A$,1)"Y"70dPN(N1)N1 n"HOW MANY STUDENTS IN PE 05[ L90LGX\ L91$` 24103e XLG2500<j X:Z X9X250:PT(X9)02410k X9:HGX1:{ " NUMBER"; A1ĺ10)"NAME"; 25)"POINTS"33)"GRADE" 1710 N1"-"N2;:A1ĺ10)S$(N1,N2); 25)TP(N1,N2)33)G$:17901P TP(N1,N2)PH "CORRECTED AS ";N1;"";N2,""S$(N1,N2);"";TP(N1,N2)R 2340n "TYPE-NAME ";S$(N1,N2) "CORRECTED AS ";N1;"";N2;"";S$(N1,N2);"";TP(N1,N2)$ "ANY OTHER CORRECTIONS ";A$. (A$,1)"Y"2260B L X1250V PT(X)024N1;"-";N2;" ";S$(N1,N2);" "TP(N1,N2)K"IS THIS THE CORRECT STUDENT ";SA$i(A$,1)"N"2240"INPUT 1 FOR NAME CHANGE OR 2 FOR THE SCORE"N N12332 "CORRECT POINTS ";P SMSMPTP(N1,N2) SQSQTP(N1,N2)TP(N1,N2)PpXDCR$"-""zXC1CR$"/"4XBCR$"+"GXA3CR$"*"eZ91PT(X):Q$Q$CR$:Z9xX10)Q$:Q$""X1825"CORRECT INPUT ERROR BY STUDENT NUMBER""PERIOD 1 STUDENT INPUT AS: 1,2""STUDENT NUMBER IS";N1,N2&2000TP(N1,N2)C11960(G$"C"22000HTP(N1,N2)D1990SG$"D"]2000hG$"E"n>10);C$;20);F$:G0H08);"A=* B=+ C=/ D=- E=?"RCR$"?":2380\XLGHGaX10ĺ" ";bX100ĺ" ";fPT(X)02210PT(TP(N1,N2))1N2 " "(N16A11850<!K0G1ī2110_1A1:P91ĩ150r2N18:" ":N|41590:D$;"PR#0"DD$;"NOMONC,I,O"I255NXTP(N1,N2)A31910bG$"A"l2000vTP(N1,N2)B1940G$"B"0" NUMBER",#A1ĺ"NAME",9"POINTS","GRADE"B" "NN115[N2129z(S$(N1,N2),3)"***"1800(S$(N1,N2),6)"NOBODY"18101880P912560N1;"-";N2,A1ĺS$(N1,N2),TP(N1,N2),G$PT(TP(N1,N2))SCHOOL CHEMISTRY SCORES AND GRADES?@" FOR ";F$;" UP TO ";C$WJ" ":"AVERAGE ";MEuT"STANDARD DEVIATION ";SD^ GRADE SCALE "h"A ";A3;" AND UP"r"B ";B;" AND UP"|"C ";C1;" AND UP""D ";D;" AND UP"" ":" "P91252 GRADES BASED ON A5 *** STANDARD DEVIATION CURVEX *** CHANGE GRADE CURVE-ALTERy *** +OR- SD FROM THE MEAN.A3ME.5SDBME.5SDC1ME1.5SDDME2SD"P91ĺD$;"PR#1"," 80N": CTRL I 80N1A0"6" LAKES HIGH D$"OPEN";F$F$%D$"DELETE";F$F$9D$"OPEN";F$F$ND$"WRITE";F$F$ZN115gN2129vS$(N1,N2)N2:N1D$"CLOSE";F$F$MESMSTX(SQSTMEME)(ST1)SD(X) *** THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS *** ASSIGNQSQTP(N1,N2)TP(N1,N2)$ dSTST1, nN24 xN1a }"DO YOU WISH TO CORRECT ANY ERRORS ";A$x ~(A$,1)"Y"İ2240 D$;"OPEN";F$ D$;"DELETE";F$ D$;"OPEN";F$ D$;"WRITE";F$ N115 N2129 TP(N1,N2) N2 N1A D$;"CLOSE ";F$F$& N1153 N2129T (S$(N1,N2),5)"NOBOD"1400s (S$(N1,N2),3)"***"1390 S551360 N1;"-";N2;S$(N1,N2); (" POINTS= ";PT <TP(N1,N2)TP(N1,N2)PT FAB(N1,N2)AB(N1,N2)A1 PSMSMTP(N1,N2) ZS卢孠ߠ墍碍㢍 "WEST","TEST","DEAD","PAST","KILL","CARD","KNOW","QUIT","TAXI","HELP","JUST","BACK","EAST","LOST","LAST","HOLD"  "FIELD","YIELD","STEEL","AFTER","UNTIL","DEALT","BELOW","OLDER","BUILD","999"&3B#:D(1500(1)1):S1D:S0T0510938010:"THE LESSON IS THROUGH FOR THIS ROUND. TYPE 'RUN' FOR ANOTHER TRY AT IMPROVING YOUR READING SPEED.": "CAT","DOG","BOX","TOP","FOX","RUN","WAS","RED","YES","POT","GET","RAW","POP"v0 @P$"Y"ĄC$(I):340$ JC$(I). TTT1C ^C$(I)"999"370J hIP rb |I(T(0)1)w C$(I)"999"420 Q$"Y"Ģ11:C$(I):420 11:20);C$(I) T$C$(I) C$(I)C$(T) C$(T)T$ TT1 G$"B"AA100B1A1000:w "SELECT THE SPEED YOU WISH THE WORDS TO FLASH ON THE SCREEN (1 TO 10). 1 IS THE FASTEST AND 10 IS THE SLOWEST. ";A ":10 ,P$"Y"Ą"WILL YOU BE ENTERING MORE THAN 4 WORDS ON 1 LINE? (Y OR N) --- ENTER '999' WHEN FINISHED --- ";Q$ 6:I1200# ::10)"CHOOSE AGE CATAGORY"G ::12)"A. 1 TO 10 YEARS OLD"d :12)"B. 11 AND OLDER" ::10)"(CHOOSE A OR B) " :10)"-----> ";:G$ :(5) ::"DO YOU WISH TO ENTER YOUR OWN WORDS OR SENTENCES ? (Y OR N) ";P$ :(5)ILL FLASH ON THE SCREEN IN THE SAME LOCATION EACH TIME." :::"THE LENGTH EACH WORD IS ON THE SCREEN IS SELECTED BY YOU, BUT THE PERIOD BETWEEN WORDS IS RANDOM. SO KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE SCREEN. " ::"PRESS ANY KEY WHEN READY....." E$ 9 *"3 Z10:"* *"X d10:"*************************"i nW11500:Wu xT(100) C$(500):I(100) :58 "THIS PROGRAM WILL HELP YOUR READING SPEED. WORDS EITHER FROM WITHIN THIS PROGRAM OR WORDS YOU ENTER, W 010:10:"*************************"U10:"* *"z(10:"* READING *"210:"* 06/10/80 *"<10:"* BY ALBERT G. LAST *"F10:"* SAN ANDREAS, CA *" P10:"* 9524󢍢Ţ䢍󢍍Ţ䢍󢍠󢍍󢍢Ƣ͢󢍢󢍢٢ڢɢ󢍢򠦠󢍢עǢ󢍢󢍢ɢ󠦢¢ᠱĢᠱ̢ᠱâ󠠱Ӣ         D$;"WRITE ";F$ N115( N21297 S$(N1,N2)? N2G "N1[ ,D$;"CLOSE ";F$p 1D$;"NOMONC,I,O"v 6" O R G E N E R A T I N G Q U E S T I O N S":A&I1PAGELNK&XX1a&I$(X)"END"1730o&4)I$(X)&I:CN2ĺ(12)&PRI1Ċ3:1002::23::28:"Press any key to continue ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:1:1002@'CN1Ģ23::28:16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"Y"Y$"y"PR1p%^:18:25:"Is the Printer on and ready (Y/N) ";}%c1:1002%h16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$"Y"Y$"y"1660%m1640%r:X01&|CN2ĺ:" I N S T R U C T I O N S F instructions to print on S)creen or P)rinter";i$,16368,0:16384,128:Y$((16384)128):Y$""1580$6Y$"S"Y$"s"CN1:PAGELN19:1650$@Y$"P"Y$"p"CN2:PAGELN54:1620$J1580;%T:16:22:"Do you want to pause for paper change ?";:ɢ23::868:24:20:"You must have "ST" letters in this field ";:#:12:28:"All files saved and closed ":CHR(4)"CLOSE":#:1::" I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R G E N E R A T I N G Q U E S T I O N S ":34,2/$":13:14:"Do you wish";:JJ:"Y27ı#"Y271400B"A$A$Y$:PRĺY$;"";(8);X"(A$)LNĺ" ";:b"1400|"ERL(218)(219)256"ERL730ī750"ERL965NF1:970"ERL990ī1010"ERL9651010"ERL1290ī1300"(222)" in line ";ERL:C#)128):Y$""1400>!}Y$(34)1400: NO IMBEDDED " ALLOWED\!16368,0:Y$(1)Z79:q!Y$(26)Z80:!Y(Y$):Y8(A$)0ĺ(8)"_"(8);(8);!Y8(A$)1A$"":1400!Y8(A$)1A$(A$,(A$)1):1400"Y13āJJ1LN(A$):" ZX12000:X::10:"PRINT QUESTION #";I;". ";; dA$(I)A nd x"WHAT IS THE ANSWER ? ";B$(I)v A$(I)""60 "WHAT FILE NAME? ";N$ D$;"APPEND ";N$ D$;"WRITE ";N$ I1 J1I1 A$(J):B$(J) J D$;"CLOSE ";N$ APPEND TEST :107A$(100):B$(100):I0LD$(4): CTRL DR(2"THIS PROGRAM LETS YOUAPPEND TEXT AS EITHER QUESTIO NS/ANSWERS OR PLAIN TEXT. DO NOT EXCEED 239 CHARACTERS."<FII1P"(PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO QUIT.)0 !!!󢍲卢堭󢍱堧觠堧󢍲卢堭󢍱󠱹ߢ󠍢󢍢堦ߢ颍àӠߢ좍ᢍ墍碍좍򢍲卢𢍱좍卢^15:13:"A N S W E R"3 h16:13:"- - - - - -"> r19:3P |"-----> ";W$ W$B$(M)ė:10:15:A$(M):13:5:"THE CORRECT ANSWER IS : ";B$(M):430 W$B$(M)ė:10:13:"C O R R E C T":430 :10:7:"NOT CORRECT--TRY AGAIN":X11000:X$;"READ ";Z$ I% A$(I):B$(I)0 R$(I); J1IE :10W A$(J):B$(J)^ Jr D$;"CLOSE ";Z$z NI J0 S1I M(I(1)1) " 64:10:"Q U E S T I O N # ";S @5:10:"- - - - - - - -" J10:3 TA$(M) *A P *********************************G U Z10:"THIS PROGRAM WILL RANDOMLY QUIZ YOU ON THE PREVIOUSLY ENTERED TEST.":Q12000:Q d:10 nD$(4): CTRL D x"NAME OF TEST FILE? ";Z$ D$;"OPEN ";Z$ D) *********************************Q * *y * RETRIEVE TEST *( * BY ALBERT LAST *2 * 8-15-80 *< * SAN ANDREAS, CA * F * """" "PRINT QUESTION #";I;". ";% dA$(I)+ nN x"WHAT IS THE ANSWER ? ";B$(I)` A$(I)""60{ "WHAT FILE NAME? ";N$ D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"WRITE ";N$ I1 J1I1 A$(J):B$(J) J D$;"CLOSE ";N$)  :10%A$(300):B$(300):I0:D$(4): CTRL D@(2"THIS PROGRAM LETS YOU WRITE TEXT AS EITHER QUESTIONS/ANSWERS OR PLAIN TEXT. DO NOT EXCEED 239 CHARACTERS."<FII1P"(PRESS THE RETURN KEY TO QUIT.) ZX12000:X::10:"" THE ANSWER ? ";B$(I)' PA$(I)""40; ZD$;"CLOSE ";N$ =:A$(100):B$(100):I0) D$(4)m:10:"WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE PROGRAM YOU WISH APPENDED? ";N$D$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$(II1*X12000:X-:102"PRINT QUESTION #";I;". ";7A$(I)<:: F:"WHAT IS" "s","which are in parenthesis, TMPW."," If you choose a Multi-choice you are then required to fill in" >7 "the next Four fields with selections of possible answers. Any other","selected type of answer will automatically take you to the Answer","fielject MUST be a capital letter."," ") " (2) This first letter CANNOT be the same as the first letter"," of any other subject."," "," The reason for the above two requirements is that the selection"* "on the History Menu screen uses thilar the the selection menu on the History part","of the program. You select the period to be changed by entering the"#) "corresponding number."," "," There are two rules associated with changing the menu."," "," (1) The first letter of the sub"Press any key to continue ";:16368,0:16384,128:16368,0:f'CN2I$(X)"END"ĺ(12):3:1002{'I$(X)"END"190'3::1670w("Changing the Menu",""," You first have the opportunity to change the Menu. The menu","displayed will be sim