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You must delete a memorized itemmbefore memorizing another.."Please remove Quicken program diskk from disk drive 1, turn it over,,and reinsert it into the drive.Unable to format diskyour current data disk now..&YOU ARE ABOUT TO ERASE A QUICKEN DISK..Remove Quicken disk.."Insert Quicken disk in disk drive..(Label face up.))(Label face down.))-WARNING: THIS IS NOT THE CURRENT BACKUP DISK.3Check the disk to be sure you want to overwriSee user's manual..Disk is write protected.. Remove write-protect tab on diskk and reinsert.%Disk drive door is open, drive has no*disk, or disk is not formatted for ProDOS..Please correct..Use Other Activities, Select Account to switchh*disks. 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DISK ERRORR#+You are trying to delete/rename a read-only,file, or to delete a non-empty subdirectory..This name is in use..Choose a different name.. Disk is full.Duplicate volume names --remove one of the disks..!Volume or subdirectory not found.If you have switched disks,please replace your disk.Press RETURN to continue.Press ESC to abandon.YESNOO Write CheckssCheck Registerr Main MenuMemorized Listt Print`vNkw!`v" !h`vkT )< CHKUNIT 7 ;s /іF !jS iu#i"h" h!O u "#"i!Ɋ! !!ʊ !!ʊd! `uN !!ʊ!x01t"x m&o lm5jkdbt$i! u!u<h`  Ȣ u u` &uMot1 O#Ik##`u8`"tVLoF!X==LoF!M==pj * 1HEAPUNIT+ v'0 0xo0x0 1x011  B#3h#xO%x$spi!%x0ybspi!Li!uIh! pL0x01t#x nw!2h!x#1y"uMh1x01t!x l"2"x.$1y#spi!uIh! 1 each line??Pitch (characters per inch)100122A0 \OGA2?COPYUNIT,  \c[tccc(Ě o 1i!2c!xjc!y h (0 0x0""j ! e printing is OK on the left side but doesn't 3reach the right side, press RIGHT-ARROW to mark 12.3If the printing is too long on the left and right #sides, press LEFT-ARROW to mark 10.SlottPorttPrinter  number12$Need extra linefeed afteruicken needs to know which  the printer youu4want to use is connected to. If your printer is nott connected to  1, press RIGHT-ARROW to mark  2.2If your printer prints lines on top of each other,,.press LEFT-ARROW to mark the YES answer below..3If th ESC..PRINTINGG While the printer is runninggyou can use these keys:ESC to stop printingSPACE bar to pauseto continue printinggSPACE bar to continue Adjust Quicken to Printer(Press RETURN when the answer is correct..slottporttQۀ"u('ot'tuOuP\t QɄQu&%$#uQuicken cannot print./There is no printer connected to your computer..Please install a printer card in your computerr)and connect the printer to your computer. PressmlkQuoijihi h'!P!P!RR R!X R_ RPMJ!t j"jWPkPkPPuZʊ3!PMJ t i" iցt⼀ۀ0 6`6`  / ᘀ3 6 6I`!6`;61`S6`m6`6`6ց`u' ,Ouatuu!MJ--u+atu - un`u7u^u.Gu#_unuzuu' uu\t=t 6tu`u,``ɀGw`ɀ 1܂utv `p `6`6ႀ ႀ` ᘀ jhjuGh   hh 4p}w!ijjj]bp b6 b6b&6b>6bS6bu'tuDu(H"6"]h  i! h! 4 5p  ` Yf1CzpdD< a}PRINTUNI("`u8#`t6"`u8#`t_` 4` pk ` 4` p}h !1  h6] p )tP`u `*)zii CheckssSet UppSearch And ListSelect Another AccounttQuitt...S<){]?.~e@; % {  v :70}9x\K } f 3 +  ylalSd\wG;!r!ʊ7! !!!ʊ!! t! ! ʊր"#"i!ɋ!9mph !!ʊ!! !!ʊ !!ʊF!!!ʊ5! `uN !!ʊ! ! !! tր.%N u$ %pj"[$""uH4".k#h"*i)i%i! i !u-h/i9i ;iiր #%! p"튟s!h 0 {x uV {y w uV wp2N u. . +{ + -`cu=/k``p,"p,^ssmh %# ?#aau-.#}"s ssih !,u s u     uZos )/u@sw>$ih #Ɉ!ʈ!ʈʖ2"h 6 .i!u !Z!!!#u" Ė^!!%! s&sssi!! 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Please write 0Do you want to clear this check from the screen??/Do you want to memorize the marked information?Nothing to Memorize&an item before attempting to memorize..After you write it, press M to memorize it.LARS||ADDRESSMEMOOGQ^x Helpful Hint 0For faster bill paying, write and record severallchecks. Then press P to print them all at once..No Checks to Printt#and record a check before printing.To record a check, preseeteennTwennThirrForFifSixSevenEighhNineetyyRETURN to record check, P to print checksCurrent Balance:$Account:: WRITE CHECKSSESCAPE:Main Menuu - Thousand Thousand Hundred -Zeroo and /1000199 PAY TO THEEORDER OFF$DOLʭ ʖz u8t..u=ku muB%uCeuAl$  ցؖ    OneTwoThreeFourrFiveeSixSevenEightNineeTenElevennTwelveeThirrFourrFifSixSevenEighhNinʛʊ\  ʛʊ-  h ʛʖ ɀ ʊ uZCw!u@ ʛtʛb}<... .1.u&ieL...P...PuCʛʊ Hwց  pFq  ɁՋ DŽǂ*Ǜ ǂ7&ǘu&  p Fb;ɋZwuC F p: p.BuZ"u@ ʛw  [uZwi..ɛɢ.u Isjuu+uE+`uF `..-cutuuuuuDiijOther Activitiess Reset AccountPress RETURN to continue.You must select an accounttbefore you can reset it.. Before resetting an account, youu&must first print all unprinted checks.. Resetting: ,Resetting an account will PERMANENTLY deletee)the check register of the current account((listed above). The memorized list willlremain.*Caution: To reset the current account, youumust type YES beluR>$bQ$uL"h a  hpLsj`g `mu`u#tuuuuu uuuDn >k^uSGuIst?(^uL u*si!J?`s!K h au u u u u u(upAu t t ʛʛ 9 8h  +   tZXuS]uS]#^@\  Ej^uLKy=}A A u u u ut   N R ț u u uu u u u aU u aVh au u u u u u AuB u u aWu Bu u u u  -ʛӃʛu@.h -     ʛʛʛʛ?th  h  ^@$Qt( 8w;!        -ʛ.h )        - ʛ.h   (      -ʛ.h        ' .i!! !!- ӛ.ʛ .i!!!!-!!ʖ,.h         -ʛ.h         - ʛ.h ! ! !!!!!P 튵.i!6!!!-! ! !ʛ.i!>!!!- ! !ʛ.i!!!(!-!!ʛ.i!C!! !- !-!h !!-ʋ!/! !!!-ʊz!9!!!!-ʊV!;! !!!-ʊ2!!!!!!!-ʊր 틎gʛ ʛʛh E .i!INITUNIT1/ʛ4p h k4 .i!!P F!!!!!!-ʋ!!!!!!!- ʋ!!!!!-ʋ! !!!!bOSBASMFORMAT.CODEbS%X%Z~r RESET.CODEr PCUNIT.CODE" INITUNIT.CODE}%AE%C %Eq%Gods. The first characterr%must be a letter. Do not enter '/'s.Type a disk name: The disk to be formatted shouldbe in the disk drive NOW.Press RETURN to continue. `0-O .N*2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFORMAT.BINow..OK to delete check register? YESResetting account....Done. )Caution: To destroy the current contents%of the disk, you must type YES below.OK to destroy contents? YESAbout to format )A disk name consists of up to 15 letters,*numbers, and periu*! u*! u*pHpuIpҺ!튮!i!d HuI u*!gu8["p ["j""j"Vn"V nnnqnmmp u8g tVeu8getget'lloj ikʛtʛtʛt WD,p WʛWʛWʚmhgtxě ʛ  u*[tuMN u*L p 9ʄ  t(u uVuK^uJku*#s^s t#?>  Κnqmhplo[gWɦWɦWɦg(!huiuOuuu)h`j`FN`uh`r`%N`uu(' 'ᤃ℁,zp[gWʛWʛW[tuMp"h u*Ouu!WuWu#!u#`N`QldRd` dVdu[uutuDk# # ##p x ʈ x hUspH%s puIp  k  hno' *' 'xb "p"'o &    M!`F@"  [tuM!WuuIp!Mui![!ʉg[tuMp!m h  P x@ x0[tuM%s p x %s uLpih !$  s p   f%uS %uLp>a`!ʉ!*塉塉u*ph   ĭݖp du8Vbu8 onononon o'n .uLp ppLM a`! h %F i!:%uS %uLpa`!   u*`#"`"t"`u8`tk1p `6`6,`℀`6₀G6*`℀`6₀B6`&6`<6`u'uDu( p!Lu1hi!RFuS FuLp BACKUNIT^ M`tuMpxć Ė`tuMpxć xuMpuLps !WuuI tp`in the drive. If not, insert it now..To continue, press RETURN..To abandon, press ESC..Balance Forward HELP.DATA HELP.DATASETTING UP ACCOUNTT  HELP.DATAO %yO .*2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFO6b HELP.DATA8Use arrow or number keys to choose and then press RETURNNTOPBOTTOMMCopyright (C) 1987 IntuitAPPLE-- A --|Z_ aw.systemq.systemm HELP.DATA Check Diskk SETUP ACCOUNT 'Make sure that the disk you want to use(is uSk#me# e, euSkOuuĂuu)u u*#V$me# e, eQd$uLHjd"`  8"j duL#  x      Ouu$s  ?g@^uL`́ Wu# W,`7ń  u u#uuu uOuuuuguEguFbg guu ɄɄɄu7Q #@s̈7@̱ͭgRu#u uu u !u:u Huuu,tuH`礃㇃㇃&ga a ⇃Έ%焃@g@0䄃s%' BALUNIT pu u!u@uau u eu ~uu ppu uuu  u u u !u 6u ppu #L 6 \ +O .t+2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFORMAT.BINbOSBASMFORMAT.CODEbS%X%Z~r RESET.CODEr PCUNIT.CODE" INITUNIT.CODE}%A keys to move highlighted barr TRANSACTION DEP or PMT  MEMO Memorized List is Empty 2Please write and memorize an item before printing..Balance fUA6 meEwFlB)9tf[FeN)lease reformat your backup disk with a differentvolume name and try again..)Remove your backup disk and press Escape. HELP.DATACopy/Backup Data DiskQ.SYSTEMM HELP.DATA&Do you want to delete the marked item??List of Memorized Items2Use UP and DOWN arrownation file name..%If you are making a backup, leave the(name unchanged; if you are copying, youumay enter a new file name..Type DESTINATION file name: PROBLEM0You cannot copy or backup between disks with thee"same volume name (both are named """).1PE disk..+(If you are backing up to your data disk bymistake, press ESC to cancel.))  NOT BACKUP COMPLETEEPress RETURN to continue.  Copying from: Copying to: Destination Drivecopy to (DESTINATION DISK))Destination Filee Enter the desti#`fɀ"u& :fɀ"*+fɀ ffɀ\wh/    5`H.`O$`o``W ց Press RETURN to continue. Insert the DESTINATION disk. SOURCu.u-l$lfɀ#$$Af (%!%%#!!&!""f fɀf '% %#%# !' #""fɀ"(fɀ")fɀ"!l$%#fɀ+"& buQl$l$#" %##"(p"ʚqquPlw$ wuZK+AOuu Ou ##%g/uuuOu u(u@uul$tfu,fɀfɀ"<buQfɀ1buQ"B#-%!h ' h###'leuQj%uO(uWgwռ'''' w gw(uWqkhqni ! h uWgwn (uWn' uWgw'''' k#uUgwn' uWgw((Pu Pu!! "hijOuu!" "!i"j"##"}ᰦu  %u  %#,#!h! & h"#buj"'"uGe  i!@sOSBASMFORMAT.CODEbS%X%Z~r RESET.CODEr PCUNIT.CODE" INITUNIT.CODE}%AE%C %Eq%GFROM date is later than TO datePlease Correctt Is this search request correct ??J 1/ 1Search Requestt,,Cq-o O .|,2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFORMAT.BINb transactions in whichPayee containssand Memo contains&No Items Found That Match This RequesttPress ? for search directions,,and then try again.-ARROW to move through listtZ|_L DATE| NUM | TRANSACTION | PAYMENT |C| DEPOSIT TOPBOTTOMMCOLUMN TOTALS::OVERALL TOTAL:: SEARCHINGSearch UnderwaySEARCH REQUESTTRETURN to start searchh Search from199too199for allLISTT0Use UP-ARROW and DOWN tߖ1 R*P`P  R8 MEMO:Listt uBhuCшuA..bu>i..cu>ibcɲSʛʛ֛.ɛ֛.uh6xu&ʊ uZhhւ . jit!a!ʛʛuCF.ɛ.uh` ` `$ `u& t`cu=.*P.cP.`P.cP Ɋ:шwuC) p pw pց ʇ4"u6 3"t2"t4Ċ+(*)+u* +(*)+u*"j+튃u*4Ċ4_ u?Wuh`  `G `uWu#u#SuuYuu[u!u']u)u_unu(u vu uu4ċN!ia` u*4ċ4 h fɲ`au04ċ h fɲ u*4ċ .(". t!"t! t"tbax!Z Z k)*< kl$)* *)1 +1uu04Ċwm" ɢ6 "$&+ȄT+(paȄhap+t!at!+tat+ zza і+,w-,`uK-`&,T 13B2B4..gu>m..fu>muOqZiuXh!gɳa`u0,0402t0*u;* u*)6*p7h h  h h  ih !  b%`$b` *u1u6u7uu)*p RϬPzͬPT&+(h @ s"! /xć c c0"ȊM"! cc ."c*c1!Ȋc3c0"c 1!c0xȇx!c<x!xʇx"ćx!ćx/ćx !" < uF uu uY\5#^℃# 2 @` Wu#,u#7ɄɄɄuu 9` ΁ ,` 8ƄգOuuuu傀 _P`4P`u#_ ( :u_**S *_h *P#__u`u uu`WuuuD` ˁ uH   t,` 5ÄղOuuuuuEut u,u`tbabau ) + ++ubt u,   ɀ)u )0uu )2uufF     ɀ ++ ɀ ++nbabauu u e     uX bxc)"     u af    ! !eud!u# 44 4c[ 4u uu) u3 u'=u'u 'uuc)uu`p  `pu8't'u'`#p`&Kȇ $ 'u='`+p`0/Ȅ`1p!u u "`uu u " c)ɢɂu"" c)ɢuu " b  2 u%  t )i #o $n %ep'lkj"%)39 $ $"j"%"#&!i* t! $kl$'l#k))*s b! uMk `2 ub "ĭbxc)ոc*bx `p  ` p4  Qihb* *! b!ib*  h! 3 *! *! * * !i h!   !!   s p ) F ( sp )uI)ҧ* spi!.@!uI7!//ȇ/kc c/Q cR cP21%)%)%k#*#) l &$ p$ Ĉ &$ p$ $ G$ &Ȉ &$$p &$p &!apa a ɀDu.$ !ʊ#)#)Ėu,u#t u2`u3F`ɀ  3`ɀ #`t`ɀ`ɀ,w^uLV1<,73/+'^Y^ s ր5^uL^Y^ sR-10h/tj2"ɄɄuu,d!m<!ʆ!x<!ʆ!<!ʆ!<!ʆ!<!ʆ!<! ʆ!<! ʆu1  u%,Wu &ʇyx4 '4Q ]g ]F튁,`4„4Q w],턁4FuH4#^ ^ᄃ# 2 @  Ʉui0u0t!0uu u/ɇ/ɇ/ɇ/u."yk#y#x0 i!0j"Y"/"kcZ c"Q cP""/"kc"P c[Q cP50B4,\`ʁ Շ ᤃ߇߇s 4PuSOxc>c0xȇx!c<x!xʇu1,5u%34u -u13u#/tit2u2u2`u3$`.`ɀ`ɀ,wԇ2jJ""y! ՇOuuNuu 0P0YP0uE0`uF` -Y)uE uF kꄃ%uu u傀YIs8P 嘀y  s puIpFɄɄɄuu9u!hu%,,u u,u#tu2utu3hm ,^uL&uRuL \ s`ʀ ₀Yub!!현 ₁$  uu u₀Y* , .  1  4 h * ia  a7 a Ј: = @ B D F I L h * ia  a3 PCUNIT v.  pB B B B  B  B B B B      $ ' 9 [ O .A-2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFORMAT.BINbOSBASMFORMAT.CODEbS%X%Z~r RESET.CODEr PCUNIT.CODE" INITUNIT.CODE}%File""&About to PERMANENTLY remove this file.. DELETING FILEOK to delete this file?+This is a Quicken data file. Are you sure?Rename Account/File""Renaming this file.ENTER NEW NAMEEType new name for file: |q!_Lt tory to create: Disk FormatterrFORMATTER.DATAAQUICKEN1Disk is already ProDOS volume /QUICKEN%This disk appears to have data on it.'This device is larger than 2 megabytes. Formatting...Successfully formatted.Press RETURN to continue.Delete Account/Disk0(To create a new account, use Other Activities.))If the disk you want to )is not already in a drive, insert it now.To continue, press RETURN..Create Accounttcreate an account onnType name of data file: Create Subdirectory%Type name of subdirecent account  7. Rename accounts or files // More Spreadsheet Quicken Dataa Subdirectoryy Select File Disk Name: File Name Type of fileeSizeeDateeNo files found. .Use arrow keys to choose and then press RETURNNSSU--> Insert 1 (Slot 0)  0. ProDOS directory ProDOSSType ProDOS prefix: //Select AccounttOther Activitiess 1. Select account  2. Create new account  3. Format a blank disk  4. Create a subdirectory  5. Delete accounts or files  6. Reset curr^uH 667P 6㘀 6s puIp"ɄɄuuեɄɄɄuuA@ 0. RAMDisk (Slot 0)  0. Built-in disk  0. Ext. disk //c  0. Disk 3.5 #1  0. Disk7ń^7 N,7< 667P 6a _ 6P66 6a  6 6u#u,uOuuuuむYPuE㄄5uF5焃uu uむYi a   ;  u# <uP,uWuZva a QcuZI^uHs puIp"ɄɄuuɄɄɄuu;,y`́ ,,`pv uI&u#uutu,:ɄɄɄuu s;,0`́ ,,`7ń7  ,7 7P  a _  P :  D 6!y!xtspIu uu 킁uI5 55+pRpEu u 55vᇃၠu u 55duuuO a Ж3  iayh `u7 u8f!uNh!x#"j" " " "k!Ėw!` j $i# i i iiii iiրQ  0GO Ei iOiii iiր\.U] Si i\i1000XX/XXXXX/Payee XX,XXX.XX POINTER LINE This is a void checkk 2I Position HelpPosition checks in printer.0Quicken can print a sample check to guide you inn2vertically positioning your checks in the printer..Return to continue,ourrFiveeSixSevenEightNineeTenElevennTwelveeThirrFourrFifSixSevenEighhNineeteennTwennThirrForFifSixSevenEighhNineetyy - Thousand Thousand Hundred -Zeroo and / !diuPiu ` ` ` b bB `b` `s  h uudHuWu#Hu# . u9 f  ! ʐsOneTwoThreeF T G zu uu-& !u8+u8 a!h   ԗ u8ay    alflf u7$V!uVbwm" f t +"tu +%k+%bw#+% w ! f^* a6 u&ʖ, .hɀ VTɀ dw?ɀð+auZ ɀ    hj  buAւu   h "h ] h     nP! #  ʊ'!  ʛu t!   ʖ& ,h. // D h/u9u7u7塭B塠^ tat//uHOP  & u u uum  #$()+u+l-@Bu+ltj"N"  #A"" dw"а" "ð"㰠 vtW .h ʈ ʈʈ;  -     ` - `uW u0u ?uTu ou# uu tuuu uu mct- - -,-`tc//cP /Q /`V /P//, /c| /u u,h#"w"%"% !whh lud v u .ch  #d+#`kܖv` ' dHu Mu u du#`du`u# 7u u u uuh` ` pvD =p <ț >fUf pf "pf >p*+  pRv*ɡ+B  p.vfUf  p  pրB h h #     v==8;u=f==8 = =; =Uf  fppv6fUf  p2 dB2  pL  (p`B0`bu5b2u;  *p 2  22pvd`du4v`u6vdf f 2ex)D DU  Bex^  UDnDUDD D DU  V  UD DU  _  UDD0exȇDD0exȇCDlDD$*p DD$ȖEA v`B8;x  v  Uex5D DU  Bex^  |g  Uex՟ex,D DU  ex^  UhD DU  ex^  Uex5D DU  V  Bex_  Uii iiրeBAE bu8DnUl$`A`bte$ ĄAbt$exՑexDexUQDexUex5D DU  oV  Bex_  UD DU  p_  U2ex)D Be P to adjust printer4Without moving the checks, find this pointer line onnthe check that just printed::(<============ POINTER LINE ============>>5What position number does this pointer line point to?(1-43) ::4To put the right check number in the check register,,3type the check number from the blank check about to5be printed in the space provided. Then press RETURN.-,Quicken attempted to print check number(s): .If all checks printed correctly, press RETURN..4If not, type the check number of the first wp;   (ecu=e p= p !p(B((au5(u6 /hat ;hata :( wȮ(tF      c  #  p/t u  \ d uQ'h '* < aw p& πC  '  #   p #   p #  1p #  Hp   C-p h ;    F -p   ` Ap   P-p )|ț 4|  (p$B'$`u5`* 3D$u6 3PȈ 5p   <L& awph (a  p   < ҖLM'u>MɈɲu&+ uZh ɀ uʖ iduB!buCbauA ր䖁ӡ p  )|ț 4|Ȗ  :``  p`` * p`ɀð  pɀfwuNh<ɈɳɈɲ p Ălu&_hɀ ղʈʈ.i!!u..u>j..P`cu=.m%% %%%-%%%%%`P.m%#% %%%- %%%%%cPHu#Pu[u!_uu#u au! du u# u+Ibp   !-p  X@f+f*`u;`(u` )(p ʈʈʈ`cu=.m%%%%%-%%%%%`P.m%#%%%%- %%%%%c6`ɀ̰  p`ɀ  Gw `p` `ɀԍX d C   b5P b\P bOPbt!biP!h b  !pb..@ . .Pb bp,u8,btb..E .bU .Pb PFUNIT O \ ou2 Guh` ` `3 `uOu"uWu#u##u#(uuG `u,`ɀ  pM`ɀ p~r RESET.CODEr PCUNIT.CODE" INITUNIT.CODE}%AE%C %Eq%G9%Ie%K-%Mg on$the check that just printed look OK?? dxQZhEV>5  7tO .-2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFORMAT.BINbOSBASMFORMAT.CODEbS%X%Z(or only))0check that printed incorrectly and press RETURN.. YESNOO$Do you want to print a sample check??YESNOO Helpful Hintt Please type a number from  to &Did all of the checks print correctly??#Does the up and down positionin    (  #   p     <  / -p ; -p    #   p/ ;    ##   pbbtb`u5;lbu6/l`$  4 txĈ  ʈʈʈ ʈ  h ruXiuNjh "!i!t  uN(hɈɲh Ի* @fBdBbBd ihɀð  pɀfwuNh<ɈɳɈɲ p Ălu&_hɀ ղʈʈ.i!!u..u>j..P`cu=.m%% %%%-%%%%%`P.m%#% %%%- %%%%%cPHu#Pu[u!_uu#u au! du u# u+Ibp   !-p  X@f+f*`u;`(u` )(p ʈʈʈ`cu=.m%%%%%-%%%%%`P.m%#%%%%- %%%%%c6`ɀ̰  p`ɀ  Gw `p` `ɀԍX d C   b5P b\P bOPbt!biP!h b  !pb..@ . .Pb bp,u8,btb..E .bU .Pb PFUNIT O \ ou2 Guh` ` `3 `uOu"uWu#u##u#(uuG `u,`ɀ  pM`ɀ p~r RESET.CODEr PCUNIT.CODE" INITUNIT.CODE}%AE%C %Eq%G9%Ie%K-%Mg on$the check that just printed look OK?? dxQZhEV>5  7tO ,wղ2 MAKEFMT.CODEr#'2 ASMFORMAT.BINbOSBASMFORMAT.CODEbS%X%Z(or only))0check that printed incorrectly and press RETURN.. YESNOO$Do you want to print a sample check??YESNOO Helpful Hintt Please type a number from  to &Did all of the checks print correctly??#Does the up and down positioninregister,,3type the check number from the blank check about to5be printed in the space provided. Then press RETURN.-,Quicken attempted to print check number(s): .If all checks printed correctly, press RETURN..4If not, type the check number of the first try again..&Are these the dates you want to print??  Transaction Dep or PmttMemoo Date Num TransactionPayment C DepositBalance 199memo: COLUMN TOTALS OVERALL TOTAL6\VyJ"YfN  To PrinttEnter Dates to PrinttFrom ::199To ::199 Enter Dates$Nothing to Print Between These Datess .Please change one or both dates and try again.. Helpful Hintt3The "from" date must be earlier than the "to" date..Please change one or both dates and <!C  @b  k # #  # j  #h RETURN to start printing, P to adjust printerDATES TO PRINTT PrintinggPosition paper in printerSEARCH AND LIST--LISTAccount::Page Datesu>MɈɲu&+ uZh ɀ uʖ iduB!buCbauA ր䖁ӡ p  )|ț 4|Ȗ  :``  p`` * p`` Ap   P-p )|ț 4|  (p$B'$`u5`* 3D$u6 3PȈ 5p   <L& awph (a  p   < ҖLM'LE-D $Previous screens, Main Menu ESCAPE ?Go to Check Register APPLE-C Editing Keys $Go to Memorized List APPLE-L) %Delete character to left DELETE NMoving through lists Delete character a time Arrow Keys Print APPLE-P)%Memorize an item APPLE-MNMoving around the program Recall a memorized item APPLE-RLGet Help APPLE-? Delete a transaction APPMaster Key Summary 5Movement Keys Action KeysNMoving the cursor around the screen Continue or confirm RETURNLMove from blank to blank RETURN, TAB Quick confirm APPLE-RETURNLMove a space at A.A3E{ FS < H^  ' OLj  q u Z C TcU$@ +g       try again..&Are these the dates you want to print??  Transaction Dep or PmttMemoo Date Num TransactionPayment C DepositBalance 199memo: COLUMN TOTALS OVERALL TOTAL6\VyJ"YfN  To PrinttEnter Dates to PrinttFrom ::199To ::199 Enter Dates$Nothing to Print Between These Datess .Please change one or both dates and try again.. Helpful Hintt3The "from" date must be earlier than the "to" date..Please change one or both dates and <!C  @b  k # #  # j  #h RETURN to start printing, P to adjust printerDATES TO PRINTT PrintinggPosition paper in printerSEARCH AND LIST--LISTAccount::Page Datesʈʈʈ ʈ  h ruXiuNjh "!i!t  uN(hɈɲh Ի* @fBdBbBd ih    (  #   p     <  / -p ; -p    #   p/ ;    ##   pbbtb`u5;lbu6/l`$  4 txĈ  wp;   (ecu=e p= p !p(B((au5(u6 /hat ;hata :( wȮ(tF      c  #  p/t u  \ d uQ'h '* < aw p& πC  '  #   p #   p #  1p #  Hp   C-p h ;    F -p    CONTROL-FLGo to top of list APPLE-T Delete blank CONTROL-XLGo to bottom of list APPLE-B Delete from cursor to end CONTROL-YLGo to next screen APPLE-DOWN-ARROW Restore information CONTROL-ZLGo to previous screen APPLE-UP-ARROW Overstrike/insert cursor CONTROL-E$Move through list APPLE-1--9Gproportionately APPLE-? repeatedly for more help %To pick an activity at the Main Menu, !press DOWN-ARROW and then Ro print checks, press LEFT-ARROW and then RETURN.About the Check Numbers-The custom checks you order are consecutively,numbered. When you print checks, the program,will ask you to type the check number of the,first check about to be printed. To =In the space provided, type the position number (1-43) on theBperforated strip that the pointer line points to and press RETURN.AThe program will automatically advance the checks in your printer2and will print a properly positioned sample check.2Tck and then ask you ifit printed correctly. @If the check printed correctly, press LEFT-ARROW to mark the YES 3answer at the bottom of the screen and then RETURN. DIf the check printed incorrectly, find the pointer line on the check just printed. lete.2. Press APPLE-D. #3. Press LEFT-ARROW to mark the YES "answer at the bottom of the screen and then RETURN.Positioning ChecksCAt the Position checks in printer screen, press LEFT-ARROW and thenARETURN. The program will print a sample chefor the check you want to recall and press APPLE-R. 8NOTE: To see the List of Memorized Items, press APPLE-L.1Deleting a Check from the List of Memorized Items'1. Press UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW to move"the highlight bar to the check youwant to dell a Check31. At the Write/Print Checks screen, press APPLE-R.-2. Press APPLE-R repeatedly until you see the)check you want. The program recalls itemsin alphabetical order. .PROGRAM TIP: For faster recall, type the first -letter(s) of the payee can recall a check so you never have to type it again.How to Memorize a Check .1. Go to Write/Print Checks or Check Register. *2. Type the information in the blanks just as you want it memorized.3. Press APPLE-M.4. Press RETURN.How to Recae Written41. Press APPLE-C. The program will display the check register.Memorizing and Recalling ChecksCMemorizing enables the program to remember specific checks or partsCof checks such as the memo which you use regularly. Once memorized,:yourom the Screen61. Press APPLE-D. The program will ask you if you want#to clear the check from the screen.2. Press RETURN..NOTE: When you clear a check, it has no effect 1on the check register or List of Memorized Items. !Reviewing Checks You Hav it to appear.'If needed, change the date. To move the0cursor from blank to blank, press RETURN or TAB.02. Press APPLE-RETURN to record the check in thecheck register. .3. Press APPLE-P to print checks you have just written.Clearing Checks fe!,accounts; format disks; make subdirectories./8. Quit Exit to ProDOS.1Fill out the check. Press APPLE-RETURN to record/the check. Then press APPLE-P to print checks. Writing Checks/1. Fill out the check as you wantup Make a copy of your account data.  K6. Transfer Data Transfer information in your check register:to Appleworks to an AppleWorks spreadsheet.H7. Other Activities Select, create, delete, reset, or renamuch as deposits or!*handwritten checks, to the check register.!I3. Balance With Bank Statement Balance your bank statement and register. J4. Search and List Sort, list, and total check register items!  A5. Copy Current Account/BackETURN.5Choose This Option To Perform This ActivityL--------------------------- --------------------------------------------71. Write Checks Write and print checks.E2. Use Check Register Add transactions, ssee this)check, you may need to remove the printer)access cover and look inside the printer. +When you find the check number of the first )check about to be printed, type it in the *space provided and press RETURN. After you 1print checks once, the program will automatically.keep track of the check number for you. If you,want to change the check number, simply typeover the existing characters.Correcting Printing ProblemsGListed below are the most common printing problems and their soluti to go to the check register.K2. For each item on your bank statement, find the corresponding item in the Hcheck register. Move the cursor to the Cleared (C) column for that item. EType the letter c in the Cleared column. Press APPLE-RETURN to record ss APPLE-L.Marking Cleared ItemsBTo reconcile your check register with your monthly bank statement,Bfirst mark cleared items in the check register. Cleared items have=been processed by the bank and appear on your bank statement.-1. Press APPLE-Cant. The program will recall#transactions in alphabetical order..PROGRAM TIP: For faster recall, type the first (letter(s) of the payee or deposit of the 1transaction you want to recall and press APPLE-R. 6NOTE: To see a List of Memorized Items, preation in the blanks just 'as you want the program to memorize it.3. Press APPLE-M.4. Press RETURN.!Recalling a Memorized Transaction/1. At the Check Register screen, press APPLE-R.*2. Keep pressing APPLE-R until you see the-transaction you w@Memorizing enables the program to remember specific transactions?you use regularly. Once memorized, you can automatically recall+an item so you never have to type it again.Memorizing a Transaction 1. Go to Use Check Register. *2. Type the inform $3. Press LEFT-ARROW and then RETURN. Printing the Check Register :1. At the Check Register screen, press APPLE-P. If needed, 8change the dates to select the time period for printing.2. Press APPLE-RETURN.%Memorizing and Recalling Transactions cursor to the blank you want to change.12. Type the changes over the existing characters.3. Press APPLE-RETURN.Deleting a Transaction91. Press UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW to move the cursor to the transaction you want to delete. 2. Press APPLE-D.e the date. To move the cursor)from blank to blank, press RETURN or TAB. 23. Press APPLE-RETURN to record the transaction in .the check register. The program will calculate the new balance.,Changing a Transaction in the Check Register31. Move the register.:APPLE-B Go to the bottom of the check register."Adding Items to the Check Register 11. Press APPLE-B to move the cursor to the bottomof the check register. 12. Fill in the blanks as you want them to appear..If needed, changhrough the check register proportionately so 0you can go to different sections of the register 6quickly. Press APPLE-1 to go to the top and APPLE-9 to5go to the bottom. To go to the middle, press APPLE-5.7APPLE-T Go to the top of the check line at a time. Нn H h(`nJJJ cpq) )`CFGBϭ _,` > I , 9nJJJo c) DEFAULT.NAME LL 2Lk 2 Ρ `})n~12)n(84` i- ,#n    Ģ` | Ƚ)ȭȩÑȩnsactions from the current!%account's register, while keeping the!memorized list intact.!=7. Rename accounts Change the name of an account  SELECT DISK)Choose the disk drive containing the diskyou want to use. //c users:  &Your internal drive is Disk 1 (Slot 6) ,Your external 5.25" drive is Disk 2 (Slot 6) +Your external 3.5" drive is Disk 1 (Slot 5) 5. Delete accounts Erase an account from a disk. G6. Reset current account Erase all transactions from the current!%account's register, while keeping the!memorized list intact.!=7. Rename accounts Change the name of an account  SELECT DISK)Choose the disk drive containing the diskyou want to use. //c usersk to hold data. K4. Create a subdirectory Create a subdivision of your disk. This is! 'useful to group similar files together.!  =5. Delete accounts Erase an account from a disk. G6. Reset current account Erase all tra---- --------------------------------------------@1. Select New Account Switch to using another account.F2. Create new account Set up an account on a formatted disk.B3. Format a blank disk Prepare a blank dises, type over the existing characters. *2. Fill in the Payee blank, Memo blank, or +both to specify the items you want to find.*3. Press APPLE-RETURN to start the search.5Choose This Option To Perform This ActivityL-----------------------.Conducting a Search(Search and List scans the check register,for items you want to find. The program will+list the items and calculate their amounts.-1. Specify the time period of the search with(the "from" and "to" dates. To change the )dat will+see the Problem screen. To find and fix the+problem, read the Problem screen and follow,the directions on pages 53-55 in the manual.3Fill in the blanks to specify the items you want to8find. If needed, change the dates. Press APPLE-RETURNFIf the uncleared items you found were deposits, decrease the amount ofByour balance forward for the same amount. Then press APPLE-RETURN.If the Account Doesn't Balance(If your checking account doesn't balance*with your monthly bank statement, youncleared items you found in your old paper check register Bwere payments, increase the amount of your balance forward for the Esame amount. To do so, type over the existing numerals in the Deposit5column. Then press APPLE-RETURN to record the change.f the check register.B2. Type the uncleared transactions in the check register and press APPLE-RETURN to record each one.B3. Press APPLE-T to go to the top of the check register where your -balance forward or first deposit is recorded. D4. If the uHȱh 6Hhh~`BFGo cpqCϭ _,`lpHh` |` |   r`*)â*)n+j*` â*++j*8iHâ **+ |+%8`  $Lh , - - -`HJН݌h Hh݌`8`0($ p,&"!֠LsԮ# L# .ҥҭ"%&8  Hh# j<ԥ/8`# j# ع&0 &`%8`" %# jK :9 W :8н :$)* 77` ݌HhHh V ꩖݌$ ݌ `Hh݌`80^݌Hh  ݌ - - -   EEHJНh #h` \I꽌ɪVɭսɖ0սɖ!ɖ 꽌ɪ\8`꽌ɪɖ۽*ݽ%ݙEۈзЮ꽌ɪФ`76$\8$9867I$i$88 8 x :(`+L!'L!i08` $6JJJJ6 ƩN$`)p##**LSׅکP$ # :LdөЭ iԩѥѮ# ##L cLL L"%%L# j# ѥ#H#g hi !dLԡ憦  Ljmkm l y`2 Lԡ8(Je稽)ʈ@LPROĠ򰀤ñĠ%INVALID KERNEL FILE: xةw,@  ȱlmi8#)!) >dLԡm#i㰼m#iЕOLԡȱf ŠϠĠӠS)*+,+`F)) (*=GJFjJJA QE'+ '== `@ STSP8QSS8 m P o R(8RLnSOS BOOT 1.1 SOS.KERNEL SOS KRNLI/O ERRORFILE 'SOS.KERNEL' NOT FOUND  I/H`JLNGȄBȄF aK  haaFF  mJm# KKJ UJ )J ۈ) ;J3ȱJFȱJGJKaȄM  aaNNJFLGJL L? &PRODOS `DaElH$?EGvѶK+`L HHLy XP LM+ h C rRH |+ * h* p+h C r` Ȋ8j`h8``â `  ``8â  `8L2C)pJJJJ IH(ȱH:=IH[H`@HcH  $ +