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FT SQ. IN SQ. YD SR ST SUBJ SUN SUPP SUPPL SYN T T.L.O TENN TER TEX THURS TR TUES U U.N U.S U.S.A V V.S V.T VID VIZ VOL VOLS VS W WED M LA LAT LB LBS LC LIB LL.B LOC. CIT LT LTD M M.A M.P M.S M.T MAJ MAR MB MD MDSE ME MEMO MG MGR MI MIN MINS MISC MISS ML MM MO MON MONT MR MRS MS MT N N.B N.C N.D N.E.C N.E.S N.H N.J N.M N.T N.Y NEB NEV NO NOV O.D OCT OP. CIT OZ OZS P.M P.O P.O.D P.P.M P.S B.A D.C D.V.M DEPT DER DIAM DO DOZ DRS E E.G ED EQUIV ESP ESQ EST ET AL ET SEQ ETC F.O.B FEB FEM FF FIG FIGS FRI FT G G.C.D G.M.T G.P.S GA GAL GALS GEN GOV GOVT H.M.S. H.P HR HRS I.E I.Q IBID INC IND JAN JR JUL JUN K KAN KB KG KGS KM KMS KW KY L L.C.L L.W.A A.D A.K.A A.M ABBR AC ACCT AD INF AD LIB ADJ ADM ADV AL ANON ANT APPROX APR ART ASSN ASSOC ASST AT. WT ATTY AUG AV AVDP AVE B.A B.C B.P.D B.T.U BBL BIBLIOG BLDG BLVD BROS BU C.O.D C.P.M CA CAPS CAPT CC CF CH CHAP CM CO COL CORP CT CU CU. FT CU. IN CWT D. VERSUS VIA WITH WITHIN WITHOUT ABOVE AFTER AGAINST ALONG AMID AMONG AROUND AS AT BEFORE BEHIND BELOW BENEATH BESIDE BETWEEN BEYOND BY DESPITE EXCEPT FOR FROM IN INSIDE INTO LIKE NEAR OF OFF ON ONTO OPPOSITE OUTSIDE OVER SINCE THROUGH THROUGHOUT TO TOWARD UNDER UNDERNEATH UNTIL UNTO UPONi-"U8t-"U9w -#U10#U11& #U12 b1#U134.ALAN AMERICA AMERICAN APRIL AUGUST BILL CHRISTMAS CRAIG DAN DANIEL DAVE DAVID DECEMBER DICK EASTER ED EDWARD FEBRUARY FRIDAY GLEASON GREG I JAMES JANE JANET JANUARY JEANNIE JEFF JENNY JERRY JIM JOE JOHN JOHNNY JOSEPH JULIE JULY JUNE KEN KENNETH KINDALL LYNELY FRANKLY FURTHER FURTHERMORE GENERALLY HENCE HENCEFORTH HERETOFORE HOWEVER I.E. IMMEDIATELY IN ADDITION IN ADDITION TO THIS IN ANY CASE IN ANY EVENT IN BRIEF IN CONCLUSION IN CONTRAST IN EITHER CASE IN FACT IN FINE IN GENERAL IN LIKE MANNER IN MANY INST FIRST AT LAST AT ONE TIME AT THE PRESENT TIME AT THE SAME TIME BASICALLY BECAUSE OF THIS BESIDES BUT BY ALL MEANS CERTAINLY CHIEFLY CONSEQUENTLY E.G. EVENTUALLY EVIDENTLY FINALLY FIRST FOR EXAMPLE FOR INSTANCE FOR ITS PART FOR THE MOMENT FORMERLY FORTUNATACCORDING TO OUR RECORDS ACCORDINGLY ACTUALLY ADDITIONALLY AFTER ALL AFTERWARD AFTERWARDS AGAIN ALL THINGS CONSIDERED ALREADY ALSO ALTOGETHER ANYHOW APPARENTLY AS A CONSEQUENCE AS A MATTER OF FACT AS A RESULT AS A RULE AS OF NOW AS OF THIS DATE AS USUAL ATR HOW NO MATTER WHAT PROVIDED THAT PROVIDING THAT RATHER SO SO THAT SUCH AS THOUGH UNLESS WHENEVER WHEREAS WHEREBY WHEREUPON WHEREVER WHETHER WHILE YES AGAIN ALTHOUGH AS LONG AS AS OFTEN AS AS SOON AS AS THOUGH AS WELL AS BECAUSE BUT THAT DESPITE EVEN IF EVEN THOUGH EXCEPT THAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF FOR THE REASON THAT IF IN ORDER IN SPITE OF IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT INASMUCH INASMUCH AS INSOFAR AS NO MATTE//C //E //GS 1) 2) 3) 4) A) B) C) D) E THEY THIS THOSE US WE WHATEVER WHICHEVER WHOEVER YOU YOUR YOURS YOURSELF YOURSELVES I ALL ANY ANYBODY ANYONE ANYTHING BOTH EACH EITHER EVERYBODY EVERYONE EVERYTHING HE HER HERS HERSELF HIM HIMSELF HIS IT ITS ITSELF ME MINE MY MYSELF NOBODY NOTHING ONE OUR OURS OURSELVES SHE SOMEBODY SOMEONE SOMETHING THAT THEIR THEIRS THEM THEMSELVES THESALSO AND ANYWAY BOTH BUT FOR HOWEVER INDEED LIKEWISE NOR OR SO STILL THEN THUS YET N MARCH MARIAN MARK MATT MICHAEL MICHELLE MIKE MONDAY NICHOLAS NICK NOVEMBER OCTOBER PAT PATRICIA PATRICK PAUL RANDY RENEE RICHARD RICK ROBERT ROGER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER SHARON STEVE SUNDAY TAMARA TAMMY THOMAS THURSDAY TOM TUESDAY VERKADE WEDNESDAY WILLIAM ANCES IN MY OPINION IN OTHER WORDS IN OTHERS IN OUR OPINION IN SHORT IN SOME CASES IN SUM IN THE END IN THE FIRST PLACE IN THE INTERIM IN THE LAST ANALYSIS IN THE LONG RUN IN THE MEANTIME IN THE MEANWHILE IN THIS CASE IN THIS MANNER INCIDENTALLY INDEED INITIALLY INSTEAD IT IS TRUE LASTLY LATELY LIKEWISE MEANWHILE MOREOVER NATURALLY NEVERTHELESS NEXT NO DOUBT NORMALLY OBVIOUSLY OF COURSE OFTEN ON ONE HAND ON THE CONTRARY ON THE ONE HAND ON THE OTHER HAND ON THE WHOLE OTHERWISE PREVIOUSLY PRINCIPALLY RECENTLY conjure up conjure conjured up conjured conjuring up conjuring cut back reduce\decrease cut back on reduce\decrease cut off stop\end\cancel cut short finish\stop\end\quit did not have much confidence in distrusted did not pay any attention to ignored did rived\happened came upon discovered\found cannot help but feel cannot help feeling carry out fulfill\complete\do carry through complete\finish\sustain caved in collapsed\fell in choose up choose choosing up choosing chose up chose come to pass happen\occur\effected brush off dismiss brush up refresh but that that but what that by all means surely\yes\of course by hand manually by reason of because of\because by the way incidentally\through\via by way of through\via call up telephone\phone\call came about arflate bring about cause\produce\accomplish\lead to bring forward introduce\present\show bringing about causing\accomplishing\effecting\leading to brings about causes\accomplishes\effects\leads to broke down failed\stopped\malfunctioned brought about causedme time while\also\simultaneously\-a at times occasionally\sometimes bear with forbear\tolerate\be patient with behind time late being as as\because\since being that as\because\since blot out destroy\end\stop\erase\cancel blow up explode\destroy\enlarge\inr\on as if as it would if\as though as is just as it is as long as while\since as soon as when\immediately after as to about\regarding\following\according to at any rate anyhow\anyway at hand near\nearby\close at last lastly\finally\eventually\so at the sakewise\similarly along the same lines likewise\similarly along these lines likewise\similarly\like this along these same lines likewise\similarly along this line likewise\similarly and or and\or and/or and\or as a matter of fact actually\-o as for about\fo !"#$%&'()all except\nearly\almost all over ended\done\finished\everywhere\throughout all set ready\prepared\completed all the farther as far as\farther all the higher as high as\higher along the line of like along the lines of like\similar to along the same line lia bunch of some\many\several a half a a half\half a a half an a half\half a a ways off far away about to ready to\planning to above all most especially\most importantly after all anyway\since\as\because ain't am not\is not\are not\has not\have not all but ET SECOND SIMILARLY SO BE IT SO THAT STILL SUDDENLY SURELY THAT IS THE FACT IS THE REASON IS THEREFORE THUS TO BE SURE TO SUM UP TO SUMMARIZE TO THE CONTRARY TO WIT ULTIMATELY UNDOUBTEDLY UNFORTUNATELY UNQUESTIONABLY UNTIL NOW UP TO NOW USUALLY WHAT'S MORE Yover divide up divide re-did\repeated\redecorated\remodeled do away with dispose\destroy do over redo\rework\repeat\redecorate\remodel doubt but that doubt that draw up prepare\draft equally as good as good\equally good every now and then now and then\occasionally face up to face feel free to -o fill in fill\complete\insert\substitute find it interesting to know -a for all for\despite from any from gave in submitted\surrendered\admitted gave out stopped\ceased\distributed gave up stopped\ceased\surrendered\et\shocked\excited short and sweet brief short of lacking\less than short on lacking show up arrive\appear\surface sit in participate\attend slow up slow\slow down slowed up slowed\slowed down slows up slows\slows down so as not to so not to so as to to sohearse\drive over sat in participated\attended\played see about ask about\attend to see after care for\look after send for order\summon set apart separate\reserve set up establish\start\position settle up settle shaken up upset\shocked\excited shook up upsgh read\skim\review reason that end\deduce\infer that\reason reason why reason reasons why reasons reckon suppose\think\guess\deduce relative to about\compared to right away now\immediately run into crash\collide\meet\encounter run over examine\overflow\rejected put out extinguish\douse\inconvenienced\extend\discard put upon impose on\victimize\burdened puts off delays\postpones ran into crashed\collided\met\encountered ran out expired\exhausted\left ran up incurred rarely ever rarely\hardly ever read throu on shall\will\planning to\-a pretty good good pull out leave\depart\remove\retreat pull through survive\recover push off set out\depart push on proceed put a stop to end\stop put forth exert\offer\propose\exerted\offered\proposed put off postpone\delay\re than -o not about to will not\not ready to not all that not very on hand available\ready\convenient\in stock open up open order back remand other than that -o out loud aloud over with over\done\finished overall general\complete plan on shall\will planningrm\adjust\correct making sure assuring\confirming\verifying\establishing many a time often\many times mark up increase\raise\price\adjust\correct may well be may be meet up with meet met up with met might as well should\can miss out on miss\lose none other lose out on lose\miss lost out on lost\missed lots of many\much made sure assured\confirmed\verified\established make believe pretend\believe make good repay\reimburse make sure assure\confirm\verify\establish make up create\invent\perceive\develop\are\foued\maintained\sustained\supported kind of somewhat\similar\type of\-o know the difference between recognize\distinguish\show let go of release\abandon\set free liable to likely to likely probably likewise and\also\similarly look into examine\inspect\studynt insignificant trivial\trifling intermingle mingle it stands to reason -o just like similar to keep on continue\persist\hold\check keep up maintain\sustain\support kept back delayed\hindered\held\checked kept on continued\persisted\endured kept up continndure\continue\resist identical to identical with in back of behind in brief to summarize in short to summarize\briefly in that because\since in the red losing money\in debt in the way obstructing\of in time prompt\punctual\eventually\pace inactive quiesce prefer to hadn't ought ought not hand in deliver\submit\give hand out distribute\pass out has got to has to\must\should hasn't got doesn't have have got have gotten have got to have to\must\should head up head hold back restrain\refrain\retain hold out ee\study\proceed go through experience\undergo\endure go with suit\match\agree\complement go without want\need\call for\sacrifice good and very\-o got to be is\must\most be\became had rather would choose to\would prefer that\would prefer to had sooner wouldsubmitted get along succeed\manage\prosper get by manage\survive get over overcome\recover from\survive go after follow\do\complete\finish\chase go against oppose\disagree go beyond exceed\surpass go by pass\proceed go on continue\use\happen go over examin far as as far as\-r so long as while\since\if some other another sooner or later eventually\inevitably sort of almost\somewhat\type of split up divide\separate\separated\divided splitting up dividing\separating stand up for support\defend standing for representing stands for represents stands out projects\protrudes\resists stands out from is superior to starting out with starting with stay away from avoid step in participate\intervene stick up for defend\support\uphold stood for represented take after reses\becomes known crystal clear clear\unmistakable\-r cutting edge leading\advanced\-a days are numbered -r deaf ears -r different breed -r dire straits trouble\predicament\-r do or die -r doomed to disappointment -r down and out in trouble\-r down to brass to center of attention focus point\high point\lure\-a change of heart -r chosen few few\elite\favorites clear the air reduce tension\be honest\be open come to light appear\become known comes into the picture counts\matters\is relevant comes to light appearsiness as usual -a by leaps and bounds a lot\quickly by return mail today\[GIVE DATE by the same token similarly\moreover\furthermore came to light appeared\became known came up empty failed\-a came up empty-handed failed\-a care to prefer to\want to\like y heart sincerely\truly\-r bright and early early\-a bring to mind remind\evoke brings to mind reminds\evokes burden of proof -a burning question important question\issue burning questions important questions\issues burning the midnight oil working late buble\-a blessing in disguise opportunity\hidden benefit\-a bone of contention problem\issue\disagreement\-a bone to pick issue to raise\problem to discuss\-a born and bred raised\thoroughly\-a bottom line results\earnings\most important point\-a bottom of mlanned on bear the brunt of withstand\put up with\-a beck and call -a beginning of the end -a behind the scenes private\unseen\-a believe it or not -o beneath contempt loathsome\low\contemptible\-a benefit of the doubt -a beyond belief unbelievable\incredi the crossroads -r at this writing now attached hereto attached attached please find here is\I am attaching back to the wall under attack\besieged\-r backs to the wall under attack\besieged\-r ball rolling -r bank on rely on\expect bargained for expected\p*,-./0123456789:;<=>?te\over above and beyond above\beyond abovementioned former\previous\same according to our records -o all in all -r all things considered -o as a matter of fact in fact as always -o as per -a as per your request as you requested as the saying goes -o\-r ata ballpark figure approximation\guess a crying shame unfortunate\tragic\a tragedy a fact of life unavoidable\a fact\-a a great deal of much\many a helping hand help\cooperation\-a a large number of many a must important\essential a thing of the past obsolewer\decrease\refuse\deny\reject turned down lowered\decreased\refused\denied\rejected under way proceeding\leaving\departing\in progress wait on wait for\await waiting on waiting for\awaiting what all what will have to must xmas Christmas you all you mble take in include\accept\shelter\shorten\reduce\understand take place happen\occur take to enjoy\favor\like takes after resembles takes place happens taking place happening the time that when time that time\that took place happened\occurred turn down lotacks down to business\-a duly noted noted\-o easier said than done not easy\difficult eleventh hour last minute enclosed herein enclosed enclosed herewith enclosed enclosed please find here is\I enclose enters the picture counts\matters\is relevant every walk of life all professions\-r face the music face the consequences\face the problem\confront\-a fair and square fairly\honestly far cry far\very different far flug far\distant far reaching extensive\broad far-reaching extensive\broad fast and furious fas\evident\obvious necessary evil -a neither here nor there unimportant\irrelevant new lease on life second chance\-r nice good\-a nick of time -a no stone unturned -a none the worse for unharmed despite\unchanged despite\-r none the worse for wear unharmed\anges mends his ways reforms\changes mince words speak indirectly\soften the truth\-a missing link connection\missing fact\data modern world -a moment of truth decisive moment\test moot point -a mother nature nature\earth\the earth much in evidence visiblehort be brief\summarize make the best of work around\accept\-r mark my words you'll see\believe me mark time wait\be patient marking time waiting\being patient means well is sincere\-a meets the eye -a mend your ways reform\change mends her ways reforms\chy\celebrate living it up enjoying\celebrating long and short of it -r long and the short of -r maintain the status quo keep things the same maintaining the status quo keeping things the same major stumbling block problem\hurdle\obstacle make a long story sg down the law lecturing\scolding\defining the rules leaves much to be desired is unsatisfactory\is unacceptable\-a lesser of the two evils -a lesser of two evils -a light on the subject -a literally -o little by little -o live and learn -r live it up enjoall boils down to because\because of\-r it boils down to because\because of\-r kid gloves -a laid down the law lectured\scolded\defined the rules last but not least finally\last last straw -r laurels -a lay down the law lecture\scold\define the rules layinye publicly\in public\on display\-a in the short run short term\soon in the worst way very much\-a in this day and age today\these days\-o intents and purposes intents\- interesting to note interesting\-o is better left unsaid shouldn't be mentioned\-a it tically in good hands safe in hand -o in other words i.e.\-o in regard to of\about\on\upon\regarding in regards to of\about\on\upon\regarding in the amount of for\of\-o in the ballpark of approximately in the long run ultimately\as a result in the public ef worst comes to worst at the worst\at worst in a jiffy quickly\soon\very soon in a nutshell in brief in body and soul completely\thoroughly\-a in due course soon\eventually\sometime in fits and starts intermittently\-a in glowing terms favorably\enthusiase a heart please\be generous have a mind to intend\should heart of the matter essence\center\core\-a heart to heart sincere\open high and dry abandoned\-a high hopes -a hit or miss random\accidental\-a house in order -r hue and cry -r if and when if\when i the battle the first problem\-a hands down overwhelming\overwhelmingly\-a handwriting on the wall -a hang in the balance is judged\are judged\-r hanging by a thread -r happily ever after -r happy ending satisfying conclusion\-a hard and fast strict\-a hav\compromise\-a go from bad to worse get worse\deteriorate\-r golden opportunity excellent opportunity\-a good for nothing useless\incompetent graphic description vivid account\description\-a grapple with tackle\solve\-a ground to a halt stopped\halted halfntents and purposes in practice\essentially\-r for the life of me -o for your information -o force to be reckoned with -r free for all chaos\melee\brawl\-a free-for-all chaos\melee\brawl\-a from start to finish completely\totally give and take accomodationt\quickly fast and loose sloppy\inaccurate\careless\-a festive occasion party\celebration few and far between few\rare figure of speech expression flies in the face goes against\is contrary to flying colors excellent grades\-r food for thought -r for all iunchanged not for me to say not my concern\none of my business\-a not what you would call not\-a not worth the paper -a nothing to boast about embarrassing\unremarkable nothing to brag about embarrassing\unremarkable nothing to write home about embarrassing\unremarkable now or never now\the last chance\-a odds and ends parts\various things\junk on firm footing safe\in control\-a on the cutting edge leading\in the forefront\-a on the fence undecided\still deciding\-a on thin ice -r once and for all definitivelieve\we think we wish to advise that -o wee hours late\early went from bad to worse got worse\deteriorated\-r white elephant -r wildest dreams -r wires crossed -r wishful thinking -r with a vengeance forcefully\-a with an eye to considering\thinking abouth untold riches wealth\benefits ups and downs problems\difficulties\vicissitudes vested interest interest\-a viable options choices\alternatives vicious circle -a vicious cycle -a wave of optimism -r ways and means ways\methods\means we trust we hope\we be touch and go uncertain\dangerous\risky tower of power -a tower of strength -a trouble brewing -a under a separate cover separately under date of on\dated under separate cover separately untimely death death\early death untimely demise death\end\early deaerywhere\-a to no avail without results\hopelessly to the death to the end to the other extreme -a token of my esteem thanks\award\recognition token of our esteem thanks\award\recognition tongue in cheek jokingly\as a joke tongue-in-cheek jokingly\as a jokthe future\-a thinking cap -r through and through completely through thick and thin through it all time and again often\-a time and time again often\-a time flies -r time is of the essence -r time marches on -r to a fault too\always\-a to and fro around\evlear it is safe\no one is watching\-r the depths of despair depression\despair the die is cast it is done\it is set\-a the fact is in fact\-o the light of day -a the light of reason reason the truth is in truth\-o thing of the past relic\-r things to come lie stretches the truth lies striking example good example stumbling block problem\hurdle\obstacle superhuman effort much effort\great effort\-a sweeping statement generalization\overstatement take it or leave it -r that is to say that is\-o the coast is cal\nutritious meal\satisfying meal stand in awe respect\admire steer clear of avoid stem the tide stop the flow\stop\end step by step in order\completely\in detail stick to your guns persevere\endure straight and narrow ethical\honest\-r stretch the truth to behold -r silver lining -r skin a cat -r slowly but surely slowly\steadily sneaking doubt doubt\growing doubt sneaking suspicion suspicion\growing suspicion spur of the moment spontaneous\impulsive\-r square deal honest deal\-a square meal wholesome meior see eye to eye agree\-a see it through complete\finish\supervise see the light understand see the light of day survive\be developed select few few\elite\favorites shadow of a doubt -r short and sweet short sigh of relief -r sight for sore eyes -r sightrring\interpreting\analyzing reliable source source\-r rhyme or reason reason root of the matter cause\-a rude awakening realization\shock sad awakening realization safe and sound safe saving grace quality\best feature\-a second to none the best\best\superdirectly\openly\-a point of no return decisive moment\-r proud owner owner pull some strings use influence\manipulate\-r rank and file ordinary people\average employee\workers\-a read between the lines infer\interpret\analyze reading between the lines infence of opinion parting of the ways disagreement\difference of opinion parting of ways disagreement\difference of opinion parting shot last word\attack\-a pick and choose choose\pick\select picture of health healthy\-a please be advised that -o point blank ely\for certain\completely one in a million rare\unusual\excellent one of the most -a only time will tell maybe open road road\highway\country over and above beyond over and done with over\finished own worst enemy -r parting of the way disagreement\differet within the realm of possibility possible\possibly\-a without rhyme or reason with no reason\for no reason word of mouth -a world of good -a worldly goods possessions\things\belongings worthwhile worth\worthy\good writing on the wall -r young at heart -a a la -a anno domini A.D.\-o bona fide real\actual cause celebre famous\infamous e.g. for example et cetera and so on\etc. ex libris from the library of fait accompli fact\-a i.e. that is\that is to say\in other words par excellence incomparable\best\-a authored wrote averse to against be cognizant of be aware\know\notice belabor the point labor the point\over-emphasize bestow give bestowed upon given to betterment improvement cease stop\halt ceases stops\halts characterized as called\known as circumventw attached herewith attached attempt try attempted tried attempting trying attempts tries attire dress\clothing attired dressed attributable due\-o augment increase\enlarge\support auspicious occasion occasion\anniversary\sales meeting\annual convention\-rne knows -o as regards regarding\about as related to for\about as you know -o ascertain find out\determine asserted said\insisted assist help\aid assistance help\aid assisted helped\aided assists helps\aids at hand now at present now at the present time nond add appended added appending adding approximately about are cognizant of are aware\know\have noticed arrive at a decision decide arrive at an approximation estimate arrived at a decision decided arrives at a decision decides as a method of for as everyos in the affirmative answer is yes answered in the affirmative answered yes answers in the affirmative answers yes anticipate expect\await\wait for\foresee anticipated expected\awaited\waited for\foreseen anticipates expects\awaits\waited for\foresees appemprove\amend among those present present\of those present ample opportunity enough time\many opportunities an excessive amount too much an order of magnitude ten times\[x TIMES analogous to similar to\much like answer in the affirmative answer yes answer ifoul -a aggregate total\group\collection all factors everything alter change\modify altered changed\modified altering changing\modifying alternative choice alternatives choices alters changes\modifies am cognizant of am aware\know\have noticed ameliorate ira additionally also\besides adhere to stick to\keep\follow adhered to stuck to\kept\followed adheres to sticks to\keeps\follows adhering to sticking to\keeping\following adjacent to next to\beside advent coming\arrival advert to refer to affirmative yes a achieves does\completes achieving doing\completing acquire get\receive\take acquired got\gotten\received\took acquires gets\receives\takes acquiring getting\receiving\taking activate start\begin\turn on activates starts\begins\turns on additional more\extACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ating fitting\putting up\obliging\containing\helping\helpful accomplish do\complete\finish accomplished did\done\completed\skilled accomplishing doing\completing accord give\agreement accordingly so\therefore achieve do\complete achieved did\done\completeda preference for prefer abort quit\exit\stop\halt accentuate stress\accent accentuated stressed\accented accommodate fit\put up\oblige\contain\help accommodated fitted\put up\obliged\contained\helped accommodates fits\puts up\obliges\contains\helps accomod go around\avoid\get past cognition knowledge\awareness cognizant aware coincidentally also\-o commemorate remember\celebrate commence begin\start commenced began\started commencing beginning\starting commentate comment communicate tell\talk\say\discuss communicated told\talked\said\discussed completed did\done\finished comply with follow conceal hide concealing hiding concept idea concepts ideas conceptualization idea\visualization conceptualize think\visualize\understand concerning about\for\on concerns ipertise knowledge\skill\talent fabricate make\build\create\invents fabricates makes\builds\creates\invents fabricating making\building\creates\invents facilitate ease\simplify\help far be it for -r far be it from -r finalize complete\finish\end finalized cenced shown evidently plainly\clearly \obviously exhibit a tendency to tend to exhibiting a tendency to tending to exhibits shows exhibits a tendency to tends to expedite hasten\speed expenditure expense\cost\payment expenditures expenses\costs\payments exsm enthused showed enthusiasm enthuses shows enthusiasm enthusing showing enthusiasm erect build erected built erecting building estimation estimate\opinion eventuate happen\occur every consideration all possible help\help\-a evidence proof\show\prove evidersed engaging in conversation speaking\talking\conversing ensue follow ensued followed ensuing following entail mean\result\require entailed meant\resulted\required entailing meaning\resulting\requiring entails means\results\requires enthuse show enthusiancountered difficulty had trouble encountering difficulty having trouble encounters meets\meetings encounters difficulty has trouble endeavor try\attempt\operation\project engage in conversation speak\talk\converse engaged in conversation spoke\talked\conv ended\stopped\got rid of elucidate explain\elaborate eminent high\great\well-known eminently highly emphasize stress employ use employed used employs uses encompass contain\include encounter meet\meeting encounter difficulty have trouble encountered met eue consideration discussion\analysis\much thought\-a due to because of\resulting from\owed to dwell live dwell upon give undue attention to edification information\benefit effectuate cause elapse pass elapsed passed eliminate end\stop\get rid of eliminatede stop\cease discontinued stopped\ceased discontinues stops\ceases discontinuing stopping\ceasing discrepancies differences discrepancy difference disseminate distribute\broadcast dissemination distribution\broadcast disutility uselessness dreamt dreamed de determined figured out\found\fitted\decided detrimental damaging\harmful devoid of without dialogue talks\conversation\discussion\debate dilemma problem\trouble direct your attention to show you directive order discern see disclose show\reveal discontinuing\proving derive find\get derived found\got\gotten designate name\call\tag designated named\called\tagged designates names\calls\tags desire want\wish desired wanted\wished desires wants\wishes desiring wanting\wishing determine figure out\find\fit\decidt to customarily usually\normally decry condemn\blame deem find\think deemed found\thought deems finds\thinks demean debase\degrade demise end\death demonstrate show\prove demonstrated showed\shown\proved\proven demonstrates shows\proves demonstrating shown contact\communication constitute are\make up constituted was\were\made up constitutes is\makes up construct build consummate complete\finish contemplate plan\think about contemplated planned\thought about contemplates plans\thinks about contiguous to nexe considerable magnitude big\large\great\great size\huge\-r considered opinion opnion consist of are\are made of\include\have consisted of was\was made of\included\had consisting of is\are\having consists of is\is made of\includes\has constant communicationvolves\is about\portrays conclude end concluded ended concludes ends concluding ending conducted did\done confident of sure of\sure that confident that sure that configuration shape\form\pattern conflagration fire conjecture guess consequently so\thereforompleted\finished\ended finalizing completing\finishing\ending foe enemy\adversary\opponent for a period of for for your information -o forbearance patience foregoing this foregone conclusion inevitable\assumption\-a forthcoming coming fundamentally -o gain access to see\enter\talk to gave rise to caused gives rise to causes giving rise to causing grievous serious\-r held in abeyance held up\withheld\held back historic occasion occasion[SPECIFY OCCASION human resources people\employees\employment\resources optimal best optimum best paradigm model partially partly particularize explain\list\tell in detail perchance maybe\perhaps\-o perform do performed did\done performing doing performs does pertaining to about\on pertains to is on\is about peruse read\scan\r offer for your consideration offer official capacity -a often times often oftimes often on behalf of for on condition that if on one condition -a on the condition that if on the order of about\nearly operates to does\-a operational practical\in operationves obviate prevent\avoid\eliminate obviates prevents\avoids\eliminates occur happen occurred happened occurrence happening\event occurring happening occurs happens of the order of about\nearly offer for consideration offer offer for due consideration offe necessitates needs\requires not a whit not at all not in a position to cannot\-a not in any position to cannot\-a numerous many objective aim\goal objectives aims\goals obtain get obtained got\gotten\received obtaining getting\receiving obtains gets\recei\increasing methodology method minimal small\minor minimum least\smallest modification change modifications changes momentary aberration temporary problem\flaw\error momentous important monumental great necessitate need\require necessitated needed\requireds locality place magnitude size magnitudes sizes maintain an inventory keep a stock materialize happen\appear\occur materializing happening\appearing\occurring maximize raise\increase maximized raised\increased maximizes raises\increases maximizing raisingestigated studied\explored\researched investigating studying\exploring\researching is cognizant of is aware\knows\has noticed is equipped with has\contains\includes is provided with has\contains\includes limitation limit limitations limits localities placesking insofar as because\since\as instantaneously instantly institute start\begin\create instituted started\began\begun\created institutes starts\begins\creates instituting starting\beginning\creating invest with give investigate study\explore\research invializing starting\beginning\formatting initially first\at first initiate start\begin initiated started\began\begun initiates starts\begins initiating starting\beginning injurious harmful\damaging inordinately much\far inquire ask inquired asked inquiring ayes\-o indicate show\demonstrates indicated showed\demonstrated indicates shows\demonstrates indicating showing\demonstrating initial first\early initialize start\begin\format initialized started\began\begun\formatted initializes starts\begins\formats initn the meantime in the majority of cases usually\generally in the nature of like in view of because\because of\since inasmuch as since\as\for incidence chance incumbent on obliged to\obligatory\-a incumbent upon obliged to\obligatory\-a indeed really\truly\of because in many cases sometimes\generally\usually in most cases usually\generally in no case never in no position to cannot\-a in proximity to near\close to\nearly about in reference to about\for\on in some instances sometimes in the interim meanwhile\ito in advance before\earlier\early in advance of before in all cases always in an official capacity officially in any case anyway in attendance present\attending\there in conjunction with with in large measure largely\mostly in lieu of instead of in light identical same\the same\alike impair weaken\damage\hurt impart tell\give impede hamper\hinder\stop impeded hampered\hindered\stopped impeding hampering\hindering\stopping impending coming\soon imperative important\necessary in accordance with by\according skim portion part portions parts posessor owner practically almost\nearly precipitate result in precipitated resulted in\caused precipitates results in\causes precipitating resulting in\causing predicated based predominantly mainly\chiefly\mostly preparatory to in preparation for\before prepared to willing to\ready to preventative preventive prior to before prioritize rank\arrange procure get\obtain procured got\gotten\obtained procures gets\obtains procuring getting\obtaining prohibit prevent\forbid prohiba half a half a a place where where a time when when absolutely complete complete absolutely essential essential absolutely unique unique actual experience experience actual facts facts add together add added increments increments added together added addiut further delay now\immediately zonality zone rtant was instrumental helped\was vital we regret most sincerely we are very sorry\I am very sorry\-r were instrumental helped\was vital wholesome respect for respect for\fear of with reference to about\for\on with the constraints of because of\if\-r withocessity have to\must\-r undue unnecessary\-o unimpeachable authority authority\expert unimpeachable source source\excellent source utilize use utilized used utilizes uses utilizing using velocity speed virtually almost\-o virtually all most\many vital imponoted took into consideration considered took steps acted\-a totality total\whole\all transpire happen\become known transpired happened\became known transpires happens\becomes known transpiring happening\becoming known ultimate last\final\best under the nenates ends\stops\cancels\fires terminating ending\stopping\firing termination end\ending the author I the authors we\I thus therefore\so\-a took action acted\-a took appropriate action acted\-a took appropriate measures acted\-a took cognizance of noticed\-a take appropriate measures act\-a take cognizance of notice\learn\know take into consideration consider taken into consideration considered taking into consideration considering terminate end\stop\cancel\fire terminated ended\stopped\canceled\fired termiy later\then\next\-o substantial large substantially mostly\in essence substantiate prove such is this is\that is suffice be enough\do sufficient enough surmise think\guess\suppose\believe sway move\influence take action act\-a take appropriate action act\hows segment part select pick\choose\best\the best selected picked\chose\chosen\best\the best selecting picking\choosing send a communication to notify\tell situate put situated in in situated within in subsequent next\later subsequent to after subsequentlance money\cash\payment render make rendered made rendering making renders makes require need\call for required needed\called for\necessary requires needs\calls for requiring needing\calling for reveal show revealed showed\shown revealing showing reveals suestion ravenous hungry\very hungry readership readers\audience\subscribers redeeming good\best\-a reference see regrettable unfortunate\-a reinitiate begin again\restart relocate move relocated moved relocates moves relocating moving remit pay\send remitt to under\after pursue do\complete\finish\follow\chase pursued did\done\completed\finished\followed\chased pursues does\completes\finishes\follows\chases pursuing doing\completing\finishing\following\chasing queried asked queries asks\questions query ask\qited prevented\forbidden prohibiting preventing\forbidding prohibits prevents\forbids protracted long\drawn out provided if\supplied\prepared provided that if providing if\supplying providing that if purchase buy purchased bought purchasing buying pursuantng together adding adequate enough adequate\enough advance forward advance advance planning planning advance warning warning again and again again all other other all these these all throughout throughout all together together already has been has been alt_abcdefghijklmnon action fast fast in duration fast fellow -o few in number few fewer in number fewer file away file fill up fill final completion completion final end end final ending ending final outcome result final result result final results results final upshot upshr entirely complete complete equally as as\equally exact precision precision exactly correct correct exactly identical same\alike extra precaution precaution\care\caution\-a facts and figures facts facts of the matter facts factual information facts fast i emotions\feelings employ the use of use employed the use of used employing the use of using employs the use of uses empty out empty end result result end results results ends up ends as\finishes engage with each other engage enter in enter enter into entem sight disappear disappeared from sight disappeared distant from from\distant divide up divide down to the last to the last during the time between between during the years between between each and every each early beginnings beginnings emotional feelingss depreciate in value depreciate descend down descend desirable benefits benefits desperate situation trouble\problem\difficulty diametrically opposed diametrical\opposed diametrically opposite diametrical\opposite different kinds kinds\types disappear fron remain continued to remain remained continues to remain remains continuing to remain remaining contributing factor factor cooperate together cooperate count up count couple together couple cut out cut cutting out cutting delicate negotiations negotiationted consensus of opinion consensus consequent result result\consequence consequential result result\consequence consequential results results\consequences consolidate together consolidate contained in in\within\inside continue on continue continue to remai completely eliminates destroys\ends\stops\eliminates completely eliminating destroying\ending\stopping\eliminating completely full full completely unanimous unanimous conjure up conjure connect together connect connect up connect connected together connecogether collect combine into one combine combine together combine combined together combined common accord agreement\concord complete monopoly monopoly completely eliminate destroy\end\stop\eliminate completely eliminated destroyed\ended\stopped\eliminatedand determined determined\-a brief in duration brief\quick\fast\short but however but but nevertheless but but yet but center portion center circle around circle circulate around circulate close to the point close collaborate together collaborate collect t before\formerly\earlier before previous before\former before previously before behavior pattern behavior bigger and better bigger\better bitter end end\last moment\-a bitter irony irony\-a both of them are they are\both are both of these both\these bound ule\usually ask a question ask assemble together assemble at the same time then\also\simultaneously attach together attach back again back\again basic fundamental basic\principal\primary\fundamental basic fundamentals fundamentals\basics before in the pasternative choice choice alternative choices choices and also and\also and etc. etc. another additional another anybody else anybody anywhere throughout anywhere as a general rule as a rule\generally as a rule usually as a rule\usually as a usual rule as a rot\result\conclusion finally done done finally finished finished first and foremost first first beginnings beginnings first initiated started\began\begun\initiated flat denial denial follow after follow followed after followed following after following\after follows after follows free gratis free from whence from where full and complete full\complete fuse together fuse\join general consensus consensus generally agreed agreed generally as a rule generally\as a rule greatly minimize minimize he himself he horole new new\all new yet and still yet\still\besides up\above up to to use up use used up used uses up uses using up using usually as a rule usually\as a rule value and importance of value of very -o very unique unique\uncommon visible to the eye visible visiible to the naked eye visible well and good -a whtal effect of all of this effect of all of this\total effect total sum sum\total totally unknown unknown true facts facts ultimate end end underlying purpose purpose uniformly consistent consistent unless and until unless\until unusually rare rare up abovee city of -o the modern the the person who is the the then and there then\there\-o there and then then\there\-o there are now there are this one this throughout the entire throughout\in the entire thus and so so time interval interval together with with totarting\beginning starts out starts\begins still continue continue still remain remain still remained remained still remaining remaining still remains remains stress and strain stress\strain surrounding circumstances circumstances talented genius genius th idea idea\estimate same as was same as\as was seal off seal seeing as as\since seems apparent seems\is apparent seldom ever seldom shape or form shape\form single unit unit small in size small start out start\begin started out started\began starting out s repeat repeat the same repeat the repeated over repeated resultant effect effect resume again resume retreat back retreat return again return return back return returning back returning returns back returns revert back revert rough estimate estimate rough prolong protrude out protrude quick in duration quick quite -o rather -o recur again recur reduce down reduce refer back refer referred back referred referring back referring remain on the same remain on the\stay on the remember back remember repeat again unique out and about out over again over\again over to to past history history period of time time personal friend friend physical size size placed wherever wherever\placed plan ahead plan plan for the future plan plan in advance plan prolong the durationry most unique unique mutual cooperation cooperation necessary need need necessary requisite requisite needless to say naturally\as expected not impossible possible now ready ready null and void void\null\invalid once again again one single one only uniquearther\down main essentials essentials maximum possible maximum melt down melt melt up melt merge together merge mingle together mingle mix together mix mixed together mixed mixing together mixing more preferable preferable most important essential\necessast exactly just\exactly justly famous famous know about know lapse of time lapse large in size large later on later latest intelligence latest news\news link up link little in size little\small located at at located inside inside lose out lose lower down fumber of many instant destruction destruction institute a change change institute an improvement improve irreparable loss loss join together join joined together joined joining together joining joint cooperation cooperation joint partnership partnership juizontally level level house and home home\family\-a if at all if\-o important essentials essentials in the month of in in the way described as described in this day and age today\now\-a individual person person\individual individual self self innumerable nain't am not\are not\is not aren't are not can't cannot couldn't could not didn't did not doesn't does not don't do not hadn't had not hasn't has not haven't have not he'd he should\he would he'll he will\he shall he's he is here's here is how's how is i'dvxyz{|}cutive businessmen business people\business executives cameraman camera operator cattleman rancher\cattle grower\cattle producer chairman chairperson\leader\head chairmanship leadership chairmen chairpersons\leaders\heads chambermaid room cleaner chorus boanchorman anchorperson baggageman baggage checker bellboy attendant\porter bowman archer boy child\kid bridesmaid bridal attendant brotherhood humanity\fellowship brotherly love human love\love busboy dish carrier\clearer businessman business executive\exey that\by it\thus\so therefrom from it\from therein there\in it\in thereof of it\of thereupon then\at that time therewith with it\with whereat at which\where whereby by which\so that wherein in which\where\when whereupon upon which\after which sue hereby now\-o herein here hereinafter after this heretofore formerly\before\earlier\to now herewith with this\now\-o notwithstanding despite the foregoing the\this\that\these\those\the above the said the specified\the thereafter after that\then thereby baforementioned mentioned earlier\earlier\previous\before\former aforesaid said earlier\earlier\previous\before\former alibi excuse counsel lawyer foregoing this\these henceforth from now on\forward\in the future hereafter from now on\afterward\in the futurt wouldn't would not you'd you should\you would you'll you will\you shall you're you are you've you have that is there's there is they'd they should\they would they'll they will\they shall wasn't was not we'd we should\we would we'll we shall\we will we're we are we've we have weren't were not what's what is where's where is who's who is\who has won't will nopr I should\I would i'll I shall\I will i'm i am i've I have isn't is not it'd it should\it would it'll it will\it shall it's it is\it has let's let us mustn't must not needn't need not shan't shall not she'd she should\she would shouldn't should not that's y chorus member\singer churchman church member\church leader cleaning girl housecleaner cleaning lady housecleaner committeeman committee member\member committeemen committee members\members committeewoman committee member\member congressman congressperson~owing\neon\fluorescent day-glo bright\glowing\neon\fluorescent day-glow bright\glowing\neon\fluorescent jell-o gelatin jello gelatin scotch tape tape\cellophane tape xerox photocopy xerox copies photocopying xerox copy photocopy xeroxes photocopied xeroxinband aid adhesive bandage\bandage band aids adhesive bandages\bandages band-aid adhesive bandage\bandage band-aids adhesive bandage\bandage coca cola cola\soft drink\pop coca-cola cola\soft drink\pop da-glo bright\glowing\neon\fluorescent da-glow bright\glter\server watchman guard watchmen guards weatherman weather reporter\meteorologist woman person women persons workman worker workmen workers ntative sportsman sports lover sportsmanship fair play statesman diplomat statesmanship diplomacy statesmen diplomats steward attendant\waiter stewardess attendant\flight attendant underclassman underclassperson underclassmen underclasspersons waitress wai\sales associate\sales representative salesmen salespeople\sales associates\sales representatives schoolboy pupil\student schoolgirl pupil\student serviceman soldier servicemen soldiers showgirl dancer songstress singer spaceman astronaut spokesman represen postal carriers\mail carriers repairman technician\service technician\field technician\repairperson repairmen technicians\service technicians\field technicians\repeairpersons salesgirl salesperson\sales associate\sales representative salesman salespersonrnalists paper boy paper carrier paperboy paper carrier patrolman officer\police officer patrolmen officers\police officers penmanship handwriting policeman officer\police officer policemen officers\police offiers postman postal carrier\mail carrier postmework hours\person-hours manhole sewer hole manhours work hours\person-hours mankind humanity\human race\humankind\people manmade artificial marksman sharpshooter\marksperson men people newsboy paper carrier newsman reporter\journalist newsmen reporters\jouce juryman juror kinsman relative kinsmen relatives ladies people lady person lawman officer\police officer longshoremen dock worker mailman postal carrier\mail carrier majorette twirler\baton twirler man person man hours work hours\person-hours man-hours er\laborer gunman gunner\sniper hoistman hoist operator\hoister horseman equestrian\rider\jockey horsemanship equestrianship horsemen equestrians\riders\jockeys horsewoman equestrian\rider\jockey hostess host housewife homemaker journeyman trainee\apprentirtisan\artist doorman doorperson every man everyone\everybody fireman firefighter\fireperson fisherman fisher\angler freshman first-year student gentleman person gentlemanly polite gentlemen people gentlewoman person groomsmen groom groundsman grounds work\senator\represenatative congressmen congresspersons\senators\representatives congresswoman congressperson\senator\represenatative councilman councilperson\council member councilwoman councilperson\council member countryman citizen craftsman craftsperson\ag photocopying out debate debating about debating debating on debating deleterious effect harm\damage\injury deserving of deserve desirous of want earliest convenience immediately\promptly\soon every now and then now and then experience difficulty have trouble experiencetimate estimate caution must be be careful\do not center about center on center around center on certainly yes\surely\positively\-o compensation pay conflagration fire considerably greatly\largely\much course of time time dates back to dates from debate abe end of after at the time when when at this point now\here\-o at your earliest convenience -o awfully very\-o based on the fact that because by herself alone by himself alone by itself alone by myself alone careful cautious\attentive\discreet carefully esn anywhere apart from except for appropriate proper as a consequence of because as of starting\beginning as regards regarding\about as shown in shows that assume that assume assuming that assuming\if at a future date sometime at an early date soon\-d at tha number of several\many\some actually -o add the point that add that advise inform\tell\write advised informed\told\wrote alibi excuse\except almost always -o and or and\or\-o and which and\which and who who and whose whose and/or and\or\-o anywhere withieren't what is what's where is where's who has who's who is who's will not won't would not wouldn't you are you're you have you've you shall you'll you should you'd you will you'll you would you'd ll she would she'd should not shouldn't that is that's there is there's they shall they'll they should they'd they will they'll they would they'd was not wasn't we are we're we have we've we shall we'll we should we'd we will we'll we would we'd were not w i shall I'll i should I'd i will I'll i would I'd is not isn't it has it's it is it's it shall it'll it should it'd it will it'll it would it'd let us let's must not mustn't need not needn't shall not shan't she shall she'll she should she'd she will she'are not aren't cannot can't could not couldn't did not didn't do not don't does not doesn't had not hadn't has not hasn't have not haven't he is he's he shall he'll he should he'd he will he'll he would he'd here is here's how is how's i am I'm i have I'ved difficulty had trouble experiencing difficulty having trouble extremely well well failed to did not fairly [BE PRECISE finally lastly\so foreseeable future soon formalize complete\approve\finish forward send found to be -o fullest possible extent fully\completely\-o fundamental real\basic give proper consideration assure\confirm\verify\establish had better should has a deleterious effect damages\harms\injures has shown to be is have an effect on affect have shown to be are hopefully I hope\we hope\-a impay\because afford an opportunity to allow\enable\permit after the conclusion of after after this is accomplished then agreement with agree with all of all all of a sudden suddenly\abruptly all the time always\continually\frequently\often along with plus\wita certain length of time a certain time\a while a great many many\most a large number of many\most a lot of many\much a majority of most a number of many a small number of a few\some above listed above\listed above mentioned above accounted for by caused bo was enthused was enthusiastic with respect to on\for\about would seem to -o would seem to be is sts there is there is reason to believe I think\we think to summarize in summary to summarize the above in summary to the extent that as much as\so much that to this point to now\to here\until now toward to towards to up to this point until now virtually -e measures act appropriately take into account consider\think about take it into account consider it\think about it take steps to try to\-o take that into account consider that\think about that taking into account considered there exist there are there exi shows an example of shows\proves some time ago formerly\long ago sort of somewhat\-o substantially -o succeed in doing do\complete succeeds in doing does\completes supposing that if take action act take appropriate action act appropriately take appropriatviously earlier\before primitive basic\primary\old put to use in use in\-r quite -o rather -o rather than instead of reasonably -o relatively somewhat\-o show an example of show\prove showed an example of showed\proved showing an example of showing\proving on the one hand -o on the other hand but once in a while occasionally\sometimes only difference being except outcome result overly too\over pay attention be attentive\be alert per se as such\-o perhaps maybe\-o preliminary to before previous to before preignificant might possibly might\could minimize as far as possible minimize nice pleasant\kind\agreeable\attractive\charming\pretty\engaging\-a not absent present of course naturally\-o of late lately\recently on account of because\because of on one hand -ojust before before kind of somewhat\-a kindly please leaving out of consideration disregarding likewise so\also long ago before\earlier look forward to eagerly await\eagerly expect make out a list of list may possibly may\might\could meaningful important\seed\call for is a function of depends on is because is that\is caused by is of importance is important it is believed that I think\we think it is suggested that I think\we think it may be that I think\we think it would seem that it appears that\apparently rms of about\of in the beginning first in the near future soon in the not too distant future soon in the not too distant past recently in the past formerly\earlier in the range of between includes the necessity of needs\calls for involve the necessity of nct affect\effect\-r impacted affected impacts affects in an effort to to in back of behind in case if in conflict with oppose\contradict\opposing\contradicting in existence existent\existing in relation to to in relation with with in respect to about in teh\including\and along with this with this\now\-o am able to can am going to shall\will am planning to shall\will am to shall\will an example of this is an example\for example\e.g.\-o any and all any\all any way anyway appropriate manner appropriately are ao remember forget failed to remember forgot fails to remember forgets false sense of security -r far and away by far first of all first for all i know maybe\-a for as much since\for for the forseeable future in the future for the purpose of for\to\-r for te during which when even though though\although ever so often frequently every so often occasionally except in a small number of cases usually except in the case unless except that unless\except except when unless\except exhibit filing behavior file fail tinerated did not remember forgot do not remember forget do too much overdo does not remember forgets doubt but doubt\doubt that due to the fact that because\because of\since during the course of during\while during the month of in during the time that whilntly so considerable number of many decide on decide\pick\choose decide upon decide\pick\choose decided on decided\picked\chose decided upon decided\picked\chose deliberate falsehood lie despite the fact that although destroyed by fire burned\burned up\inc end end come to be become come to life start\grow comes down to comes to\means\ends comes to life starts\grows comes to the same thing is the same\is equivalent comprised of comprised\composed of conduct an investigation of study\explore\research conseque happened\occurred can be identified as is called can safely say can say\can assure you\-a carry out experiments experiment check into check check on check check up on check come about happen come in contact with meet come into contact with meet come to ann by the use of by\with\using by this means now\by this call your attention to tell you\point out came about happened came in contact with met came into contact with met came to an end ended came to be became\happened came to life started\grew came to passring to a conclusion end\finish brought to the attention of reported to but which but by about about by and large largely\mostly\-a by means of by\with\through\among by means of which by which\so that by no means no way by that time by then by the time wheme now at this time yet\now\today\here attributable to because of\resulting from\owed to be that as it may however\-a because of the fact that because\since because of which wherefore before long soon believe it or not it is true that\-o both alike alike b time then at that time then at the present time now at the rear of behind at the time when\then at the time at which when at the time that when at this moment currently\now\-o at this moment in time now at this particular time here\now at this point in tibove at all times always at an earlier date earlier at any time ever\whenever\any time at below below at first first at no time never at once immediately at one time once\immediately at such time when\then\at\-r at that moment in time then at that point in what what\of what\for what\on what\-r as to where where\-r as to whether whether\-r as to which which as to who\-r who\of who\for who\-r as well as and\also\including as would be expected as expected at a later date later at a time that when\-r at above a against as an example for instance\for example as can be seen from as demonstrated by as is the case as is true\as happens\as it happens as is true of like as is usually the case as usual as of now now as of this date today as shown shows as such -o as toble to can are capable of can are going to shall\will are of the opinion that think that\believe that are of the same opinion agree are planning to shall\will are to shall\will as a consequence so\therefore as a result because\hence\therefore\so as againsthe reason that because\since for the simple reason that because\since for this reason so for what it's worth as it is\-o foremost first forseeable future future from the point of view of for from the standpoint of according to from what place whence from which where gainfully employed employed\working gave rise to caused give an indication show give assistance help give authorization authorize give rise to cause had a need for needed had a preference preferred had the ability to could had the capability cout -o it was obvious that obviously listed above listed\above maintain effective keep make a list of list make a purchase buy make a study study make adjustments adjust make an approximation approximate make application apply make changes in change make con -o it is obvious that obviously it is of interest to -o it is often the case that often it is worth pointing out that -o it should be remembered that remember that it stands to reason therefore it was apparent that apparently\obviously\-o it was noted thaoes\-o it being the case that whereas it goes without saying that -o it is apparent apparently it is apparent that apparently it is clear that clearly it is doubtful that possibly it is evident that clearly\plainly\obviously\apparently it is interesting ton is capable of can is defined as is is going to shall\will is indicative of shows is planning to shall\will is reflective of reflects is representative of represents is suggestive of suggests is used in preference to is preferable to is used to will\may\dthe shape of -o in the vicinity of near in this case here in this matter -o in view of the fact that since in violation of violate included in in\included with injurious harmful\damaging\dangerous inside of within\in into this matter hereinto is able to ca the future later\eventually\tomorrow\next week\next month\next year in the instance of for in the last analysis -o in the matter of in in the meantime meanwhile in the neighborhood of about in the possession of has\have in the production of to produce in \to support in that case then\therefore in the absence of without in the case for\by\in\if\when in the correct way correctly in the course of while\during in the event if in the event that if in the field of in in the final analysis -o in the form of as inicular particularly\specifically in place of for in rare cases rarely in short supply scarce\rare in some cases sometimes\some of these in spite of despite in spite of the fact that although\because\though\despite in such a way that so in support of to\foro in instances in which if\when in itself -o in many cases often\frequently in many instances often\frequently in most instances usually in my opinion I think\-o in no place nowhere in no uncertain in clear in order to to in our opinion we think\-o in parte in back of behind in behalf for in behind behind in cases in which if\when in conclusion lastly\finally\so in connection with about\on in either case if\therefore\so in every place everywhere in excess of more than\above in fact -o in general generally\-ecisely in a satisfactory manner satisfactorily in addition and\also in addition to also\aside from\besides in agreement with agree with in all in\altogether in an appropriate manner appropriately in any case anyhow\anyway\therefore\so in any place anywhere is a man who he hearty congratulations congratulations help but help i would appreciate it if you would please\-r in a considerable number of cases often in a hasty manner hastily in a manner which -a in a number of cases sometimes in a precise manner pr must has to have must have\needs have a need for need have a preference for prefer to\prefer have proved themselves to be have proven\have proven to be\are have the ability to can\could have the capability to can have to must have to have must have\need hld has a need for needs has a preference for prefers to\prefers has a tendency to tends to has proved itself to be has proven\has proven to be\is has proven itself to be has proven\has proven to be\is has the ability to can has the capability to can has totact with see\meet with make mention of mention make the acquaintance of meet make the adjustment adjust make your acquaintance meet you many of the many many times often\repeatedly\frequently mentioned above above moisture content of the air humidity more and more frequently\often more or less almost\about\generally\roughly more than one way many ways more ways than one many ways named as named nevertheless but\however\yet newly purchased new not any no\none not certain uncertain not clear unclear not commeast -o to that of to to the degree that as much as\because\since\as to which which\whereto took the place of replaced try out try unavoidable delay delay under the name of called\named\-r undertake a study of study until now formerly\before\earlier until ubtless\doubtlessly\no doubt this is a subject that this subject this particular this this point in time now through the medium of through\by through the use of by\through\with\via through this through\now throw out discard\reject thus far yet to say the l why is that because the referenced item this\that the sum of the\-o the volume of the\-o then will will there is little doubt that doubtless\doubtlessly\no doubt there is no doubt but that doubtless\doubtletssly\no doubt there is very little doubt that doo this the level of the\-o the majority of most the matter of about the nature of the\-o the necessary funds the money\money the number of the\-o the place that where the process of the\-o the purpose of the\-o the question as to whether whether the reasonsay that -o takes the place of replaces that are -o that particular that the amount of the\-o the area of the\-o the case of the\-o the degree of the\-o the existence of the\-o the extent of the\-o the field of the\-o the idea of the\-o the item referred tral slow to anger even-tempered\cool\level some of the some somewhere else elsewhere sooner or later eventually spell out explain state that state\say\-o stated that stated\said\-o states that states\says\-o stress the point that stress that suffice it to om range from rather -o really and truly really\truly\-o referred to mentioned referred to as called regardless of despite relates to is about\of\on relating to about\for\on respective -o respectively -o seem to be are\am seems to be is several of the seveto\since percentage of few\many\some\[GIVE PERCENTAGE plan to shall\will present a report report presented in this in this proceed to go to\continue to\-o proportion of few\many\some\[GIVE PERCENTAGE provides the allows the\-a quite -o range all the way frg -o only yesterday yesterday\recently operates to correct corrects other such other out of this world excellent\strange\-a outside of outside\without\except overcome with emotion touched\moved owing to the fact that because\because of\resulting from\owed ecause\since\as on the occasion of on\when on the part of by\for\among\from\of on the whole in general on two separate occasions twice on which which once more again one and all everyone\all one and the same the same one more another one or more any ongoina later date later on a regular basis regularly on a timely basis fast\quickly on account of which wherefore on an annual basis yearly\annually on an earlier date earlier on that basis -o on the basis of by\from\because of\based on\-r on the grounds that bw not very often seldom notwithstanding that although of great importance important of great magnitude large\great\-a of minor importance unimportant of the first magnitude large\great\-a off of off\from oftentimes often on a few occasions occasionally on vacant\empty\unoccupied not often seldom not perfect imperfect not qualified unqualified\incapable not right incorrect\improper\wrong not the same different not too common uncommon not used very often seldom used not usual unusual not very many very few\feon uncommon not ever never not expected unexpected not happy unhappy not honest dishonest not important unimportant\trivial not interesting uninteresting not legal illegal not like unlike not likely unlikely not necessary unnecessary\needless not occupied such time as until unwritten law law\rule\agreement unwritten rule law\rule\agreement up to about to\about\until up to here before this up to this time before use care not to do not use too much overuse verbal communication conversation very real real\-o viable alternative choice\alternative want to have need was able to could was not able to could not we wish to thank we thank\thanks to well-earned -o were able to could were not able to could not whatsoever -o when in fact whereas whether or not whether whannot help but can only compare against compare with comply to comply with conform in conform with\conform to conforming in conforming to conforming with conforming to conforms in conforms to conforms with conforms to corresponding with corresponding to cos backward basically -o be him be he be me be I be sure and be sure to be them be they been him been he been me been I been them been they being as how as\since between you and I between you and me blame it on blame can not cannot can't help but can only canything anyplace anywhere anyways anyway anywhere near near anywheres anywhere as although as though as follow as follows as good or better than as good as or better than at about at\about at all -o authority about authority to awfully very\awful backwardllows alongside of alongside\beside alot a lot alright all right amidst amid among one another among themselves\among ourselves amongst among an historical a historical analyzation analysis angry at angry with any body anybody any place anywhere any thing a media a medium accord to accord with\according to according with according to\accord with accumulative cumulative acquaint to acquaint with acquainted to acquainted with admit to admit adn and afterwards afterward aim at proving aim to prove allows for aUSER11 "U3 7 USER21 hat so\so that with this in mind therefore with which wherewith within the realm of possibility feasible\conceivable\possibly words cannot express -a words fail to express -a words to that effect -a would appear appears ich are -o while on the contrary whereas will then will wish to say say wish to state say\state wish to thank thank with a view to to with regard to about\regarding with the capability to capable of with the exception of except\except for with the result trresponds with corresponds to could care less couldn't care less could not help but could only could of could have couldn't hardly could hardly couldn't help but could only couldn't scarecely could scarcely data is data are daylight savings time daylight saving time depending upon depending on desirous to desire\desires\want\wantsdesirous of\-a did do did die from die of died from died of differ on differ\differ from different than different\different from disassociate dissociate don't never do not\never dop under under use to used to was him was he was me was I was us was we where as whereas who here who with in within with who with whom would of would have and me them and me\they and I this here this this much very much those people who those who\people who those there those to loan to lend towards toward try and try to under the circumstances in the circumstances underway under way unequal for unequal to umed than him than he than me than I than them than they than us than we that much so much that that so that that there that\there theirselves themselves them and i them and me\they and I there fore therefore these here these these kind of this type of they\she and I should of should have snuck sneaked some place somewhere someplace somewhere somewhere near near somewheres somewhere spoke to spoke with stay a while stay awhile superior than superior to\superior of suppose to supposed to teh the termed as terlent\fine reason is because reason is that\because referring to about\for\on regretful regrettable\unfortunate rely upon rely on reoccur recur reoccurrence recurrence reoccurring recurring responsible on responsible for\responsible to she and me her and meould preferable over preferable to preventative preventive prior than before\prior to prior to before rather -o real clear really clear\quite clear real close really close real fine really fine\quite fine\really good real good really good\really well\excel not unimportant important not unusual usual not very not nowhere like unlike nowhere near not near of that of which of who of whom off from off off of off on to onto one's self oneself orientate orient orientated oriented orientating orienting ought to shmuch more much\more must of must have my self myself near through nearly through neither of them are neither of them is no place nowhere none of them are none of them is noone no one noplace nowhere not nearly not\hardly not too not not unexpected expectedike wise so\also\similarly\likewise media is media are might of might have more correct more nearly correct more fatal more nearly fatal more final more nearly final more importantly more important most anybody almost anybody most everyone almost everyone to in regard to\regarding\about in search for in search of\searching for in to into inferior than inferior to\inferior of irregardless regardless is him is he is me is I is them is they just about nearly\almost\about just around around like that of like low ever however if that was if that were in accordance to by\following\according to\according with in accordance with by\following\according to\according with in between between in comparison to in comparison with in contrast with in contrast to in regardsfrightened by from hence hence graduated the graduated had come came had of had had ought should has come came have come came he and me he and I\him and me her and i her and me\she and I him and i he and I\him and me hopeful of hoping hopeful that hoping hubt if doubt that doubtlessly doubtless each of them are each of them is either of the two are either of the two is else but but everyplace everywhere feel badly feel bad feels badly feels bad firstly first for ever forever free of free from frightened of Ӡ蠨ӠӠӠӠЯ͠쮠Ӡ멮ӠӬ쬠嬠䮠묠䠨뮠련褐䮠嬠宠嬠嬠嬠Ӡ뮠묠묠Ӭ쬠ӠӠӠӠ報䠲ӠӠ뮠ӠӠӬӠӠӠӠ嬠ӬЬٮӠ뮠ӠӠӠڠ䠯î䬠廠䬠嬠Ӡ宠Ӡ宠庠砯ïڠ蠨Ӡ嬠ڬ䠯ì堯ïڮگ宠ΠӠӠ뮠嬠ڠìïڮ堮묠Π嬠묠堧姮堧묠嬠ΠΠӠӠ뮠묠堧姮堧嬠ΠӠӠ宠嬠嬠ΠΠ묠堧姮堧묠묠ӠӠӠ묠堧姮묠堧짮ӠﮠӠ뮠ӠϮ嬠گӠ宠嬠堯ïگڠî宠ﮠHHH\HHHLfhhTH(`P`qosss sw| _2V L -@$LYLY=QCB8 é=<?>CB 8 à ``hhߚHH`LL0H `hhhhH嬠謠嬠謠䮠򠳮à젠Π򮠠䮠گ뮠Ӡ嬠ڠì堯ïڮӠ宠嬠ڠ䠯ì堯ïڮ蠨ӠӠӠӠ宠嬠ӠϠӠ宠Ӡ뮠ӠӠ宠嬠8L2C)pJJJJ IH(ȱH:=IH[H`@HcH  $ +  QRzL7Q c QH ` UUUU UUwUU K  mL7Q=C8 ` 鼕SS S阝S` K mSSef`SJR Q8 QUQ 7H L7Q K  m  Q` KS S! m I/H`JLNGȄBȄF aK  haaFF  mJm# KKJ UJ )J ۈ) ;J3ȱJFȱJGJKaȄM  aaNNJFLGJL L? 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