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ROCKFORD, IL 61111 815 877-1343 (VISA/MC) YOU WILL RECEIVE A UTILITY DISK, DOCUMENTATION, AND A VALIDATION STICKER AS PROOF OF PAYMENT. YOUR HONESTY WILL A`AME, LOW-COST WAY. <> Ӝsqu`".Q`pNФbptťܥm2<(-Py0\|e<6e< ~ vL~ JJJJj귍hI  aUL@ kU8  L  ^R(jQ0l^l\ IOÌȌ`W ԧ H h@ [_ /QSIRb_L`LLLL`ª`LQL߼YLeLXLeLee ўQ0 L&RE;BY; Ꝥ$`( R \ZLl8 ўR HH\`\Z[YS6`LxQɿu3'RͲʎRʎ]]]ɍuL͟ɍ}RLRɍg^H8 ^hZLɍR LͲɊRR% QLܤͲ Z@ -^ ş\[Z QY\[Z8`l6Lş_Ȍb_Ͳ] )Y h( ֭ͲLɍ [LLĦ__ ^ 9 LҦ3 9 a   0LjLY u< (_9 ˭ɠuɠK_9 ?LˆʎõĵL õ ĵµ aµ`` L̦µ_bJLuLz`  ȟ QlXJ̥KlV  ȟ QlV eօ3L e3L &RL &QL d L4 We)n `@-eff L f`L . tQLѤ LҦL` OPu d L Ne)noon 8ɍ` ^f\õL ^NR  RΩLҦ\L \ şL_ NLjHv 3h`0h8` [L NС õ`A@` ŵL]Lõ`  \ 濭0 ş  Q ^\lZl^\8  ş Lȟ`fhjõĵ@OAP`u@`@&`QR`F Ls  @DAF@u`8` %@ @A@`@`@A`Mµ ) LЦ`8@AWc@8@-@HAȑ@hHȑ@ȑ@hHȑ@Ȋ@ch8&ȑ@Hȑ@Ah@LHȑ@ȑ@ htphso`hMhL`9V8U897T6S67`INILOASAVRUCHAIDELETLOCUNLOCCLOSREAEXEWRITPOSITIOOPEAPPENRENAMCATALOMONOMOPRINMAXFILEFINBSAVBLOABRUVERIF!pppp p p p p`" t""#x"p0p@p@@@p@!y q q p@ ,\Z[PRN,XɄOɊRQF(0Bhhhw4h/ ^0(p ߩRP1Q ɿ, P\L˵B̵C8pB߮Z\  յյ\BIR Z-^ Jp\IZLL-p  Ϡ@跻~!Wo*9~~~~ɬƬ~_ j ʪHɪH`Lc (L ܫ㵮赎 ɱ^_ J LsL Q(`贩紎 DǴҵԵƴѵӵµȴ 7 ַ :ŵƴѵǴҵȴµ納贍﵎ٵ്ᵭⳍڵL^ѵ-I `  4 ò-յ!  8صٵ紭ﵝ 7L (0+BC  7L HH`LgL{0 HH` õL H hBL BH [ h`Lo õ ڬL B ڬ LH hB@ յյ [L (ȴ) ȴ 7L L ( L (ȴL{ƴѵ洩ƴǴҵ 7 ^* B0 HȱBh ӵԵ 8 L8 ݲ` ܫ  / / şFD B / / ]ƴS0Jȴ ȴ)  紅D贅F B ƴ  / 0L Ν `ND8HFFhDh N ş`, ŵBѵ`, ѵB8` ܫ XI볩쳢8 DH E𳈈췍Ȍ X0 · JLǵBȵC`,յp` 䯩 R-յյ`յ0` K R-յյ`ɵʵӵԵ` 4 K ( ѵҵLBȱBL8` DBHBH : ַ޵BȭߵBhhӵԵ RBܵmڵ޵ȱBݵm۵ߵ` 䯩LR˵̵ֵ׵`LzĪLR E( 8` R` ELRŪƪ`췌 յյI뷭鷭귭ⵍ㵍跬ª 뷰` Lf ݵܵߵ޵ ^`8ܵ i B8` 4L ֵȱB׵ ܯ䵍൭嵍 ` DȑB׵Bֵ  ַ յյ`` ᥠ hh`ĵµ`ڿ8.ڿ.ۿ`êL`õĵBCõĵ`µµ`L õBĵCصص Qƴ0"Bƴ 󮜳` 0۰ϬBƴ8`i#`ЗLw!0>ﵭ` m ﳐ 7i볍 8 ЉLw`H h ݲL~ `浍국䵍뵩嵠Jm赍嵊mjnnn浈ۭm浍浭m䵍䵩m嵍`"L ŵ8ŵH x(` d£àĠz# u` your extended"&"80 column card. Obviously if these programs are used after using RAMDRIVE, the":"files on RAMDRIVE are probably scrambled. RAMDRIVE can be unconditionally"X'"re-initialized after the extended 80 column card has been used by anoere is no directory. This":"means RAMDRIVE is automatically initialized when first enabled after power-up.":&"Some programs written specifically for the Apple //e (such as Quick File //e":"and the new Apple Writer //) also use some of the memory on$"Re-initializing RAMDRIVE"::"Initialization means an empty, clean directory will be written onto RAMDRIVE; a":"process similiar to formatting a diskette to receive files. Initialization"n%"only occurs when RAMDRIVE is enabled and determines the OPEN-APPLE key hit RETURN. Continue to hold down the":"OPEN-APPLE key for about 5 seconds until you hear an audio click.":#n"Each audio click represents a one sector read or write. You may BRUN RAMDRIVE":"even if RAMDRIVE is already enabled.":wer pitched click for a 'write to disk access'. To enable the""j"audio indicator, hold down the OPEN-APPLE key at the same time RAMDRIVE is":"being enabled. For example, type 'BRUN RAMDRIVE,S6,D1' (don't hit RETURN yet)."#l"While holding down thn is always restored as it was after the disk access":"has finished."::"In addition to the visual access indicator, an audio access indicator is also"?"h"available. The audio indicator is a high pitched click for a 'read from disk":"access' or a lorom RAMDRIVE, an inverse ";::"R";::" or ";::"W";::" will appear in the lower righthand corner of":"the 40 or 80 column text screen."; e" The ";::"R";::" signifies a disk read and a ";::"W";::" signifies"!f"a disk write. The screeailed explanation appears later in this document.":X"Audiovisual Access Indicator"::"Just as a red LED on the front of your disk drives indicate a disk access,":"RAMDRIVE provides a visual access indicator. Whenever DOS 3.3 requests data" d"fpple."::"WARNING FOR 128K CARD USERS: never press CONTROL-RESET followed by PR#3 to"4"enable the 80 column display. Instead, after pressing CONTROL-RESET, type":"CATALOG,S3 first. Failure to do so may result in an I/O ERROR on a CATALOG.":"A det disabled any time a re-boot occurs (unless":"re-enabled by the HELLO program)."::"Whenever your Apple is turned off, all files on RAMDRIVE will be lost. Be sure"V"to save any important files on RAMDRIVE onto a diskette before turning off the":"Al disable RAMDRIVE. Simply BRUN RAMDRIVE after the INIT""command is finished, and all the files saved on RAMDRIVE can once again be":"accessed. The command INIT HELLO,S3 will disable RAMDRIVE and will otherwise""be ignored. RAMDRIVE will beh RAMDRIVE. A disk copy utility called RAMCOPY is provided. RAMDRIVE":"always has a limit of 49 files. A diskette has a limit of 105 files.":9"All DOS commands will work including INIT, OPEN, CLOSE, READ, WRITE, and CHAIN.":"The INIT command wil on this disk":(SPC$,9)"30 PRINT CHR$(4) "Q$"BRUN RAMDRIVE"Q$|(SPC$,9)"40 PRINT CHR$(4) "Q$"EXEC COPY ALL FILES"Q$:SCĺ"Using RAMDRIVE - section 3":"Copy programs which copy an entire diskette, such as COPYA, cannot be used""witte will automatically be copied to RAMDRIVE.":" Complete turnkey operation is easy! Use the following Applesoft":" HELLO program:":?(SPC$,9)"10 REM Turnkey HELLO Program":(SPC$,9)"20 REM RAMDRIVE, COPY ALL FILES, and FID must be ALL FILES insert a diskette in slot 6, drive 1 which contains":" FID, COPY ALL FILES, and all other files you want copied to RAMDRIVE. At"/" this point, type 'EXEC COPY ALL FILES,S6,D1'. Space permitting, all":" files on the disket An":" EXEC file called 'COPY ALL FILES' is supplied on your diskette. A custom"" EXEC file could also be created which copies selected files. See The DOS":" User's Manual for a description of EXEC files.":" To use COPY into high memory will not work.":6"The RWTS routine may be called at $3D9 as described in The DOS Programmer's":"Manual as usual with a few minor restrictions:":17" 1. The IOB and buffer must reside in the memory range from $200 to $BFFF.":nterest. RAMDRIVE determines the card type when enabled."5V"Location 24589 ($600D) will contain a 64 for 64K cards or 128 for 128K cards.":#6`"DOS 3.3 speed-up programs, utilities, and enhancements may or may not work.":"Utilities to relocate DOScators can"}4"effectively be disabled by 'poking' the space character (160 decimal) into":"locations 24587 and 24588."::5L"Technical Notes"::"For the casual user, you already know enough to use RAMDRIVE and the following":"pages may not be of iAD RAMDRIVE,S6,D1"Q$:" 110 POKE 24581,5 : CALL 24576 : REM EMULATE SLOT 5 (FOR EXAMPLE)": 4"The parameters for the emulated volume number and audiovisual access indicators":"can be changed to your liking in a similiar manner. The visual indited Slot / Access Indicator"::"If for some reason you wished that RAMDRIVE would emulate a disk in a slot":"other than slot 3, change it by enabling RAMDRIVE using Applesoft statements":"such as these:":b3" 100 PRINT CHR$(13) CHR$(4) "Q$"BLOES":1"If RAMDRIVE was already enabled, you must re-initialize in order for either":"modification to have any effect. If the double high-resolution display is set"1"for use, RAMDRIVE will have 8K (32 sectors) less for your files.":2"Emula:"If you wish to use the double high-resolution display, enable RAMDRIVE with":"Applesoft statements such as these:":1" 100 PRINT CHR$(13) CHR$(4) "Q$"BLOAD RAMDRIVE,S6,D1"Q$:" 110 POKE 24580,1 : CALL 24576 : REM ALLOW USE OF DBL HI-Rand wish to gain 4 sectors of"/"disk space, enable RAMDRIVE with Applesoft statements such as these:"::" 100 PRINT CHR$(13) CHR$(4) "Q$"BLOAD RAMDRIVE,S6,D1"Q$:" 110 POKE 24579,0 : CALL 24576 : REM DISALLOW 80 COLUMNS (64K ONLY)"x0olution display. If a disallowed"."display is used anyway, parts of files on RAMDRIVE may be destroyed. If you":"have a 128K card, the 80 column display may always be used. If you have a 64K"/"card and will not be using the 80 column display l indicator character (";::"W";::")"X-8SCĺ(SPC$,50)"- explanations continued -"^-:"."80 Columns and Double Hi-res"::"The initial values for these parameters allow the use of the 80 column display":"and disallow use of the double high-res 6 read audio indicator frequency (0 to 255)":" 24586 18 write audio indicator frequency (0 to 255)"(-6" 24587 18 read visual indicator character (";::"R";::")":" 24588 23 write visuaemulated slot number (1 to 7)":" 24582 1 emulated volume number (1 to 254)"+2" 24583 24 read audio indicator duration (0 to 255)":" 24584 18 write audio indicator duration (0 to 255)",4" 24585 Description":"--------- ------------- -------------------------------------":" 24579 1 allow 80 column use (0 or 1) -for 64K cards only"]+0" 24580 0 disallow double hi-res use (0 or 1)":" 24581 3 rogram. The procedure is to first BLOAD RAMDRIVE, POKE new values":"into memory, and CALL 24576 ($6000 hex; the entry to RAMDRIVE). The following":"table describes the different parameters."*.:"Location Initial Value":"(Decimal) (Decimal) :"SOLID-APPLE key for about 5 seconds.":( "Modifing RAMDRIVE Parameters"::"Several modifications can be made to RAMDRIVE. These modifications are made by":"'poking' values into the RAMDRIVE program from Applesoft and running the"),"RAMDRIVE pther":"application. To re-initialize, hold down the SOLID-APPLE key while RAMDRIVE is"*("being enabled. For example, type 'BRUN RAMDRIVE,S6,D1' (don't hit RETURN yet).":"While holding down the SOLID-APPLE key hit RETURN. Continue to hold down the"ended 80 column card. RAMCOPY will copy DOS 3.3 or":"Apple Pascal 1.1 diskettes.":zFl"SPEEDOS Utility for DOS 3.3":"Gn"A speed-up utility called SPEEDOS is included on the RAMDRIVE diskette. It is":"a public domain program written by Lee DeRaudll"E"require only two disk swaps with a 64K card or only one disk swap with a 128K":"RAM card (zero swaps for successive copies).":UF"RAMCOPY will disable RAMDRIVE and destroy any files saved on RAMDRIVE. RAMCOPY":"will not work without an exts Manual."::"To use RAMCOPY, type 'BRUN RAMCOPY'. RAMCOPY is used just like you use COPYA."E"Slot 3 cannot be specified for the original or duplicate slot numbers. Pressing":"the ESC key for any prompt will end the program immediately. RAMCOPY wi"C "protocol 64K or 128K extended 80 column card. If you currently copy diskettes":"with one disk drive using the COPYA program, RAMCOPY will copy diskettes in"^D "less time with fewer disk swaps. COPYA is explained on page 66 of the DOS":"User'B"that use the 80 column display may wish to revert to the 40 column display":"during a RAMDRIVE disk access to maximize speed.":C"RAMCOPY Diskette Copy Utility"::"RAMCOPY is a diskette copy utility for the Apple //e Computer with any standardOFF and ON."::"RAMDRIVE will be significantly slower when the 80 column display is used"A"instead of the 40 column display. RAMDRIVE must access 64K bank 2 between":"screen refreshes to avoid a hideous screen flicker in 80 column mode. Programs"do not get inadvertently switched when using"@"the 80 column or double high-resolution graphics display. This could happen if":"CONTROL-RESET is pressed followed by PR#3 or a program using double"ZA"high-resolution graphics toggles anunciator 3 64K bank 2. After any":"disk access, 64K bank 1 will be enabled. RAMDRIVE expects that the 80 column"-@~"and double high-resoluton graphics displays use auxiliary memory from 64K bank":"1 and never 64K bank 2."::"IT IS IMPORTANT that the 64K banks banks are switched by pressing">z"CONTROL-RESET or whenever anunciator 3 is turned OFF and ON. RAMDRIVE employs":"a signature byte to determine one 64K bank from the other. Address 0 in"g?|"auxiliary memory will be $5A for 64K bank 1 and $A5 for T is pressed or whenever RAMDRIVE is enabled. Once enabled,":"RAMDRIVE will not alter anunciator 3's switch setting.":>x"Technical Notes for 128K cards"::"The following applies only to 128K memory cards."::"The 128K card has two 64K banks. The nd most other programs":"residing in bank switched memory will work properly.":<("Anunciator 3 is used to switch 64K banks on the 128K RAM cards and to":"enable double high-resolution graphics. Anunciator 3 is set to ON whenever"y=*"CONTROL-RESEtions:"::" 1. RAM bank 2 always write-enabled.";$" 2. ROM read-enabled if Applesoft was in use before the disk access.":" 3. RAM bank 2 read-enabled if Applesoft was not in use.":Q<&"These rules insure that Applesoft BASIC, Integer BASIC a 4 bytes of the RWTS routine at $BD00. No other main":"memory is used or modified. All auxiliary memory is used.":3;""After each disk access to RAMDRIVE, the bank switched memory ($D000 to $DFFF in":"main memory) will be left in the following condi any disk access.":=9SCĺ"Technical Notes - section 2":9"The RAMDRIVE program resides at $6000 to $63E0. This memory is freed after":"RAMDRIVE is enabled. RAMDRIVE uses DOS 3.3 unused memory from $BCEC to $BCFF"v: "and overwrites the first Only sectors 0 to 7 are valid for track 17."::"An I/O error message will result otherwise. You must use the $3D9 entry to":"RWTS to be sure the maskable interupt flag is set to inhibit interupts. "9"RAMDRIVE cannot service any interupts during" 2. Track number may range from 3 to 34 only."7" 3. 64K cards: sector number may range from 0 to 7 for tracks 3 to 33 and":" 0 to 5 for track 34.":" 4. 128K cards: sector number may range from 0 and 15 for all tracks but 17."8" "data from RAMDRIVE, an inverse ";::"R";::" or ";::"W";::" will appear in the lower righthand corner"V "of the 40 or 80 column text screen. The ";::"R";::" signifies a disk read and a ";::"W":W "signifies a disk write. The screenceed the limit or files will be lost without warning!":U"Audiovisual Access Indicator"::"Just as a red LED on the front of your disk drives indicate a disk access,":"RAMDRIVE provides a visual access indicator. Whenever Apple Pascal requests"oVrned off, all files on RAMDRIVE will be lost. Be sure":"to save any important files on RAMDRIVE onto a diskette before turning off the":"Apple.":8U"Volume RAM: has a limit 18 files for 64K cards and a limit of 38 files for":"128K cards. Do not ex, Z(ero, B(ad Block Scan, T(ransfer, and P(refix."SJ"All Pascal I/O intrinsics work including RESET, REWRITE, READLN, WRITELN,":"UNITREAD, UNITWRITE, BLOCKREAD, and BLOCKWRITE.":SSCĺ"Using RAMDRIVE - section 2":T"Whenever your Apple is tu$,35)"2 SYSTERM:":(SPC$,35)"4 # APPLE1:":(SPC$,35)"9 # RAM:"RF(SPC$,33)"ROOT VOL IS - APPLE1:":(SPC$,33)"PREFIX IS - APPLE1:":2SH"Volume RAM: can be treated exactly like any other disk. All F(iler commands":"will work including K(runchlocks for 64K cards or 234 free blocks for 128K":"cards. Prove it to yourself by entering the F(iler and requesting a list of"Q:"on-line V(olumes. It should look something like this:"::(SPC$,33)"VOLS ON-LINE:":(SPC$,35)"1 CONSOLE:"BRD(SPCtalled. The message '64K RAMDRIVE Initialized...' will"P6"appear for 64K cards (or a similiar message for 128K cards). This indicates":"that a fresh directory has automatically been written onto unit 9, volume RAM:."Q8"Volume RAM: has 108 free bMDRIVE is desired, transfer these four files onto those volumes as well. At"O"this point, RAMDRIVE is fully installed!":8P4"Using RAMDRIVE"::"To use RAMDRIVE, simply boot on APPLE1: or any other system diskette on which":"RAMDRIVE has been inson APPLE1:, temporarily C(hange it to"N"OLDSTARTUP.CODE. You may be able to combine both STARTUP programs into one":"program (described later in this document).":MO"If there are any other system diskettes (those used for booting) in which":"RAbegins on page 34 of the Apple Pascal Operating System":"Reference Manual. If there is inadequate space on APPLE1: for all four files,"&N"move workfiles and other unnecessary files onto other diskettes. If a file":"called SYSTEM.STARTUP is already volume APPLE1:. The four files are:"::(SPC$,15)"SYSTEM.STARTUP ATTACH.DATA"L(SPC$,15)"SYSTEM.ATTACH ATTACH.DRIVERS"::"From the F(iler, T(ransfer these four files onto APPLE1:. The procedure for"M"transferring files he Apple Pascal Operating System. If not, read the":"Apple Pascal Operating System Reference Manual, particularly chapters 1 to 3."ZL"Side 2 (unlabeled and non-bootable) of your RAMDRIVE diskette contains four":"files which must be transferred onto ed, the INIT command is disabled. RAMDRIVE will be unable":"to load or save files outside the memory range from $200 to $BFFF when SPEEDOS"Jz"is enabled (which DOS 3.3 can do without SPEEDOS).":K"Installing RAMDRIVE"::"You should understand tr 20 | 7":"RAMDRIVE | 10 | 10 | 1.7 | 0.8":Iv"The RAMDRIVE / SPEEDOS combination can increase speed up to 40 times!":"A high resolution picture can load in less than 1/3 of a second!!":Jx"When SPEEDOS is enablircumstances:"::"Device | DOS 3.3 (unmodified) | DOS 3.3 w/SPEEDOS":" | save | load | save | load"PIt"----------+------------+------------+------------+------------":"DISK ][ | 40 or 44 | 32 | 13 o and published in Call-A.P.P.L.E."Gp"Use FID to copy SPEEDOS onto your diskettes. SPEEDOS is enabled by typing":"'BRUN SPEEDOS'. The following table shows the time (in seconds) required to"Hr"load or save a 131 sector binary file under various c Apple Pascal Operating System Reference Manual for an":"explanation of STARTUP programs. The STARTUP program for RAMDRIVE does the":"following things:":@g " 1. Copies the device service routine into the extended 80 column card.":" 2. Checks ifload at astounding speed from volume RAM:.":e "The STARTUP program"::"A file called SYSTEM.STARTUP is provided on your RAMDRIVE diskette. This":"program is executed automatically by Apple Pascal whenever APPLE1: is booted."f "See page 8 of the1:] may be automatically transferred onto volume RAM: when RAMDRIVE"d "is initialized. To enable this feature, enter the F(iler. C(hange the name of":"SYSTEM.FILER to FILER.CODE and SYSTEM.EDITOR to EDITOR.CODE."-e :"The F(iler and E(ditor will SWITCH DISKS ONLY IN THE FILER."::"Two or more drive systems may use RAMDRIVE in whatever way you feel most":"comfortable.":Dd "Automatic File Transfer"::"Optionally, the F(iler and E(ditor [files SYSTEM.FILER and SYSTEM.EDITOR on":"volume APPLE APPLE2: and put APPLE1: back in":" 6. Q(uit the filer":b8 "This will give you most of the files you need to do development work. Always":"be sure the boot volume (APPLE1: in this case) is in your disk drive when you"c: "are not in the F(iler. ecommended approach to using your drives is as follows:"::" 1. Boot from APPLE1:":" 2. Enter the F(iler":" 3. Take out APPLE1: and put in APPLE2:"X "available. The audio indicator is a high pitched click for a 'read from disk":"access' or a low flicker in 80 column mode. Programs may wish to revert to the":"40 column display during a RAMDRIVE disk access to maximize speed.":vPAGE100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1300,1400wPAGE100,2000,2100,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2700 double high-resolution graphics toggles anunciator 3 OFF and":"ON.":u& "RAMDRIVE will be significantly slower when accessing 64K bank 2 (blocks 129 to":"255). RAMDRIVE must access 64K bank 2 between screen refreshes to avoid a"v( "hideous screensplays use auxiliary memory from 64K bank 1 and never 64K bank 2."::"IT IS IMPORTANT that the 64K banks do not get inadvertently switched when using"Gu$ "the 80 column or double high-resolution graphics display. This could happen if":"a program using:"bank from the other. Address 0 in auxiliary memory will be $5A for 64K bank 1"s "and $A5 for 64K bank 2. After a RAMDRIVE disk access, 64K bank 1 will be":"enabled. RAMDRIVE expects that the 80 column and double high-resoluton"t" "graphics di"Technical Notes for 128K cards"::"The following applies only to 128K memory cards."::"The 128K card has two 64K banks. The banks are switched whenever anunciator 3"Rs "is turned OFF and ON. RAMDRIVE employs a signature byte to determine one 64K"ks on the 128K RAM cards and to":"enable double high-resolution graphics. Anunciator 3 is se4 to ON whenever"q "CONTROL-RESET is pressed or whenever RAMDRIVE is enabled. Once enabled,":"RAMDRIVE will not alter anunciator 3's switch setting.":r sh with a heap overflow because of RAMDRIVE. This should":"be a rare problem.":p "The maskable interupt flag is set during a disk access. RAMDRIVE cannot":"service any interupts during a disk access.":oq "Anunciator 3 is used to switch 64K ban "A small linkage routine for RAMDRIVE resides on the heap, safe from other":"programs writing over it. (Most of the RAMDRIVE software resides on the"Rp "extended 80 column card). Programs that are near the threshold of heap":"overflow may now cracolumn screen memory":" 5 0600 - 07FF 0600 - 07FF * - 64K bank 1":n` "The double high-resolution graphics memory maps to blocks 114 to 129 for 64K":"cards or blocks 6 to 21 for 128K cards.":n SCĺ"Technical Notes - section 2":o 0600 - 07FF 0600 - 07FF 0400 to 07FF used for 80 columns"m\ " 2 FE00 - FFFF FC00 - FDFF Directory block (64K and 128K)":" 3 0400 - 05FF FE00 - FFFF Directory block (128K only)"Sn^ " 4 0400 - 05FF 0400 - 05FF 80 " 64K cards 128K cards*":" Block Mapped Addr Mapped Addr Comments":" ----- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------"?mZ " 0 0400 - 05FF 0400 - 05FF Blocks 0 and 1 used for booting":" 1 TREAD and UNITWRITE can be used to access auxiliary"kV "memory directly. Blocks 0 to 129 are valid for 64K cards. Blocks 0 to 255 are":"valid for 128K cards. The following table describes how blocks 0 to 5 are":"mapped into auxiliary memory.":lX to something else, and C(hange your linked STARTUP code file to":"SYSTEM.STARTUP.":4kT "Technical Notes"::"For the casual user, you already know enough to use RAMDRIVE and the following":"pages may not be of interest."::"The Pascal intrinsics UNIe":"Pascal Language and Operating System. In addition to compiling your new"i "STARTUP program, you will need to L(ink in files RAMDRIVE.CODE and RAMDSR.CODE":"also found on the RAMDRIVE diskette. Finally, C(hange the old SYSTEM.STARTUP"Vj "file RAM:."h :"The Pascal source file for the STARTUP program is also on the RAMDRIVE diskette":"under filename STARTUP.TEXT. You may want to modify the STARTUP program to"Ni "perform other functions. Such changes will require an understanding of th a directory is on volume RAM:. If there is, the program ends."h " 3. Writes a blank directory to volume RAM:.":" 4. Creates a file to lockout the memory used for double hi-res graphics.":" 5. Conditionally copies some system files onto volume$ >"$ @@|@@@@@`d@@`  D" $@x| 8|0 @ 0p@   0 @`0 p@` $""$ @@@4d p@   |   | | DRIVE"::"CATALOG,S3":D$"CATALOG,S3":1012,PUB:D$"FP"S "FILE$?j'S10100,10200,10300,10400,6000,10600,10700:10020jt'HD$HD$"DOS 3.3 Documentation:":5000'HD$HD$"Apple Pascal Documentation:":S4:5000<(S2:5000(S3:5000h)HD$HD$"Copy RAMDRIVE for DOS 3.3":70008)(12)(21)::"RAMnitialized diskette";:H,7:14:"7) Exit to Applesoft BASIC";:FU0|L'H,17:16:" Please enter your selection (1 to 7) ";V':5:SA48:S1S7İ4100:10060`'HD$"RAMDRIVE //e ":PR$"PR#"(SLOT):SLOT8PR$"OPEN "FILE$",S6,D1"(13)D$"WRITEette Copy Utility Documentation (RAMCOPY)";:H,7:9:"4) DOS 3.3 Speed-Up Utility Documentation (SPEEDOS)";:~8'H,7:11:"5) Print all Documentation to printer in slot "SLOT" (approx. 8 pages)";CB'H,7:12:"6) Copy RAMDRIVE for DOS 3.3 to another i$SPC$SPC$::D$"PR#3":]}$'10:2:H,0:I179:"_";::I317:I:H,0:"|";:H,78:"|";:}.'H,1:17:I177:"_";::H,7:5:"1) RAMDRIVE Documentation for DOS 3.3";:H,7:6:"2) RAMDRIVE Documentation for Apple Pascal 1.1";m~3'H,7:8:"3) Disk35580:2:D$(4):Q$(34):PUB(1012):1012,0:NP(1)13:NP(2)1:NP(3)1:NP(4)13:7500|TDOS41794:D(5,1):I05:D(I,0)(DOSI)::D(0,1)169:D(1,1)96:D(2,1)160:D(3,1)0:D(4,1)234:D(5,1)234:D$"BLOAD RAMDRIVE,A$8B00"}'H1403:SPC$" ":I16:SPC00 - WORKS ONLY FOR DOS 3.34{L216,0: ERR HANDLER}{VERR(222):LINE(218)(219)256:54915:LINE7000LINE750010700{`J0:7200:ERR4ė:12::" *** Sorry, this disk is write protected! Copy aborted. ";::I13000:{j10020{@ MainX|Jeady.";:14:H,20:"Press the ESC key to return to the menu.";::5:A27ıbzvA13İ4100:7020zJ1:7200:(13)D$"BSAVE RAMDRIVE,A$8B00,L$3E0,S6,D1":J0:7200:7000{ I05:DOSI,D(I,J)::: modify/restore DOS to write A$ parm in BSAVE as A$60E1NP(S):4020:::::::::D$"CLOSE":D$"PR#3":AyX copyyb:FU0:HD$:6:H,14:"Please insert your diskette in slot 6, drive 1 now."::H,12:"The RAMDRIVE program will be copied onto this diskette."Kzl12:H,24:"Press the RETURN key when r page -->";:+x5:A8PAGEPAGE1:50207xA27ıSxA21PAGEPAGE1:5020cx4100:5035sxp print docxz(12)(21):D$;PR$::::10::::SC1:100:SC0::::"RAMDRIVE for DOS 3.3"xS14:S4ĺ"RAMDRIVE for Apple Pascal"6y:PAG,2800,2900,3000,3100/wS4000,1800,1900,4010HwFUāI1FU:64477:XwFUFU1::gw view docwwPAGE1:SC1wFU0:PAGE1PAGENP(S)ıw:HD$" ";:4020 xH,0:24:"<-- left arrow for last page - for menu - right arrow for next *"T MO$"???JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC"Z h S1$:S2$ "* SYSTEM DATE AND TIME UTILITY *" S2$:S1$ 10   - READ SYSTEM DATE  "DD(49040)((49040)32)32 ,YY-dD$(4):INSLOT$(7)XnFALSE0:TRUE1:APPLEIIEFALSE:L$"LANGUAGE CARD":U$"USED"cx(21)m1860x252025102520BL$" "S1$"***************************************"" S2$"*                            $@p` @   0L  0L0  0@@03$@@D@`x x @@|  0|@8p@@ @`@` $"""">@@0 @0 0 0  00<0 8`@@0$@@@` |||pd| D@`  L0 @0 @   | p@| @` $""$$@`@|p@ @|| |@| ||pp`@@`$@@@` D!D@` l0 @0p@   | p@| p@`  PREFIX RETURNS NAME OF LAST ACCESSED DISK5 FD$;"PREFIX"p"";PREFIX$:"STARTUP DISK: ";PREFIX$w  DETERMINE MEMORY SIZE :"YOUR ";TI$;" HAS:"::5I035:ZZ:768I,ZZ:^ 141,09,192,165,00,162,02,134,00,1:TI$"APPLE ///":MACHIDMACHID192:1940svMACHID128Ė15:TI$"Apple //e":MACHIDMACHID128:APPLEIIETRUE:1940MACHID64Ė14:TI$"APPLE ][ PLUS":MACHIDMACHID64:194016:TI$"APPLE ]["2440  GET NAME OF BOOT DISK."U&(SADDR11)1ĭ((SADDR12)16)10INSLOT$(SLOT)ID$(((SADDR12)16)):18500(SADDR5)72(SADDR7)72INSLOT$(SLOT)"PARALLEL CARD":SLOT:1860:1950D N IDENTIFY MACHINE TYPEX bMACHID(49048):(lMACHID192Ė1576)234INSLOT$(SLOT)"SILENTYPE":1850y(SADDR)8(SADDR1)120(SADDR2)40INSLOT$(SLOT)"TIMEMASTER ][":1850(SADDR5)24(SADDR7)56INSLOT$(SLOT)"COMMUNICATIONS CARD":1850(SADDR5)56(SADDR7)24INSLOT$(SLOT)"SERIAL CARDSLOTS(49049):V128#I701<INSLOT$(I)"UNKNOWN"fSLOTSVINSLOT$(I)U$:SLOTSSLOTSVpVV2wI~  FIND SILENTYPE AND TIMEMASTER SLOT17SADDR16384256SLOT((SADDR23)201(SADDR55)207(SADDR"HHHH12""49043,HH:49042,MIT,:18:" SYSTEM DATE AND TIME UPDATED":6" (DOES NOT SET CLOCK/CALENDAR CARDS)"@2390J2520T2520^ SLOTS h r MARK ALL SLOTS AS UNUSED| MARK USED SLOTS AS USED "n")14501090)15:8:" "1 L -UPDATE SYSTEM DATET k49041,YY2(MM7)MM7Ĺ49040,(MM8)32DDMM8Ĺ49040,MM32DD  -UPDATE SYSTEM TIME (24 HOUR CLOCK) HH12HH0 A$"P"A$"p(A$)271100<27bFA$:(A$"A")(A$"a")(A$"P")(A$"p")(A$" ")(A$(13))1330P(A$"P")(A$"p")ĺ"P";Z d -REPEAT UNTIL CORRECTn x18:2:" CORRECT? Y/N ";P$18:2:BL$ (P$"N")(P$HH11140 . -READ MINUTE INTO MI6 I(A$)271100\23:"MM";:23|A$:(A$"0")(A$"5")1230MI(A$):A$;A$:(A$"0")(A$"9")1230MI10MI(A$):A$; MI591230  -GET AM OR PM( 28A$"N"A$"n"700)B13:8:" "NL15:8:"ENTER TIME: HH:MM AM";VV p` -READ HOUR INTO HHxj t20:"HH";:20~A$:(A$"0")(A$"1")1140HH(A$):A$;A$:(A$"0")(A$"9")1140HH10HH(A$):A$; HH12 (A$)27700+27:"YY";:27JA$:(A$"0")(A$"9")960\YY(A$):A$;{A$:(A$"0")(A$"9")960YYYY10(A$):A$  -REPEAT UNTIL CORRECT 18:" CORRECT? Y/N ";$A$.18:2:BL$H(A$)277002R23:"MMM";:23:COUNT1:M1$""S\A$:(A$)96A$((A$)32)hfM1$M1$A$::MM4pM1$(MO$,MM,COUNT)ī910zMMMM3:MM39ī880840A$;:COUNTCOUNT1:COUNT4ī860MM(MM1)3  -READ YEAR INTO YY ENTER DATE: DD-MMM-YY";"  <  -READ DAY INTO DDD  W 20:"DD";:20v A$:(A$"0")(A$"3")750 DD(A$):A$; A$:(A$"0")(A$"9")750 DDDD10(A$):A$; DD31DD1750 * 4 GET MONTH INTO M1$ > HH12MI0DD0ĺ"":6503 NHH10ĺ"0";@ XHH;":";Q bMI10ĺ"0";Z lMI;l vPM1ĺ" PM"~ PM0ĺ" AM" 18 " UPDATE SYSTEM DATE AND TIME? Y/N "; A$ 18:2:BL$ A$"N"A$"n"İ2390:1610 12: " " THE CURRENT SETTINGS ARE:", :5  T  - PRINT DATE AND TIME \  x " DATE: "; DD0ĺ"":560 DD10ĺ"0"; DD;"-"; MM$;"-"; YY10ĺ"0"; &YY 0 :" TIME: ";" D((49041)2)6 6MM((49041)YY2)8((49040)32)N @MM$(MO$,MM31,3)V J p T - READ SYSTEM TIMEx ^ hMI(49042) rHH(49043) |  - CONVERT 24 HOURS TO 12  HH11PM1 HH12HHHH12 HH0HH12$ :) NA$"disk; sends information to printers and":3140:t) NA$"other devices; prepares disks for use; ":3140:) NA$"stores (writes) information on disks; ":3140:) NA$"and retrieves (reads) information from ":3140:* NA$"disks. ":3140the Professional ":3140:T( NA$"Disk Operating System for the Apple II ":3140:( NA$"series of computers. At your command, ":3140:( NA$"ProDOS copies programs, files, or whole":3140:) NA$"disks; tells you what files are on a ":3140:ĺNA$;:&'X I1(NA$):N$(NA$,I,1)C'b (N$)123(N$)963190V'l N$((N$)32)_'v N$;e' k' ' : TUTOR STARTS HERE' 2520' NA$" Tutor: the ProDOS Operating System ":3140:' NA$" ":3140:( NA$"You are using ProDOS--s RETURN to continue, ESC to exit. ":3140H& KY(16384):KY1283050V& 16368,0f& KY141ė:v& KY155ġ:& (7);:3050& KY(16384):KY1283100&& 16368,0&0 KY141ė:&: (7);:3100&D UPSHIFT IF NEEDED'N APPLEIIETRUETH ";!% P$"F"P$"f"ĺ"FILER"?% P$"C"P$"c"ĺ"CONVERT"J% 1:22% :"PRESS RETURN TO TRY AGAIN,":" OR ESC FOR THE MENU ";% R$:R$" "R$"~"ĺR$;% (R$)27Ģ19:1:958:2550% R$(13)ĺ(7);:2980% 2640*& 24:NA$"Pres ID$(3)"I/O CARD"%$6 ID$(4)"MODEM"=$@ ID$(5)"AUDIO CARD"P$J ID$(6)"CLOCK"j$T ID$(7)"MASS STORAGE"$^ ID$(8)"80-COLUMN CARD"$h ID$(9)"NETWORK CARD"$r $| 19:1:958:I139:"-";::% (7);"FILE OR PATH NOT FOUND":"INSERT ";PR$;" WI*********"<# S2$"* *"J# S1$:S2$y# "* PRODOS USER'S DISK *"# S2$# "* COPYRIGHT APPLE COMPUTER, INC. 1983 *"# S2$:S1$# ID$(0)"USED"# ID$(1)"PRINTER"#" ID$(2)"JOYSTICK"$,$"b"2740B" 216,0::"PRODOS 1.0 COPYRIGHT APPLE, 1983"m" 10:" TO RETURN TO MENU, TYPE"" :" 'RUN STARTUP'"" :" AND PRESS RETURN."::22::" (7);:2620" # S1$"******************************G!< 22::"PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE ABOVE ";:32:C$;:32:P$f!F P$" "P$"~"C$P$:C$;!P P$"F"P$"f"ĺD$;"-FILER"!Z P$"C"P$"c"ĺD$;"-CONVERT"!d P$"S"P$"s"ī1620!n P$"T"P$"t"ī160!x P$"?"İ3220:2520 " P$"B"P IN:UP:"? - TUTOR: PRODOS EXPLANATION"W IN:UP2:"F - PRODOS FILER (UTILITIES)"  IN:UP4:"C - DOS <-> PRODOS CONVERSION"  IN:UP6:"S - DISPLAY SLOT ASSIGNMENTS" ( IN:UP8:"T - DISPLAY/SET TIME"!2 IN:UP10:"B - APPLESOFT BASIC"*****************"C S2$"* *"Q S1$:S2$ "* DISPLAY SLOT ASSIGNMENTS *" S2$:S1$  (4);"PREFIX":PR$ 2940 D$(4):IN6:UP11:C$" " 2750 8::"YOUR OPTIONS ARE:") GNMENTS$ . IAPPLEIIE7F8 " SLOT ";I;": ";INSLOT$(I):IPB 2390ZL 2520V 23:" PRESS RETURN TO DISPLAY MAIN MENU ";:R$` R$" "R$"~"ĺR$;j R$(13)ĺ(7):2390t ~ " ":22:120  S1$"*********************OT$(SLOT)"DISK DRIVE"EDEVICE13INSLOT$(SLOT)"UNIFILE/DUOFILE"LJS r LOOK FOR 80-COLUMN CARDy MACHID8MACHIDMACHID8MACHID4MACHIDMACHID4 MACHID2INSLOT$(3)"80-COLUMN CARD"  PRINT SLOT ASSINTIFY DRIVE TYPEf 3pJ4894648946(48945)bzDEVICE(J):DEVICE128DEVICEDEVICE128mSLOT7DEVICE16SLOTDEVICEDEVICE(16SLOT):2220SLOTSLOT1:SLOT021902250DEVICE4INSLOT$(SLOT)"PROFILE"DEVICE0INSLD32ĺ"64K ";:MACHIDMACHID32:INSLOT$(0)L$:2090c MACHID16ĺ"48K ";:MACHIDMACHID16:2090*"OF RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY"4:5:(57344)76ĺ"APPLESOFT IN ROM"::2120>"INTEGER BASIC IN ROM":H R FOR EACH DISK DEVICE\ IDE72,94,192,172,95,192,228,00,208,02,162,00,142,00,03,172,94,192,172,95,192,133,00,141,08,192,96q768:ZY(768)MACHID48ZY02ĺ"192K ";:MACHIDMACHID48:INSLOT$(0)L$:2090 MACHID48ĺ"128K ";:MACHIDMACHID48:INSLOT$(0)L$:20903MACHI?<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  <>` ڢF]PL8i m L  LТLV  L RAM' hLDDLHB-4F 1"aɿ LL Nϰ H  @h( L Lh  @`bLJCAB@=      ߢ   L        NA$"menu, then type ? to select the tutor.":3140:j5nNA$"For details, see the ProDOS User's ":3140:5xNA$"Manual. ":3140:5245NA$" Press RETURN to return to menu.":314053100ect option C from this disk's main ":3140:45d140:42NA$" ":3140:Q4<NA$"Data and programs can be transferred ":3140:4FNA$"from DOS 3.3 disks to ProDOS disks (and":3140:4PNA$"vice versa). For more information, ":3140:4ZNA$"select option C from this disk's main ":3140:45dd DOS 3.3 disks).":3140:P3NA$"For more information on the Filer, ":3140:3 NA$"select option F from this disk's main ":3140:3NA$"menu, then type ? to select the tutor.":3140:330404(NA$" Tutor: the ProDOS Operating System ":3he ":3140:E2NA$"operating system doesn't recognize the":3140:_2NA$"disk. ":3140:s2NA$" ":3140:2NA$"You can use the ProDOS Filer's Copy ":3140:2NA$"Volume command to copy entire disks ":3140:3NA$"(both ProDOS disks an:81NA$"disk that is incompatible with the ":3140:p1NA$"operating system that is then in the ":3140:1NA$"computer, an error message (PATH NOT ":3140:1NA$"FOUND and I/O ERROR are two ":3140: 2NA$"possibilities) indicates that t0:=0VNA$"the program, and will automatically be ":3140:t0`NA$"loaded when you start the program. ":3140:~0j30400tNA$" Tutor: the ProDOS Operating System ":3140:0~NA$" ":3140:1NA$"If you tell your computer to read a ":3140stem is on the program's ":3140:Z/.NA$"startup disk. If you have a program ":3140:/8NA$"written for DOS 3.3 (another operating ":3140:/BNA$"system for the Apple II series of ":3140:0LNA$"computers), it will be on the disk with":3143140:<. NA$"compatible with one another. Some ":3140:v.NA$"programs require disks to be formatted ":3140:.NA$"and copied by an operating system other":3140:.NA$"than ProDOS. In most cases, that other":3140:"/$NA$"operating syation programs use operating ":3140:^- NA$"system commands, and they require an ":3140:- NA$"operating system to format disks ":3140:- NA$"(prepare them for use). ":3140:- NA$" ":3140:. NA$"Operating systems are not always ": NA$" Tutor: the ProDOS Operating System ":3140:K, NA$" ":3140:, NA$"An operating system disk is packed with":3140:, NA$"every Apple disk controller. The BASIC":3140:, NA$"programming language and many ":3140:&- NA$"applic$" ":3140:G+\ NA$"Application programs, working together ":3140:+f NA$"with ProDOS, let you write reports, use":3140:+p NA$"data bases and electronic spreadsheets,":3140:+z NA$"draw graphs, play games, and so on. ":3140:+ 30407,:* NA$" ":3140:M** NA$"ProDOS features high-speed read and ":3140:*4 NA$"write operations and a multi-level file":3140:*> NA$"structure. It works with a variety of ":3140:*H NA$"disk drives, including the ProFile. ":3140: +R NA 64K "V 2"BANK. TO ALLOW PRO DOS TO USE ALL 128K AS A FULL DISK DRIVE JUST TYPE.."\ 7z =:"BRUN PRODRIVE.80":: F"PRODRIVE IS A TRADEMARK OF APPLIED ENGINEERING, COPYRIGHT 1984. " Z"PRO DOS IS A TRADEMARK OF APPLE COMPUTER." THE FIRST (4);"PR#3"L" HOW TO USE PRODRIVE.80"V::^:"PRO DOS AS IT COMES FROM APPLE WILL USE THE 64K MEMORYMASTER AS HALF A DISK" ("DRIVE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE 128K MEMORYMASTER, PRO DOS 'SEES' ONLY THE FIRSTآ <B*IBGF0S8Lé'+8H <(h`@е^_08^_LDHEVhEhH)IWHPHHHAHHHLaVEWLӿآ <B*IBGF0S8Lé'+8H <(h`@е^_08^_LDHEVhEhH)IWHPHHHAHHHLaVEWLӿ@ bb8Ly>h@j+rLy` bL@F)iFL LDLQ8Ly @L >@L8Ly@L΍8Ly<>L??<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  L` ڢF]PL8i m L   L  L RAM' hLDL LHLB-4F 1"aɿ LL@ Nϰ H  L@h( L Lh  L`bL JCAB@=^_ ^_`RAM' z#??     Р/ ŮŮӠϠŠŠà{Šà"٠Ӡ٠̠ӠB RAMDRIVE Hello Program - by Richard Kraemer - Sept 25, 1983SD$(4):30:D$"BLOAD RAMDRIVE PIC,A$4000,S6,D1":I12000:216,0:D$"BRUN RAMDRIVE":D$"RUN RAMDRIVE DOC"N!, ,,0 ,^,_  ) # $ !$0ixi{,^,_i L8) Li ȱ Ņ $,^,_0LfL:,_8$,^,_f *&  $0,^ L  ʵL  73 @$,^,_ 8$  $0^Lߠ $ 0+"bGbz` a `jjjUb`&b b!b"b#bzGbPb#TbWbD| b, `!b, `0,?b`Ídb`+?pbtbxb|bbLa`bbbb` a a bi#H ah!b"b` b````x (``L7`0 b L `HILL7` ` `@ ` ,,0,^,_,^,_ `##`,^,_,,0,^,_bca` ``$Zм`뼈b0 a!b   rogram is especially useful for":" transferring binary and text files. The DOS User's Manual explains how":" to use FID.":SCĺ"Using RAMDRIVE - section 2":W" 3. The easiest way to transfer files is to use an EXEC file with FID. RIVE one at a time. For"<" example, "Q$"LOAD Whathaveyou, S6, D1"Q$" followed by "Q$"SAVE Whathaveyou, S3"Q$"."::" 2. An easier way is to use the FID (file developer) program found on any">" Apple System Master diskette. The FID peader 'DISK VOLUME 001' will appear on your monitor."::"Three methods to transfer files to RAMDRIVE are (1) loading and saving, (2)":"using the FID program, and (3) using an EXEC file with FID."::" 1. Load each program and then save them to RAMDed Total"7" 64K Cards: 242 38 280 (about one half a diskette)":" 128K Cards: 496 64 560 (one whole diskette)":8"To see that RAMDRIVE is enabled, type 'CATALOG,S3' in all capitals. The":"catalog hPRINT CHR$(13) CHR$(4) "Q$"BRUN RAMDRIVE,S6,D1"Q$: ,"Using RAMDRIVE"::"When enabled DOS 3.3 will recognize RAMDRIVE in slot 3, drive 1 or drive 2.":"RAMDRIVE's storage capacity is shown in the following table."::" Number of sectors: Free Uss booted."" 2. By running the RAMDRIVE program. This is done by typing":" 'BRUN RAMDRIVE,S6,D1' in all capitals from Applesoft. This could be done"3" from within an Applesoft program by inserting this statement:"::" n which you will use it the most.":"At the very least, make one copy for backup. To make the copy select option 4" "from the menu and follow the directions."::"RAMDRIVE can be enabled for use in two ways:"::" 1. Whenever the RAMDRIVE diskette i The DOS":"User's Manual. Specifically, you should understand the drive and slot number""options. For purposes of this documentation, it is assumed that your boot":"drive is slot 6, drive 1.":t"Copy the RAMDRIVE program onto the diskettes iPlease do not give away, trade, or":"otherwise pirate copies of RAMDRIVE. Precision Software greatly appreciates":"your purchase.":I179:"_";::::Z"Installing RAMDRIVE"::"You should be familiar with the disk operating system as explained in: v(SPC$,35)"Please Note":I179:"_";::::"RAMDRIVE is provided to you as unprotected, copyable software. Without these":"provisions RAMDRIVE would be less convenient to use and you could not make"z"backup copies or modify the program. om RAMDRIVE. Both DOS 3.3 and"t s"Apple Pascal can take advantage of your extended memory. The DOS 3.3 version" t"is on the labeled side of your diskette. The version for the Apple Pascal":"operating system is on the flip side of the diskette.":in addition to your other disk drive(s).":"RAMDRIVE uses all available memory (64K or 128K) on your extended 80 column" r"card to emulate a fast 'disk'. You may use the 80 column display and/or double":"high-resolution graphics without contention frl Rights Reserved";: dSCı i"General Description"::"RAMDRIVE is disk emulation software for the Apple //e Computer with any":"standard protocol 64K or 128K extended 80 column card. It informs your Apple"x p"that it has another disk drive, 49168,0:4 :(SPC$,34)"RAMDRIVE //e"::::19~ (SPC$,31)"Precision Software":(SPC$,28)"6514 North Fresno Street" (SPC$,27)"Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53224":(SPC$,33)"(414) 353-1666" (:(SPC$,11)"Copyright (c) 1983, Richard Kraemer, Al9yq::8000: RAMDRIVE Documentation (c) 1983 Richard Kraemer, All Rights Reserved - Last update 15-Oct-1983*** NOTE *** change SLOT to 8 to dump doc to FILE$ on S6,D1SLOT1:FILE$"RAMDRIVE DOC TEXT":A(49152):A1285 AA128:                                         @@@@ @`  $$ !$@` |~~`t<~pp|``p p<0 @ 0@   0 @`0 @` $""*$""@0@4$@ @0   0   0 0 @@@ 3@` @(@!@`    |`||p |@L| 0L@p088 @` $"6$""$@`@d$@ L@ |L0LL|0 0L@@|@0@3@` @~~|~~`p~p|@~?`p@`   |@ ||p |@ l| 0l@p0pp|@` $"">@@@d$@8 |@ | |0<| p p|@@@0@36@` @x|   |  0|@8p``|@`                  " L  Ll XL    L )!Ȍ+` $,^,_`"`8` ɀ#%ɰ ,^,_i`8`y  ť O  O W  O  w , B -"+ O L8  8  [ L #$(  ($`hh O  n w  L n L O 귍/   I              O   " O  O W  O w  .   H h`LD G ,^,_UЛ 0,^,_,^,_ZȌ8$,^,_.3_ / X  '    鷍.jjjj)       ress RETURN ****** Unable to ReadWriteDo you wish another copy of this disk? to make another copy? -- Press RETURN key to begin copy -- dd L H% h$` " ` ɛhhLC ɍ`ɳɱّ L (C) 1983 RICHARD KRAEMER`0`(`HIApple //e Diskette Duplication Programby Richard KraemerOriginal Duplicate Slot:Drive: DEFAULT=6 READING WRITING FORMATTING Insert disk and p     LZLݵܵߵ޵ ^`8ܵ i B8` LֵȱB׵` DȑB׵Bֵ յյ``y¹?`wa_LʬOˬ̬čPQ` H hBLµ* `Loõĵֵ׵ Rĵµѭ H hBLL B ڬ L -յյµ% `õĵֵ׵ Rĵµ˭ B ڬ  Πč΍΍ǬӳJ F"PRODRIVE IS A TRADEMARK OF APPLIED ENGINEERING, COPYRIGHT 1984. "{ Z"PRO DOS IS A TRADEMARK OF APPLE COMPUTER." "OR":$ =:"BRUN PRODRIVE.80"::s >"USE PRODRIVE FOR 40 COLUMN APPLICATIONS, USE PRODRIVE.80 FOR 40 COLUMN " @"OR 80 COLUMN APPLICATIONS. PRODRIVE IS A LITTLE FASTER THAN PRODRIVE.80 " B"BUT PRODRIVE.80 WILL WORK IN 40 OR 80 COLUMNS. " D APPLE WILL USE THE 64K MEMORYMASTER AS HALF A DISK" ("DRIVE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE 128K MEMORYMASTER, PRO DOS 'SEES' ONLY THE FIRST 64K " 2"BANK. TO ALLOW PRO DOS TO USE ALL 128K AS A FULL DISK DRIVE JUST TYPE.." 7 ::"BRUN PRODRIVE": <:} (4);"PR#3"2"STARTUP PROGRAM ":"USE CONVERT ON YOUR PRO DOS DISK TO CONVERT 'STARTUP' AND 'PRODRIVE' AND ""'PRODRIVE.80' TO A PRO DOS DISK THEN DELETE LINES 22 AND 24 FROM THIS PROGRAM.":4 "PRO DOS AS IT COMES FROM   L,آ <B*IBGF0f8Lé'+8H <(h`@؍L3^_08^_LHEVhEhH)IWHPHHHAHHHLaVEWLӿLD@ bb8L>h@j+rL` bL@F)iFL LDLQ8L @L >@L8L@L΍8L<>L? bb8L?<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  <>` ڢF]PL8i m L   L  L RAM' hLDL LHLB-4F 1"aɿ LL@ Nϰ H  @h( L Lh  @`bLJCAB@=^_ ׍^_`lmnÍoRAM' ?<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  <>` ڢF]PL8i m L  LТLV  L RAM' hLDDLHB-4F 1"aɿ LL Nϰ H  @h( L Lh  @`bLJCAB@=     ߢ   L     L,آ <B*IBGF0Y8Lé'+8H <(h`@؍L3^_08^_LHEVhEhH)IWHPHHHAHHHLaVEWLӿLD@ bb8L>h@j+rL` bL@F)iFL LDLQ8L @L >@L8L@L΍8L<>L? bb8L?<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  L` ڢF]PL8i m L   L  L RAM' hLDL LHLB-4F 1"aɿ LL@ Nϰ H  L@h( L Lh  L`bL JCAB@=^_ ^_`RAM' ?<>=?<>CAB@?A` / L  <>` ڢF]PL8i m L  LТLV  L RAM' hLDDLHB-4F 1"aɿ LL Nϰ H  @h( L Lh  @`bLJCAB@=     ߢ   L