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Qjr r`r۾ Tk8Ⱦ۾Ⱦɾɾ \khhrr`! 8ri` hqq`%L"qrmq hq h ) Lq`g.wp,a768,l1,b$521"%F$"seg.db"S:"Data Base patches":D$"verify seg.db"768,18:D$"bsave seg.db,a768,l1,b$853"768,234:769,234:D$"bsave seg.db,a768,l2,b$3F7D"768,208:769,241:770,234D$"bsave seg.db,a768,l3,b$E69D"!D$"bload seg.db,a"AD",b$306,L$40"AD,22:AD18,101:AD19,114:AD20,97:AD21,115:AD22,101:AD23,173:AD24,221:AD25,147:AD26,41:AD27,192:AD28,141:AD29,183AD30,10:AD31,76:AD32,117:AD33,125D$"bsave seg.db,a"AD",b$306,L$40sert your Make402 disk and press Return ";:X$::319D 216,0:( 2000:600: ***** Turn error checking back on after ***** Chain to csegdc 600:204X>EL222EL254ĺ:"Insert your Data Base disk and press Return ";:X$::223HEL300ĺ:"Insert your Startup disk and press Return ";:X$::304REL601ĺ:"Insert your Make402 disk and press Return ";:X$::6017\EL319EL320ĺ:"InW";:" : ";PA$:D$"prefix"PA$:53lEL100ĺ:"Insert your Data Base disk and press return";:X$::1004EL164ĺ:"Insert your Spreadsheet disk and press Return ";:X$::1649EL204ĺ:"Insert your Word Processor disk and press Return ";:X$:32,250,16,961ER(222):EL(218)256(219)}EL53PA$"/APPLEWORKS"ĺD$"prefix /APPLEWORKS":PA$"/appleworks":53#EL2015EL2020EL53ĺ:"Unable to find AppleWorks Startup disk. Enter the pathname where it is located.":"For example, /HD/A,0,173,127,156,240,8,32W 242,37,208,3,32,116,40,173,99,147,96,32,116,40,76,8,120@ 22,97,108,108,111,119,101,100,32,116,111,32,114,101,112,108,97,99,101,32,105,116,46,32,17,33,169,4,32,14,33,173,79,69,141,84,12,32,56,33,162,6,172,107,12,185,29,16,768,l1,b$4024"%?D$;"prefix";OP$<@D$;"chain csegdc"X:13:"Make402 is finished. You may now run AppleWorks 4.02":34,0Y23:35::" Press a key";::K$::D$;"prefix";OP$ZD$;"chain startup,@36 32,114,101,99,111,114,100,115,128,13eg.aw,a768,l4,b$1CEA"67768,173:769,211:770,127[8D$"bsave seg.aw,a768,l3,b$726D"g9768,50:D$"bsave seg.aw,a768,l1,b$B707";768,105:769,101:770,115:771,59:772,32<D$"bsave seg.aw,a768,l5,b$BA38"=768,0>D$"bsave seg.aw,a,b$5142"21D$"bload seg.aw,a"AD",b$700,l$100"2AD222,24:AD247,0:AD248,32:AD249,79:AD250,171:AD251,52:AD252,35:AD253,76:AD254,80:AD255,694D$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",b$700,l$100"5768,60:769,40:770,234:771,2346D$"bsave s"F$"seg.aw"::"SEG.AW patches";,D$"verify seg.aw"x-I051:X:ADI,X:I:D$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",L52,b$4146".AD,34:D$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",L1,b$4123"/AD,221:D$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",L1,b$48F3" 0AD,244:AD1,82:D$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",L2dr,a768,l1,b$170a"=D$"bload seg.dr,a"AD",l$200,b$1853"RAD,186:AD1,78AD296,3:AD297,240:AD298,1:AD299,202:AD300,189:AD301,139:AD302,117:AD303,96AD313,32:AD314,148:AD315,78D$"bsave seg.dr,a"AD",l$200,b$1853"$8,b$1BAD"@768,65:769,33:D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L2,b$2C5B"u770,48:771,33:D$"bsave seg.db,a769,L3,b$4E2D"F$"seg.dr"::"Data Base Report patches":768,60D$"verify seg.dr"D$"bsave seg.dr,a768,l1,b$bb3"768,186:D$"bsave seg.'D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L1,b$E2C3"V768,128:D$"bsave seg.db,a768,l1,b$10727"t768,201:769,60:770,234D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L3,b$4B9A"D$"bload seg.db,a"AD",L68,b$1BAD":AD,41I033:X:AD34I,X:I D$"bsave seg.db,a"AD",L676: POKE 769,78: POKE 770,17J PRINT D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L3,b$FD1A"z768,193:769,240:770,12:771,201:772,197773,144:774,11:775,201:776,205:777,240D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L10,b$315B"768,114D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L1,b$C80F""9768,97:769,122:D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L2,b$1133"e768,9:D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L1,b$F5CC"768,93:769,107:770,76:771,26:772,120D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L5,b$F5D7"768,15:769,90D$"bsave seg.db,a768,L2,b$107AA" POKE 768,TAO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===*AO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===will be reopy the DT.SYNONYMS GEfile for TimeOut Thesaurus. Copy the SEG.DC file to your AppleWorks @>startup disk. If you want the thesaurus option enabled, type B@"-SET.DC" from Basic. If you use 5.25" disks, your DT.SYNONYMS .files must be on a disk nthen reinstall the fixed version.SEG.DC (dictionary copier)HFo The dictionary copier now works with 5.25" disks, and also works if >up. Use the arrow keys if you must have a pristine screen. ?the MAKE402-modified SEG.AW file from the Startup disk to the Word GEProcessor and Spreadsheet disks. If they are not all the exact same $version, problems will plague you.Things Worth Knowing--------------------FDIf you press the Right Ak. If you're HFmodifying AppleWorks on a hard drive, just press Return and enter the (pathname to AppleWorks when prompted. NOTE FOR 5.25" USERS--------------------FDBuy a hard drive or 3.5" drive. But, meanwhile, make sure you copy ECgot a disk from Quality GEComputers or your user group, just boot the disk and select Make402. FDIf you downloaded it, you need to get into Applesoft Basic and type "-MAKE402" to run it.HFYou'll be prompted to insert your AppleWorks startup disdified. You may quote from this doc file to promote the package. How to use Make402------------------CAMake a backup copy of your AppleWorks program disk. Never patch originals of any software!A?If you got this on TimeOut-Central, or entation may be distributed JHwithout restriction. Please upload it to any bulletin boards you wish, DBput it on user group disks, etc. The only restriction is that the GEMAKE402 and Make402.Docs files make up the package, and they may not Ibe mo@BCDEFGHIJKLMNpatched.om the menu. Then, follow the promp Make402Copyright 1994 Randy Brandt$(Converts AppleWorks 4.01 to 4.02)JHThis program is freeware. By definition, that means the author retains B@copyright, but the program and documamed "/THESAURUS." SEG.SS (Spreadsheet)FDo You may now define up to 99 recalcs instead of just 5 with the NT ECoption in the OA-O screen. The automatic recalc at print time and 9the recalc count are now properly stored with the file.SEG.WP (Word Processor)HFo The error message for "maximum lines" no longer leaves inverse mode active.&SEG.AW (Organizer/Desktop Functions)GEo The Main Menu help screen was updated to 4.02. Its Easter Egg was 0updated to reflect the new BrandL !C}" %"" &)#M8( Y% ) LH""" &)jB, )7(P0 ( @X p 8 " ! +}""0 &"0 R%"" &)?) ;",")ɂ """ &) R%LH" make 4.0.2 disk and DBchoose "To.Thesaurus autocopy patch" from the menu. Then, follow 'the prompts and seg.dc will be reset. synonyms" setting&------------------------------------FD By default, the Seg.DC file is set to copy your dictionary files FDonly to the ramdisk. If you would like the AppleWorks to copy both GEthe dictionaries and the dt.synonyms, start thetriction FDis that the MAKE402 and Make402.Docs files make up the package, and IGthey may not be modified. You may quote from this doc file to promote the package.How to use this patch.----------------------( Changing the "Copyram is freeware. By definition, that means the author >=?<>CAB@?A` 1 L  <>`ڢF]PL8i m L   6< L  BLRAM' hLDLHB-9F 3"aɿ LLB Nϰ H  @h( L Lj  @`eLJCAB@=?/<ʆ>-=?BC8 é&'112`? ( <x0HH1HH "hh+("i 0Ꮻ\Ꮸ0hh8(`hhh8kee` `+ *+ *` * * *`hh8`8`+++`}+`e`H)hJJ*0JJ)` (< ( < *? ( < (? ( < (? ( <*? * **? *? *? 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Change to "A$:800Z1X1X:768,X:C1C1ĺD$"bsave seg.db,a768,l1,b$1ad3",F$"seg.aw".:"SEG.AW patches:":"Word Processor patch:"AD$"bload seg.wp,a768,l1,b$100"sX(768):"The Return marker is a ";:ZX:730A$;:Z332Z:730:P$". Change to "A$:800Z1X332X:768,X:C1C1ĺD$"bsave seg.wp,a768,l1,b$100"F$"seg.db":C0164,234:AD3165,44:AD3274,1292X(239AD)^"The vertical character is ";:ZX:728tA$;:Z157Z:728P$". Change it to "A$:800Z1X157X:AD239,X:C1C1ĺD$"bsave aplworks.system,tsys,a"ADVCXF$"seg.wp":C0~Z0130C1:X173ĹAD3157,165:AD3158,140:AD3159,201:AD3160,10:AD3161,144:AD3162,5:AD3163,162:AD3164,7:AD3165,32:AD3274,77"X165ĹAD3157,173:AD3158,242:AD3159,14:AD3160,201:AD3161,10:AD3162,144:AD3163,37:AD30hA$;:Z77Z:7206jP$". Change to "A$:800CkZ0120\lC1:X45Y32:Z196pmX32Y45:Z62nAD3511,Y:AD3512,Y:AD3513,ZxX(3157AD)z"One-key menus are ";:Z(X173):725|A$;:Z1Z:725}P$". Turn them "A$:800710$ VP$". Change to "A$:800B XZ1X25X:AD429,X:C1S ZX(6330AD)w \"Startup cursor is ";:ZX:714 ^A$;:Z1Z:714 `P$". Change to "A$:800 bZ1X1X:AD6330,X:C1 dX(3511AD)f"Selections are marked by ";:ZX:72oad"F$",tsys,a"AD:C0:"APLWORKS.SYSTEM patches:"C FX(217AD)f H"Auto-save key is ";:ZX:700| JA$;:Z358Z:700 LP$". Change to "A$:800 NZ1X358X:AD217,X:C1 PX(429AD) R"OA-H is followed by a ";:ZX:710 TA$;:Z25Z:ress Escape to stop ";2 ,X$:X$(13)ĺ::48D -X$(27)44^ .34,0:D$"prefix";OP$z /D$;"chain startup,@36" 0:"Unless prompted otherwise, answer all questions by pressing y or n.": 1D$"prefix":PA$ 2F$"aplworks.system"3 <D$"bldification."b )"--------------------------------------------------------------------------": *"Play it safe- make a backup copy of your AppleWorks disk before patching!": +"Insert your AppleWorks startup disk and press Return to continue, or pqstuvwxyz{|}~ 19:"| RFP v1.1 Copyright 1993 Randy Brandt |"r 19:"|_______________________________________|"::34,6 ("Distribute this program anywhere and everywhere without restriction except":"that you must include the RFP and RFP.Docs files without mo 2000(4);"prefix"(OP$B D$(4):D$"pr#3"::cAD12288:O1AD149:O2AD15319:" _______________________________________19:"| |" 19:"| Randy's Free Patcher for AW 4.01/4.02 |"5-0D$"bload seg.aw,a"AD",b$300,l$600":C0<6X(AD56)k7"Disk/Folder MouseText is ";:Z(X4):7258A$;:Z1Z:7259P$". Turn it "A$:800:Z0318;C1:X2İ750<X2İ760>C1ĺD$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",b$300,l$600"@D$"bload seg.aw,a"AD",b$5023,L23"(AX(AD21)PB"Smart-save key is ";:Z358X:700bDA$;:ZX:700FP$". Change to "A$:800HZ1ĹAD,X:X358X:AD21,XJZ1ĺD$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",b$5023,L23"TD$"bload seg.aw,a"AD",b$F3D,L3":C0:X(AD)1UAO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===@O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===Smart-save,0:press Return ";:X$::304d REL355ĺ:"Insert your Startup disk and press Return ";:X$::355u \EL360ī362 ^EL362ī364 `EL364ī366 bEL366ī370 fEL600ĺ:"Insert your AppleWorks Patch disk and press return ";:X$::600! 216sert your Spreadsheet disk and press Return ";:X$::3929EL204ĺ:"Insert your Word Processor disk and press Return ";:X$::204>EL224ĺ:"Insert your Data Base disk and press Return ";:X$::224 HEL304ĺ:"Insert your Startup disk and 8)256(219)IEL60PA$"/APPLEWORKS"ĺD$"prefix /APPLEWORKS":60EL2015EL2020EL60ĺ:"Unable to find AppleWorks Startup disk. Enter the pathname where it is located.":"For example, /HD/AW";:" : ";PA$:D$"prefix"PA$:60;4EL392ĺ:"In:AD206,218:AD207,222:AD208,58:AD209,32lAD212,4:AD213,216:AD214,217:AD215,58:AD216,32AD555,2:AD556,216:AD557,217 P$"? ";:Z0*X$:X$"n"X$"N"ĺX$:,X$"y"X$"Y"Z1:X$:.810ER(222):EL(21:AD59,115:AD60,107UAD205,6:AD206,68:AD207,105:AD208,115:AD209,107AD212,6:AD213,80:AD214,97:AD215,116:AD216,104AD555,12:AD556,83:AD557,117AD56,4:AD57,218:AD58,222:AD59,58:AD60,320AD205,4ver":A$"Insert":8Z32A$"a check mark":IA$"'-->'":cA$"off":Z1A$"on"iA$"'"(Z)"'":A$"blot":Z205A$"MouseText arrow"Z13A$"Return"Z10A$"Down"AD56,12:AD57,68:AD58,105seg.ss,a768,l1,b$B2CD"eX:"RFP is finished. Press Return to exit ";:34,0:X$::D$"prefix";OP$Y(4);"chain startup,@36"A$"Open-Apple-":Z147A$A$"Control-"A$A$"S":Z12A$"Form Feed":A$"Return":Z1A$"Strikeo728:P$". Change to "A$:8003Z1Ĺ768,O:C1]C1ĺD$"bsave seg.ss,a768,l1,b$1622"D$"bload seg.ss,a768,l1,b$B2CD"X(768):"The money symbol is ";:ZX:728A$;:Z71X:728P$". Change to "A$:800Z1Ĺ768,71X:D$"bsave a ";:ZX:740%vA$;:Z23X:740CxP$". Change to "A$:800t|Z1Ĺ768,23X:D$"bsave seg.er,a768,b11,L1"F$"seg.ss":C0D$"bload seg.ss,a768,l1,b$1622"X(768):"The overflow symbol is ";:ZX:728A$;:Z35:X35ZVCOZ:$"bsave seg.rm,a"AD/nD$"bload seg.xm,a"ADUoX(O11):O21,X:X437X:O11,XpX(O1):O2,X:X257X:O1,X:D$"bsave seg.xm,a"ADr:"Spreadsheet patches:"sD$"bload seg.er,a768,b11,L1"tX(768)u"IIgs Enter key in spreadsheets does`Z0370&cD$"verify seg.el"@hD$"bload seg.00,a"ADviX(O1):O2,X:X369X:O1,X:D$"bsave seg.00,a"ADjD$"bload seg.am,a"ADkX(O1):O2,X:X77X:O1,X:D$"bsave seg.am,a"ADlD$"bload seg.rm,a"ADmX(O1):O2,X:X149X:O1,X:D"Standard Getfile commands are ";:Z(X0):725_XA$;:Z1Z:725:P$". Turn them "A$:800ZX174ĹAD,0:AD1,27:AD2,174[X0ĹAD,174:AD1,172:AD2,27]Z1ĺD$"bsave seg.aw,a"AD",b$F3D,L3"^P$"Reverse Yes/No order for questions":800 feature which puts a file in its original d/ Randy's Free Patcher for AppleWorks 4.01/4.02 RFP v1.1Copyright 1994 Randy BrandtIGThis program is freeware. By definition, that means the author retains B@copyright, but the prograh an insert cursor. This 9option lets you make the strikeover cursor the default.FDCheck marks: Normally AW marks picked entries and menu items with a B"-->" but you can change that to a MouseText checkmark with RFP.IGOne-key menus: Normally hich puts a file in its original )directory when OA-Control-S is pressed.DBOA-H ending character: Normally AW does a form feed after an OA-H ;screen dump. RFP lets you change that to a simple Return.DBStartup cursor: Normally AW starts up wittory. Switching this >the AW 3 Smart-save feature wW are Startup, Word Processor and =Spreadsheet, and they must all have the exact same version. RFP Patches -----------IGAuto-save key: Normally AW issues an OA-Control-S during an auto-save, ECthereby storing the file in its original direc pressing the "y" key.NOTE FOR 5.25" USERS--------------------ECBuy a hard drive or 3.5" drive. But in the meantime, make sure you FDcopy the SEG.AW file from the last floppy RFP worked with onto your ECother disks. The disks with SEG.Aodifying AppleWorks on a hard drive, just press Return and enter the (pathname to AppleWorks when prompted. GEAll RFP patches are reversible. You're given the current setting for ECall patches (except Yes/No) and given the option of toggling it byoriginals of any software!FDBoot this disk or select MAKE402.SYSTEM from your program selector, Fpress Escape to exit the docs, and then select Randy's Free Patcher.GEYou'll be prompted to insert your AppleWorks startup disk. If you're HFmnge the spreadsheet overflow character*- change the spreadsheet money characterB- allow the IIgs Enter key to do a Down arrow in the spreadsheetHow to use RFP--------------B@Make a backup copy of your AppleWorks program disk. Never patch tricted to those venues.ECVersion 1.0 was released on the January 1994 TimeOut-Central disk. ,Version 1.1 adds these additional patches:8- allow standard Getfile keys for changing directories,- swap the functions of OA-S and OA-Ctrl-S-- cha so patches to IGmany users, Companion Plus isn't feasible. However, "lastPatch" is not HFavailable to TimeOut-Central or GEnie users, so I decided to devote a ?=day to writing RFP specifically for TO-C and GEnie, although 1distribution is not reste attempt to provide some of the most popular patches ECto anyone who wants them. Originally there was thought of updating HFCompanion Plus, but it appears that wouldn't be worth it financially. ECWith John Link's "lastPatch" already providing 18 orfied. HFYou may distribute the entire MAKE402 package for AW 4.01 owners, and 5the two RFP files by themselves for AW 4.02 owners. Why RFP? --------IGMany users are used to modifying AppleWorks almost beyond recognition. IGThis is a moderam and documentation may be distributed IGwithout restriction. Please upload it to any bulletin boards you wish, HFput it on user group disks, etc. The only restriction is that the RFP HFand RFP.Docs files make up the package, and they may not be modiAW requires a Return key after the number of a DBmenu item, even if the menu has less than 10 entries. This option <immediately selects menu items when the number is pressed.HFVertical character: Normally AW draws file cards with "|" characters. ECUsers with foreign character set Apples find this unattractive, so -this option uses the "!" character instead.CAWord Processor Return symbol: Normally AW uses the homely "blot" CAcharacter to indicate the end of a carriage Return line. We finddy Brandt |"D 21:"|___________________________________|": +:"Insert your AppleWorks startup disk and press Return to continue,":"or press Escape to stop "; ,X$:X$(13)ĺ:49 -X$(27)44 .34,0::(4);"prefix";OP$ /(4);"c 2000(4);"prefix"(OP$B D$(4):D$"pr#3"::OAD12288~21:" ___________________________________21:"| |"21:"| Set DT.SYNONYMS copying on/off |" 21:"| Copyright 1994 Rangames, and for taking care of the more demanding part of making twins.h addresses, and to Bev Cadieux for help with Standard GEGetfile and One-key menus. Thanks to Steve Beville, Will Nelken, Dan .Crutcher and all others involved in testing.HFThanks to Joanna for letting me write v1.1 during the New Year's Bowl H one's for you, :Harvey Nyman! Thanks to Dan Verkade for figuring it out.Thanks------DBThanks to Joe Gleason for permission to create and distribute RFP ECfreely. Thanks to Wally Bradford for saving me from looking up the DBYes/No patc :to use the Vertical character (see prior patch) instead.@>Spreadsheet money character: The Spreadsheet formats money by FDpreceding it with a "$" character. Users with UK displays prefer to ECuse "#" and this patch grants that small wish. Thishis option allows it to act like a Down arrow in the 6spreadsheet, simplifying data entry with the keypad.HFSpreadsheet overflow character: Normally the Spreadsheet displays "#" FDwhen a cell's value is too large to display. This option allows youas the default when a DB"Yes/No" question is asked of the user. This option allows you to Ereverse the order so that "Yes" is accepted when Return is pressed.IGIIgs Enter key in spreadsheet: The IIgs Enter key is normally the same CAas Return. Trectory. DBEnabling the standard Mac/GSOS Getfile keys allows OA-. to cancel B@completely, Escape to back out of the current subdirectory, and ;Return is used to move into the highlighted subdirectory.B@Reverse Yes/No: Normally AW displays "No" ave works, 0so you may wish to change that option as well.FDStandard Getfile keys: When AppleWorks is at a file listing, Escape :8cancels completely, OA-. moves you into the highlighted DBsubdirectory, and OA-, backs you out of the current subdie in its original directory. You may switching this FDfeature to OA-S if you don't want to press the Control key. In that FDcase, OA-Control-S will store the file in the current directory, as ECOA-S originally did. Changing this will affect how AutoSt Disks/Folders: Normally AW spells out the words "Disk," DB"Path," and "Subdirectory" in file listings. This option uses the much cooler MouseText symbols.HFSmart-save key: Normally the Smart-save feature requires OA-Control-S DBto store a fil 4the MouseText bent arrow to be a vast improvement.IGData Base Tab: Normally AW stops if you press Tab on the last category FDin multiple record layout. This option tells AW to wrap back to the $first category in the next record.DBMouseTexhain startup,@36"( 1D$"prefix":PA$I 7D$"bload seg.dc,a768,L1,b5" <X(768):X1ĺ(7);"You must install the new AW 4.02 SEG.DC before running this program. Press any key":BS1::K$::(4);"prefix";OP$ =BS1ĺ(4);"chain startup,@36" F70 Apple II telecommunications. ShrinkIt can unpack filesEwhich have been archived with ShrinkIt, as well as those which haveHbeen packed with certain other file-packing utilities, such as BLU andACU.About These Instructions-------------- the archive requires.F ShrinkIt uses a highly efficient compression algorithm known asHZiv-Lempel compression, and creates archive files with a format calledENuFX. ShrinkIt and ShrinkIt-GS are currently the standard archivingFutilities forrchive also allowsHseveral related files (or an entire disk) to be packed together into aHsingle file. True archiving utilities will also have the capability ofFcompressing the files they contain to minimize the transmission time&and disk spacea number of reasons for archiving files before transmitting themHwith a modem. The principal reason is that an archive provides a meansAof sending the "attributes" of a file -- its filetype and otherCinformation -- along with the file itself. An aor transmission via modem, or forHstorage purposes. Thus, an archive file, whether created with ShrinkItAor another archiving utility, will be a file which serves as anHenvelope, containing one or more other files, or complete disks. ThereFare ----C ShrinkIt is a utility program for archiving files and disks.G"Archiving", in this usage, refers to the process of placing files orGdisks "within" another file -- the archive file. Archiving is usuallyDdone to prepare the files/disks f086Electronic Addresses:#GEnie or America-Online: shrinkitCompuServe: 70771,2615Internet: shrinkit@apple.com5Send comments/suggestions on this documentation to: Karl BunkerGEnie: k.bunkerWhat is ShrinkIt?------------- SHRINKIT FOR THE APPLE IIProgram by Andy NicholasDocumentation by Karl Bunker+Send comments/suggestions on ShrinkIt to:Andy Nicholas1180 Reed Ave., Apt. 12Sunnyvale, CA 94CO=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<===xC O=====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<====<=== where it is located.":"For example, /HD/AW";:" : ";PA$:D$"prefix"PA$:55 EL600ĺ:"Insert your AppleWorks Patch disk and press return ";:X$::600 EL601ĺ:"Insert your AppleWorks Patch disk and press return ";:X$::600 216,0:36"5 "Copying of DT.SYNONYMS is ";:X0ĺ"off."E X1ĺ"on."K n ER(222):EL(218)256(219) EL55PA$"/APPLEWORKS"ĺD$"prefix /APPLEWORKS":55N EL2015EL2020EL55ĺ:"Unable to find AppleWorks Startup disk. Enter the pathname02 P"Change the setting? Press 'y' or' n': ";S UX$:X$"n"X$"N"ĺ"n":120p ZX$"y"X$"Y"ĺ"y":100x _85 dX1X:768,X nD$"bsave seg.dc,a768,L1,b5" x700 X:"Set.DC patch complete.":(4);"prefix";OP$" Y(4);"chain startup,@----------H Most users of ShrinkIt will be interested in unpacking files theyGhave downloaded from a Bulletin Board Service or Information Service.HOthers will also be using it to pack files that they want to upload toEsuch a service. In these instructions I will first describe how oneHuses ShrinkIt to unpack archives, and then how to create a new archiveAfile. Finally I will give an explanation of each of the optionsFavailable in ShrinkIt's Main Menu, and fill in certain other detaa download? or upload. ShrinkIt can unpack .BNY files, and they canA also be automatically unpacked during downloading by many$ telecommunications programs.H.BQY: "Squeezed" (i.e., compressed with a different algorithm than the@. Here are some of the suffixes you are likely toCencounter, with brief descriptions of their related file formats:G.BNY: Binary II format. Though not a true archive format, a Binary IIG "envelope" will preserve a file's attributes through been used overGthe years. Most of these formats have been superseded by ShrinkIt andCits NuFX format; others are still used. These various formats areHusually denoted with a three-letter suffix appended to the file's nameH(as in "MY.FILE.BNY")IT.SYSTEM can be=launched from BASIC, and it, in turn, will launch ShrinkIt.Some Terms Defined------------------G In the Apple II telecommunications community, there are a numberGof different file- and disk-packing formats which haveroSel 16 can't launch ShrinkIt; an update to the latest version ofHProSel fixes this.) ShrinkIt is too large to be directly launched from:the BASIC prompt ("]"). However, a small SYS file calledFSHRINKIT.SYSTEM is distributed with ShrinkIt. SHRINKd to distribute this program towhomever you please.Launching ShrinkIt------------------H ShrinkIt can be launched using standard program selectors such asGBird's Better Bye, Squirt, ProSel, or the IIgs Finder. (Some versionsHof Pst.!Distribution and Copyright Info!-------------------------------G ShrinkIt is a Freeware program. This means that you are under noDobligation to pay the author anything for it, but the copyright isCretained by him. You are encouragecan't handle extended GS/OS files,Asomeone who doesn't own a IIgs would probably have no reason toGextract such a file. If you open an archive containing extended filesEwith the 8 bit ShrinkIt, these files will be marked "forked" in the file lien createdEwith ShrinkIt-GS can be unpacked with version 3.0 or later of the 8Ebit ShrinkIt, providing that none of the files being extracted fromBthe archive is an "extended" GS/OS file (also know as files withDresource forks). Since ProDOS-8 alternate versions of ShrinkIt will be given towards the end of theseinstructions. ShrinkIt-GS -----------G These instructions are for the 8 bit version of ShrinkIt. A IIgsHversion of ShrinkIt is also available. Archives that have behrinking functions have been split intoEtwo different programs for these older machines. These programs areFcalled IIPLUS.SHRINKIT and IIPLUS.UNSHRINK, and they will run on anyE64K Apple II, using the 40-column screen. More information on theseGn telecommunicating with the Apple II.System Requirements-------------------B ShrinkIt requires a 128K enhanced IIe, a IIc, IIc+ or IIgs.DVersions of ShrinkIt for the Apple II+ and unenhanced IIe are alsoEavailable. Shrinking and UnSions understandable to theErelatively new computer-user; if you are unfamiliar with any of theGterms used, or become generally confused, you may want to consult theGinstruction manual to your telecommunications software, or a magazine1article oilsDabout ShrinkIt's functioning. If you are ONLY interested in how toHunpack a file which you have downloaded, you can just read the sectionDentitled "Unpacking an Archive", and skip the rest of this file. I?will attempt to make these instruct one used by ShrinkIt) files within a Binary II envelope.F Created with the utility BLU, these files can be unpacked with ShrinkIt.B.QQ: If you remove the Binary II envelope from a .BQY file, the? squeezed files it contains will have the suffix .QQ, orC sometimes .SQ. These files can be unsqueezed with ShrinkIt.;.ACU: The archive format used by America Online (formerlyE AppleLink Personal Edition); these files can be unpacked withD ShrinkIt. (Am"?", you will beDsent to a "directory tree display" -- a display of all the foldersFwithin the currently open folder. You can then select the folder youHwould like to open simply by pressing the arrow keys to highlight thatGfolder. Press , and then press either orOA-G (Open Apple-G).G The "tree search" function is a very powerful feature which willHbe especially useful to hard disk owners. By pressing this notation:OA-G or RETURN does function? does tree searchA Thus, if you only want to select a single file in the FileHDialog, you can just press with that file highlighted. If youGwant to select several files to be opeTURN to open a highlighted folder, or open a highlighted file.&ESC to close the current folder.7OA-. (Open Apple-period) to cancel this operation.'SPACE to select a file for opening.B Below this list of key-commands you will seeor unpack.F Most of the File Dialog screen is used to display a list of theEfiles in the currently open folder. On the right side of the screen;are a list of the key-commands you can use at this point: TAB to change disk drives.CREialog displays are used for many of ShrinkIt's functions; theDone you see after selecting Open Archive will show the title "OpenEWhich Archive?" across the upper screen. The File Dialog is used in>this case to select which archive file to "open", download is in; ShrinkIt willEautomatically recognize the format and handle the file accordingly.F To unpack an archive, you select "O-Open Archive" from the MainGMenu. This will send you to a display called the File Dialog. SimilarEFile Dyou want.E When you have downloaded a file with one of the suffixes givenFabove, you will want to process this file through ShrinkIt to unpackGit and get at the files or disks it contains. It doesn't matter which;of the packing formats youre--------------------F ShrinkIt starts up with a display of its Main Menu. The optionsCin this menu are selected by using the arrow keys to highlight anDoption and pressing , or by pressing the letter associatedwith the option n downloading a .BXY file. Doing thisG will give you a downloaded file which is a "bare" NuFX archive.F Thanks to the Binary II envelope, this file will automatically/ be given the correct name and filetype.Unpacking an ArchivrtE automatic Binary II packing and unpacking, this ideal will beH increasingly realized. Thus, if your telecommunications softwareF supports automatic Binary II unpacking during downloading, youH can turn this option on whevelope will be entirely "transparent" to endE users -- it will be automatically added by telecommunicationsC software during uploading, and automatically removed duringH downloading. As more telecommunications programs come to suppopple II libraries ofD GEnie and Compuserve. .BXY files can be created and unpackedB with ShrinkIt. Although this "envelope within an envelope"F format may seem redundant, it has several advantages. Ideally,D the Binary II enerica Online currently uses .SHK format for new uploads.)?.SHK: NuFX format; can be created and unpacked with ShrinkIt.F.BXY: A NuFX archive within a Binary II envelope. This is the formatG currently required for new uploads to the An> and you will be back at the File Dialog screenFwith your selected folder open. The tree search will not function on-volumes which are on an AppleShare network.G At the bottom of the "Open Which Archive?" File Dialog, there is the prompt:Showing ARCHIVES (OA-S)GThis indicates that ShrinkIt is currently displaying only folders andBfiles that it has identified as archive files. ShrinkIt uses two?methods to decide whether a file is an archive: It checks theEattributes of you will see a prompt forE"Filename:_______________". Using the key-commands described above,Hyou can first open the disk and folder you want your new archive to beFsaved to. Then type in a filename for the archive file you are aboutEto create.) highlighted,<then that folder and all of its contents will be archived.F When you press or OA-G, yet another File Dialog screenDwill appear, this one entitled "Name of Archive to Create?" At the=bottom of this File Dialog screen d naturally, is used to select what files you want toHarchive. Again, you use to select the files you want, and whenEdone, press or OA-G to go to the next step in creating theFarchive. If you press with a folder (directoryt?Files Disk CancelB Archiving files will be examined first. Press withF"Files" highlighted, and you will be sent to the File Dialog displayEdescribed above. This File Dialog screen is entitled "Archive WhichAFiles?" anght expect, creating an archive is somewhat moreEinvolved than unpacking one. However, in many ways the procedure isBsimilar to unpacking. First you will select "N-New Archive" from2ShrinkIt's main menu. You will be prompted with:Archive Whaing by pressing OA-P.F If the archive file contains a packed disk (or disks), ShrinkItDwill prompt you to select a "device" (disk drive) for the archiveddisk to be unpacked to.Creating an Archive-------------------@ As you miess OA- to select an item, that item will be unpacked "withFprompting"; before the item is extracted, you will be prompted againEto select a new destination folder for it. You can select ALL of anBarchive's items to be extracted with prompt withG