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S7Kp , S#ENDWOR o, gzY , LIJ  Uk#LOGWo,  , f, Z' ,  #THE.ENćo c, d!], ,  , l 7p fap f#PERCEN԰o[zp zzp tzp tzp }rp  -    Y #Uo ", #DOWTo " #LEFoo " , #RIGHԊo " #UPLEFԧo , , #UPRIGH×o , #DOWNLEFo  , #DOW, R͘, R, R, R#SUPERo, !]3, R>, R, R͘, Rd, R#1VIELo d<KlydyS\xS!]R d2]R 2].wybydyS\x dy\xd dK dy\xL dK dy\x42]dK2]dydK AY K#PRO-PRESko dK"O  F dK"O  .[d KZ[dK"O  K#KGET-CM;oOS   6Y AY KSGu6p Ap "O #EVA̧oS6 K, ,  u,  q}#op f !]v!]!]Y#:op f !]v  #`op f$ !]!]v, !] v!]#ِop f !]v!]!]Y, v!]#Hƙop f( , v, !], dy\x#FIN.PRMܞo,  l   }rp &~Press any button to continue. ~Press [RETURN] to continue.#PRMT.WAI,o}rp " - Y|Z#SELECԝoQLSՐR[zp !])RS S"IJ  }Hр\u KNRIGHo  #Yop f 2]+2]2], !]v#I=op f !]v, #lop f$ , v !]!]v2]#œop f,  2] Y!]!]v!]#!ɘop f. , v u, )\x!]dK dy\xK#1HOPLEFԓouS!]u, 2)gzY 'IJ  K5dZ{K#HOPLEFEo!] ,  S'P"p  kߛp p p K#PLACŊoSIJ  K5S!]MA}u2]) R\), $2].wybydyS\x #GET-VINo 6M#GET-HIN+o 6M#JGET-CM@oK RM"OO  RM"OO  [ Z  6 EOu EO    #JOY-OUo, bC+Y #KEYBRD-OƔo, C+Y #PHONY-Oݔo, C+Y #GET-CMo+p # , v#Top f !] , , v#1op f" , v,  !]v#^op f" !]v  !]v#˒op f( , v,    +#ƚop f!] v!] #STARTHOןo '#PLACEMEN,o p , [d EOY S K,  S(, Ru(, uқY ɛY , , l p o~ correctly spelled words!##LINESIop ߛp ɛp ߛp қp 6#LINE-UՠoU , 'hSET, Rd, Rd, R, Rʙ, R#THANKSo, 6, Rb, R, R, Rʚ, R, R#YIPPEEao, B, Rq, R, R, R͘, R͘, R#GREATo, !]b, RdPRESSo   #ADDhoSc+OVSZ6Fd K, ,pd K, }d K, !K Z, Fz)zRzR#LD.CSEԍoI mexemeT#ICOo,  l z)zRS  ,  #.PRIZ&o, , # 4 Sk uM  , Ě \$ Ě S  ", Ě S  Y #D.MOVKo ՚ wxLfp , R, Rl   R   p\, , \)!]"p\, , \)!]R"p2], \)!]R"p2], \)!]"p!]\)2]R, \)!] p!]\)2]R, \)!]R"p!], \)!]R p\, , \)!]R"p#LOGLol ,  , f, Z' ,  #PRMo,  l ~'Press [RETURN] to go on, p f(p fUp fp fp t#c:nX6͑INTRO/OPTHvvN͑o, #No, #No,  #No,  #N o,  #No,  #N+o,  #N:o,  #NIo,  #N1Xo,  #N1go,CT.KBo, , l ~I, , l ~M, \)!]RSd , d , J, Rd , lMd , #d , K, Rd , lM,  , , l , i, f' , , l , l, i' ,  , , l ~ or arrow keys, , l ~ [SPACE BAR], , l ~[RETURN],k if you spell, dl ~the word right., dl ~20 spelling lists are included., ul ~And you can make your own. , AZ#PAGEwo  2]!]dl ~There are two versions of the, dl ~game., dl ~In game one, the magician moves, S2]6 K,  z ,  k wfV#DISPLAY.Po ' ' ' 'M '\ ' ' 'Ě '՚ '{2]\)' |, #ENDGAMEo Lw Lw3|#DEMO.GAM,o, \)2]R, \)!] p, \)2]R, \)!]"p, \)2]R, \)!] p, \)2]R, \)!]"p#SYM.LAo2] l ~This table shows two of thel ~ special symbols that will appearl ~on the gameboard, , l ~SPECIAL SYMBOLS#SYM.DOV̦e word.t A Y Oone˘aZ#PAGEo  2], dl ~ In game two, the magician spells, dl ~ the word too., dl ~See if you can spell the word, dl ~and still get to the hat, ul ~first!AZ#PAGEo { G,  , l ~[DELETE], , l ~[ESC]#ACT.GRIeob!], \)!] p\!], \)!]"p\!], \)!]"p!], \)!]"p!], \)!]"p!], \)!]R p\!], \)!]R"p!], \)!]R p\!], \)!]R"p!], \)!]R p\!], \)!]R"p, dl ~toward the hat as you spell., dl ~Spell the word and get there , dl ~before he does!, dl ~Be sure to pick up the first, ul ~letter of the word.AZ#PAGEo { G,  l ~This is game o--., , l "t,  l ~Spell thgzY p f 7f 7p p 3|ߙp p fH#WUEWšETΡETסED.RACot, gzY 2]\)SʡY SӡY |2]\)SܡY 2]SY !] , " ܡSp - { , !]RuY ܡp p ߙo, l ,  , \ , ] ,  , , l ~Sends the magician back to thel ~!start. But you will lose points.#SYM.S\o, l ,  , ^ , _ ,  , , l ~Puts a space in the word youl ~ are spelling.#SYM.GRIoc2], \)!]l ~This is game t--., , l ~You "t,  l ~ Magician "t,  l ~Spell the word.t A Y Otwo˘aZ#PAGEMo  {goAZZ#PAGEo t {֦gWAZ# oo Y p fLp f@p f4 yer tol Ţl ߢ, l ~ Picking upl Ţl ߢ,  l ~Droppingl ~letters,  l ~ Quitting anyl ~section#ACT.JSo, , l ~Joystick, , l ~Gamel ~button 1, , l ~Gamel ~button 2, , l ~[ESC]#A[ESC] to play.#PAGE:o t b, \)2]\), \), '\)!], l ~Welcome to Spellakazam!, , Sl ~Quickly spell the missing word, dl ~in the sentence., dl ~Then race the magician to, dl ~the hat., dl ~See a magic tricʡSp - { , !]RuY ʡp ӡp 3|F|p p p p z#.L&o~letters, birds#.Ⱦo~ and the hat#NEW.Vڢouu#ACT.LAo, , l ~ACTION, K~JOYSTICK!]K~KEYBOARD,  l ~ Moving yourl ~ pla  #N1wo,  #N1o,  #N1o,  #N1o,  #N1o,  #N1ǒo,  #N1גo,  #N1o,  #N2o,  #N2o,  #N2o,  #N2'o, #N27o, #N2Go,  #N2Wo,  #N2go,d K%Ond KKOZ d K%OFd KKO2 dKp "O[d K["OOuK|#END-MENiov#DO.WHATo d Kh R dKt < d K=v (2]d Kv[d KrSp |uY   dK"}rSp |uY ՜ 2]dKrSp |uY W !]dKrSp |uY l, d K1 V, dKZ> >, dK, , l ~(Yes) [d K K#SETTING-MMo, !]#sY sp Tp 8O  "OY vp `^p Tp R\Tp E^Y #WALKo |p p 3|SY F|#W.TYPE-LAΗoS ֗S'R 2].up #.RABBIo|}A}#WAL7o, \), |3|F|3|F|Y |Y #JUM~(One) ~(Two)#.DRIVEMo, !]l ~Number of disk drives!]Krp ~(One) ~(Two)#.BKGNęo, !]l ~Background color, Krp ~(White) ~(Black)#.LEVEo, !]l ~ Skill level, Krp dK~ (1-Novice)> d #N2wo, #N2o,  #N3o,  #N3o,  #N3o,  #N3Ǔo, #N3דo, #N3o, #N3o, #SONoIJ !0?N]m}͒ݒ -=M]m}͓!0?N]m}p OY p =v`t#OP NOPTӠ VPOӪMHPOӶ MENU-ARRA"KR POSITION OF MENU )ĂL̙HRHDH UH CREATE-ME oșY Y Y Z Y #OPToKp ٙY k#PRINT-HAN=op p rp S, Earrow keys to point to the,  l ~%option you want. Then press [RETURN]., !]#O Play the gameDOCreate a word listDOSee a demonstrationDOChange the game settingsD$ #MENU.PTCRCHANGE.LE>orp S 6K rY #SET.DKo, gzY lY ,    "OY #TITLE-PAG|o, ^Y , hY O SpellakazamߖRb |p p 3|Ĕp  Ĕ|#o, gzY A"OY OY n, 2 Z{qSp , Y ˜qY p f",  "OY Z{K~ (2-Expert)! dK~ (3-Master)K#LOG5o,  , f, Z' ,  #DISPLAY.SŻo \), | , l ž, !]l ~The current game settings are: ՜W>#ooYb, \)!]\), '\) R!],  l ~"Use the ͒ݒ -=M]m}ݓ [r#TSTOFPOOF!.SNĬoqSp , Y , 2][r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [r, % [r,  [rqY #COUNTEҸ)RRESbo, 2][rRșp l "t#ERASE-HANZop p Rșp l ~ #PRINT-OPԓoSp Rșp l ٙp k#PRINT-MENջopp 'ǚ#POINTHANoY g#FORWRop Sp K #BACKWRop S 6 Kp #SELECT-MEAop [IREMob, \)!]\), '\)2],  l ~"Use the arrow keys to point to the,  l ~%game setting that you want to change., l ~Then press [RETURN].#CHANGE.BKzorSp |uY ppp #CHANG$o dKrSp |uY  dDEMO.FLwOHȀENPK S#?WALLdoF& BMAS˘"K @ So uT#EMIT-LARGږo, IY TY \ ,  dp Ip \)R-R 'Ɩp  EOX sY ^p \)sp R'Tp )Rhp \)-Tp )R pTp R"psp KK#.GAMo, !]l ~Game, Krp ~(Two) ~(One)#.JOYSTICˌo, !]l ~Joystick, K}rp ~(Yes) ~ (No)#.SOUNɜo, !]l ~Sound, Krp ~(Yes) ~ (No)#.PLAYEo, !]l ~Number of players, Krp #WAIT/SNpolp S, ? Kx lk#'HOЈo|S!]M!]Mwybyd{ d{ d{ d{2]d{lyu{#PTRIǷHpPADDLHdGOT-JOY $pdHJL? CHAMSIZB COM ROX TEMbDVlEOGameDOSoundDOJoystickDONumber of playersDONumber of disk drivesDOBackground colorDO Skill levelDOChanges complete (No)DIp Y YSIY V#jo2] IY w,  l , K2] #c:nX3͑SELECT.LIHIST WORDڙBRD-Sod T#NO-TP---(available)---*NO-WP---(available)--NO#P----*>okR , *#VHPOSKop {p Rp #CAPFLAbCAPKEفHII+o, , EO#^KEYoZp f"OY %SK", l ~with the, , l ~ arrow keys,, , l ~ then press, , l ~ [RETURN]., , l ~Press, , l ~ [SPACE BAR], , l ~ to see more , , l ~ list titles., , l ~Press [ESC] to, , l ~ see the menu.b, \) \), \)o`h#USER-ѕP USER DISKSILV-P DATA DISKGAME-P GAME DISKTEMPPdHJL? CHAMR'HEADEKLVHPOZoGp #OPT-ADhoVp #HEADEzodp #POINTHANĎop rp S, E2][rpl 8#ERASEHANġdisk. Ζ#$OonQuR#LOAD-TITLgop َo#LOAD-RULŁop o#LOAD-WORĜop p 9o#LOAD-COPlease put your  ~game ~data~ disk in drive p R |~,, , l ~and then press [RETURN].ZY , , l ~Trying again...#rrp l #WIND-EMIԃoS d[0rrp rrp  r sp l Ker list.Z-#WHICH-LISaoYl짋̥Y|w#LIST-KINoo, , l ~ You need a spelling list to play, , l ~ the game.b, ], ], '] ], , l ~Do you want to:]p Z, , pO choose a list from the game disk 8x i wd wг wСhLCBVxHSBHyH~SCRyH~RB\yH}DEMvW-v:START.GAM5vޑ>START.GACvWRv2PLAY.GAMZvݑ>PLAY.GAMmvW{v[FINALŃv#ڑ>FINALŖvWv-INTRO/OPTɩvISޑ>INTRϹvWvADJUST.SEvWv7 >MAIN-MENvWvGSELECT.LIvdޑ20K2]C K"O dK2]C K"OKSK[ Y|#WINDO/o, Cx Y , CR Y sY sY l rY rY #WINDOF(o rY rY \sY \ sY , gCx Y , @CR Y #|TVVTx?jn;~xVUUUUU~~***.rH BY/TL.BL{H!CHAR>CSPO${oz\)mexeR#WAI4{ogzp #`P`  q@@@/c^>(11 `^` d}@@@AIN+?𠀀C$ARRA Q=DUC<`P` }@@@H ^X`a`` }@@@@u{{#W-DISAPPE|olyu{{#W-WAL&|ou{wybyu{{ u{{Z{ u{{Z{#x``` *U*UCC:u G|+U o>x``` *U*UC:u C|+U o?~```*U*UC:u C|+U o?~```*U*UCC:u nZA 0px<p@ ?c@@`pxc; pp~' Cl<8|G`p𜃀𠟟􇏏Y p p p p  pu"pu!]."pd!]M"p"p, k k, k k#POOFogzSp , Y n|wybyn|{ n|{Z{Z{lyn|{gzY #ZAPzol , (, )Kl #L$MLEζHW$MLEӄHC$MLEH<NWORDHW$ARRA Qn|, Rn|y}n|y#SET-UPw x@ X `p80`@pppp0@p|MOVEHAN€o΀Y #PRINT-MENop p kp )Y p p Rp Ep 'al 'ukSp K#FORWRop p p R6 p p #BACKWRTop p 8O p p p R#MPAGŇop p *p p RPSTRINGS FOR CURRENRULE׆PST TITLE + 1 FOR * )41C$ARRA Q=WORDPST RULE CONTEXTxP + 1 FOR * )R#$>D$ oWRONGWPTR #WRONG5K66o܇p ՆWPTR/UWRONGWPTRAWRONko[zp fJ#WPTwo[zp f=s#INIT-PTRӕo Y =Y ͎Y sY #WORDINDEزo[zp fm#IPTڏo[zp f͎##POSITp Rp #OPT-ADRӂop #NUo#CREATE-MEoY Y Y Y Y , ނC8Y , CGY , CUY #OPToKp Y kp Y #END-MENPo #MSGuo , , l ~This option allows you to make, , l ~ copies of only the sTER )OT II VALUE, 65-COL>ADDo&)R#1ST-TIM;DGAMRo*wYgvYvv#INIT.VAao{} rY rY \sY \ sY ]Y #ow#ov#c:nX.DATA2.PAGdH-vvOPԚ NOPTӭ VPOӷMHPO NSHOSC] to quit.#MSG2o , , l ~Put your data disk in drive 1., , l ~"Put the duplicate disk in drive 2., , l ~!Press [RETURN] when the disks are, , l ~ in place., , l ~Press [ESC] to quit.#2C.STARoZY$ xYO}BIONH#COLUMNH #CARD*H#ANIMAL9HAFHAZUHZAPOST^H'HYPHEgH-CARtHdWALKWAفH WAĽH!PRIZŚHfSХH.TOTAL#POSɱH?ANIMALӺ)ALLOTSCORːTABACKGROUNߐ ALLOT II VALUE, 65-90, OF THE LETpelling data, , l ~disks which you have created., , l ~You will need your data disk, , l ~and a blank disk., , l ~Please put a write-protect tab, , l ~on your data disk., , l ~Press [RETURN] to continue or, , l ~[ELNCHARWWORD HANo"t#LHR HDH UH 'VHPO& 'OPT-AD/R'HEADE<LVHPOKo8p #OPT-ADYoGp #HEADEkoUp #POINTHANop rp S, E2][ral #ERASEHANĒop al K# , Az}( QzU|tB#2COPٺoABHHŅY, AB'', R 'AEO}zU|tBASy{|H#COPY-Do ZYrp t#NLISTEowp  , , #NWORDuHL$MLEΖHR$MLEΣHxC$MLEΰH<W$MLEνHLISTʆWINDEX0KWINDEXIPTRc#WINDEXK)wlJIPTREWINDEXIPTRLISTŎPusIPTRWORDюPPɆs#WRONGKF)Pp 6p p R #SELECT-OPԽoZ[d KOd K]On+d KOZ"d K]OF d KŁO2 dKp "O[d K["OOuKh#MENU-ARRA"KN COLON DEFINITION )VHPOSoLIST WORDއBRD-Sod T#NO-TP---(available)---*NO-W P---(available)--NO'P----*BokR , *#*OoSkR, *u S u #NO-foSTS u K#XYBO؇o!].!].!].!]. !].!]. p .ys and, , l ~press [RETURN]., , l ~Press, , l ~ [SPACE BAR], , l ~ to see more , , l ~ list titles., , l ~Press [ESC] to, , l ~ see menu., , , , b , , l T, , l ~ * Empty lists#SELECT-LIvo and press [RETURN]., , , &c ,  l ~Press,  l ~%- only [RETURN] to keep the old word.,  l ~- left arrow to erase errors.,  l ~&- [ESC] to quit and keep the old word.52,  l ~%- [CTRL-P] to capitalize next letter.,  l "t:b , , l ~Press [ESC] to quit.#DAT%HUSEHANHWRONGD-MSo , , l ~#This is not the right kind of disk., , l ~You need to insert a data disk dK, . 2d&K, l ~which you prepared.K#DISK , Y ӆY #WORD-MENՋo #INIT-TITLo߆&#INIT-RULoH@#INIT-LISo+ 'Y /ZHy#INIT-LIST7o~ 'Y ~ 'Y C#PRINT-RULio, , l ~RULE:, , , , &Ċ $sY ks!]."p . ."p!]. ."p"p#VHBOتo2]M], !]M], 2]M], R!]M], R#CLEAoJJuduJu'dl dKl #VHPOSFop {p Rp #VHPOS|op {p Rp #WORD-HEADřop p l , Kl RDouɎsz)s#FCONTEXTێoӆs#D$>$onQuR#$>D$oS R#LOAD-TITL,op ߆#LOAD-RULJop Ɏ#LOAD-WOReop p 䎀#LOAD-CONTop p #LISTSoY W߆#WORDSoYT SENTENCE: , , , , &Ċ $sY -C "OY k S'R S, *K[OY sKp   s s[ s#DISPLAY-Lɽoo𓫓#INS-DISK]oo, , l ~This option allows you to make , , l ~your own spelling lists., , -OK&oY4 d K  d K x"OuK K"O #INSERT-DIڍo vY rp  ( 2ZS| S3K#ENTRYSIZ)oӆƆR#LISTSIZnoz)R#FLISTo)wlJs#FRULEok!]swlJ#FWO#PRINT-TIT̞o, , l ~TITLE: ߆Sk uK#PRINT-WORo, , l ~WORD: Sk ӆuK#W--o/\Q , *s>ku s ,k S'R   , -sK#NOBLANT)PRINT-CONԯo, , l ~CONTEXp dK~ CORE WORDS: F, dK~ BASIC WORDS:%, dK~ BONUS WORDS:K#W-CҸo>rrp l #WIND-EMIFoS d[0rrp rrp  r sp l Keer sp Z #WINDO[o, iCx Y , OCR Y sY  #INIT-LMENяoZ, ǏCGY , C8Y , CUY , Y , Y ~Y , Y , Y , Y Y #LOGo,  , f, Z' ,  #LIST-PRMMo, , l ~ Select the, , l ~ list you want, , l ~with the, , l ~arrow kel ~"You can add new lists to your data, , l ~ disk or you can change the lists, , l ~that are already on your disk.6#NOT-EMPTxo߆T ߆&#WORD-PRMfo, l ~%Type in the spelling word you want to, l ~#add to the list SILV-D?ovv!]pv!]aPSx#FINALŖvWv-INTRO/ODATA-ENTvW-v5voBv#USER-HvP USER DISKSILV-RvP DATA DISKGAME-gvP GAME DISKTEMP.D.NA|vPomplete. Remove the, , l ~ write-protect tab from the disk., , l ~'Press [Y] or [N]. Then press [RETURN]., , l ~!Do you want to make more copies? Vy #WMSp{o , , l ~Writing information.#CCTN|PREMAIN||o, , l |'Y Zy#ERASE-LISԥoئYב#INS-DISKoo, , l ~ This option allows you to set up, , l ~ a new data disk on which you can, , l ~store your own spelling lists., , l ~* * * CAUTION * * *, , l ~Any information w DALISTS-BASŕwEGIGAME.DATwBGSET-DADDһwo"OwY , SlJw , SlJw #DSET-DADDwoOwY 6 kw 6 kw #/k/ may be spelled c, k, or ck. /chable)--My kite got caught on a tree *.patchvailable)--&I sewed a * over the hole in my jeans.ditchvailable)--(The workers dug a * for the water pipes.ouse will be built.stitchailable)--&You shouldt's fun to * down in a pile of hay.smellhailable)--Roses * sweeter than tulips. *.dwellvailable)--*The squirrels * in a nest in the oak tree.scrapvailable)--Feed that * of meat e)--$There is a * wall around the school. let me know.crackt*ilable)--"The ants lived in a * in the wall.* for that washer.checkr*ilable)--&Mother wrote a * to pay for the shoes.?chickenilable)--The farmer feiding door.chantvailable)--+The choir sang an ancient * at the concert.into a toad.whackvailable)--2The best batter on our team can * the ball a mile!chuckleilable)--&She told a silly story that made us *./ may be spelled ch or tch.kitchenilable)--Dad is washing dishes in the *.packng*ilable)--0We have to * our knapsacks for the camping trip.bricks*ilabl * up the hem of that dress.stretchilable)--0That rubber band will break if you * it too far.o far.chatavailable)--)I like to * on the phone with my friends.pinchvailable)--(Don't * your finger in the slto the dog.the new house will be built.straphailable)--%You should * on a seat belt in a car..stripchilable)--'We rubbed hard to * away the old paint..cometvailable)--'The tail of the * lit up the night sky.d corn to the *.ck.inchde*ilable)--I grew an * this summer.mmer.benchw*ilable)--"We sat on a * in the park to rest.bed with a good book.ranchh*ilable)--The cowhand works on a *. on my whinevailable)--0The jet engine will * as the plane slowly stops.e.whimperilable)--5The puppy began to * when it became stuck in the mud.bickerailable)--.The children began to * over who won the game.punchvspinkleilable)--Turn the top to see it *.at made us *.speckvailable)--I got a * of dust in my eye. doesn't get a cookie.glimmerilable)--(We watched the candle * and then go out.in the dark..flederailable)--backwardlable)--1You can't see where you're going when you walk *.crackerilable)--4The child asked for a glass of milk and an animal *.chillvailable)--You should * that tomato juice.ie.branchails.vasthvailable)--2We could see the * woods from the top of the hill.mistyvailable)--%The morning air was * after the rain.n you into a toad.reflectilable)--A mirror will * your face.m can * the ball a mile!pelled oo.bandck*ilable)--%We listened while the * played music..easy to * it.lampenness*le)--'Marilyn turned on a * in the dark room.me.beltor*ilable)--)My * is tight because I've gained weight.iltundraailable)--6The * is a huge plain in the Arctic that has no trees.Q/a/ is often spelled a-consonant(s)-e, ay, or ai. A less common spelling is eigh.lakeue*ilable)--We rowed a boat across the *.as a explainilable)--'Can you * how to work the math problem?detailailable)--.She told us every * about her summer vacation.neighborlable)--:We borrowed a rake from our * who lives across the street.nicknameskillvailable)--)Jeanne shows great * in playing baseball.splitvailable)--"Rico * the log in half with an ax.cropsvailable)--0The farmers want rain so that their * will grow.drugavailable)--3tasteer*lable)--May I * the strawberries?rainy *.prayble*lable)--People may go to a temple to *.holidayilable)--The Fourth of July is a *.chaine*ilablana*ilable)--*I missed school yesterday because I was *.billle*ilable)--/The waiter gave us a * for the food we ordered.red.Godumn*ilable)--.Some people pray to * in churches and temples. *.clubre*ilable)--.Ouringers if you touch a *..barrenailable)--6The apple tree must be * because it never bears fruit.frigidailable)--:It was so * outside that I could see my breath in the air.humidvailable)--;We decided to go swimming because the o the dog won't get out of the yard.erasevailable)--,I wrote my name in ink so no one could * it.pastevailable)--#Use some * to stick down the photo.paradeailable)--2Our school band will march in aThe doctor used a new * to save the patient's life.in.tropicsilable)--It is very warm in the *.earth that is near the equator.canalvailable)--8Ships travel along the * between the river and the lake.cactusailable)--+You may hurt your fle)--(I fastened my bike to the tree with a *.*.weighette*ble)--,The doctor said that I * seventy-two pounds.sleigh*ilable)--)The horses pulled the * through the snow.gateavailable)--0Lock the * s swimming * meets at the pool after school.trunkg*ilable)--8The elephant picked a leaf off the tree with its long *.floody*ilable)--3The river will * the town if the rain doesn't stop.bloodm*ilable)--The heart works hard pday was so hot and *.aridavailable)--8A desert is an * place because it gets very little rain.torridailable)--#The weather has been * this summer. temperateable)--5The climate there is *, not too hot and not too cold.old. * on Thanksgiving. July. celebrateable)--0We're having a party to * Uncle Paul's birthday.displayilable)--.My friend will * patchwork quilts at the fair.r.remainailable)--/I'm sure that you and I will * friends forever. tightly.weptavailable)--!My friend * during the sad movie.en hit by a car.swellvailable)--8The bump on your head will * if you don't put ice on it.drillvailable)--.The worker used a * to make holes in the wood. lesson one.career.tamekt*ilable)--(The farmer will try to * the wild horse.stately*lable)--*We visited the * of Minnesota last summer.mergrapese*lable)-- She picked green * off the vine..umping *.er knee.e dishes.shes.dampavailable)--'Use this * cloth to wipe off the table.plankvailable)--9We built a shelf by laying a wooden * across some bricks.graspvailable)--2The stairs are slippery, so * the railinglable)--Elizabeth's * is Betsy.flavorailable)--"What * of ice cream did you order? fascinateable)--'I can do a magic trick that will * you.daintyailable)--$Maria worcompletelable)--*I want to * the letter before I go to bed.gasolinelable)--*The driver filled the truck's tank with *.beastvailable)--A lion is a wild *.ade for me?systeme*lable)--9We have a * for deciding whose turn it is to wash dishes.socksnt*lable)--:I took off my shoes and * and walked barefoot in the sand.trustme*lable)--You can * me to keep a secret.t.cheatrt*lable)--It's wrong to * on a test.r *.streamn*lable)--/We took off our shoes and went wading in the *.belieft*lable)--,It is my * that she did not steal your bike.e+We used tree branches to * our secret fort. chimpanzeeble)--'A * is a small ape that lives in trees.creaturelable)--A hummingbird is a small *.ravineailable)--1A stream used to fe a * blue bow in her hair.r.praiseailable)--;I'm sure Mom and Dad will * me for doing so well in school. baby-sitterle)--