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Keep it up - you'll get there! You're doing well!Keep up the good work!Based on the number of errors you have made, you will do more work on: Average speed for this leZ ӳ!$֖|)!9z>a=|#b=|#`d-O V E R A L L P R O G R E S S R E S U L T S-for keys learnt to date and used in lesson %d Aim: %3d words per minute SLOW KEYS: %c KEYS AT HALF YOUR TARG       [|d(1<z>]1CNz>]EUnz>]z>Zj!$@@+s + ؏ [5oA*@+֚ +   ӏҌ|  ӏ|ӳ ӏҌ| ӏ|Ӌd&Y  z>@*HHHH K KL2 iȱiL05 ńLB3iLD3HH K KHH K KHHHHH,HeeHH K8( KńL3ZHHHH K!$ Kii|iiHHHH K K NLg3?[Lk4Lk4H E S S O N REVISIONYou have learned: %s you have hit %ld keys to date. Today you will learn the %s Again, check your posture and position your fingers over the home keys. RMb<#`d LHH K K ' L3 ''`'`le*Zg!$<2 RM*`e[1z>j*dk Start after the beep RMѳc``)a<1(65#?1 2z>d?1[=2z>>I2z>h2z>?z>#. L0 ЄVT^ZІZ`^߰ӴԂZR؟0Z`ӳZ`Ӵ؟0Z`ӳZ`Ӵ؟0^Si0SТSѠS߰؊0S߰S߰Ӵa0Z`^߰Ӵ!0/ZІZ` /Z`@ԂZ`Ӌ 0ZцZ`@0`0 RM`ka stop until you correct the letter. RMd<-/ RMS<ް(6,1 L E T T E R P A I R S Type the letters in the order presented. If you make a mistake, the bell will sound and you should re-type the letter correctly. The timer willO U P S Excellent! You have no weak keys! zxcvnmopType the letters under the example. RMj+,1c-/c-/@R RM а аؤ-@ а аز-Aω RMѳc``)-2.z>,1W 0 R D A N D T E X T P R A@֖+-c`@#,ІтUZ,߾SӴԂSW,߾@,@t, -z>2*޾HSج,|H׬,,-<(61-=(6޾<5,޾<(6|=(6|<5޾=56-z> W E A K L E T T E R G R RM+2D+z>,1 L E T T E R G R O U P S Type the letters under the example. RMѳc``)@R,2@֞+Іт`,S ԂҌ|+SҌ||Ӵ|Ӌd,S᩠H K( K ` L iȱiLc*РȑiȱiL`*L@*L*` RM         *QE40%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%ciLV)L)ii[[ȑ ȱiiiȱiL(G  L) ȱ ȱL)HH K( K ȱL) ȱL) L & M L) L*H `l66K7LD 7C6 (6C7DL7K6` L[[ȑ ȱȑGLw( L|( 'HH K( K)LY)  LY)ii)LV)ii)L(L(0iȱH K/ KHDHHH K K'HH Kz> KHHHȱH K KL& LV'~ŀLh' Lh' Lv'HH K2% K ` L& @'D'`Abort Y/N LZHH HH Kr$ K` L` L ' L'L') ` N)EFL&E FL &EiEFiFL&$ J8iiLp&H H K2% KLE&L& 4J&%&#&%&&% N ` L 'L~'HEHDHHH K K'HH Kz> K ' HH K; KY L'H   ȑL> i ȱ i  `` L N ) L%L% Z HH K( KEFEPFpL%EFHIp0L%HI N `  Ls&G ` i iHIp0L%HI K K HH$HH Kz> K`%s L HH )ȱ) LW$ Lb$ ȱHH Kr$ K` L ȱZL1%JL$ HH L K( K M L$ HH L K2% K M ` ȱ  Ҍ[%+ +C Ҍ[  Pω(CCCC CϠʊ i iC $   )  3 i  i C8LC `lKB:ZDCD C[U D+*vѴx |~ "afBz)LB YIBl[bA X  `L RM t@` vBءB t zIءB x۴ t׷B t ZT[ r< t RM PB [B Ҍ[B Ҍ[UB>=d Ҍ[;C )^B+;J %  %QFA   \A r  ' t "' | afB z؞A z˷%Ϸ RM [A Ҍ[A |APAA@ Ҍ['UA>=a7;C&^B(8DгB@<>+ v9@Z x$@ tH x@ZP7@8@ RM [O@ Ҍ[*R@ Uk@c:;C Ҍ[@@Ϭ^B+;B |  ~  " Ҍ[@afB z)ص@l[bA:@ RM<@ RM [@ Ҍ[*@Q@P@ U@AZP? x۴ @ xTu? xڴ t t vAZPZ? x۴ |a v@֍? t % |= r t P? z rd x۴ дѳ @ RMZ+? + ?[?;??Z RM@+ xR*vx |~ "afBz)9> U9> X) Q>@%Ӌx>=H.x>a%<@ RM <>E RMZ[Z?[ZЩZ x > xR>ͨZ t>=nB x? 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We will do our very best to help you but you must recognise that success comes from commitment Register for the course by entering your full name: (Press the RETURN key when you have entered it) What name would you like to use during this courhe RETURN key.Speed ? MMMM your typing is REALLY bad!! Right, your personal target is %3d words per minute. Are you prepared to commit yourself to 30 - 60 minutes a day for the next 10 - 15 days - y or n? You are heading for much personal satisfac achieve the speed of your choice, for example:- 10 to 20 Words per minute EXECUTIVE 15 to 40 W.P.M. PROGRAMMER/CLERK 30 to 60 W.P.M. SECRETARYPlease tell me your target speed by entering a number between 10 and 120 (words per minute). Then press tse fee to: TYPEQUICK at PO BOX 216 CHATSWOOD 2067 Australia hh   HHLQhhȱ    lT Y P E Q U I C K IIIThe Professional Keyboard Trainer Security ViolationtnNroOehi.JKLHI C ; S}r<\uK\SirTest 4/10/84 asdfjkl;                sell half a leaf; has dad a deaf headasdfjkl;ehil.kij;adehfseal life jed hake half leak hike lied diskjail is hell if she heals his head.T W O - part B: LEFT SHIFT KEY e h i and . The LEFT SHIFT KEY. To type right-hand capital letters, press the l k l and ; letters: e h i and . Please re-read the section on GOOD TYPING TECHNIQUES in the student guide. It is really important. Say the letters aloud to assist the learning processdejhlsfdejhhjedfslhjedhale has heel leak; jades shades shale flakesl RM^B+;E;<=9u;#8*ׂafB:@ z RMZ<Zj!$ RM č= ,ӳ!$ְ RM a؍ zڍ@A0entercontrol characters as ^ (shift 6) followed by a letteror any of @[]^_ such as ^K or ^@Control string : Invalid stringcan't write on output can't close printer instalation completehhߍ   HHLQhhȱ ߍ  TSETUPCan't create file Do you have a printer Y/N : Is your computer an APPLE //c Y/N : In which slot is your printer card 1-6 : Answer 1-6 Does your printer require an initialisation string Y/N : What is your printers control string. You may Ӌ`dyދz>㊎Pz>y;Ӵ㊁Ӌ^ԊЅӋ@ɊӋڴԊUЅсЅ֝y܍aލ;AQ܍ ܍y;A܍ Ɍz>/ ;9@P6z>/ 팬*PRINup to and including the chapter devoted to lesson 1. When you have read this material, restart TYPEQUICK by entering BRUN TQ RMyy`F6+PQ/ cz>㊉1ލz>Uz>Z[<ލލ1Fލ6F@GAUwith your disk. Write your name on it. Next, %s we will begin your first lesson. However, we suggest you now take a copy of your TYPEQUICK disk. We return you to your operating system so that you can take the copy. Please study the Student's Guide se? please enter this name as well: (Press the return key after your name) The Typequick disk will be devoted to your course only as it will hold your progress records and guide you at YOUR pace through the course. Don't allow anyone to use or play ld. A WIZZARD;jkl;JjKkLlArthur, Where is Mary with my 121 Tax Refund.Sam, She was here. She must have left at 11.22.Mary, No I have not; I am still here. 212 AXESI, We declare that I am, We are the holder, holdersIt was split so that 121 went to theen the crazy mob pushed RobAqua Sail Boards zoom, jinx and weave about the bayS E V E N All of the Alphabetic keys (A through Z) numbers: 1 and 2 1al2S.n211qwasdfm12211 was a racehorse, 22 was 1211 11 race; 22 11 212 times 1 is 12 chanted the chi day.QqMmYyjzb;asdfmy bubbling memory; begin bobbing aboutQuite amazing, but, by the way, whyI am succeeding. I can typewrite a letter.Stay away from the big dog. It bites boys.My word, Joe. You are not looking at the keyboard.Bob saved fis bacon whe dog yelped in painQueen Mary amazed many among the crowd on the quay.my mother eyed me queerly, then quickly requestedan explanation of my zigzag writing on the quiltStooge is a quaint name for zany Martin.Queen, the Marquis of Equador meets us thisd, or steak and eggI can imagine composing sentences on the computer.Vauxhall motors made the greatest veteran Motors.S I X - Part B Q and MY Z and BQqMmYyZz,gxpQqMmYyZztnroasdfzone text swot quiz crux funny hymn hyrs stop.Donna yelled at jim; th\= ,ӳ!$HRrAaEeIiwaver VW curve cave UV wave curl view cawcalls curves circles. Vertical water wheel turns.The stolen VW with white wheels was locatedhh^ _  HHLQhhȱ ^ _  l RMZ letters: t n r and o Watch your fingers, but only for the first pair exercises. Try to memorise the positions of the keys.tnjfaeisdkl;.hftjneidk.htent hit thin tin saieft SHIFT key with the left-hand little finger. Try not to watch your fingers.asdfHJKL.Your use of the shift key is improving.kKk hHh llL jjJ Had I Ls If LakHead. Jake; Lass. Hess; Hill; Kiss; Lied.fife feels safe failed fair Isle.I Like Leeds. I 1 132N g(B L!"L9iȱiȱL܎ZHHiȱiHH K!$ KLiȱiHH K KHHHH K KiLp0L qqook at your speed. RMv` oE,&> @Тv$4@ y׺Ӌ 十十ZԍЅѳӴԁЅ6֧Ӌ ЅЅѳ 6r$Ѕѳ@֝v$4567>=Aخڌz>茬z>Anj5z>o*Fine. Your accuracy and speed is so good that we do not need to continue with this particular test. Let's have another lESS THE RETURN KEY AT THE ENDOF EVERY LINE!Panic: can't find %sS P E E D R E P O R TYour speed so far is %3d wpm. Do you wish to increase your goal speed from %3d wpm? - y/n: How many wpm would you like to aim for? Type your choice below, from |^y`d@a[|[ŋz>&;Yz>ZԊx芎az>g[[ez>[|A[Щ[Ϭ@_=@R@R89@ PR^`d҈ѳc``)a#`h% 'z>ص[ U艥@ \Z 艍S[Щ[=`h@ި8=@||a'ިz>`'`ި2‹z>|%Dz>H#Zj!$h#ѳc``)h`d`<7(ס/ |)\Z+|%|^ Y뉍@ި8=@aaޛި;^  % % 'S+Zj!$cises.Then we will get on with the lesson.Accuracy lesson for polishing your skill. tq10a.tWell done. Let's continue to improve accuracy. tq10b.tLet's try to build up accuracy with more text. tq10c.t RMa=|#b?# must be very clever!Let's try to build up speed with more text.tq9c.tACCURACY IMPROVEMENTLESSON 10LESSON 12 You must continue to practice and consolidate your knowledge and improve your speed and accuracy. Try your accuracy skill at these few exere your confidence. %s, here are some warmup exercises covering the alphabet. Type them in as quickly as possible and do not correct any mistakes you make. tq9a.tWell done! Now, let's concentrate on building up speed.tq9b.tYou're learning quickly!Youhh̒ ͒  HHLQhhȱ ̒ ͒  l RMZ<Zj!$ RM ˒= ,ӳ!$ַ98 pickle pots, only 80 were perfect,iPp098aieoupKk;1238907 days a week, 52 weeks per year, 365.25 days...And your numbers are. 8..60..29..72..19... and ..7560 minutes of the time he worked in a frenzy;the other 40 hours was spent idly lazing around.at 25, 2 at 33 and 1 at 54Bananas at 12 c each and apples at 32 c each6 at 35 kg; 7 at 35 kg; another 2 at 15 kg a pair.E I G H T - Part B the numbers 6 and 7 numbers: 8 9 and 0 890kl;890iopkl;There were 90 chairs, 89 people, 802947 flies.of the goods.E I G H T 1 2 3 4 and 5 numbers: 6 and 7 67jyj6jyhb67jun7it was 76 or 67. I do not remember which number.6 or 7 youths walked down 17th Boulevard;6 brown taxis were coming the other way from 5thcu123.iopt67rewjsadf12345673 brown quiches qwert12345qwertasdfgTokyo, Fri., 12.45 p.m. Approx. 425 persons injured.Flat 1, 42, The Ave, Tynton 3125; phone 311 5243This one is 3.55 but that one is 4.2525 is a lot; so is 24.35 but 31 sounds a lot more.I am converting DUS 342.35 into DA for the m and 12 to me.To make 2121 pies, Teacher, you will need another 2S E V E N - Part B the numbers 1 and 2 numbers: 3 4 and 5 345dff345dfgert345try your fingers on 3, 4 and 5. QUIT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5225g butter with 1 large or 2 eggs and 135g flour12345ook at your speed. bMv` E,&> @Тv$)4@ yʍӋ Z䍁ЅѳӴԁЅ6ַӋ ЅЅѳ 6r$Ѕѳ@֭v$4567>=Aؾꌬ>>A׌E>o*Fine. Your accuracy and speed is so good that we do not need to continue with this particular test. Let's have another lESS THE RETURN KEY AT THE ENDOF EVERY LINE!Panic: can't find %sS P E E D R E P O R TYour speed so far is %3d wpm. Do you wish to increase your goal speed from %3d wpm? - y/n: How many wpm would you like to aim for? Type your choice below, from }^؉`dP,a,[|[Ջ>&;Y>Z䊁xq>gЊ[[u>[|,A,[Щ[ϬP_MPRPR8I@ PRn`d∬ѳc``)a#`h% '>ʼn[ UP \Z S[Щ[M`h@ި8=@،،a'ި>`'`ި2ҋ>|%T>X#Zj!$x#ѳc``)h`d`<%7(ױ<>/ |)\Z+|%}^ Y@ި8=@qqޛި;n  % % 'S+Zj!$cises.Then we will get on with the lesson.Accuracy lesson for polishing your skill. tq10a.tWell done. Let's continue to improve accuracy. tq10b.tLet's try to build up accuracy with more text. tq10c.t bMaM|#b?# must be very clever!Let's try to build up speed with more text.tq9c.tACCURACY IMPROVEMENTLESSON 10LESSON 12 You must continue to practice and consolidate your knowledge and improve your speed and accuracy. Try your accuracy skill at these few exere your confidence. %s, here are some warmup exercises covering the alphabet. Type them in as quickly as possible and do not correct any mistakes you make. tq9a.tWell done! Now, let's concentrate on building up speed.tq9b.tYou're learning quickly!Youd up speed.The pacing and accuracy cycle is a good invention.We developed it after extensive field testing.It encourages quick strokes from lazy fingers;and it also greatly improves accuracy.This lesson will help you to increase your speed and increasespond to computer requests. You must now continue to practise to consolidate your knowledge and improve your speed and accuracy. Do your best and type this quickly and carefully.Then I will set up some exciting pacing tests.That way we can really buil `hh   HHLQhhȱ  llesson_.t KiiLEii qqHHHHHHeeHH K8( KL搥 L搊HHHH K K ȱL ȱLȱeeȱeȱeLoLPHHHHHHeeHH K8( KL LHHHH K KLȱL͏ii ȱȱeeȱeȱe8ȱLHHHH K KLiHHHH Kc 67890&OU3eK uE (y8  976 $  *  PA(\ 4(f " ~%}!dN'!o12345   z \T1Wc'q # dg r   ~B5&.:W/ 2WKh=GMb5 T@GoL J m']G )$kb_ QqMmYyZzBbO&*5W<G'<7a<ISG >6O fZ`,GgXxPp     +8-tJ aQJ ^ cA6 x!hp(1M;/x$`  U\IFPB38DFvjG/MH !$E #gR4CcUuVvWwASDFERT     _x1)    I4oP;H!BknW@9O)h6B 01~ +=+tnNroO?\yY9 2 -   ehi.JKLHI* % L)lR  C)*s#g+'Qun9\t473Sue Sue Benn-> asdfjkl; 02            l bMnB+;E;*`>y;ӴӋ^䊁ЅӋ@يӋڴ䊎ʌeЅсЅ֭ya;AQ%0y;A0ٌ>/ ;I@PF>/ *PRINup to and including the chapter devoted to lesson 1. When you have read this material, restart TYPEQUICK by entering BRUN TQ bMyy`V6+P a/ s>1>e>Zk<1V6V@WAewith your disk. Write your name on it. Next, %s we will begin your first lesson. However, we suggest you now take a copy of your TYPEQUICK disk. We return you to your operating system so that you can take the copy. Please study the Student's Guide se? please enter this name as well: (Press the return key after your name) The Typequick disk will be devoted to your course only as it will hold your progress records and guide you at YOUR pace through the course. Don't allow anyone to use or play tion. We will do our very best to help you but you must recognise that success comes from commitment Register for the course by entering your full name: (Press the RETURN key when you have entered it) What name would you like to use during this courhe RETURN key.Speed ? MMMM your typing is REALLY bad!! Right, your personal target is %3d words per minute. Are you prepared to commit yourself to 30 - 60 minutes a day for the next 10 - 15 days - y or n? You are heading for much personal satisfac achieve the speed of your choice, for example:- 10 to 20 Words per minute EXECUTIVE 15 to 40 W.P.M. PROGRAMMER/CLERK 30 to 60 W.P.M. SECRETARYPlease tell me your target speed by entering a number between 10 and 120 (words per minute). Then press t>>9>e>>>` Welcome to TYPEQUICK - a pathway to more effective use of your time AND higher utilization of your computer. Imagine the effect on your friends and colleagues.. Our aim is to teach you to touch type and>[HS؆`g&h`[)X ]`n*>>[HSȂ`&`[X ֝[Ս݂_ͥ[ک[`d>8>`d[@[\`di`di[>>؈> bMx@[`d>d>`񄬊>`i>+ Zط xށnr>*h֦j*`d [>*˅>+gm $/>,`><*`d[؆@[[>z [:A z:I@P؈,>`/ *`/  asdfjkl;ehi.JKLHItnNroOCcUuVvWwASDFERT,GgXxPpQqMmYyZzBb1234567890TYPEQUICK Keyboard Trainer - I N S T A L LTYPQUICK.DATTYPQUICK.DATWARNING: Disk I/O error during Configuration 1z #??   !ԮҠРˮԠ" Ġ ѮԠ" ѱîԠ  ѠyծҠ ̮Ҡ αҠ εҠ ӮҠ ηԠθԠѹԠѹ®ԠѹîԠ ѱԠѱ®ԠϠαԠβԠγԠδԠεԠζԠB67890=?+ <==7! 9`A X&kC~   ) [03 0[ "!1ieLIN  nLM@: 8 DN Hg_! Ll A| 12345 QqMmYyZzBb,GgXxPpCcUuVvWwASDFERT  eG^G\q]1 z] 'DU Y e m Tdg  P#'*J*(3GZ:I9J6*6; c6 F Fy , j gbadd alaska flak as alfalfa salad falls; all lads ask sad dads; dad asks a slak lass; as all sad dads ask sad lads; a kad jaffa; a sad lass; a sad sak; a sad fad; a sad jaka; jak adds a jaffa a dalk; kal laks alaska fall; alas dads salad flask sallas dask; ask a lass as all lads add a fad; as jaka asks a lass; add a sak a jaffa a kas; dad asks al as alaska falls kasa falk lads add a lak; alfa alfalfa al jakal;   Jakkie asked as she had a half ale. Leah disliked his alias as he kissed Les. His skiff filled as she sealed a side leak. Kiki has a leash. Lead sleek fiji aside; His side healed as he said. I see alkali. Jeds sleek skiff skidded aside as she fell. Lea had a dead leaf as a safe seal. ask alf if alaska sells khaki saddles. I dislike fifi as she jailed Heidi Lee. Leah held alias alf; Les had held Hikeda. Jake dislikes leaks flies sails lies keels leeks. Ladi fell dead. Killed as he sailed like a dill. I dislike Leeks. Jill has fifi as she is a Lass. I did shake sheila like a leaf. I lied. He is Les; she is di. He likes di; she likes Les.    qȥqi H#Hl    lhh8hHHl0123456789ABCDEF`6 `8vv `Vvhh8hȱ iiHHlhhqilhh hihi8  8    p HH G `L@AJ e@eAffvv` B 8` ` C8` `@A6&&@A @`@ACEABA 8@@AA 8L LLL  ȱ- 恩ii0 9ņ凰  `  eeiЅiL6`LL 卉 HHHH G  HH G ` `  8鋅L  `  ȱȱȱiiń児L ii))ii *L? `  ȱHH G  HHHHHH G `ة`LLLLLG eeL HH G L>`usage: od [+n[.]] file1 [file2] ... Can't open file  ȱiiHH G  HHHH G   L  eeeitiL7 L1 慥ņp0L ii L iiL iieeeeiiL iieeee.L+ H(HeeHHHH HH G HHeeHH G L= 慥ņp0L ii))ii ))iieeeeitiiieee ֱHH G ӑ ȑӱ)ȱL>HH ȱHH G  0L HLH G  ȱHH G  H]H G L>HHHHԱHHHH G ӱȱHHHHHH G  L H_Hee L  ȱp0L6 H'H G HH G ӑȑ iȱiL& ȱiȱiȱ+L* ȱiՑi֑HH G q qii.LHH G  ӑ ȑL   If it is fair do not let another dentist see this. London after dark does not alter life inside. Here endeth the third lesson. Keith is another fast liar said the Helsit editor. Lean Jake and Hank are settled in their hole. flossie is on the left side in the first tent. Heat till hot and then tear it into another hook. Hello Les the dentist is after those rare teeth. tether the deer and lean roo to the dark tree. do this for Heather after dark and do not ask Koo. fear not the roar of the Lion in his Lair.   0123456789ABCDEFCurve it down the wind to reduce the noise. Hear this... Here endeth the Fourth Lesson. Too fast she cried as Terri the thief scaled down the dock in the dark with the watch in his hand. How could it rain when the clouds have curls. Where there is a Wave there is a Surfer. all the students who look to their future needs. There is no faster known horse than Just A Dash. The officer showed her how to connect the vehicle; Would a fool dent the Clarinet with a Handle. Jocks Credit Record Shows That He Needs To Save. Dave is known to discard his shirt in HOT weather. Write down how to lock the Title on the screen. Jill Noel Chris and Ross wrote this Trainer for Now see the increase in the WORDS used herein. Do not halt after two or three such LESSONS. I will clear the Screen and watch the Words flash. Could we show the fellow how to watch this screen.     CcUuVvWwASDFERTtnNroOehi.JKLHI C ; S}r<\uK\SirTest 4/10/84 asdfjkl;   Do point to a WALL Chart of the Area Graded. Good Grief, Greta, is a good GOGO dancer. Go, now, and get the larger cow, Gerri said. Lost chords are difficult to locate in Tosca as certain notes are rolled together. Six little People can fool poor Parents with excessive noise; we all should have known. Experts feel Students are fast, and accurate, if all the exercises are practised well. Police Officers have a tough life when crooks escape jail; we should show appreciation. Jack worked hard, on this Good course, as he felt it would help in later Life. All should learn how to operate this Writer as it will increase their opportunities in London. The Supplier gave the Pillow to Gail for Easter for which she thanked her with a kiss on the chin. Keith will forgive Jock for second place as fellow trainers would realise when the horse is sore.     9`A X&kC~   ) [03 0[ "!1ieLIN  nLM@: 8 DN Hg_! Ll A| 12345 QqMmYyZzBb,GgXxPpFireman zigzagged five jets quickly on the corvex. We used a random word composer to build this course from zero to six lessons in two years. The Bible and tableau enabled David to dazzle. Goblins fizzled and sizzled whilst Ghosts gazed. keyboard users as learning is so fast. Typequick uses Plain Text as this is interesting. You are a KEEN pupil who will excel in a career as you realise SELF HELP and ZEAL are vital. type as you have mastered a real skill. I will ask for six of a size if I have to go to town to pay for them quite soon; Micro computers will be widely used to train The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their land. That covers all the alphabet. Typewriting is most enjoyable when you can touch     B678901,423 Steel Washers 1.134 kg 412432 1,532 Brass nuts 1.225 kg 142323 2,455 Copper washers 1.425 kg 142353 2,134 Steel nuts 3.513 kg 142343 3,112 Steel bolts 5.234 kg 142344 visit the private retreat, set like a jewel in a unique tropical reef in the Solomon Islands. You are now going to learn to use the TAB key... Use the TAB key to skip from column to column. The Empire State Building on 34th Street and Fifth Avenue is 1451 feet tall and 112 storeys. Prince Vincents is a timeless place. Very few people will have an opportunity to 4541 mm and a chest of 3145 mm. L. Zarate, MEXICO weighed 2253 grams and was over 1514 mm high. The largest diamond weighed 3115 carats and was found in the R.S.A on January the 15th. 2 times 4 equals 3 times 2 plus 4 minus 2. K. Sheehan of Ireland talked for 133 hours; a world record; on 5th Dec 55, R. E. Hughs, U.S.A., weighed 511 kg with a waist of This is Lesson Seven and I know 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We wish the other 421 had your drive to succeed If 523 boys had 253 quiches 1435 would have none. There are 24135 people in 2 hotels and 53 homes      102.93 678.39 82.10 38 48102.8 123.45 247.45 12.34 17 43223.8 432.56 764.43 87.43 86 80991.5 860.56 904.01 50.18 91 51670.3 654.54 436.78 14.65 19 23879.9 10 words were deducted for each 1 error. Remington sold typewriters in 1874. Typing is a new skill and a very necessary one in the 1980s. Use the TAB key to skip from column to column. 100 words per minute; some at 140 wpm. In 1918 a lady typed 147 wpm average on a manual typewriter during a 1 hour test. In 1946 another typed 216 wpm on an electric machine. In both cases We believe, if you can touch type, you will easily achieve 15 wpm and 29 wpm with practice. If you exceed 50 words per minute write to us. We have heard of young people who can type at speeds of 6. WOW, I can type what I like without peeking; Hunt and peck is for 1000 and 1 birds. Promise you, computer, I will work on lessons 9 and 10. You must be mastering the numbers and letters now. Your dreams are coming true. Only 2 more lessons. I can type abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and 1234567890. What will friends say when you touch type. One 1; Two 2; Three 3; Four 4; Five 5; Six      B z>@*A+ + `R ߔQO *ыCz> z>z>@*A+e + `؛ ߔRؘ *ы،z> z>a z>@*A+֮ + ` ߔS *ы/z> 1z>֪5z>    aK#b}# гz>bd[z>@+> + `Q ߔ@:@@+^ + z [5Z@+փ +  ӏ*Ҍ|& Ҍ} [R  ' ߔA[ ߔC ߔpeed during pacing tests was %3d wpm Your speed during accuracy tests was%4d wpm If you wish to repeat a lesson, enter the lesson number, otherwise, read the chapter on lesson %d, then press the RETURN key to proceed with this next lesson. RM z>+( +++ Pe@ e@A? @ Щ@ @?s @ LESSON %d for %s Welcome to lesson %d, %s. You've now completed %d lesson%s and have just learnt: %ss Your speed is now %3d W.P.M. Your sѳc``)`d[@Rгzz>@؞@Rz>@Rь[@RQWZz>@Rь[z>@R@R@[z>@@j|"z>@@j`dhave finished the TYPEQUICK Touch Typing course, %s. Please go on and repeat lessons 11 & 12 to further improve your speed and accuracy. RM| [5 RM [|5 RM@R@Rea[@Rгfz>R @Rг z> #@7 [ z>@K [ z>2*satestslesson14lesson58satestsEnd of Lesson Revision End of Lesson %d%s Part AYou have done very well. Come back for your next lesson, %s Wonderful! You  ??, @R, @, @, aS @R@PO @XO [ @Xh @h d ?y @R@؍ @R@Rמ @ا `m s @R @ @ @ E[\-i? @R u #K @ion; any other key to continue to the next lesson:L6 RM<(6 5`7+P` b;=P׿ b;=P׿ ` J*  ا  Jק Zֿ 89;= Z׿ Z;9@;9@ '.ovr RM@R@_ @ @Rair! I am not able to tell the future - You must first finish that lesson! RM[@@c @@_{ @R{ @Щ@ѥ@[@R [Щ[ѩ@@Rs  z>'+]ؾ Z O s  Press 'RETURN' to finish this TYPQUICK sess [ ;;..       4 INSUFFICIENT MEMORYTYPEQUICK III Keyboard Trainer Copyright (C) 1982 Blue Sky Industries/AID Systems tqmenutqinstaltqreport R E S U L T S D I S P L A Y Report for lesson (1-12) ? Be fNwLJ5 RM JP&5 z>`/ @?[@aI #R+ ;m!ei #ѳc``)`fN +אТ  ; Sء ֤ .J .`/  2 z>[Rѳ+[ z>*. P                                         We are sure that you will not panic when you do the next pacing test. Do not worry about errors. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. You have worked with zest, have learnt quickly and can now type faster than ever before. The zany fox has bumped the quick vixen, Jigger.  is an illegal act and will result in prosecution. No user may make any modifications to the programs or data files. Have you complied with the above conditions?.Very good. It's nice to deal with people of integrity. Please stop now and send the licene manual. Every user of Typequick must pay an END USERS FEE to the Authors and obtain a serial number before proceeding with the course. Typequick Lessons may only be loaded from an original Serialized disk. Unauthorised transfer of these trade secrets l&z>Vz>`/ The Typequick Course comprises programs and data which is a trade secret of the Authors, AID Systems P/L and Blue Sky Industries P/L of Sydney Australia who own the copyright over all the information on the disk and in thC T1 - Typequick course2 - Display results3 - Print results4 - Set printer configuration0 - End this sessionLicensed for the sole use of %sSelection: RMfmz>Uz>քz>}z>-*z>F`flz>l`fˬz>jjcz>jlwz>jnz>jz>a[z>a'܂z>`'TЁg(ּ`dTYPQUICK.DATshort data file Licensed for the sole use of %sT Y P E Q U I C K F U N C T I O N S E L E @ZJ[@m@+j +HҳR ؏Z !$g@+֗ +H ׀Z ӳ!$hQг*@ԀZ !$֔`'j*Jϥ[A9@J`dѳ`d)`ea'#`'2hNjhNNL RM@ bށ7AP|A@[֟ [A= ؟끬z>`/ [װP肮*`fa'a[z>`i@+ +؆HҳR Z !$@+ +؆H MZ ؆ӳ!$hQг*Z !$ learned in your own time. I hope you have enjoyed this course and found it very useful. Do not forget to practise at regular intervals, otherwise your speed will decrease. All the best for now. your own time to reach your goal, that I am sure you will attain your target in no time at all. Your friends will be amazed, especially when they hear that you taught yourself on a computer and seem to flow from your fingers. You will do a lot with your newly acquired typing skill. Right now, I am very proud of your determination. You have keyed in so many characters and spent so much of practising speed. 2. Plain prose should be used for practice material. 3. You must practise speed by attempting to type at a rate of 20 per cent faster than your normal rates, until whole phrases learning copying skills. The most important are; 1. Speed and accuracy skills must be developed separately with little concern for the other factor. Most of the time should be devoted to and if the correctness of a keystroke is known immediately. This is why we believe that computer aided instruction will revolutionise the teaching of typewriting. There are 6 basic concepts in Research results clearly show that fine motor skills, like typewriting, are learnt in the minimum time if the interval between reading a letter and hitting the key is as brief as possible      z> z>)z>Uz>z>z>` Welcome to TYPEQUICK - a pathway to more effective use of your time AND higher utilization of your computer. Imagine the effect on your friends and colleagues.. Our aim is to teach you to touch type and>[HSv`g&h`[X M`nz>oz>[HSظ`&`[X ֍[ō͂_ͥ[ک[`dz>(z>`d[@[ [`di։`di[tz>z>Ȉz> RMx@[`d~z>Tz>`ᄬz>`Yz>+ Zا x΁nbz>*h֖j*`d [z>*z>+gm z>Pz><*`d[v@[[z>憬zj [:A j:9@Pxz>`/ *`/  asdfjkl;ehi.JKLHItnNroOCcUuVvWwASDFERT,GgXxPpQqMmYyZzBb1234567890TYPEQUICK Keyboard Trainer - I N S T A L LTYPQUICK.DATTYPQUICK.DATWARNING: Disk I/O error during Configuration NL RM Tt`d։`dώ[(6^(6]a(6 d(6f(6mi(6ǀl(6̀n(6Ӏ}q(6Ԁ-t(6Հv(6րy(6`da׀#bR+ *;m!`dN[Kd6*P     they were presented. meetings. We all enjoyed this typing work, as we had been shown how to type quickly and were keen to finish the papers. When the papers were delivered, everyone commented on how beautifully enthusiasm, whether it be labouring or studying. At work today, there was much activity as the managing director had to catch a plane and many documents had to be typed for him to take to is simply doing nothing, such as lying on the beach or gazing at the stars. All such activities refresh oneself so that when the time comes to work, it is done with zest and and swimming. Other activities which people enjoy are not as energetic, like playing chess or other board games, modelling, painting or technical hobbies. Another type of recreation interested person who is determined to master the skill. There are many different classes of recreational activities. Some of these are vigorous, such as netball, soccer, football typing as well as you used to, try repeating a lesson or two to brush up on those slow keys. I will always be glad to welcome you back for more tuition, as it is a pleasure to teach such an progressing but really you are increasing your speed and reaching for the right keys without thinking. Always keep practising. This way you will not fall back. If you feel you are not Typing is fun, especially when you have mastered the positions of the keys. Now you only need to bring your speed up to the required level. Sometimes, though, you think you are not      all; kassa asks;as a lass falls; jaffa kla kalladad as a flask jak; alak dad ad a fall You have nearly completed the most difficult lesson and you are learning well! It is fun, isn't it. I am enjoying teaching you, %s.T W O the HOME KEYS - a s d f jf letters: j k l and ; Watch your fingers for the first few exercises only and say the letters aloud to familiarise yourself.jkl;asdfjkl;asdfjkljkl;;flak; fall; lass; fads; alfa; flak; jak; sak;ask lad fad flask salad alfalfa;ask dad lass; jaffas fPITALS. Say the letters aloud. This will help you to become more familiar with their positions. asdfsdfasdfsdffas fa dad affa fads asf daf fasdad as fads sad fadfas daf asf fads affa dad fa asfad sad fads as dadO N E - part B the HOME KEYS - a s d F, then the home keys for your right hand, letters: J K L ; Firstly, check your posture. Now place your hands over the home keys. Use the right thumb for the space bar Watch your fingers for the first letter pair exercises only. Type in lower case, NOT CAwd*wsd*vVd*wWd**1 /B /-S0}00\-ַ\πz'% L E S S O N O N E H O M E K e y L o c a t i o n %s, today you will learn the home keys for your left hand, letters: A S D jud*ujd*uUd** /% /-10_00`f#͐+#.aAd*sSd*fFd**. /7 /#.cCd*eEd*tTd*-C0k00Ƒ0ַ0 v1fvd*vfd*s0c00#.rfd*frd*old*lod** /ȍ /-Ս00.0\0ַˎv1nNd*Nnd*oOd*Ood** / /-0.0Z0\-ַŏv1dcd*cdd*.d**p /| /-00ַ؊v1iId*Jjd*Kkd** /`i+P*-ˋ0달0090b0\-ַ|v1tfd*ftd*njd*jnd** /* /-5kd*;ld*;kd**ʇ /χ /؇ /-凬0040[0|0\-+[ z>P*ַlV0)v1edd*ded*hjd*jhd** / /-0J0#.ikd*kid*.ld*lNLܒ RM@֠`daa#ۄ#[z>;++b=|##.sad*dad*fad*dsd*fdd*fsd** / /-0܆000ַcM4$v1kjd*ljd*;jd*l       Relate the entire trial to the right results. More magnetic numbers amount to normal means. In the forth term write about the tree trunks. Errors were revealed as remarks were corrected. We wear new sweaters when we shear ewes. The deed caused the delayed lead deal to develop. Verbs and proverbs behave; Brave above bravo. Omit the ointment as we avoid action tonight. Ask Sam to stamp the Sample to satisfy Sally. Their Chief belief is friendly, efficient service. Good Ladies dressed up on Thursday and sold Suds. The lazy dog is sick of the jumpy quick brown fox. All good students eliminate substitution errors. The retired Tradesman tried to return the Traitor. A man can be maintained for a moment if managed.    ssons. Great progress!S I X , G X and P letters: Q and M Say all the letters as you type them. QqMmaijklnovwQqMmeusdfhtrcQueen, quiet, summer, quantum, marquis, memoriesthe writer erased right quote marks after adviceWas it egg and chips he ordere;aeiou,.GgXxPpasdfjkl;ehiPax, she cried, as the Centurion approached her.Vixen, fix up a cake or I will execute her tonight.Go, Agnes, prolong the exercise of the experts.Phil put on his goggles and won the X Grand Prix. You have finished half the lear agarGail wants green lawns, walls, ceiling and roof.The high ground in the ghetto was covered in gnatsThe dragon flies have eaten the lot and grown fat.Give her two good eggs and I will cook ten rolls.F I V E - Part B , and G X and P,.GgXxPpkfs / /-0C0*o /w /-00쑬00\-ֽ\iF I V E C U V and W keys: , and G You are doing well, so here's a short lesson.,.fgkcudjg,;ehcvuwroGgo, good, goof, GoGo, get, age, ag-Ǝ0쎬00\-ֽ}k\Qv1j6d*6yd*j7d*7ud**~ / /-00쏬0* /+ /-:0e00ֽِŐv1k8d*8id*l9d*9od*;0d*0pd** /-00*0*X /] /-e00Ì0-0&0Z0ֽˍv1d3d*3dd*f4d*4fd*f5d*5fd**̍ /Ӎ /-00*E /P /-`00d**戬 / /-030_00ʼn000#.fbd*bgd*bBd**P /-_000֊0040f0\-ֽዎϋv1a1d*1ad*s2d*2sd**⋬ /심e00ʆ00\-,P*ֽuhav1aqd*qad*jmd*mjd*qQd*Mmd** / /-ʇ00,0^00ֽ刎ۈӈÈv1jyd*yhd*azd*zad*yYd*zZNLK RM@֦ㄎԄDŽv1k,d*,kd*fgd*gfd*gGd*Ggd** / /-(0R000酬0ֽ>6-v1sxd*xsd*;pd*p;d*xXd*Wxd*pPd**? /Q /-       computer project has awakened the whole of the western worlds computer fraternity to the need for development in expert systems. Dated 1.8.1982 while competing internationally, to save energy and resources and the necessity of coping with an aged society. The amount of money that the Japanese are committing to the 5th generation Japanese and most of the developed nations will face in the future. Included are the need to improve input in areas which are low in input, to contribute toward international co operation for the expert. Recently, a study report on 5th generation computers, involving the use of expert systems, was produced by the Japanese. In it are listed several important issues which both the It is said that non experts outnumber experts in any particular field by the ratio 100 to 1. If this is true the next generation of computers should be built for a user who is naive as well as     d up speed.The pacing and accuracy cycle is a good invention.We developed it after extensive field testing.It encourages quick strokes from lazy fingers;and it also greatly improves accuracy.This lesson will help you to increase your speed and increasespond to computer requests. You must now continue to practise to consolidate your knowledge and improve your speed and accuracy. Do your best and type this quickly and carefully.Then I will set up some exciting pacing tests.That way we can really builURACY PRACTICESPEED PRACTICEPREVIOUS LESSON'S SENTENCE WARMUPCongratulations, %s, you have shown great determination which has resulted in a worthwhile achievement. You now know the position of the majority of the keys; you are able to type text and r#Z#ѳc``)dz>d-!0Q0|%|^|^d'+vz>*:oj`dz>:ojه=`dᇬz>:oj=hSENTENCE ACC0焬0@R@R`dz>[]z>z>9ei腬`dz>9oi'=*h.#h*jG#h*`d`z>9oi=[Щ[Ѭa#b@G@RN\LO RM>*Y)h(@&@R1 ؋@R  ֖ؕ oj ׶@R @R =[Щ[Ѭ[z>z>2*@[Щ[Ѭ@Rhz>-΃00/0V00                really in the hole you might as well not have had it as you bought nothing with it. The moral to this tale is; A man might just as well be poor as have great wealth and fail to put it to work. grief and learning the cause said; Do not take on so but go and place a stone in the hole. Then imagine that the gold is still there. It will do you just as much good; for when your treasure was The next day when the miser came to look at his treasure he saw that it had been stolen. He began tearing his hair and crying about his loss. Another neighbour seeing him half crazed with who lived near noticed the old man going to the hole so often. He followed him and saw him take up the gold. After the miser left the neighbour brought a spade and dug up the gold and stole it. his goods and possessions and with the cash he bought a lump of gold. He then took the lump of gold and buried it in a hole that he dug in the ground. He looked at it each day. A neighbour having let go the food that was in my hand for the chance of getting something better. The moral of this story is; A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2. The Miser. An old miser sold all noise awoke and ran away. After a hard chase the lion failed to catch the deer and came back to feed on the rabbit. When he saw that the rabbit had run away he said; it serves me right for 1. The Lion and the Rabbit. A lion came across a rabbit who was dozing. He was about to seize him when a fine young deer came by. So he left the rabbit to follow the deer. The rabbit hearing the   installedcan't read printer configurationno printerIllegal printercan't close hh   HHLQhhȱ    l RMZ<Zj!$ RM = ,ӳ!$ ====================>> RMyy`37+P؍>썮ώy;=*PخT썮ЅӋڢ0όu썮1ጠ6썮XC`( *Ѕӳ(;9@P2z>/ PRINTSETUPprinter not %35s %35s%c Keep practising! Keep it up - you'll get there! You're doing well!Keep up the good work!Based on the number of errors you have made, you will do more work on: %c <<==================== End of TYPEQUICK REPORT L L R E V I E W O F P R O G R E S S T O D A T E ==+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= SLOW KEYS: %35s %35s%c KEYS AT HALF YOUR TARGET SPEED: %35s %35s%c KEYS AT TARGET SPEED OR FASTER:Total Errors this lesson = %ld Errors per 1000 characters this lesson = %ld Summary of progress: Percentage correct: %3u Average speed (w.p.m.): %3d =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+== O V E R A d Aim: %3d words per minute | | %-35.35s %35.35s | \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\<|>////////////////////////////////////// LETTERS | %c | No. hit: |%3d| No. errors: |%3d| Total Keys Hit this lesson = %ld T Y P E Q U I C K III || THE PROFESSIONAL KEYBOARD TRAINER || - R E S U L T S - || for Lesson %2 ӏ഻ \ӳ  ӏҴm\  ӏ഻ \Ӌd$Yسآz>@( ӳz> z>@J`ePrinting lesson %d//////////////////////////////////////<|>\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\| (ы`WQz> Xz>5\z>֙ ssssssssss[ [d&ąc썮1օu썮E腎썮썮@@+ +  [5A(@+$ + ض  ӏҴm\س l[cߐClߐBۃ zꉬ썮:썮썮슎ڊz>@(@+֡ + `ׄ ߐQԄ(ыȄ튬z> z>֝z>@(A+ + `# ߐR (ы%z> &z>鄎P*z>@(A+9 + `o ߐSlz>  \% m\^) [9z>@+֚ + `ح ߐ@֖@@+ֺ + փ [5ֶ@+߃ + o  ӏ(Ҵm\&ҳ -]l[R 'MߐA>@+V + q ӳz>Rz>@+ւ + ح  ӏҴm\ z>~z>@+־ +   ӏ഻ \ӳ"z>ֺ m\^'z>  \%Kz> m\^  \%k any lessons yet! Do you want the reports for ALL lessons? or the last lesson report only? All (Y/N)? RM`e гІz>AJㆬ썮3썮썮Ӈ썮 г#z>[Lz>[[vz>썮썮 [(6 X肎㈬zd Trainer - REPORT Copyright (C) 1982 AID Systems/Blue Sky Industries When your printer is ready, press the RETURN key to start printing the report. Pressing any other key will stop this program and return you to the MENU. Be Fair! you haven't doneNL RMa/#b^#ѳc``)C׋hz>z>䀬z>z>&Zشϥ?[[]K)[R)[/z>*ώ^z>Q@[R([][R)(ѳ@JT Y P E Q U I C K Keyboar!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!se fee to: TYPEQUICK at PO BOX 216 CHATSWOOD 2067 Australia hh" #  HHLahhȱ " #  lT Y P E Q U I C K IIIThe Professional Keyboard Traineris an illegal act and will result in prosecution. No user may make any modifications to the programs or data files. Have you complied with the above conditions?.Very good. It's nice to deal with people of integrity. Please stop now and send the licene manual. Every user of Typequick must pay an END USERS FEE to the Authors and obtain a serial number before proceeding with the course. Typequick Lessons may only be loaded from an original Serialized disk. Unauthorised transfer of these trade secrets l6>f>`/ The Typequick Course comprises programs and data which is a trade secret of the Authors, AID Systems P/L and Blue Sky Industries P/L of Sydney Australia who own the copyright over all the information on the disk and in thC T1 - Typequick course2 - Display results3 - Print results4 - Set printer configuration0 - End this sessionLicensed for the sole use of %sSelection: bMf}>e>愬>>-*Ѕ>V`fl>|`fˬ>jjs>jl>jn>j>a[̂>a'사>`'Tg(́`dTYPQUICK.DATshort data file Licensed for the sole use of %sT Y P E Q U I C K F U N C T I O N S E L E #@jJk@m@+z +HҳR ؟Z !$w@+֧ +H 瀎Z ӳ!$hQг*@䀎Z !$֤`'j*Jϥ[QI@J`dѳ`d)`ea',#`'2hNjh^^L bM@ b%7QP،A@[֯ [Q= د>`/ [P*`fa'a[ >`i@+ +膬HҳR Z !$@+& +膬H ]Z 膻ӳ!$hQг*Z !$