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] As with other filenames, the filename cannot be added to the list of commands. That is, you must type [RETURN] after the main/buffer parameter andH.EDIT.INCLUDE::Edit:: INCLUDE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The INCLUDE command lets you bring text files into EDIT. They must be ASCII files with lines ofx-<,3)"ϔ1 ]&V4Ƥ0>V ṞXΝL2}Lڦ2$uYƮ 67wTL"^&1u̘2s^ u@A9cҘ f9(l11Ϥ38r*% rC, #8+ 8)h*z)X+] Each line in the range specified will be printed out for you to edit, as if you had just entered it. If the line is okay, hit [RETURN]. If not, make any NF@/ H.EDIT.FIX::Edit:: FIX ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The FIX command lets you go through a range of text, making changes line-by-line, H.EDIT.EXIT::Edit:: EXIT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Use EXIT when you are finished entering text. You will be prompted for a filename to save the text in memory, and then EDIT will end. 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L DZ NLX W.WJ). X LJ>? N.) Be>> L DZ N.) X X.СЁ`<@=A ^O L<= NLN L N LLN LJH N LhA Z @R@@LX@ N DZLN W X LJ> 2Q WLX X LJ> 2Q@ N X LJ?LN>@?A膭 ^O L NL^OI N DZI`Ire was a great one floating around the net a few weeks back] I don't know if this is any good to you, nor do I make any promises. I've included some help files on things like commands and keys, which you may want to use or modify in your help secti /EXIT (or /QUIT) [Write /RAM/TEMPORARY] RESTORE /RAM/VARIABLES <====== RUN Mainprogram @ Line# COPY /RAM/TEMPORARY, /MESSAGES/M001 [You'll need a COPY command -- the======================== ============================= POKE line to return to into memory at free location STORE /RAM/VARIABLES RUN EDIT =====================> [Edit text file] mand to save your current variables to /RAM/ before you run Edit; then load them again afterwards and rename the file whatever you want, or copy it into the desired directory and filename. Main program Edit =======your BBS. You can run EDIT from your program after modifying the QUIT and EXIT commands in the EDIT program. Have Edit write its contents to /RAM/ -- or some pathname -- and then RUN the BBS at a given line number. Make sure you use the ProDOS STORE comect>. Then, when a user types "/HELP/" they will be shown that file. Again, you should supplement your machine language file reading command in order to make it work with interrupts and so on. Edit can be used as an "outside" command for es to supplement its input and output commands, it's quick. It's a line-based editor with stacked commands and lots of neat options, included in the help files. You can add help files to Edit's list by simply creating a text file called H.EDIT. 2SE$"/": Command separatorW < Parameters q FTL%6: Tab length on GNU%0: Numbering in LIST off HDR$"": Directory blank ILP%0: Lines/page (0 = off) JAR%0: Auto-replace off KWW%1: Word-wr ":BP%1; D$;"PR#3"m MA200:MC50: Room in buffers (Main, Buffer) AL0:CL0: Number of lines initially in buffers A$(MA),C$(MC) #ML78: Line width maximum (CD$"ADDDELINSLISCOPCUTPASFINREPXITEXIQUI. S  EDIT V4.1 Text editor x ----------------------------  All code (c) 1989 A. 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You may stack commands by separating them with "/" [/LIST/ALL]. You may enter "/" on a blank line to guffer or the main editor text), this means you can extract pieces of other files. The syntax of the commands are as follows: /PASTE/[]/ /COPY/[] /CUT/[] ::Edit:: PASTE, CUT and COPY ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The PASTE, COPY and CUT commands let you move chunks of text to and from the buffer. In conjunction with the INCLUDE command (which lets you move files into either the bommand is: /LIST/[

] If you list a range or ALL, the LIST command simply reads off the lines. If you list MAIN or BUFFER, then LIST will also display the number of lines in that buffer. ::Edit:: LIST :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The LIST command lets you see your message. You can display some or all of it on the screen, with or without numbers (/SET/NUMBERS/[]). The syntax of the LIST cately, you can simply type "/INSERT" on a blank line and respond to the "Before:" prompt with the line before which you want to insert text, and to the "Lines:" prompt with the number of lines you want to insert. ::EDIT:: INSERT :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The INSERT command allows you to place new lines of text before existing lines in the editor's memory. Syntax is: /INSERT//<# of lines> Alternwer the "Range:" prompt with the line, lines, or range you want to remove. ::Edit Help:: DELETE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The DELETE command allows you to remove lines of text. Syntax is /DELETE/ [ ] Or you can simply type /DELETE on a blank line and then ansE INSERT LIST PASTE FIND EXIT FIX WRITE INCLUDE SET SHOW RANGES BUFFERS KEYBOARD DIR REPLACE nds available: ADD DELETE INSERT LIST COPY CUT PASTE EXIT XIT QUIT ? HELP CLEAR DIR FIX WRITE INCLUDE SET SHOW Additional help [/HELP/TOPIC] available on: DELETet to the "Edit" prompt. From the "Edit" prompt, type ADD to return to editing. You need not type all of a command; just enough for it to be recognized. For example, /L/M lists the main buffer, but /SE is needed to distinguish SET from SHOW. CommaThe PASTE command takes lines from the BUFFER and moves them into MAIN (just like the INSERT command); the COPY command takes text from MAIN and puts a copy in BUFFER (leaving the source intact); the CUT command removes the selected text from MAIN and depoe As with EXIT, the filename is entered on a seperate line to allow you to use the "/" character if necessary. If the filename specified exists, you will be given the options of deleting the old copy, appending the text in memory to the exist::Edit:: WRITE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The WRITE command lets you save the text in memory (or a portion of that text) without leaving EDIT. To use WRITE, type: /WRITE/[] Filenaml>] Each line in the range specified will be printed out for you to edit, as if you had just entered it. If the line is okay, hit [RETURN]. If not, make any changes necessary. ::Edit:: FIX ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The FIX command lets you go through a range of text, making changes line-by-line, changing line alignment and so on. The command is entered: /FIX/[] Textstring Notesits it in BUFFER. ing file, or entering a new filename. ::Edit:: SET ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: With SET and SHOW, Edit may be configured to your use. A variety of parameters can be controlled with these functions: Command Values Effect ==========-========FER, but can only save from MAIN. Similarly, you can search through MAIN or BUFFER or both for text, list MAIN or BUFFER, and so on. ::Edit:: BUFFERS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Edit contains two buffers: BUFFER, where cut-and-paste text is stored, and MAIN, which contains the body of the text in memory. You can load files into both MAIN and BUF::Edit:: DIRECTORY :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Typing /DIR on a blank line will display the contents of the current directory, which may be changed with /SET/DIR. 9 es 5,6,7,8,9 -3 Up to line 3 (lines 1,2,3) 40- From line 40 on (40,41,42, ...) All All text in main memory A range is used in commands like LIST, for example, /LIST/4-7 /DELETE/ALL /FIX/-::Edit:: RANGES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: When you specify a range, you tell Edit which text to affect by the command it is performing. Ranges are structured as follows: 4 Line 4 5-9 Linuffer>] As with other filenames, the filename cannot be added to the list of commands. That is, you must type [RETURN] after the main/buffer parameter and then enter the filename. ::Edit:: INCLUDE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The INCLUDE command lets you bring text files into EDIT. They must be ASCII files with lines of less than 80 characters. To INCLUDE a file, type: /INCLUDE/[
Sets the desired ProDOS pathname. /SETcified, or if Edit could not find your text. REPLACE, like FIND, is case-sensitive. place all text in memory. If you have /SET/REPLACE/OFF, Edit will ask you whether the indicated occurrence is to be replaced, and if you wish to replace the next occurrence. Either way, you will be told how many times Edit replaced the text you spewith the text to find and the text to replace. You cannot stack commands with REPLACE, because this would make the replacement of lines containing "/" impossible. If you have typed /SET/REPLACE/ON, when you enter the two strings, Edit will re::Edit:: REPLACE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The REPLACE command lets you change the contents of Edit's memory, by substituting some text for some other text. By typing /REPLACE on a blank line, you can provide Edit ::Edit:: SHOW ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: For information on SHOW, and its counterpart, SET, type /HELP/SET. ts current setting. /SET/ALL will allow the user to configure every parameter to their liking. the start of the line (Ctrl-X) over the indented spaces. SHOW displays the values of these parameters (ie /SHOW/WRAP) Both SHOW and SET can use ALL as a parameter. /SHOW/ALL will display every parameter and i a ">" prompt /SET/REV On/Off If Review is on, Edit displays last 3 lines of text. /SET/IND 0-40 Sets number of spaces to indent. Note that this means to enter another command, you must first back up to /PAGE 0-80 Sets number of lines to print before pausing (0 = off) /SET/REPL On/Off If on, replaces immediately. If off, confirms replace. /SET/WRAP On/Off Changes the wordwrap parameter /SET/PROM On/Off If on, each line begins with