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"HUBRIS"]. "OVERBEARING PRIDE AND ARROGANCE"n. 1,2,1,1,1. 18,0,0,2,40,0,21,1,21,1. "In tragic dramas, _____________ is often the fatal flaw of the hero, and is" . "that which causes his SBASEWD58'I04)B'CV%(SBASEI,2)AL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC`V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1g`'Irj'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)STORE ORDER!!f!7050: ! 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"_____________(s) that are well thought out have little appeal to students"4]? "raised on a TV diet."4? "In common talk we find not _____________(s), but cliches and worn out"4? "platitudes."B5$@ "The abili> "APHORISM"83> "A SAYING THAT IS FULL OF MEANING"H3> 0,1,1,1,1e3> 5,0,38,0,0,0,27,0,30,03> "A(n) _____________ is a concise saying that gives food for thought."4> "Mark Twain uttered the characteristic _____________: 'Heaven for climat____"2i= "miser."_2= "French men do not crave a master and the average Frenchman is a(n)"2= "_____________ individualist."20> "In nothing else does old age show itself more strongly than a(n) _____________"21> "dislike of interruption." 3_______ smoker and it is doubtful if any type of therapy"M1< "would help."1= "His _____________ need to call attention to himself made him speak louder and"1= "longer."2h= "No one can expect generosity of him, for he has become a(n) _________."X0<< "Few events are more boring than a(n) _____________ old war veteran discussing"u0=< "his acts of bravery."0< "INVETERATE"0< "FIRMLY ESTABLISHED BY TIME AND HABIT"0< 1,1,1,1,10< 13,0,4,0,60,0,0,1,65,091< "She was a(n) _______________ old man was for once holding his tongue."/t; "Mr. Jenks was a(n) _____________ old gossip who haunted our neighbourhood." /; "He was a fond _____________ old man who loved to indulge his"0; "mind in reminiscences of the pastrs.".: "GARRULOUS"G.: "TALKING EXCESSIVELY AND AT GREAT LENGTH"W.: 1,0,0,1,1w.: 4,0,4,0,19,0,14,0,37,0 .: "The _____________ cab driver's steady stream of chatter about the beauty of New".: "York City grew annoying."3/; "The ____ with cigarettes."\-9 "Praise in small doses is enjoyable; in large doses _____________."-9 "May flowers and white lillies are commonly of rank and _____________ smell.".H: "The _____________ smell of the city emanates from the open, running sewe,8 25,0,0,1,51,0,55,0,4,0o,8 "I refuse to join in this _____________ praise to a man for whom I have no",8 "respect.",9 "In therapy, cigarette smoking can sometimes be terminated by pairing a(n)"-9 "_____________ substance like skunk oilan outdoors quickly so as not to miss the _____________ rainbow."+T8 "His periods of happiness were quite _____________ as compared to his long"+U8 "episodes of depression."+8 "FULSOME"+8 "OFFENSIVE OR DISTASTEFUL TO EXCESS",8 1,1,0,0,0,36,0W*6 "The _____________ quality of a shooting star seems to enhance its beauty."*(7 "All was unstable, quivering as leaves, _____________ as lightning."*7 "Rashes are _____________ or permanent according to their cause."A+7 "The children rng their"4)5 "project to locate Halley's Comet.")`6 "This is _____________ weather for our picnic: The sun is shining and the")a6 "temperature is mild.")6 "EVANESCENT")6 "LASTING ONLY AN INSTANT")6 0,0,0,0,1*6 4,0,39,0,11,0,56,0___ there is no doubt of his success."t(5 "Astrologists consider some of the planets in their influence as being"(5 "_____________ to what one should do on a specific day." )5 "They looked upon the present moment as being _____________ for startiOUS",'4 "SUGGESTIVE OF A GOOD OUTCOME" <'4 1,0,1,1,1X'4 0,1,17,0,0,1,45,0,8,0'4 "Bright sunlight, a moderate temperature, and favorable winds marked a(n)"'4 "_____________ beginning for the yacht race."&(45 "If the fates are __________ou kept moving."I&3 "As _____________ as an automobile in a junkyard."&4 "If the bomb is _____________, why explode it so far from home?"&l4 "Kittens are _____________ creatures before they get old enough to destroy"&m4 "birds."'4 "PROPITI%2 39,0,0,1,3,0,15,0,12,0n%2 "Rather than sinister, Berkowitz looked _____________, a person unlikely to"%2 "attract attention anyway."%@3 "The apple orchard was infested with snipers, who, a colonel informed me, were"&A3 "_____________ if y difficult for"6$2 "the reader to follow the plot."$x2 "The conversation had been somewhat _____________ -- the weather, golf, his law"$y2 "practice, President Carter."$2 "INNOCUOUS"$2 "PRODUCING NO INJURY OR BAD EFFECT"$2 1,1,0,0,1hoppers are."b#1 "During the early stages of development the scientists's creative thinking is"#1 "usually _____________, but with time his thoughts become orderly and coherent."$2 "His writings have a certain _____________ quality that makes it1,28,0,35,0a"0 "The study habits of poor students are _____________ and usually involve short""0 "spurts and long rest periods.""L1 "They were persons of a light _____________ temper, that skip about and are" #M1 "blown with every wind as grass from a(n) _____________ reading of the book, he judged it a very fine"U!!0 "work."!0 "_____________ saying of prayers shortly before death availeth not."!0 "DESULTORY"!0 "JUMPING FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER"!0 1,1,1,1,1 "0 38,0,29,0,8,hat he gave the stolen painting"m Y/ "only a(n) _____________ analysis prior to labeling it a counterfeit." / "The textbook must not be dismissed with a(n) _____________ analysis simply" / "because its views are different from yours."G! 0 "Even. "CURSORY"C. "RAPIDLY AND WITHOUT ATTENTION TO DETAILS"S. 0,1,1,1,0q. 12,0,10,1,45,0,15,0,0,0. "His initial _____________ glance changed quickly into a long penetrating stare." 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RUN SET AGAIN" 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET" 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"P)LJ150:J`8000-jZ$" "ī11206oPN0<tT8000:Z$" "1420dZ$"Q"ī97jq CTXT04WURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT60003,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":800092000B RWF(I2)0ıdI2WZ1PN1qIWS(I2)|(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(II2 |WT0ī300  ` (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  /(12)::::140"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199! , : @I20WZ1:1000:I2K ELPELNLD0Z JWV0WZ1 OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wBLV ELV9 LPBL# NLD1, PN04 :? (12)v 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$IT 'C'";:8000:Z$# aZ$"C"ī515N bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"Y c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT COMMAND APPEARS"< 1ZOLD(" ")d 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)s 7RS%(50,4) 8CV%(50,4) RWS(10) VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS H3 10D$(4)J,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":bD$;"WRITE LISTING"m33,30sD$;"CLOSE LISTING"  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN.", :" DO NO                  through your pretense."e'45 "When Carter conceded the victory to Reagan, he made great effort to"'55 "_________ his disappointment."'5 "However hard he tried to _____________ his fears, they were clear to everyone"'5 "else."E(5 "Some, noit the average male's"4&m4 "_________ curiosity."F&4 "DISSEMBLE"g&4 "GIVE A FALSE APPEARANCE"x&4 1,1,1,1,0&4 30,0,0,1,25,0,18,0,12,0&4 "Even though you are trying to _____________ your motive in joining this group,"'4 "we can see_____________ film was"0%3 "being presented."%4 "Whether a book taken as a whole arouses _____________ interests in the average"% 4 "person is utterly without redeeming social importance."&l4 "Playboy and Penthouse do nothing more than explo 4,0,36,0,52,0,40,0,0,1p$2 "The _____________ nature of the book appealed to some readers, but it repelled"$2 "others."$@3 "Solitude is the surest nurse of all _____________ passions."%3 "The police attempted to close the theater where the ists are constantly seeking to discover the _____________ laws of nature."#x2 "Nothing in the universe is truly _____________; the very mountains undergo"#y2 "change."#2 "PRURIENT"#2 "STRONG PERSISTENT SEXUAL INTEREST"#2 1,0,1,1,1$2___________ justice and mercy of God is everlasting."s"L1 "Many physical laws of the universe are _____________.""1 "The laws of the Medes were said to _________ because not even the king""1 "could set aside one that he had made."J#2 "Scientome"$!!0 "persistence in dispute."q!0 "You can present your view forcefully without being _____________ and"!0 "overbearing."!0 "IMMUTABLE"!0 "REFERS TO WHAT CANNOT BE CHANGED"!0 0,0,1,0,1!0 4,0,39,0,35,0,50,0,33,05"0 "The __e White House but about"F Y/ "survival in a(n) ____________ world." / "We all felt that it was best if no _____________ remarks were made during the" / "meeting."! 0 "_____________ frequently suggests a certain perversity of temper and wearis0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I#'7. "CONTENTIOUS"P. "FOND OF ARGUING"`. 0,1,1,1,1. 18,0,17,1,35,0,0,0,51,0 . "We heard loud and _____________ noises in the next room." X/ "That is a question not only about decision-making in thSBASEWD58'I04)B'CV%(SBASEI,2)AL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC`V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1g`'Irj'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)STORE ORDER!!f!7050: ! A"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SPG"b(# INSERT ERROR FLAG2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD) 3'";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;CW!Z$(27)ġV\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002 d!Z$"D": REOLD:  Z$"":IN$""'8000>Z$(13)Z$IN$:PZ$" "ī8130YZ$;nIN$IN$Z$:8130u4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$3R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE "";1"131N"#"")61002:3<K@ZP0:ZC32nJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010~LZOLD(" ")OZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZ D$;"OPEN ";N$0D$;"DELETE ";N$CD$;"OPEN ";N$WD$;"WRITE ";N$]d n7000t{ N$"MAIN DATA HW1"D$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002I:Z$"D"İ7290:31Z$"P"ĺ:::7345V:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"n8000:Z$" "6170t.X8000:Z$" "7000]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040XI5I2PLACE039RS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111C".";NPLACEm(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";HPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEI2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:%"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";3HPLACE14>I15Y1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;nHPLACEHPLACE10(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";I:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDE z(12)P"RESULTS TO SCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100X:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:8:1403,H:DF$(WRD);#(25);<VPLACE:1403,LPLACEIFAILED1Oz"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000J150:J8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p0:5800:5037Z$;*LPLACELPLACE1:CH2ī5055ICH2:5010n(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)x8000FAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":5515----------------------------",10:(11)8I2I21\ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)gIABIAULINEVPLACEI2CT$(I)I2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000 (WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ550ROGRAM DONE":< 2500 5 XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)M LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)d ULINECV%(DEXX,1)| NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)  I210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"----------------------------------------------------  (12):103 1403,20:"DO YOU WANT TO:"9 Z 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN" 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET" 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"P)LJ150:J`8000-jZ$" "ī11206oPN0<tT8000:Z$" "1420dZ$"Q"ī97jq CTXT04WURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT60003,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":800092000B RWF(I2)0ıdI2WZ1PN1qIWS(I2)|(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(II2 |WT0ī300  ` (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  /(12)::::140"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199! , : @I20WZ1:1000:I2K ELPELNLD0Z JWV0WZ1 OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wBLV ELV9 LPBL# NLD1, PN04 :? (12)v 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$IT 'C'";:8000:Z$# aZ$"C"ī515N bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"Y c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT COMMAND APPEARS"< 1ZOLD(" ")d 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)s 7RS%(50,4) 8CV%(50,4) RWS(10) VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS H0 10D$(4)J,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":bD$;"WRITE LISTING"m33,30sD$;"CLOSE LISTING"  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN.", :" DO NO                     ԠӠԧϠԢԠ ƠڤѢΠϠРԠҠɲϠڠԠԠƨɲԠɲƠԠΠϠ͠ԠҤ ŠԠנ٠ϠנŠΠӢԠԠŠҠɲϠڠ ԠɲƠР̠ΠĠҠ֠ϠڠƠ֠ڠΠƨ֩ĺӨ֩кϠƨ֩ƨ֠Ө֩Ө֠Ԡ֍Ơƨ̠֩Πƨ֩̍РӢԠԠӠŠŠҠϠ΢ԠԠҠѠϠԩ ƠڤѢΠϠƠڤΠϠ͠ƠڠҠڠΠϠڠڠԠՠ֠ՠ̠֍̠֠Р̍ĠΠԠԠԠҤ ŠԠՠ̠נΠΠϠƠڤעΠңΣ̠ԠҤΠϢԠҤ ŠԠӠԠԠԠҠĠΠΧ ڠ̠ڤ͠ӥ֥͠͠Ө͠ƨԠ ԠŠԠԠϠ٠ӠĠӠԠקԠԠϠ٠ӠԠç ԠڤƠڤâȍңԠҤԠԠԠŠԠŠԮŠŠӠ˧ӠήԠԠϠԠȠĠ̠ԠĠӢĠà͠ƤĤԤԥE TRUE OR REAL"8x@ 1,1,0,1,1<8z@ 42,0,31,0,17,0,0,1,0,18@ "A young couple's living together was once _____________ evidence of their being"8@ "married; this is no longer true."9@ "The children born of such a(n) _____________ marriage are,r circumstances, can we rationally doubt of"H7? "needful assistance."7$@ "Sound banks always have a(n) _____________ fund available in case great demands"7%@ "are made for the withdrawal of money in a hurry."7t@ "PUTATIVE"8v@ "BELIEVED TO Bnging"[6> "to Dave so that he could get home quickly and find out what the problem was."6\? "In most instances the _____________ fund resembles a slush fund since it is"6]? "used by every office holder.",7? "Nor whatever the _____________ of ou ATTENTION"5> 1,1,1,1,195> 53,0,4,0,22,0,17,0,29,05> "The competent President must anticipate every social _____________ if he is to"5> "function effectively."6> "The _____________ of the case warranted him in borrowing a fine horse belo _____________ conscience of the old sinner caused him to give his"a4= "wealth to charities."40> "In spite of all our efforts to persuade him, he remained __________"41> "and unfeeling."4> "EXIGENCY" 5> "A SITUATION DEMANDING IMMEDIATE always implies an insensitiveness to appeals to mercy or"O3< "forgiveness."3= "The foreman was _____________ in holding to rigid production schedules."3h= "A(n) _____________ person is one who is hard to move, unyielding, obstinate."C4= "Thet descend on Ft. Lauderdale each spring"~2=< "are tolerated by the natives because they are a financial boost to the town."2< "OBDURATE" 2< "STUBBORN AND UNYIELDING"2< 1,0,0,1,12< 0,0,16,0,5,0,4,0,57,0:3< "_____________ almostst be treated carefully."e1t; "The crowd was so _____________ that the speaker could not be heard."1; "They are so _____________ that meetings sometimes have to be suspended to stop"1; "their hubbub."(2<< "The ____________ college students thaREPEROUS",0: "NOISILY DEFIANT OR UNRULY"=0: 1,0,0,1,1[0: 31,0,0,0,17,0,12,0,4,00: "New York audiences behave like _____________ children newly liberated from"0: "reform school."1; "_____________ children are often hyperactive and muress agents for movie stars will stoop to any _____________ to get their"d/9 "clients publicity."/H: "The public is convinced that court decisions are usually based upon a lawyer's"/I: "_____________ rather than the letter of the law." 0: "OBST40,0,42,0,0,1^7@ "With the Emancipation Proclamation did Lincoln _____________ the slaves."7@ "Christian masters were not bound to _____________ their slaves."7PA "A Bondage to Satan, from which none can _____________ us but the Son."98A "Aftee orchestra was in perfect harmony under the direction of the famous"6%@ "_____________ whose musical arrangements usually set the pattern for others."6t@ "MANUMIT"6v@ "LIBERATE FROM PERSONAL BONDAGE OR SERVITUDE"6x@ 0,0,0,0,1 7z@ 47,0,36,0,of a new machine, his subordinates"I5> "quickly copied the procedure."5\? "The sheep follow the _____________ in two separate herds."5? "The _____________ showed great authority by the evidence of his followers"5? "accomplishments."E6$@ "Th11,1,7,0,21,0,4,0,0,1l4> "On the trading floor of the New York Exchange, brokers like to keep their eyes"4> "on several _____________ issues in order to judge the tone of the general"4> "market."#5> "As the _____________ demonstrated the use ded by _____________(s) and"/3= "merchants."30> "She was a lady who intended to follow the _____________ profession until she"31> "could secure an income of 50 pounds a year."3> "BELLWETHER"3> "ONE THAT IS FOLLOWED"3> 2,1,0,1,14> hers"Z2= "who took the vow of poverty, practiced collective ownership of property, and"}2= "lived by alms and charity."2h= "He gave a coin to one of the _____________(s) at the church door."3= "From the moment we left the ship, we were surroun< "That challenge is summarized in the witticism coined in London that the"1< "Marshall Plan would merely make each European country a(n) ____________"1< "nation."2= "The word gave its name to a group of _____________ friars or religious brot"V0<< "During World War II the lights went out all over England, and for six years"0=< "a(n) _________ darkness prevailed."0< "MENDICANT"0< "ONE WHO MAKES A BUSINESS OF REQUESTING CHARITY"0< 2,2,0,1,10< 59,1,37,0,29,0,56,0,42,0L1 not _________ things we can see and feel."}/t; "A pleasant morning smell is usually the first __________ evidence that" /u; "spring has arrived."/; "She wore her heavy coat this morning as there was a(n) _____________ chill in"0; "the air.FELT OR PERCEIVED BY THE SENSES"2.: 0,1,1,1,1S.: 34,0,25,1,46,0,55,0,5,1.: "In Los Angeles the smog is almost _____________.".; "Truth and honor are words we use to describe behaviors engaged in by people"+/; "we respect; they aresonality">-9 "that enabled him to gain control of Germany."-H: "Joseph Stalin seldom left the Kremlin, but the ___________(s) he conceived"-I: "within those walls caused the death of millions of Kulaks."-: "PALPABLE" .: "CAN BE TOUCHED, rl had"%,9 "committed the murder."x,9 "The courts in America seem to view 'sting' operations as ____________(s)",9 "devised by the government to entrap innocent citizens." -9 "It was Hitler's political _____________ (s) rather than his perPLAN"+8 1,1,1,1,17+8 4,0,11,0,56,0,26,0,47,0+8 "The _____________(s) of the conspirators were uncovered before they could"+8 "attempt to overthrow the government.",9 "He devised _____________(s) to make it appear that the innocent gi        ns."\6B "After living a life of a thief and liar he had the _____________ to pose as the"6B "avenger of outraged morality."6 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,06*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,564N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7&7>N 0 to immoral practices."l5PA "The author had the _____________ to ask the distinguished guests if they had"5QA "read his book."5A "It is a(n) _____________ in scholarly work to insist on assigning blame rather"6A "than analyzing actual conditioӠӮӮƠڤТΠ ƠڤӢΠԠҤΠ͠ԠҤԠӠϠάҬҠˠӬЬҠĩ ԠԠƠڤĢΠڤӢԠĠ٠ԠĢҠɠϠԠɺϠ͠Š ҠʠϠԠʍ ƠڤĤĤĩȬΠҠʠϠԠʺŠ ԠĤĤĩȬƠڤҤΠڤĢРҠƠԠΠ ŠԠϠήϠ ŠȺԠƤĩԠҤ źŠōĠΠԠĠàԠҤȠϠԠԤĤĩΠĤĩҤ ƠĠΠ ԠҤĠΠ͠ԠҤȠԠΠƤĩ źŠōΠ͠ȠĠ ƠĤĤĩȬڤΠ  ϠԠڤŠŠƠȠΠϠ ԠҤɲɲ֥ؠج ֥ؠجҠɠϠƠɠŠΠŠɲԠԤɩɲɲԠɍŠ֥ؠجŠ֥ؠجӠ֥ؠجΠ͠ɲƠĠԠΠϠԠҤɲ ɲԠ報򮍮ƍݠꍍנ٠ϠנŠΠӍӠԧϠԍʍݠԧ纠נΠԠŠΠҠˠӠΠŠΠӠŠϠōѧϠԬħҠԠԩʍŠԮŠŠӠ˧Ӡ΍ϠԠȠĠ̠ԠĠӍϠ٠ӠĠ٢䮠Ԡܠ報קק뮍栢 by the law of"R9@ "Scotland legitimate, though the marriage be null and void."9PA "Marie is not the _____________ mother, but indeed, the true and natural mother."9A "A small detachment of cops stormed its headquarters and captured the"):A "_ɠРԠҠԠƠŠΠĠՠϠԠŠԠΠ̠Šנ̠ΠՠԠϠנ̠έנӮ宠ɠננ嬠ݠנ箠ɠנݠנݠנ׮宠報報䬠נɠﮍͰΠ܍ͫ׬堳ק砱ק栳קקũԩŬԠ庠ʍȠ٠Ӎʍϧ       2,4,6,8,089*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5S94N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,79>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dr spending 10 years in prison, he was _____________(ed)."8B "English serfs went to the American colonies since it was the only way to"8B "_____________ themselves from the misery of serfdom."8 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0%9*N 3,; PLACE+(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";MHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEUI2[bI:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3Z$"P"ĺ:::7345:::"PRES1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;,HPLACEHPLACE10K(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";RIZ:eI09pI5I5}WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111"."ɠﮍͰΠ܍ͫ׬נ堳ק砱ק栳קקũԩŬԠ׮ݠЧᠧ젧䮍ݠ堠ﱠݠ宠䠧ᠧ,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0Q8*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5l84N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,78>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,48RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D_____________, he gave away his secrets to everyone at the"X9QA "slightest prompting."9A "These remarks indicate that you are _____________ and unaware of of life's"9A "harsher realities.":B "The __________(ness) of the small boy's face and RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D greeted with a(n)"o9QA "_____________ account of all the day's minor disasters."9A "The man grew old and _____________ and hysterical with failure and chronic"9A "poverty."*:B "Having too much of too many things haRESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī300/ "": CTL-A5  RESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī3000 "": CTL-A6 SOPER DISK":u 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO RESUME";:Z$ Z$" "ī300 "": CTL-A SNED DISK ERROR.." :1403,31:"CHECK FOR PROPER DISK": 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO (4);"RUN CONTEXT PROG";SE;" ND"< ,3: GET OUT OF DOSG 1216,0_ 6(12):12:1403,30 @(222)6ĺ"FILE FOR SET ";SE;" NOT FOUND":400 J"UNDETERMINED DISK ERROR.." :1403,31:"CHECK FOR PROPER DISK": 1403,31:"AND PRESS SPACE TO*7 "Just as his speech is long-winded, his writing is _____________."*T8 "_____________ implies such attention to minute details as to extend what is"*U8 "written or told beyond all due bound."*8 "MACHINATION"+8 "A SECRET AND TREACHEROUS ness."])(7 "They are intolerant of all that is _____________, circuitous, not essential to"))7 "the proof of the thesis in hand.")7 "But not to be too _____________, it will suffice to say, that we made many")7 "trips during several months."Gce and understanding to"9(a6 "_____________ his grief."H(6 "PROLIX"u(6 "WRITING THAT IS LENGTHY AND BORING"(6 1,1,1,0,1(6 35,0,35,0,18,0,50,0,0,0(6 "His style is not only complex, but _____________ to the very brink of")6 "tediousedication was initiated to _____________ the pain."'5 "Feelings of guilt are finally _____________(d) by acts of atonement."'5 "He looked for a fresh running stream to _____________ his thirst."(`6 "After the accidental death it took much patienut a series of _____________(d) causes." 9&4 "ASSUAGE"U&4 "TO CALM OR SATISFY"e&4 1,0,0,0,1&4 15,0,38,0,30,0,40,0,0,1&4 "Helena was not _____________(d) by that explanation and continued her"&4 "near-savage attack."3'45 "A codeine mhe present work comprises five essays nicely _____________(d)."r%3 "A theory is useful to _____________ facts."%4 "The theory of the state is developed in a closely _____________(d) line of"% 4 "thought.")&l4 "Not one cause brings about war, b"CONCATENATE"2$2 "LINK TOGETHER AS IN A CHAIN"C$2 1,0,0,1,0c$2 0,0,46,0,22,0,50,0,48,0$2 "_____________ suggests neither fusion nor organization, buta linking together"$2 "of smaller units until a powerful chain is formed." ?%@3 "Tountry are rising up; noise of you is _____________(ed) day"O#1 "after day."#2 "Who says Miss Clarissa Harlowe is a model of virtue?...Common _____________!"#x2 "The wildest _____________(s) of the National Enquirer are greedily accepted." $2 0 0,1,1,0,0,"0 37,0,47,0,57,0,62,0,12,0l"0 "I find you are no less than fame has _____________(ed).""L1 "CBS argues that the military used the media to _____________ false stories""M1 "during the Vietnamese war."<#1 "The people in the cuxurious living, were unable to resist the"C!!0 "vigorous Gauls."!0 "Spiro Agnew's perception of America's young people was that they were lazy"!0 "and spoiled, or in his words, '__________ snobs.'"!0 "BRUIT"!0 "TO SPREAD BY RUMOR" "d become __________; it"U Y/ "perished because the Roman army was too powerful." / "The literature of the age reflected the _____________ condition of the writers;" / "no new ideas were forthcoming."+! 0 "The Romans, made _____________ by l0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I#'2. "EFFETE"S. "WORN OUT AND EXHAUSTED"c. 0,1,1,1,1. 15,0,60,0,40,0,17,0,31,1. "We do not find _____________ civilizations rejuvenated." X/ "Ancient Greece did not perish because its people haSBASEWD58'I04)B'CV%(SBASEI,2)AL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC`V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1g`'Irj'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)STORE ORDER!!f!7050: ! A"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SPG"b(# INSERT ERROR FLAG2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD) 3'";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;CW!Z$(27)ġV\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002 d!Z$"D": REK IS IN DRIVE":1403,25:" THEN PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"B O 1403,25 " (HIT 'D' IF YOU WANT A DIFFERENT SET)";:Z$ Z$"Q"ė:"DONE": Z$"R"Ĭ Z$" "Ĭ 300 "";: CTL-A FOR DOS 0:0:1002: CLEAN UP FOR DOS$٠נ٠ӠϠάҬҠˠӬЬҠĩʍݠӧ䠧堵ݠ廠ᠧ嬠嬠׮ݠ堵ꍍ3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dmanner was very appealing."J: N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0y:*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5:4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7:>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4:HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4 ;RN 0,1,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,58;4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7g;>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4U____________ army, all of them generals.":B "There are still parts of the country where a high school diploma is considered":B "_____________ evidence of a sound academic background.": N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0;*N 3,7,9,6,2,______ and disorganzied that it left us"]8A "with no clear ideas on problems or policies."8B "At the start his speech was _____________, but it began to make sense as he"8B "tied the many thoughts together." 9 N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,mbling "!7@ "and incoherent."v7@ "Whenever she stopped consulting her notes, her talk became _____________ and"7@ "boring."7PA "A(n) __________ speech usually results from lack of preparation."(8A "His talk on world affairs was so _______the threatening aspect of"D6%@ "the man, attempted to hurry away."W6t@ "DISCURSIVE"6v@ "WANDERING FROM TOPIC TO TOPIC"6x@ 1,1,0,1,16z@ 35,0,59,0,5,0,33,0,28,07@ "They were annoyed and bored by his _____________ remarks that were so ra of voice."O5\? "The arrival of a policeman put an end to the _____________."5? "_____________ implies fighting with words as the chief weapons, though blows"5? "may also be suggested."6$@ "Lydia, foreseeing a(n) _____________, and alarmed by ISY OR ANGRY DISPUTE" -4> 0,1,0,1,1J4> 18,0,4,0,45,0,0,0,23,04> "During the entire _____________, not one sensible word was uttered."4> "The _____________ between the truck driver and the cab driver was conducted in" 5> "a loud tones the most cherished _____________ a writer can"A3i= "achieve."3= "The _____________ was the final step conferring knighthood."30> "Let us grant him a(n) _____________ for his fine contributions to world peace."3> "ALTERCATION"4> "A NO' while for"`2< "Justice Coleman it reserved the _____________ of 'exceptionally qualified.'"2= "The movie which received the top _____________ of the motion picture industry"2= "that year was made abroad."03h= "The Nobel prize in literature ie to their cellars."S1<< "The comet was regarded as being _____________ of evil."d1< "ACCOLADE"1< "RECOGNITION OF SPECIAL MERIT"1< 1,1,1,0,01< 32,1,33,0,52,0,4,0,22,0 2< "The report, however, characterized Justice Parella as 'qualifiedoyed caused many of us to become"60; "pessimistic."0t; "Writers of mystery novels employ _____________ shrieks and cries to chill the"0u; "reader."0; "The _____________ black funnel of an approaching tornado sent most of the"1; "townspeoplz#      ӠӠԠDZĠ5ԠDzĠ5 ԠdzĠ3ԠǴĠ5 ӠϠ Ϡ ԠǶĠ2ԠǷĠ1ԠǵĠ5ԠǸĠ3 Ǡ ӠϠ HPLACE14I1531403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;HHPLACEHPLACE10g(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";nIv:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDEXI5I2PLACE03RS%(IDEX,PPRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:81002:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";VPLACE:1403,LPLACE#FAILED1)T"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000cJ150:Jm8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p z(12)*"RESULTS TO SCREEN, CE1CH2ī5055#CH2:5010H(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)R8000sFAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0y| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":55158:1403,H:DF$(WRD);(25);(11)I2I216ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)AIABZIAULINEVPLACEI2fCT$(I)rI2I21yIVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000(WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ5500:5800:5037Z$;LPLACELPLAPT%(DEXCTXT,2)' LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)> ULINECV%(DEXX,1)V NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)\ c mI210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"10:YOU WANT TO:" 4 1403,40:"A. 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'l4 "The critic's evaluation of the film was so stinging that it could b____ against the Jews was incredibly severe and tended to"h%2 "make people aware of how evil he was."%@3 "The appearance of the bitter _____________ directed at the author's work was a"%A3 "crushing blow to his career.":&3 "His _____________ ag"V$x2 "His exclamations of love were not _____________(s); he truly meant what she"|$y2 "felt were extreme statements."$2 "DIATRIBE"$2 "A LONG ABUSIVE OR BITTER SPEECH" $2 1,1,1,0,1$2 9,0,29,0,4,0,19,0,5,1:%2 "Hitler's _________ly qualities"*#M1 "of the Spanish king."x#1 "The Russian claims that it was invited into Afghanistan is an obvious"#1 "_____________."#2 "The pompous old woman made an obvious _____________ comparing her wealth to"$2 "that of an oil sheik.PERBOLE"5"0 "AN EXTRAVAGANT OR EXTREME STATEMENT"E"0 0,1,1,1,1c"0 59,0,40,0,0,1,38,0,34,0"0 "With the strength of ten thousand men is a common literary _____________." #L1 "An arabic interpreter spoke in colorful _____________ on the princeion was _____________(d) by luxury, effeminacy, and indolence to the"!!0 "degree that other countries found it contemptible."!0 "Plato believed that a life of drudgery and pain disfigures the body and"!0 "_____________(s) the spirit. ""0 "HYS X/ "_____________ implies a gradual weakening or dissipation of one's strength" Y/ "until one is too feeble to make an effort." / "The conquerors were _____________(d) by luxury that left them unable to defend" / "themselves."E! 0 "The nat. "ENERVATE"G. "GRADUALLY DISSIPATE ONE'S STRENGTH UNTIL FEEBLE"W. 1,1,1,1,1t. 12,1,0,0,20,0,15,0,0,1. "Education is dangerous if it deprives people of their vigor and zeal and leaves" . "nothing but _____________(d) intellectuals.",2)L'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC:V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1A`'ILj'I04`t'CV%(SBASEI,0)t~'CV%(SBASEI,1){'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I'SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SP!"<(# INSERT ERROR FLAG^2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1~<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD)3'SBASEWD58'I04B'CV%(SBASEI";:8000:Z$;W!Z$(27)ġ0\!Z$"Y"ī8500x]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002d!Z$"D": RESTORE ORDER!!f!7050:! "0Z$(13)Z$IN$:*Z$" "ī81303Z$;HIN$IN$Z$:8130O4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$ R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE ";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> 1002:3%@ZP0:ZC32HJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010XLZOLD(" ")dOZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZOLD: Z$"":IN$""800ELETE ";N$D$;"OPEN ";N$1D$;"WRITE ";N$7> H7000NU lN$"MAIN DATA HW1"rD$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002"";1"131N""":::73450:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"H8000:Z$" "6170N.fX8000:Z$" "7000p]7050zb7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040 D$;"OPEN ";N$ D$;"DLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111".";(PLACEG(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";iHPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEqI2w~I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:I:Z$"D"İ7290:3 Z$"P"her monarchs had treated the _____________ ruler of France with distant"[6]? "arrogance."6? "Oh! There is nothing like old families! remarked Mrs. Million, with all the"6? "awkward feelings of a(n) _____________."27$@ "The present status of thelean was not descended from royalty, but was a(n) _____________ who made"b5> "himself Emperor."5> "The _____________ is a person who makes strenuous efforts to persuade other"5> "people that he is entitled to the position he occupies."H6\? "Otjustification exists for making _____________ distinctions"q41> "between native-born and naturalized citizens."4> "PARVENU"4> "A PERSON WHO HAS RISEN ABOVE HIS CLASS BY ATTAINING MONEY"4> 1,1,1,1,24> 54,0,4,0,31,0,25,1,17,1I5> "Napo our purpose to institute any _____________ comparisons between"d3i= "the two gifted young women."3= "What I should urge, therefore, is that no _____________ distinction be made"3= "between the Old Learning and the New.";40> "In my opinion, no < "It must be left to them to undertake the _____________ task of deciding what is"2< "to be approved and what is to be condemned."2= "She was deeply hurt by his _____________ comparison of her to the younger"2= "women."@3h= "It is far fromnce."]1<< "The debate began with an interchange of pleasant __________, but this was soon"1=< "replaced with put downs and insults."1< "INVIDIOUS"1< "TENDING TO CAUSE ILL-WILL OR RESENTMENT"1< 1,1,1,1,11< 41,0,27,0,44,0,42,0,50,0U2With our French-borrowed _____________ we are dealing with a lighter term that"0u; "refers to a conversation filled with friendly teasing and mocking."0; "The interchange had risen from the level of _____________ to that of real"1; "grandiloqueGE"*/: "PLAYFUL GOOD-NATURED KIDDING":/: 0,0,1,1,1Z/: 40,0,53,0,25,0,44,0,49,0/: "The king often participated in friendly _____________ with his mistress."/; "Love permits itself ever gentle mocking and friendly _____________."O0t; ""M.9 "If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that,".9 "_____________(ing), the appetite may sicken, and so die.".H: "She shut herself up in a room and indulged herself in a(n) _____________ of".I: "sounds."/: "BADINAction!"Q-9 "To quell wild beasts, you toss them raw chuck, when they are thus"-9 "_____________(ed), all interest in killing stops."-9 "_____________ distinctly implies a feeding or supplying to excess, with".9 "consequent nausea or disgust.____ for"8,U8 "running as a means of keeping healthy."H,8 "SURFEIT",8 "DISGUST OR DISPLEASURE CAUSED BY AN EXCESS OF SOMETHING",8 0,1,1,1,1,8 14,0,66,0,0,0,0,1,59,0-8 "I have had my _____________ of excuses and evasion; now I want anusual _____________ for"K+7 "extravagent terms and inelegant phrasing."+7 "A tendency to perform experiments was ruined by his _____________ for"+7 "constructing theories." ,T8 "During recent years many Americans have developed a(n) _________ 27,0,39,0,59,0,52,0,55,0q*6 "Pinjabi peasants have a(n) __________ for a yellow that leans toward orange." *(7 "Spanish aristocrats have long had a _____________ for marrying each other."+7 "Authors of medical articles exhibit on occasion an uim."R)5 "Africa has been plundered and oppressed by _____________ mercenaries.")`6 "Coward, liar, and thief are ____________ names given to Ferdinand Marcos.")6 "PENCHANT")6 "A STRONG LIKING OR FONDNESS FOR SOMETHING")6 0,0,1,1,1*6in _____________ terms."m(45 "She vented her anger on him and used language so _____________ that she left"(55 "everyone stunned."(5 "Walter's _____________ behavior was called to the attention of the Academy for")5 "the purpose of expelling he considered"M'm4 "a(n) _____________ rather than an objective evaluation."a'4 "OPPROBRIOUS"'4 "COARSE,INSULTING, AND CONTEMPTUOUS IN CHARACTER"'4 0,1,1,0,0 '4 45,0,49,0,9,0,43,0,28,0(4 "In wartime enemies are usually talked of oughly bad taste."g7A "He won quite a bit of undeserved admiration by his _____________ accounts of"7A "the dangers a reporter must face."7B "When her request was refused, Mary's _____________(s) did not impress her"7B "family.""8 N 0,1,2e was proud of his _____________ ability and wanted to play the role of"X6@ "Hamlet."6@ "Her _____________ abilities are more at home before the camera than on the"6@ "stage."7PA "His _____________ display of grief at the funeral was in thor Truman hinted to Stalin that we had developed an atomic bomb,"5%@ "Stalin flashed a(n) __________ grin: his spys had already told him of the bomb."5t@ "HISTRIONIC"5v@ "THE NATURE OF ACTING"5x@ 1,1,0,1,15z@ 20,0,4,0,4,0,51,0,37,0H6@ "Hdience considerable discomfort."o4\? "His longtime enemy came to the funeral, full of calm, _________ glee,"4]? "and without being asked."4? "Dyke smiled _____________(ly) when the warden offered to put him on his honor."?5$@ "When PresidentERLY SCORNFUL AND MOCKING" /3> 1,0,1,0,1P3> 11,0,15,0,54,0,12,0,20,13> "Behind his _____________ smile, I recognized the despair of a man who had lost"3> "all faith in human nature." 4> "The comedian's _____________ wit caused the aus to a person by means"M2= "of a(n) ___________ and unfeeling messenger."20> "The timing of the news release was singularly _____________, and seemed to fan"21> "rather than douse the flames of civil disturbance."2> "SARDONIC"3> "BITT tact or of skill in avoiding difficult"R1= "situations in human interaction."1h= "A simple apology would have been better than his _____________ attempts to"1i= "explain why he was late."2= "It was more correct to 'break' a piece of bad newit 'insensitivity.'"&0< "MALADROIT"P0< "LACKING GRACE IN SOCIAL BEHAVIOR"a0< 0,1,1,1,10< 11,0,0,0,49,0,8,1,46,00< "She was so _____________ that it was painful to watch her at social gatherings."(1= "_____________ implies a lack offortune, aroused my"(/u; "admiration."/; "The fable about the Spartan boy who hid a fox under his coat and was unmoved by"/; "its gnawing shows a supreme example of _____________."0<< "Sam calls his lack of feeling '_____________,' but I call last outrage overcame even the _____________ of the savage.".; "He admired the _____________ of Indians who could be tortured to death without".; "their once crying out for mercy."/t; "His _____________, his calm aplomb in the face of such a mis "his way."_-H: "It was published under difficulties which would have killed any man of less"-I: "_____________ temperament."-: "STOICISM"-: "SHOWING INDIFFERENCE TO PLEASURE OR PAIN"-: 0,1,1,1,0-: 36,0,15,0,4,0,39,1,31,0<.: "This 9 "additional meaning of 'having a warm, cheerful nature.'",9 "He now looked forward with _____________ hope to the accomplishment of all his",9 "plans.",9 "Phillip was not of that _____________ temper which overlooks the obstacles in" -98 1,1,1,1,1,+8 20,0,52,0,27,0,24,0,0,1}+8 "The woman was quite _____________ about the upcoming wedding for she was"+8 "convinced of her future happiness."+9 "Since it was often used in describing a ruddy face, _________ acquired the ">,ersons or animals and"3*7 "and their feelings."u*7 "A piece of candy will often _____________ a crying child."*T8 "Refresh yourself in my baths, and _____________ your cares with wines and song."*8 "SANGUINE"*8 "ANTICIPATING THE BEST" + "The man tried to _____________ his disappointed wife by presenting her with a"r)6 "pair of theatre tickets.")(7 "Her ability to _____________ angry customers won the approval of her superiors."*7 "_________ is used chiefly with reference to pt able to _____________ their sorrow, had to turn their faces to the"S(5 "wall."(`6 "He tried to _____________ his wicked designs by joining the Church."(6 "MOLLIFY"(6 "TO CALM OR SOOTHE"(6 1,0,1,0,0 (6 17,0,15,0,0,0,28,0,34,0Q)6%"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";3HPLACE14>I15Y1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;nHPLACEHPLACE10(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";I:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDE z(12)P"RESULTS TO SCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100X:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:8:1403,H:DF$(WRD);#(25);<VPLACE:1403,LPLACEIFAILED1Oz"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000J150:J8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p0:5800:5037Z$;*LPLACELPLACE1:CH2ī5055ICH2:5010n(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)x8000FAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":5515----------------------------",10:(11)8I2I21\ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)gIABIAULINEVPLACEI2CT$(I)I2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000 (WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ550ROGRAM DONE":< 2500 5 XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)M LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)d ULINECV%(DEXX,1)| NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)  I210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"----------------------------------------------------  (12):103 1403,20:"DO YOU WANT TO:"9 Z 1403,40:"A. RUN SET AGAIN" 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET" 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"P)LJ150:J`8000-jZ$" "ī11206oPN0<tT8000:Z$" "1420dZ$"Q"ī97jq CTXT04WURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT60003,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":800092000B RWF(I2)0ıdI2WZ1PN1qIWS(I2)|(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(II2 |WT0ī300  ` (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  /(12)::::140"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199! , : @I20WZ1:1000:I2K ELPELNLD0Z JWV0WZ1 OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wBLV ELV9 LPBL# NLD1, PN04 :? (12)v 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$IT 'C'";:8000:Z$# aZ$"C"ī515N bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"Y c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT COMMAND APPEARS"< 1ZOLD(" ")d 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)s 7RS%(50,4) 8CV%(50,4) RWS(10) VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS H/ 10D$(4)J,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":bD$;"WRITE LISTING"m33,30sD$;"CLOSE LISTING"  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN.", :" DO NO                "SLENDER AND WILLOWLY"'&4 0,0,0,0,0F&4 52,0,41,0,44,0,16,0,35,0&4 "She slimmed down tremendously and looked positively _____________."&45 "The matron led the way, lovely, smiling, _____________, and graceful."-'5 "The matron lead the wayt the Indians should be included in the">%3 "pacification."%4 "The New York stamp of approval is no longer the _____________ of a musical"% 4 "career."%l4 "Wider spaced patterns are a(n) _____________ in men's wardrobe."%4 "SVELTE"&4 21,0,54,0,12,0,48,0,31,0[$2 "Her presence was the _____________ of every social event."$@3 "Publication in some degree, and by some mode, is a(n) _____________ condition"$A3 "for the generation of literature."(%3 "It was a(n) _____________ tha men who are apparently"0#2 "irreconcilable."#x2 "_____________ implies success in changing ill will into good will or a hostile"#y2 "to friendly attitude."#2 "SINE QUA NON"#2 "ESSENTIAL OR INDISPENSABLE INGREDIENT"#2 0,1,1,1,0$2 e _____________(d) the" 7"0 "dissatisfied employee."t"L1 "The teacher tried to _____________ the angry mother.""1 "A victory so complete failed to _____________ the poverty stricken actress."#2 "The successful _____________(r) brings into line!0 "Only the trained detective can _____________ the true nature of a complicated"c!0 "crime."s!0 "PLACATE"!0 "TO REDUCE THE PAIN OF"!0 1,0,0,1,1!0 57,0,21,0,32,0,15,0,0,0"0 "The promise of a chance for promotion in the near futur of the distant or obscure."r / "He could _____________ the differences between two seemingly similar passages" / "of music." 0 "Even though the grass was high in the meadow, he was able to _____________ the" !0 "vague outline of her body."T0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I#'2. "DESCRY"W. "TO CATCH SIGHT OF SOMETHING"g. 0,0,1,1,1. 33,0,0,0,9,0,61,0,31,0. "In the distance, we could barely _____________ the enemy vessels." X/ "_____________ suggests careful observationSBASEWD58'I04)B'CV%(SBASEI,2)AL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC`V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1g`'Irj'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)STORE ORDER!!f!7050: ! A"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SPG"b(# INSERT ERROR FLAG2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD) 3'";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;CW!Z$(27)ġV\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002 d!Z$"D": REOLD:  Z$"":IN$""'8000>Z$(13)Z$IN$:PZ$" "ī8130YZ$;nIN$IN$Z$:8130u4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$3R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE "";1"131N"#"")61002:3<K@ZP0:ZC32nJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010~LZOLD(" ")OZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZ D$;"OPEN ";N$0D$;"DELETE ";N$CD$;"OPEN ";N$WD$;"WRITE ";N$]d n7000t{ N$"MAIN DATA HW1"D$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002I:Z$"D"İ7290:31Z$"P"ĺ:::7345V:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"n8000:Z$" "6170t.X8000:Z$" "7000]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040XI5I2PLACE039RS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111C".";NPLACEm(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";HPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEI2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:__________."a6A "The colonel evidenced a(n) _____________ disregard of the corporal's safety."6B "Social critics argue that society creates the criminal and for that reason"6B "society is _____________ rather than the criminal."7 N 0,1,2,3,4O5@ "The inflictor of the punishment may perhaps be as _____________ as the"a5@ "sufferer."5@ "The greatest crime for which a man could render himself _____________ is to"5@ "kill an infant." 6PA "Such ignorance is voluntary and therefore e such"a4? "government as is possible in the teeth of an intensely _____________ peasantry."4$@ "It took a fire to start the _____________ mule."4t@ "CULPABLE"4v@ "DESERVING CRITICISM OR BLAME"4x@ 1,1,0,0,15z@ 50,0,56,0,42,0,27,0,11,1 the rules but threatened a teacher with violence."3\? "_____________ carries a strong implication of active and violent resistance by"3]? "those who are obstinately rebellious."4? "In Russia a minority of devoted Marxists maintain by sheer forc,0W2> "If troops are necessary to seize livestock and other items being withheld by"2> "_____________ farmers, they may be mobilized for this purpose."2> "A(n)___________ student who wanted to drop out of school not only refused to"33> "obeyoup which feels"K1= "threatened by the hostility of society as a whole."10> "In the ______________ of the underworld, he 'was taken for a ride.'"1> "RECALCITRANT"1> "DIFFICULT TO HANDLE OR MANAGE"1> 1,1,1,1,02> 0,1,5,0,0,0,55,1,28the"0< "Negro ghetto."m0= "The thieves communicated in a(n) _____________ which only they understood."0h= "Computer personnel have their own _____________ with which they communicate."1= "_____________ refers to the slang of a very limited grreadily assumed different"4/=< "shapes and forms."B/< "ARGOT"/< "THE SPECIALIZED VOCABULARY OF THOSE IN THE SAME WORK"/< 1,0,0,1,0/< 56,0,33,0,34,0,0,0,7,00< "Mr. Charlie and ofay are terms for the white man in the _____________ of author, director, and"_.u; "producer, he has become a major figure in the theatrical world.".; "The _____________ Mr. Papp tried everything--new plays, revivals, star".; "vehicles, classics."/<< "It was a(n) ______________ amoeba because it he war there was a period of crisis in which the same basic dilemma"}-: "appeared again and again in _____________ forms."-; "A science fiction writer needs a(n) _____________ imagination.".t; "Clark is a man of _____________ abilities: as actor,could get from the policeman was a(n) _____________ recital of"|,I: "statistics--the time of the accident, location, etc.",: "PROTEAN",: "READILY ASSUMING DIFFERENT SHAPES OR ROLES",: 1,0,1,1,1,: 28,1,36,0,18,0,4,0,12,0D-: "After to unimaginative and _____________."z+9 "With my _____________ mind, how can I hope to grasp all the brilliant insights"+9 "of your argument?"+9 "People who fade into the woodwork at social gatherings are quite _____________."?,H: "The best we "PROSAIC"0*8 "UNINTERESTING AND COMMONPLACE"@*8 1,0,1,0,1]*8 0,1,61,0,8,0,65,0,50,0*8 "Although his trip abroad must have been exciting, his letters home were"*8 "_____________ and boring."#+9 "I do not like this author because he is sber painting recreates the _____________ process of history.")7 "The movement of glaciers is imperceptible but _____________.")T8 "The dangers that beset the world are the result of the _____________ increase")U8 "in the human population." *8 6,0,0,1,34,0,46,0,55,0i(6 "He felt that his fate was _____________ and refused to make any attempt to"(6 "improve his lot."((7 "A religious predeterminism decrees that the damnation of sinners is"()7 "_____________ and eternal."=)7 "The som, lovely, smiling, __________, and graceful."h'5 "She looked very _____________ in a trim dark suit."'`6 "He spied a darting minnow with its _____________ shadow beneath it."'6 "INELUCTABLE"'6 "NOT TO BE ESCAPED FROM"'6 1,1,0,0,1(6 2箠ɠנ宠ɠנݠנݠנ٠ĠԠΠϠӍٍݠנΠϠӍٍݠנ殍٠ĠԠΠϠӍݠנΠ܍ݠΠǠŠӠՠ٠ŠĠϠơݠ䠨ש٠ĠԠ٠ӠԠçݠקݠ󮍮ӠʍԠҠĠΠΧݠ󮍍̠ԠĠӍƍݠ󮍮ŠԮŠŠӠ˧Ӡ΍ϠԠȠĠ̠ԠĠӍϠ٠ӠĠӠԠקӠŠҠϠōԠħƠՠԠԠԩݠ󺍮ŠԮŠŠӠ˧Ӡ΍ϠԠȠĠˠŠӠԠҠƠԠՠԠĠԠŠΠٍՠŠΠԠŠΠҠˠӠΠōΠРݠݠǠ٠ȠӠĠӍŠǠ٠ȠӠĠӍŠˠŠӠԠŠҠƠԠՠԠĠԠΠٍʠȠ٠ӍʍͭǠġȠ٠ӠӍݠɠݠݠϠԠ͍ݠ렱ݠ       d made her _____________ and difficult to"::B "please."i: N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0:*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5:4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7:>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4+;RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0M7*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5h74N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,77>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,47HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,47RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4D%"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";3HPLACE14>I15Y1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;nHPLACEHPLACE10(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";I:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDE z(12)P"RESULTS TO SCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100X:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:8:1403,H:DF$(WRD);#(25);<VPLACE:1403,LPLACEIFAILED1Oz"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000J150:J8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p0:5800:5037Z$;*LPLACELPLACE1:CH2ī5055ICH2:5010n(WD$(WRD),(WD$(WRD))2);(25)x8000FAILED1Ģ8:(29):FAILED0| (25)H((80(DF$(WRD)))2)CTXT4Ģ8:1403,33:"NO DEFINITION.":5515----------------------------",10:(11)8I2I21\ACV%(DEXX,3):BACV%(DEXX,2)gIABIAULINEVPLACEI2CT$(I)I2I21IVPLACE:1403,LPLACE CH1:FAILED08000 (WD$(WRD),CH,1)Z$İ550ROGRAM DONE":< 2500 5 XPT%(DEXCTXT,2)M LPLACECV%(DEXX,0)d ULINECV%(DEXX,1)| NLINESCV%(DEXX,2)  I210WRDCTXT0ī4060(12)I210:I21"----------------------------------------------------  (12):103 1403,20:"DO YOU WANT TO:"9 Z 1403,40:"A. 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"one."f X/ "The English teacher took great offense at even the slightest _____________" Y/ "during the pupil's speech." / "I must give this paper a failing mark because it contains many ___________(s)."2! 0 "In those days smoking0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I#'4. "SOLECISM"{. "A VIOLATION OF ETIQUETTE, PARTICULARLY IN REGARDS TO LANGUAGE". 1,1,0,0,1. 44,0,61,0,63,0,56,0,46,0 . "I've listened carefully for a Howard Cosell _____________ and I've never hSBASEWD58'I04)B'CV%(SBASEI,2)AL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC`V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1g`'Irj'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)STORE ORDER!!f!7050: ! A"SP014(WD$(I)):" ";:SPG"b(# INSERT ERROR FLAG2#CH1RS%(DEXX,CH1PLACE)1<#CH2RS%(DEXX,CHPLACE)1F#' 'LLOC0:OLDLOC0'WD09'OLDLOCLLOC$'WD$(WD).'DF$(WD) 3'";N$;", IS THAT CORRECT (Y OR N) ? -> ";:8000:Z$;CW!Z$(27)ġV\!Z$"Y"ī8500]!(12):10:"BE CERTAIN DATA DISK IS IN DRIVE 1 (THE BOTTOM DRIVE)"_!::1403,35:"& PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"a!8000:Z$" "ī8545c!1002 d!Z$"D": REOLD:  Z$"":IN$""'8000>Z$(13)Z$IN$:PZ$" "ī8130YZ$;nIN$IN$Z$:8130u4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$3R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE "";1"131N"#"")61002:3<K@ZP0:ZC32nJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010~LZOLD(" ")OZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZ D$;"OPEN ";N$0D$;"DELETE ";N$CD$;"OPEN ";N$WD$;"WRITE ";N$]d n7000t{ N$"MAIN DATA HW1"D$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002I:Z$"D"İ7290:31Z$"P"ĺ:::7345V:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"n8000:Z$" "6170t.X8000:Z$" "7000]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040XI5I2PLACE039RS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111C".";NPLACEm(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";HPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEI2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);: general use, _____________ is often applied to one thing that contradicts"6]? "another thing and is irreconcilable with it."6? "A(n) ___________ is an irresolvable conflict of principles, beliefs,"6? "tendencies, and the like."B7$@ "One ofne _____________ after another making it difficult"b5> "for the students to vote on the issue."5> "In America we cannot resolve the _________ that exists between individualism on"5> "the one hand and social cooperation on the other."K6\? "Intions that are deadlocked it is always the other countryor the other"l41> "party which is _____________."}4> "ANTINOMY"4> "A BUILT IN CONTRADICTION OR INCONSISTENCY"4> 1,1,1,1,14> 28,0,33,0,16,0,5,0,0,135> "The editorial contained o."W3h= "The city fathers were _____________ in their opposition to the proposed real"t3i= "estate reassessment."3= "Other reasons exist for the _____________ opposition to the oil industry's"3= "construction of the pipeline."E40> "In negotiaN"2< 1,1,1,1,122< 32,0,45,0,22,0,28,0,15,12< "The strike began because of the _____________ people not willing to change"2< "their ways."2= "Even after the speech the audience was still _____________ about the rights of"3= "abortion solution to the dispute."r1<< "If a man is content to _____________ wealth and forego marriage, to live simply"1=< "without luxuries, he may spend a very dignified gentle life here."1< "INTRANSIGENT"2< "REFUSING TO ABANDON AN EXTREME POSITIO ________ anything such as hard liquor, we abandon it, or we"`0; "renounce or repudiate it."0t; "Bitter disappointments made him _____________ marriage in favor of a series of"0u; "affairs."1; "A union official _____________(d) mediation as age."/: "ABJURE"./: "TO REJECT FOREVER">/: 1,1,1,0,1]/: 60,0,8,0,32,0,17,0,23,0/: "The governor insists on this billion dollar project he once _____________(d),"/: "because he thinks it will get him elected next fall."=0; "When we his fellow classmates."o.9 "Under questioning by the police, the prisoner was _____________ about his past".9 "criminal activities.".H: "Much to the anger of his wife, he was _____________ about discussing"/I: "his life before their marria8 "_____________ implies the disposition to keep one's own counsel; the habit of"-8 "withholding much that might be said."-9 "She was anything but _____________ during the fight with her boyfriend.".9 "The new child was _____________ towardforms, I"[,U8 "was in no way taken aback by the usual _____________(s), name calling and",V8 "hysterics which are his trademarks.",8 "RETICENT",8 "UNWILLING TO SPEAK FREELY ABOUT ONESELF",8 1,0,0,1,1,8 0,0,21,0,18,0,50,0,38,0T- by publishing _____________"P+7 "pamphlets on subjects of current interest."+7 "_____________ either describes or is an argument that is fiery and"+7 "highly charged." ,T8 "Having appeared with him many times on opposing ends of lecture plat Royko is a(n) _____________(ist) as well as an excellent journalist."*(7 "The committees, growing tired of the chairman's lengthy _____________(s), rose"*)7 "as one person and left the room."+7 "Many great political figures have made their marksmbraced."])`6 "Observers thought that capitalists would _____________ all connections with")a6 "what must necessarily be a losing concern.")6 "POLEMIC")6 "A HIGHLY CHARGED CONTROVERSY")6 0,1,1,1,2)6 19,0,56,0,65,0,0,0,39,1F*6 "Mikeith your"(4 "children."o(45 "Job is described in the Bible as 'one that feared God and _____________(ed)"~(55 "evil.'"(5 "The clergy were trained to _____________ private passions and pursuits." )5 "What cannot be _____________(ed) must be esal to reveal what has occurred at the power plant near Kiev."M'4 "ESCHEW"'4 "TO ABSTAIN FROM AS SOMETHING WRONG OR DISTASTEFUL"'4 1,1,0,0,1'4 14,0,58,0,27,0,15,0,41,0 (4 "It is wise to _____________ any sign of favoritism when dealing w宠ݠ場堵Ԡק笠נ󮠨ŠҠĠԠӠҠĠ̠ҩݠקᠧ堨ӠӠŠҠĠ٠ŠҩҠ׬Ҡ箠ݠ׬נٮ󺠧ծթ䠨٩ɠﬠנ宠ᠧﬠ䠨卍ӠŠҠϠΠӍꍍԠ΍ݠ報ק宠ӍӠԧϠԍʍݠԧ纠נݠ報栧򮍮ƍݠꍍנ٠ϠנŠΠӮɠӠɠ堠נ嬠ɠРԠҠԠƠŠΠĠՠϠԠŠԠΠ̠Šנ̠ΠՠԠϠנ̠έנ1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,;RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,47,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5@94N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7o9>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,49RN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4Dudian ears this kind of language seems touchingly quaint and"T8@ "_____________."8@ "_____________ stresses the inabliity to disguise or to conceal one's thoughts"8@ "or feelings; everything is out there where you can see it.";9PA "He was so the placards carried in an anti-draft demonstration bore the old"~7%@ "_____________, 'There Is Nothing Worth Dying For.' "7t@ "INGENUOUS"7v@ "WITHOUT SOPHISTICATION OR WORLDLINESS"7x@ 1,1,1,1,07z@ 0,1,0,0,10,0,36,0,4,0=8@ "To post-Fre of political _________---whooping"O.8 "for peace while preparing for war.".9 "The gullible jury was deceived by the _____________ of the shyster lawyer.".9 "He was a man, who, by legal _____________, cheated others of their property."I/9 "Pdocuments are written in a(n) _____________ language"j-U8 "that only a handful of people can decipher."|-8 "CHICANERY"-8 "DECEPTION BY TRICKERY"-8 1,0,0,1,1-8 57,0,38,0,28,0,47,0,0,1#.8 "The Republicans accused President Roosevelt,7 "None could understand the ________ symbols that only the high priest"g,7 "could interpret.",7 "The rules of evidence and procedures in a trial are _____________ to most",7 "laymen, including reporters and editors."5-T8 "My important 0,26,0,52,0,43,0e+6 "By behaving as a Teamster, Shaw managed to hide the ___________processes of"+6 "his imaginative life."+(7 "The book was filled with those ________ Latin phrases that serve only"+)7 "to irritate rather than enlighten."L to terrify the _________."p*`6 "We discovered that beneath his _____________ manner, therewas an active and"*a6 "inquiring mind and personality."*6 "ARCANE"*6 "KNOWN ONLY BY THOSE HAVING SECRET KNOWLEDGE"*6 1,1,1,1,1+6 52,0,31,sing himself or in trying new things."y)5 "He had a fainting and _____________ spirit that showed a continued lack of")5 "boldness and self assurance.")5 "Although he was an overbearing bully he never attacked the unassuming nor"*5 "meantENCE"(4 0,1,1,1,16(4 64,0,13,0,22,0,21,1,31,0(4 "Repeated failure can weaken your faith in yourself and make you _____________."(45 "Although the _____________ person is shy with others, his main difficulty is a"&)55 "hesitancy in expres___(ly) that she didn't have anyone in"J' 4 "the world who loved her."'l4 "During the funeral he took on a phony _____________(ness) in order to show an"'m4 "exaggerated or pretended sadness."'4 "DIFFIDENT"(4 "LACKING IN SELF-CONFID___________ cries."h&@3 "There was a(n) _____________ obituary-like quality in the treatment given by"&A3 "the American press to Sir Winston's resignation."&3 "The ___________ music seemed out of place at a wedding."''4 "She wailed __________lty of immoral sexual behavior."3%2 "LUGUBRIOUS"[%2 "EXCESSIVELY DISMAL AND DREARY"l%2 1,1,0,1,1%2 21,1,15,0,4,0,11,0,38,0%2 "Dark funeral barges flitted by, and the gondoliers warned each other at every"&2 "turning with hoarse, __g enough to be their _________."x$2 "Her _____________ lay in wait behind the white door of the refrigerator: peanut"$2 "butter and jelly."$x2 "AIDS is considered by religious fundamentalists to be the _____________ of" %y2 "those who are gui made her _____________ and difficult to"9:B "please."h: N 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,0:*N 3,7,9,6,2,1,5,8,0,4,9,6,0,8,3,4,1,7,2,5:4N 8,1,4,2,6,5,9,3,0,7:>N 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4;HN 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3,4,0,1; he knew he was sure to be greeted with a(n)"n9QA "_____________ account of all the day's minor disasters."9A "The man grew old and _____________ and hysterical with failure and chronic"9A "poverty."):B "Having too much of too many things had48,0X8@ "She complained constantly in a(n) _____________ voice that she was the most"~8@ "abused creature in the world."8@ "I would have no godly man be overly _____________ when God has done so much for"8@ "us.".9PA "He dreaded going home Kennedys hides the fact that their father Joseph"z7%@ "Kennedy was a(n) _____________ who acquired his wealth through"7&@ "stealth and cunning."7t@ "QUERULOUS"7v@ "GIVEN TO COMPLAINING AND WHINING"7x@ 1,1,1,1,18z@ 34,0,36,0,0,1,21,0,   !!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!""" 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QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"P)LJ150:J`8000-jZ$" "ī11206oPN0<tT8000:Z$" "1420dZ$"Q"ī97jq CTXT04WURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT60003,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":800092000B RWF(I2)0ıdI2WZ1PN1qIWS(I2)|(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(II2 |WT0ī300  ` (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  /(12)::::140"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199! , : @I20WZ1:1000:I2K ELPELNLD0Z JWV0WZ1 OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wBLV ELV9 LPBL# NLD1, PN04 :? (12)v 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$IT 'C'";:8000:Z$# aZ$"C"ī515N bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"Y c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT COMMAND APPEARS"< 1ZOLD(" ")d 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)s 7RS%(50,4) 8CV%(50,4) RWS(10) VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS H1 10D$(4)J,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":bD$;"WRITE LISTING"m33,30sD$;"CLOSE LISTING"  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN.", :" DO NO                          A.. SETS 1-8" 1403,30:b 1403,17:"ENTER NUMBER OF SET YOU WANT AND THEN HIT RETURN KEY"t 30:"-> ";SE SE1SE32Č198:: NOT A VALID SET # :1403,25:" YOU HAVE CHOSEN SET ";SE;" .."< :1403,25:" MAKE CERTAIN PROPER DIS7 3Qd THIS IS THE MASTER MENU PROGRAM ("HELLO") FOR CRIST'S CONTEXT 2...kf(12): CLEAR SCREENxg1403,17h"BUILDING VOCABULARY THROUGH DEFINITIONS AND CONTEXTS":k:1403,25:" JUNE 1986":: x1403,30:"DISK 1, SIDE  OLD:  Z$"":IN$""'8000>Z$(13)Z$IN$:PZ$" "ī8130YZ$;nIN$IN$Z$:8130u4! >!(12):10:1403,25:"NAME OF FILE FOR SUBJECT DATA LISTING?"H!::1403,50:"-> ";:8100:N$Z$3R!:::"WILL SAVE DATA AS FILE "";1"131N"#"")61002:3<K@ZP0:ZC32nJZ(16384):Z128İ8050:8010~LZOLD(" ")OZZ128TZ$(Z):16368,0:(" ");:(8);:r(ZC);:(8);wZD050:ZD|ZP0ZP1:ZC95:~ZP1ZP0:ZCZ D$;"OPEN ";N$0D$;"DELETE ";N$CD$;"OPEN ";N$WD$;"WRITE ";N$]d n7000t{ N$"MAIN DATA HW1"D$;"APPEND ";N$D$;"WRITE ";N$z D$;"CLOSE ";N$ 1002I:Z$"D"İ7290:31Z$"P"ĺ:::7345V:::"PRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"n8000:Z$" "6170t.X8000:Z$" "7000]7050b7095g7290l7115q7150v7290{8000:Z$"P"İ7315:Z$" "ī7040XI5I2PLACE039RS%(IDEX,PLACE)1ĺ"1";:6111C".";NPLACEm(I24)Z$"P"ĺ" ";HPLACEHPLACE10:1403,HPLACEI2I:"WORD ORDER = ";:I049:PT%(I,0);:I::" CONTEXT = ";:I049:PT%(I,2);:%"WORD";:Z$"P"ĺ" ";3HPLACE14>I15Y1403,HPLACE:"CT-";I;nHPLACEHPLACE10(I5)Z$"P"ĺ" ";I:I09I5I5WD$(I);Z$"P"İ8700HPLACE14:1403,HPLACEI204IDE z(12)P"RESULTS TO SCREEN, PRINTER, OR DISK (S,P, OR D) ? -> ";:8100X:Z$"D"Z$"S":"D CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTED":I11000:I:6010: WAS GOS.8500:GOS.7050Z$"P"İ7315Z$"S"ĺ(12)1403,30:"WINDOW SIZE = ";WZ:8:1403,H:DF$(WRD);#(25);<VPLACE:1403,LPLACEIFAILED1Oz"?";:ZOLD("?"):(8);:PLACE0:9000J150:J8000Z$(WD$(WRD),CH,1)āJ150:J:PLACE1:9000(WD$(WRD),CH,1);Z$(27)Z$"D":p)LJ150:J`8000-jZ$" "ī11206oPN0<tT8000:Z$" "1420dZ$"Q"ī97jq CTXT04WURD09WRDPT%(CTXT10WURD,0)DEXWRD5RFLAG0300040005000WURD CT60003,30:"PRESS SPACE BAR TO BEGIN CONTEXTS":800092000B RWF(I2)0ıdI2WZ1PN1qIWS(I2)|(12)12:1403,((80(DF$(I)))2)$DF$(I))::1403,((80(WD$(I)))2):J150:J.PN1İ8000:Z$" "ī1070BWD$(II2 |WT0ī300  ` (12):12:1403,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS": :1403,30:" PRESS 'T' TO START"::8000:Z$"Q"ī97 Z$"T"ī450 LPBLEL1 PN0 ILP 1040 LP  /(12)::::140"Q"ī97 Z$" "ī199! , : @I20WZ1:1000:I2K ELPELNLD0Z JWV0WZ1 OWVWZ1WF(WV)NLD:WS(WV)LP:345 TWF(WV)WF(WV1):WS(WV)WS(WV1) YWV ^WF(WV)ELWF(WV)EL cLPLP1 hWT0 mI20WZ1 rWTWTWF(I2) wBLV ELV9 LPBL# NLD1, PN04 :? (12)v 10:1403,25:"YOU WILL NOW LEARN THE DEFINITIONS" :" PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO BEGIN" :" (OR Q TO QUIT)":8000:Z$IT 'C'";:8000:Z$# aZ$"C"ī515N bZ$"W"Ċ0:0:1002:(4);"RUN HELLO"Y c(12) d11:1403,10:"REPETITIONS (2,3,4,5,6)-> "::"HIT A NUMBER AND THEN 'RETURN'";:8100:WZ(Z$) fWZ2WZ6ī100 gWZWZ1 h iU1 nV((U1)10) xT TOUCH KEYBOARD UNTIL NEXT COMMAND APPEARS"< 1ZOLD(" ")d 2DF$(10),WD$(10),CT$(100),PT%(50,3)s 7RS%(50,4) 8CV%(50,4) RWS(10) VWF(10) ZWT0 ^10000 `:1403,5::"TO STUDY WORDS AND DEFINITIONS HIT 'W'"::"TO STUDY CONTEXTS H1 10D$(4)J,20:"NOW READY TO REVIEW THE TEN DEFINITIONS":bD$;"WRITE LISTING"m33,30sD$;"CLOSE LISTING"  D$(4) 3:(12)::::1403,5:"ONE MOMENT....BE SURE 'CAPS LOCK' IS DOWN.", :" DO NO0:I'I049:PT%(I,2):I#'7. "APPELLATION"v. "A NAME THAT DESCRIBES OR IDENTIFIES A PERSON OR THING". 0,1,1,0,1. 59,0,18,0,60,0,23,0,51,0. "He was amazed when the witches hailed him with his correct _____________."N X/ "SBASEWD58'I04)B'CV%(SBASEI,2)AL'CV%(SBASEI,3)LLOC`V'LLOCLLOCCV%(SBASEI,2)1g`'Irj'I04t'CV%(SBASEI,0)~'CV%(SBASEI,1)'I'SOLDLOCLLOC1'CT$(S)'S'WD'I049:PT%(I,0):I'I049:PT%(I,1)STORE ORDER!!f!7050: ! 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RUN SET AGAIN" 1403,40:"B. RUN A DIFFERENT SET" 1403,40:"C. QUIT"  1403,50:"A, B, OR C -> ";:8000:Z$; Z$"A"Ľ:( Z$"B"ī982 Z$"C"ĺ(12);"P"/: "PORTENTIOUS"\/: "INDICATING SOMETHING MOMENTOUS OR DANGEROUS IS ABOUT TO OCCUR"l/: 0,1,1,1,0/: 36,0,4,0,33,0,4,0,32,0/: "The first atomic explosion was a(n) _____________ event."!0; "The _____________ rise in the number of unempl "listeners were amused and not enlightened.".9 "His attempts to _____________ with stories of the 'good old days' created".9 "boredom and disgust among the young in the audience."/H: "I _______ so much by example that I will never be a father.ng stories of his"&-8 "early life."w-9 "It does not appear probable that our dispute about miracles would either"-9 "_____________ or enlighten the public."-9 "Although his purpose was to _____________ and not to entertain, many of his"-.9_________(ness) of a child sweeping"@,U8 "away a toy village."N,8 "EDIFY",8 "TO INSTRUCT OR IMPROVE, ESPECIALLY BY GOOD EXAMPLE",8 1,1,1,1,0,8 24,0,0,1,28,0,16,0,2,0-8 "The professor sought to _____________ his students by recounties to _____________ boys, are we to the gods--they kill us for their"T+7 "sport."+7 "The soldiers showed a(n) _____________ disregard for property as they spread"+7 "out through enemy country."$,T8 "The windstorm flattened houses with the ____SSSLY AND UNRESTRAINED"(*6 0,1,1,1,1G*6 10,0,4,0,12,0,25,0,40,0*6 "They were _____________ little creatures without character or depth of feeling."*(7 "The ________ troops riding by"*)7 "Have shot my Faun and it will die."E+7 "As fli_________ in all kinds of fruit and temperate in"W)5 "climate all through the year.")`6 "The _____________ imagination of Balzac produced more than 80 novels dealing")a6 "with every aspect of the society of his day.")6 "WANTON"*6 "MERCILE4 "become a more _____________ writer."(45 "The _____________(ity) of his mind is illustrated by the many vivid images in"(55 "his poems."(5 "He was so _____________ a father, he had gotten many children."1)5 "The island was a paradise, ____ _____________ of evidence, we are unable to measure them with"R'm4 "precision."a'4 "FECUND"'4 "CAPABLE OF PRODUCING IN ABUNDANCE"'4 1,1,0,1,1'4 14,1,4,0,10,0,27,0,4,0'4 "A variety of environmental experiences helped the author to")(have a(n)"1&A3 "_____________ of intelligence."&3 "The fort was in danger of having to surrender because of the _____________ of"&3 "defenders."&4 "Broad theories are often generated from a(n) _____________ of empirical data."?'l4 "From the,1,0,1$%2 19,0,0,1,61,0,45,0,9,0|%2 "There is such a(n) __________ of information about the lifeof Shakespeare that"%2 "no definitive biography of him has ever been written." &@3 "The poor test papers indicate that the members of this class g shows that they"?$2 "were aware of its illegal character."$x2 "_____________ describes something forbidden that is done or enjoyed on the sly,"$y2 "at an opportune moment when no one is looking."$2 "PAUCITY"$2 "A SMALL AMOUNT"%2 1,1He engaged in the _____________ reading of his friend's diary."#1 "With a(n) _____________ movement the meticulous housewife emptied the ash tray"#1 "in her neighbor's apartment."$2 "The _____________ way in which they planned this undertakin0,0,4,0,0,0 ^"0 "In the course of the operation, in which most meetings between undercover""0 "agents and public officials were _____________(ly) videotaped and recorded, the""0 "agents paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash."?#L1 "ommon _____________ of a member of the Society of Jesus."!0 "George Washington is frequently referred to by the _____________ 'Father of his"!0 "Country.'"!0 "SURREPTITIOUS"!0 "SECRET AND UNAUTHORIZED"!0 2,0,1,1,1 "0 33,1,18,0,1No suitably brief _____________ could be found for the organization; hence it"u Y/ "was known by the acronym CARE." / "One of Dickens' memorable characters is known by the famous _____________ of" / "the 'Artful Dodger.'"9! 0 "'Jesuit' is the c