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Butbefore 1955, in which monthdid that tax day fall?~March*~mar~January*~jan~February*~febWhich large American cityhary of ~StateHow many Presidents arecarved on Mount Rushmore?~4*~four~3*~three~5*~fiveWhich Japanese drink is madefrom fermented rice andserved warm?~Sake~Sangria~SlingShe was a beauty queen, agovernor's wife, then a co-anchor of "CBS Moriversity. In which stateis Rutgers?New ~Jersey*~nj~Wisconsin*~wi~Illinois*~ilAccording to theConstitution, the Presidentand Vice-President are 1stand 2nd in officialgovernment rank.Who ranks 3rd?~Speaker of the ~House~Chief ~Justice~Secretach class year?~Senior year*~sr~Freshman year*~fresh~Sophomore year*~sophAgainst which news magazinedid former Israeli DefenseMinister Ariel Sharon file alibel suit?~Time~Life~NewsweekThe College Football Hall ofFame is located at RutgersUnyourselflucky if you have a fullhouse in which card game?~Poker~Bridge~Blackjack*~21Where exactly did Mary'slittle lamb follow her?To ~schoolTo ~marketTo the ~parkStudents in a Penn StateUniversity survey gainedthe fewest pounds duringwhilitisBefore going solo, who wasthe lead singer of theSupremes?Diana ~RossGladys ~KnightDionne ~WarwickWhich popular candy's sloganclaims, "It melts in yourmouth, not in your hand"?~M&M's~Milk Duds~Junior ~Mints*~jr ~mintsYou can consider "Co-Ed" magazinereaders out of 5, saidthey're well-informedabout the dangers of drugs?~4*~four~2*~two~3*~threeA contagious viral infectionoften called "the kissingdisease" is scientificallyknown as what?~Mononucleosis*~mono~Hepatitis~Tonsilouxxy zzyy={{:|gg|OO)}x}1~TT~*\\KԀ_ttjjrrjjykkNddօ:``AHow many hhwwPi``i'jj\\_knnk)llllmuumcnoonSoffoLppqrr]]dsSSstPPtuuss+vIIviivPwwoqVZZ$W~WAXXpYww!ZZ8[[\oo]w]hh]e^XX _ppd_XX_,`||`UaaaaHb``bQcdd)ekke=ffogWEooEyynFzzFbbaG\\GHffHIIIZJ@KvvKDLaaLDMNNOYYOqqOcPPQ~~*RwwRSS%TwwT8UUWv5qq5ff>66Q7tt7F8ww8B99Y:gg;;$<OO<cc=r=PP>qqh>>o?nn@}@AA&BeeBZZ,CCqq1DD\\LEWv"%uu% &&qq(''xxA(ww(ff0))-**\\=+nn+UU,\,MM-uuc-NN-ee&../ff/00yyF11R2ff2d3)44WfThqqWooYrrdd:qqURRYY.WW ~~d/ {{ 6!!|""#9$VV$vKX}}aamssRVVnn!uuA ~~ 4  eeG  ssH  PPZ gg @xx_yyjmf~sixty ~six~365*~three ~hundred ~sixty ~five~364*~three ~hundred ~sixty ~threeWhat is the black part ofyour eye called?~Pupil~Cornea~LensAccording to the InvestmentCompany Institute, how manymarried women out of 3 sharefinancial decisions witten~5*~fiveWhat is the top color on atraffic light?~Red~Yellow~GreenAccording to the nurseryrhyme, how did GeorgiePorgie make the girls cry?He ~kissed themHe ~hit themHe ~sailed awayHow many days are in aLeap Year?~366*~three ~hundred ch famous Englishmancoined the term,"Iron Curtain"?Winston ~ChurchillAlistair ~CookeDavid ~FrostAccording to "Mademoiselle"magazine, to the nearest 5,how many minutes should youspend brushing and flossingyour teeth each day?~15*~fifteen~10*~*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWe all remember the 1976 raidon Entebbe. In which countryis Entebbe?~Uganda~Ethiopia~IranBy which collective name dowe know Jim Henson's mostfamous characters?The ~MuppetsThe ~FlintstonesThe ~JeffersonsWhi~Ears~TailWhich man's name precedes themovie titles "Concho,""Guitar," "Belinda,"and "Dangerously"?~Johnny~Frankie~TommyWhat fraction of allundergraduate students aregetting financial aid?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%e of Representatives?~25*~twenty ~five~35*~thirty ~five~45*~forty ~fiveIn which menu category is theItalian dish called"antipasto"?~Salad~Dessert~EntreeIn "Alice In Wonderland,"what was the last part ofthe Cheshire Catto disappear?~Grinhree~2*~twoThe author of "The Source,""Centennial," and "Hawaii"recently paid back hiscollege scholarship with a $2million gift. Who is he?James ~MichenerNorman ~MailerGore ~Vidal25, 35, or 45... what's theminimum age for a member ofthe Houschke"; the Polish call it"kielbasa"; the English calltheirs "bangers." What isthis tasty morsel to us?~Sausage~Stew~SpinachAccording to a "Seventeen"magazine survey, how manyreaders out of 5 agreedpolitically with theirparents?~4*~four~3*~tn~20*~twentyWhat fraction of presidentsrunning for re-election win?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfWhich American city is knownas "Big D"?~Dallas~Detroit~DenverThe Russians call theirs"ki own it, whichmotion picture company couldbe calledThe Coca Cola Studio?~Columbia~MGM*~metro ~goldwyn ~mayer~ParamountTo the nearest five years,what is the average expectedlength of a marriage in theUnited States?~25*~twenty ~five~15*~fifteesthe greatest anxiety for theaverage person?Giving a ~speechA blind ~dateA job ~interviewWhat fraction of all newbusinesses fail withintwo years?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersBecause theyater." Who is he?~PopeyeBarney ~GoogleSnuffy ~SmithHow many pockets are on apool table?~6*~six~7*~seven~8*~eight"P & L" in business jargonstands for "Profit &..."what?~Loss~Leverage~LiensAccording to the "N.Y.Times," which event causeWhich scholarship honorsociety started the firstcollege fraternity inAmerica?~Phi ~Beta ~Kappa*~pbk~Beta ~Theta ~Pi*~btp~Sigma ~Chi*~scThis feisty, pipe-smoking,spinach-eating cartooncharacter first appeared in acomic strip called "ThimbleTheg Mac's550 calories comes from fat?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersMusician Isaac Stern washonored by the KennedyCenter for 23 his virtuositywith which musicalinstrument?~Violin~Piano~Flutew and arrow, and aman named William Tell remindyou of which fruit?~Apple~Pear~OrangeThe #1 non-exercise leisure-time activity of womenbetween the ages of 15 and 25is what?Watching ~television*~tv~Knitting~Reading*~bookWhat fraction of a Bie~CamelThe "Jarvik 7" has beenmaking news in recent years.What is the "Jarvik 7"?Artificial ~heart~Spacecraft*~spaceship~Automobile*~carZsa Zsa Gabor had manyhusbands. How many wivesdid Henry VIII have?~6*~six~4*~four~8*~eightA boy, a boinAkron, Ohio?~Frog ~Jumping Contest~Soap ~Box Derby~Daytona ~500In which state will you findthe cities of Raleigh andWinston-Salem?~North ~Carolina*~nc*~n ~carolina~Maine*~me~Massachusetts*~ma*~massAccording to a PrincetonUniversity study,beverage was preferred atlunch time?~Beer~Wine~VodkaHow many American statesborder Mexico?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoIn which country would youpay for your dinner withdrachmas?~Greece~Poland~ItalyWhich famous race takesplace each year ometricpressure is falling?~Wet~Dry~SunnyAccording to "Woman's Day"magazine, to avoid longlines, do your banking earlyon which morning?~Wednesday*~wed~Monday*~mon~Friday*~friA "Restaurants &Institutions" magazine pollshows which alcoholicundergo, how many arereally necessary?~3*~three~4*~four~2*~twoIn the world of children'sliterature, Bambi is a fawnand Babar is an elephant.What kind of animal isFerdinand?A ~bullA ~muleA ~horseWhat kind of weather can weexpect if the bard*~velocityWhat is our smallest state?~Rhode Island*~ri~Maine*~me~Vermont*~vtAccording to a recent GallupPoll, which kind of fruit pieis America'sfavorite dessert?~Apple~Cherry~LemonGovernment studies show thatof every 5 x-rays Americansee ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfWhich highly valued mineral,composed of pure carbon, isactually the hardestsubstance on earth?~Diamond~Iron~SteelWhat does a light-yearmeasure?~Distance*~miles~Time~Spee what"...is such sweet sorrow"?~Parting~Love~AlimonyWhich country gifted theUnited States with theStatue of Liberty?~France~Spain~ItalyWhat fraction of "Glamour"magazine's readers say it'sokay to spank a childoccasionally?~3/4*~75%*~thrpacksSoak it in salt ~waterUse a ~heating pad*~heatWhich is the most common wayAmericans heat their homes?~Gas~ElectricityFuel ~OilWhich kind of cloth is madefrom flax plants?~Linen~Cotton~SilkAccording to the famousShakespearean saying,ine*~me~Connecticut*~ct*~connApproximately what fractionof all men's underwear ispurchased by women?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarterWhat's the best thing to dofor a sprained ankle?Apply ~ice Alcohol~YeastElizabeth Taylor starred in"Butterfield 8" with her 4thhusband. Who was he?Eddie ~FisherRichard ~BurtonMichael ~WildingIn which New England statewere the infamous Salem WitchTrials of the 1690's held?~Massachusetts*~ma*~mass~Mak to their petsas if they were people?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoThe condition known as"hypertension" is morecommonly called what?High blood ~pressure~Diabetes~UlcersWhen a wine is called "dry,"it's because it lacks whichingredient?~Sugar~wing gum and mints.What color is chlorophyll?~Green~White~BlueAccording to the famous"Pritikin" diet books, whichfattening treat does theaverage person find hardestto resist?~Ice ~Cream~Candy~CakeHow many pet owners out of 5admit they talettle disputes in America,the biggest non-militaryduelists were from whichprofession?~Lawyers*~attorneys~Doctors*~drs~BankersWhat does a gosling growup to be?A ~gooseA ~mooseA ~mouseChlorophyll is used inbreath-freshening items suchas cheutes to enjoy theircocktails before youserve dinner?~30*~thirty~45*~forty ~five~15*~fifteenAccording to a Roper Poll,which possession doAmericans most enjoy owning?~Televisions*~tv~Cars*~automobiles~Stereos*~recordWhen dueling was used tos could "take a lickin'and keep on tickin'"?~Timex~Toyota~WestinghouseAccording to legend, MarieAntoinette literally lost herhead when she said,"Let them eat..." what?~Cake~Bread~Gruel"Cosmopolitan" says to allowguests at least how manyminhtheir husbands?~2*~two~3*~three~1*~oneIn Roman numerals, "V" is 5,"X" is 10. Which letterrepresents 1,000?~M~C~DChristie Brinkley marriedwhich famous rock star?Billy ~JoelBruce ~SpringsteenBoy ~GeorgeWhich company claimed itsproductanRonald Reagan?Franklin ~RooseveltRichard ~NixonLyndon ~JohnsonWhich classic TV seriesfeatured a character who wasborn on the planet Vulcan?~Star ~TrekThe ~Invaders~Lost in ~SpaceWhat hit movie creature had asecret weakness for Reese'sPieves'tale, what color apples aremost likely to give you astomach ache?~Green~Red~YellowWhat kind of animal is man'sadversary in a"corrida de toros"?~Bull~Rooster~LionWho is the only 20th centuryPresident to claim a largerelectoral vote thportrayed Barbra Streisand'shusband in "Funny Girl"and "Funny Lady"?Omar ~SharifMichael ~CaineYves ~MontandOf every 3 men questionedabout women, how many saidthey believe in love atfirst sight?~2*~two~1*~one~3*~threeAccording to the old wilie in the White House?Richard ~NixonLyndon ~JohnsonGerald ~FordWhat was the name of theFlintstones' daughter?~Pebbles~Bam Bam~RoxyWhich "stubborn" animal isthe mascot of the U.S. Army?~Mule~Beaver~GroundhogWhich romantic foreign actore"Squeaky" Fromme both try toassassinate?Gerald ~FordLyndon ~JohnsonJimmy ~CarterWhich major American city'sdowntown section is called"The Loop"?~Chicago*~chi~Philadelphia*~phila~BostonWhich American Presidentraised daughters Tricia andJuwdered sugar~Granulated sugar~Brown sugarAccording to a "Glamour"magazine survey, how manyworking women out of 5 feeldiscriminated against when itcomes to salary?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoWhich American President didSara Jane Moore and Lynnettich year did man firststep on the moon?~1969*~69~1970*~70~1968*~68Complete this classicadvertising slogan:"With a name like..." what..."it has to be good."~Smucker's~Hershey~GoodyearWhat's the more common namefor confectioner's sugar?~Poyourdaily intake of caloriesto what?~3,000*~three ~thousand~2,000*~two ~thousand~5,000*~five ~thousandAccording to Dick Clark,which singer has left thelargest imprint on theworld of pop music?Elvis ~PresleyJohn ~LennonMichael ~JacksonIn whngHardware is used in all kindsof things, but with whichitem would you need software?~Computer*~micro*~microcomputerMicrowave ~Oven~Video CassetteAccording to the NationalCancer Institute, you canreduce your risks of cancerby 50% if you limit eezersor dishwashers...according to the government,which of these items has thelongest life span?~Freezers~Dishwashers~Televisions*~tvsEven if you always have dryskin, in which season of theyear is it probablythe driest?~Winter~Summer~SpriChocolateHow many degrees arein a circle?~360*~three ~sixty~180*~one ~eighty~90*~nintyAccording to the Emily PostInstitute, what's the maximumnumber of courses that shouldbe served at a dinner party?~5*~five~3*~three~6*~sixTelevisions, frstandards?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~24%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWhich beverage became popularin the Arab world because oftheir restrictions on wine,but was denounced by the 16thcentury Catholic Church?~Coffee~Tea~" ofclassical music.Who is the third?~Bach~Bernstein~Berlioz"Reach out and touch someone"is a slogan of which company?~AT&T~Memorex~SonyWhat fraction of ouryoungsters between the ages of6 and 17 are unable to meetaverage physical fitnesst's thebest quality of olive oil?~Extra virgin~Pure virgin~Fine virginAccording to "Life" magazine,what kind of scrubby wood hasbecome the gourmetbarbecuer's favorite fuel?~Mesquite~Mahogany~OakBrahms and Beethoven are twoof the three "B's. ~SinaiMt. ~CarmelMt. ~JustinAccording to a "Glamour"magazine survey, how manywomen out of 5 believemothers should remain athome when they have pre-school-age children"~3*~three~4*~four~2*~twoPure virgin, extra virgin, orfine virgin... wha whatfraction of American womennow in their 20's will remainchildless by choice?~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersAccording to the Bible, onwhich mountain did Mosesreceive the 10 Commandments?Mt50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWhich relatively unpopularcreature is found in thesymbol of ourmedical profession?~Snake~Bat~SpiderAccording to the old cliche,when you divulge a secret,what are yoycle*~cycle*~bike~Airplane*~plane*~jet~SkiWhich man's first name isgiven to the person who likesto peek in at his neighbors?~Tom~Dick~HarryAccording to "Harper's"magazine, what fraction ofwomen say they believe inlove at first sight?~1/2*~are youeating if you're havingbagels and lox?~Salmon~Trout~WhitefishWhen men complain about theiraches, which part of theirbodies do they complainabout most?~Head~Back~LegsWhich product is associatedwith the nameHarley-Davidson?~Motorcousnovel by which author?John ~SteinbeckErnest ~HemingwaySidney ~SheldonWhat fraction of wine drunkin the United States isconsumed by women?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWhat type of fish ek~Twice a ~week*~2 ~weekWhich beverage can be rubbedon black lacquered furnitureto give it a nice luster?~Tea~Coffee~BeerLiberace's friends called him"Lee," but what was his realfirst name?~Walter~Warner~George"Of Mice and Men" is a famder a ~ladderUnder ~mistletoeBeside a black ~catIn which year did the WallStreet Stock Market crash?~1929*~29~1928*~28~1930*~30According to the"Complete Book of Hair,"how often should youwash your hair?Every ~day*~daily~Once a ~week*~1 ~weWhich famous clothingdesigner has a man astride apolo pony as his logo?Ralph ~LaurenCalvin ~KleinChristian ~DiorWhich wine is traditionallyserved with fish and fowl?~White~Red~RoseAccording to superstition,where is it bad luck to walk?Unhichformer Secretary of Stateis the most sought-afterspeaker in America?Henry ~KissingerGeorge ~SchultzAlexander ~HaigOf these three mammals... anelephant, a whale, or ahuman, which one has thelongest pregnancy?An ~elephantA ~whaleA ~humancontainsthe most words?~English~Chinese~FrenchIn 1942, two sisters werenominated for best actress.The Oscar winner wasOlivia de Havilland.Who was the loser?Joan ~FontaineVivien ~LeighHedy ~LamarAccording to "WashingtonDossier" magazine, we witha Geiger Counter?~Radioactivity~Earthquakes~Blood pressure*~bpMagnolia trees, Spanish moss,and the city of Biloxi remindus of which southern state?~Mississippi*~ms*~miss~Louisiana*~la~Georgia*~gaWhich of the world'slanguages actually expected to tip when youcheck your coat?~50 cents*~fifty~25 cents*~twenty ~five~75 cents*~seventy ~fiveWhen we think a day isespecially memorable, we giveit a color and say,"It's a..."what "...letter day"?~Red~Yellow~PinkWhat do you measurpularexpressions originatingwhere?In the ~BibleWith ~ShakespeareWith ~DickensWho was Ronald Reagan's firstwife before Nancy became hisFirst Lady?Jane ~WymanJane ~WyattMaureen ~StapletonAccording to "Modern Bride"magazine, how much are younesota*~mn~Washington*~wa~Montana*~mtAccording to a book called"Quality Crossword Puzzles,"what's the only dead languagethat will live forever?~Latin~Sanskrit~Esperanto"Apple of my eye," "Feet ofclay," and "The writing onthe wall" are all popoll, whichcheese did most Americansselect as their favorite?~Cheddar~Swiss~Monterey JackAccording to the old phrase,"You always hurt theone you..." what?~Love~Hate~FeedWhich state has sports teamsnamed "The Vikings" and"The Twins"?~Minbeen called "The Steel City"?~Pittsburgh, Pa.~Detroit, Mi.~Gary, In.Which comedian plays theviolin and tells jokes like,"Take my wife, please!" andis known as the"King of the One-Liners"?Henny ~YoungmanJack ~BennyGeorge ~BurnsIn a national ces candy?~E.T.The ~Road ~Runner~ChewbaccaFor travelers andvacationers, which meal isnot included in a modifiedAmerican plan?~Lunch~Breakfast~DinnerNew York City is"The Big Apple," whileChicago is "The 2nd City."Which metropolis has long*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersJohnny Carson plays drums andWoody Allen, the clarinet.What musical instrument doesDudley Moore play?~Piano~Banjo~FluteWhich famous sports shoecompany takes its name fromthe Greek Goddess of Victory?~Nike~Ad theHoward Johnsons restaurantsis one of their trademarks.What is that color?~Orange~Yellow~PinkWhat fraction of "Seventeen"magazine readers watch atleast three daytime soapoperas regularly?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75% 3 mostpopulated cities. Which isthe 4th largest?~Houston~Philadelphia~DallasAccording to the slangexpression, what do you haveon if you're wearing your"birthday suit"?~Nothing~Dress-up clothesA ~jacket, shirt and trousersThe roof color ofesWhich fictional boy found thelamp containing a genie?~Aladdin~Ali Baba~UlyssesThe male version of this iscalled a "warlock." What isthe better known femaleversion called?~Witch~Warmonger~FishwifeNew York, Chicago andLos Angeles are our0*~three ~thousand~$1,000*~one ~thousandWhich cartoon character isalways being pursued byWile E. Coyote?The ~Road ~Runner~Bugs Bunny~Porky PigWhich illness comes invarieties like "Type A,""Spanish," "Hong Kong"and "Asian"?~Flu~Colds~Measlsetts*~ma*~mass~Connecticut*~ct*~conn~Illinois*~il*~illAccording to the old cliche,"You add..." what"to injury"?~Insult~Pain~ApologiesApproximately how much doesthe average American spend oneach year's vacation?~$2,000*~two ~thousand~$3,00ile~Horse~FoxAt a wedding, who is properlythe first person to receiveguests in the receiving line?The bride's ~motherThe ~brideThe ~groomWhich state has the mostdoctors per capita and isknown for its cod, its beansand its Red Sox?~Massachu regularly?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoWhat's the name of the soft,fluffy sweater fiber thatsheds, just like the cat thatshares its name?~Angora~Siamese~PersianWhich animal do you find onthe shirts and sweaters madeby Izod?~Alligator*~crocodwith originating the practiceof acupuncture?~China~Japan~MongoliaWhich American city has thegreatest concentration ofluxury hotels?~Miami~Honolulu~HoustonOut of every 5 Americansquestioned, how many told the"Reader's Digest" that theypraych type of exercise domore women prefer?~Walking*~walk~Swimming*~swim~Bicycling*~bicycle*~cycleWhich is the official songplayed for the President ofthe United States?~Hail to the ~Chief~America~Star ~Spangled BannerWhich country is creditedOn which part of a ship wouldyou find the poop deck?~Rear~Front~BelowWhich animal is oftenreferred to as a"Great White"?~Shark~Alligator*~crocodile~BarracudaWhich fruit lends its flavorto a maraschino liqueur?~Cherry~Apricot~PlumWhiddess of Love?~Venus~Mars~UranusBob Hope, America's topcomedian, was born in whichforeign country?~England~Canada~AustraliaWhich TV western series wasonce hosted by formerPresident Ronald Reagan?~Death ~Valley Days~Wagon ~Train~Gunsmoke animal do we getthe soft, warm and veryexpensive fiber calledcashmere?~Goat~Sheep~HorseAccording to "Modern Bride"magazine, which word issymbolized by a bride's whitewedding dress?~Joy~Sex~NewWhich of our 9 planets wasnamed after theGomoneyBeing ~handsome*~attractiveBeing ~strong*~musclesWhich fashion designercompiles a list of theworst-dressed women?Mr. ~BlackwellOleg ~CassiniRalph ~LaurenIn which Texas city will youfind the Alamo?San ~Antonio~Dallas~AustinFrom which~BankIce ~rinkHow many of our 50 stateshave names that begin withthe word "New"?~4*~four~5*~five~3*~threeAccording to a recent RoperPoll, traveling abroad isthe favorite daydream ofwomen. But what is a man'sfavorite daydream?Being ~rich*~u "lettingout of the bag"?~Cat~Rat~LadyWhich female gymnast scoredthe first perfect 10 inOlympic history?Nadia ~ComaneciKathy ~RigbyOlga ~CorbettWhat might you be referringto if you use the synonyms"clink," "cooler,"and "hoosegow"?~Jail~seventy ~five~$50,000*~fifty~$25,000*~twentyWhich state is considered themaple syrup capital of theUnited States?~Vermont*~vt~Maine*~me~New Hampshire*~nhWhat soft drink was hawkedin a TV jingle that began,"I'd like to teach theworld to sing ~GleasonJack ~BennyCharlie ~ChaplinIn what professional sportwill you find a whip, ajammer and a blocker?Roller ~Derby~Hockey~SoccerTo the nearest $25,000, whatis the average annual salaryof a member of theUnited States Congress?~$75,000*co" wasborn in what country?~Greece~Italy~SpainOut of every 5 women in arecent "Self" magazinesurvey, how many said beingin love is the most rewardingthing in life?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoWhat funnyman was known as"The Great One"?Jackieer called?~Designated hitter~Pinch hitter~Substitute hitterA list of best sellers onceincluded the book, "The Lifeand Hard Times of HeidiAbromowitz." What famouscomedienne wrote it?Joan ~RiversPhyllis ~DillerErma ~BombeckThe painter "El Gre z                                                               on the..." what?~Ball~Bat~ClockAccording to "USA Today,"how many American adults outof 5 are single?~2*~two~1*~one~3*~threeIn 1973, baseball's AmericanLeague authorized its teamsto use a 10th player to batfor the pitcher. What is thisplayin theentire world?~Canada~AustraliaUnited ~States*~usa*~usWho was Bob Hope's singingmale co-star in the famous"Road" films?Bing ~CrosbyGeorge ~BurnsJack ~BennyEvery kid who has ever playedsports has had his coachscreaming, "Keep your eyemselvesDemocrats, Republicans,or Independents?~Democrats~Republicans~IndependentsWhich movie star was sued byMichelle Triola in thefamous "palimony" case?Lee ~MarvinMarlon ~BrandoGeorge C. ~ScottWhat country has the mostmiles of coastline mof Robin Hood and hisMerry Men?~Sherwood ForestThe ~Black Forest~Bushveld ForestOut of every 5 "Glamour"magazine readers, how manyhave been divorced?~2*~two~1*~one~3*~threeDid more voters tell pollsterLouis Harris that theyconsidered thendHarold Washington was electedthe first black mayor ofwhich large American city?~Chicago~Cleveland~HoustonThere was once a song called"A Bushel and a Peck."How many pecks arein a bushel?~4*~four~5*~five~3*~threeWhich forest was the realrinkley shot intoprominence when he was teamedwith which other newsjournalist in 1956?Chet ~HuntleyWalter ~CronkiteJohn ~ChancellorBarry, Robin and MauriceGibb, otherwise known as theBee Gees, grew up inwhich country?~Australia~France~EnglaWrestling~Football~Roller ~DerbyAccording to"California Living," manyAmerican women lack calciumand which other mineral?~Iron~Zinc~CopperIn the cartoons, what is thename of Yogi Bear's littlebear sidekick?~Boo Boo~Bam Bam~SmokeyDavid B three beverages, coffee,tea or hot cocoa... which hasthe most caffeine?~Coffee~TeaHot ~cocoaWhere does castor oilcome from?A ~plantA ~fishA ~birdWhich sport can boastchampions like Andre theGiant, the Swedish Angeland Gorgeous George?~?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters"Gorky Park" was a smash bestselling book, then a hitmovie. In which capital citywill you find Gorky Park?~Moscow~London~BerlinTaking the same amounts oftheis, which endearingword means "zero"?~Love~Match~KissPerfume should be sprayed onpulse points, such as thethroat, wrists and which partof the face?~Temples~Chin~CheeksWhat fraction of Americanhigh school students studiesa foreign languageidas~ConverseWhich popular liquor is mostclosely associated with theisland of Jamaica?~Rum~Gin~WhiskeyIf I ask to look at your"John Hancock," what do Iwant to see?Your ~signature*~autographYour rocking ~chairYour ~insurance policyIn tenn"Number 10 Downing Street"?~London~Glasgow~MunichTo the nearest 5 miles, howmany miles per gallon doesthe average American getfrom his car?~15*~fifteen~20*~twenty~10*~tenSan Francisco's Golden GateBridge opened in which year?~1937*~37~19ins freely admits she hasone bad feature. What is it?Her ~hairHer ~mouthHer ~legsWhat famous movie comedianwas known as"The Little Tramp"?Charlie ~ChaplinBuster ~KeatonStan ~LaurelIn what foreign city is thefamous residence knownsimply ase hood of whichworld-famous auto?~Rolls Royce~Jaguar~FerrariAccording to the title songfrom a famed musical ofyesteryear, "The corn is ashigh as an elephant's eye"in what state?~Oklahoma*~ok~Iowa*~ia~Kansas*~ksSexy, sophisticated JoanCollopular"oldie but goodie" on radio.What group gave us"Hey Jude"?The ~BeatlesThe ~Beach BoysThe ~Rolling StonesParmesan, Swiss, or CheddarCheese...which has thehighest salt content?~Parmesan~Swiss~CheddarThe "Flying Lady" ornamentsits on thhich one is thefarthest west?~Washington*~wa*~wash~Oregon*~or~California*~ca*~calWhat fraction of time doesthe average Americanspend indoors?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~half"Hey Jude" is a president because hiswife won't move into asmaller house?Bob ~HopeGeorge ~BurnsJohnny ~CarsonShakespeare's Juliet remindedus that this flower by anyother name would smell assweet. What flower?~Rose~Orchid~IrisOf America's first 48 states,wtwice?Richard ~BurtonEddie ~FisherJohn ~WarnerOf every 10 women surveyed bythe "Ladies Home Journal,"how many admitted they likehaving doors opened for them?~9*~nine~8*~eight~7*~sevenWhat wealthy octogenariancomedian says he can't runfor plewho appeared in "TheWizard of Oz"?~Munchkins~Zippers~MuffinsWhich well-known cartooncharacter is famous foruttering the immortal words,"Sufferin' succotash"?~Daffy Duck~Goofy~SylvesterWhich of Elizabeth Taylor's 6husbands did she marry ootWhat fraction of respondentsin the respected Epcot Pollsaid smoking should be bannedin all public places?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfBy what collective name do weknow the 128 little peopt is it?~Peanuts~Dennis the ~Menace~GarfieldBen, Adam, Hoss, and LittleJoe belonged to which long-running TV family?~Cartwright~Masterson~EwingAs the old saying goes, whatpart of your body should youkeep "to the grindstone"?~Nose~Head~F whale?~Jonah~Lot~JobIn England, you know it'sspring when you see the firstcuckoo. But in America, whichbird is it?~Robin~Sparrow~HummingbirdOver 35 years ago, CharlesSchultz created a comic stripthat's been entertaining usever since. Whaem for more than howmany months?~3 months*~three~6 months*~six~12 months*~yearDo the Swedes, Americans, orthe Japanese enjoy thelongest life expectancy?~Japanese~Swedes~AmericansThe Bible tells us Daniel wasin the lions' den. Who was inthe was Elvis Presley'sonly wife?~Priscilla~Ginger~LindaWhich law-making body isitself exempt from all equalpay, fair labor and civilrights acts?~Congress~Supreme Court~CabinetIf you have a freezer full offrozen dinners, you shouldn'tkeep thne~3 billion*~threeWhat canal connects theAtlantic and Pacific oceans?~Panama~Suez~ErieAccording to a newspaperpoll, are we at our best inthe morning, afternoon,or evening?~Morning~Afternoon~EveningHer book was called"Elvis and Me."WhoJudyGarland, or Natalie Wood...which one used her real nameon the screen?Rosalind ~RussellJudy ~GarlandNatalie ~WoodOne billion, 2 billion, or3 billion dollars... how muchdoes our Federal Governmentspend each day?~2 billion*~two~1 billion*~o"?~Coca ~Cola*~coke~PepsiDr. ~PepperWhen serving cheese as anhors d'oeuvre or dessert,what fraction of a poundshould you figure per person?~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarters~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersRosalind Russell, oryof Evolution?~Darwin~Newton~SchweitzerIf you're paying too much forwhatever you're buying,you're said to be"paying through the..."what?~Nose~Wallet~PocketbookAccording to tradition, whatdoes rain on her wedding daybring to a bride?~at greenvegetable is actually itsunopened bud?~Artichoke~Lettuce~BroccoliAbout 1500 "Marielitos"headed home after 4 years inAmerica. What foreign nationis their home?~Cuba~Mexico~NicaraguaWhich scientist is creditedwith developing the Thempany used the slogan,"Only her hairdresser knowsfor sure"?~Clairol~Revlon~PrellRonald Reagan announced thissport on the radio and GeorgeBush played it on his collegeteam. What's the sport?~Baseball~Basketball~FootballThe edible part of whdTheodore ~RooseveltJohn ~AdamsTo invoke her magical powers,Samantha in TV's "Bewitched"twitched what part ofher face?~Nose~Lips~EarsIf a boy looks and acts likehis father, he's called"A chip off the old..." what?~Block~Man~SlabWhat codka~Wine~BeerWhat fraction of automobileaccidents occur at speeds of40 mph or less?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfWho was the only Presidentelected to non-consecutiveterms?Grover ~ClevelaneJean ~HarlowJoan ~CrawfordIf the recipe calls for 2large eggs and you have onlysmall-size eggs, how manyshould you use in the recipe?~3*~three~4*~four~5*~fiveWhat alcoholic beverage didthe Pope ask the Polishpeople to give up for Lent?~VoPacific Ocean?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWhat seasoning is known bycooks as the "master spice"?~Pepper~Salt~GarlicWhat movie star was born withthe name Norma Jean Baker?Marilyn ~Monrortion, it's often called"A tempest in a..." what?~Teapot~Storm~Sugar ~BowlMore, less, or the sameamount... as we get older,how much sleep do we needcompared to our younger days?~Less~More~SameWhat fraction of all theearth's water is in they the year 2,000,which of these cities will bethe most populous?~Mexico ~City~New York*~ny~CalcuttaAccording to the Bible, howmany days did it take God tomake the world as we know it?~6*~six~1*~one~7*~sevenIf something is blown out ofpropo..." what?~Gander~Turkey~RoosterRounded off to the nearest$10,000, what is the currentannual pension of anAmerican President?~$70,000*~seventy ~thousand~$80,000*~eighty ~thousand~$90,000*~ninty ~thousandMexico City, New York, orCalcutta...bestaurantAssociation, Italian food isAmerica's favorite ethnicfood. What's #2?~Chinese~Mexican~FrenchOf the four Gospel writers,Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,which was a physician?~Luke~Matthew~MarkWhat's "good for the goose isgood for theares of stock?~Blue~Green~RedAccording to the book"Game Shows," how old mustyou be to be a contestant ona network adult game show?~18 or over*~eighteen~21 or over*~twenty ~one~16 or over*~sixteenAccording to a recent surveyby the National R win for?The best ~backThe best ~hairThe best ~legsIn the children's nurseryrhyme, Old King Cole calledfor a pipe, a bowl and howmany fiddlers?~3*~three~4*~four~2*~twoWhat color are your chipssaid to be if they'reconsidered high qualityshgiant pandas have visitedU.S. zoos on loan from theirnative country.What country is it?~China~Russia~Japan"Glamour" magazine readersvoted Meryl Streep as theactress with the best skin,and Brooke Shields, the besteyebrows. What did RaquelWelchdyou refrigerate it?~1 hour~2 hours~3 hoursWhat fraction of "Glamour"magazine readers thinkthey've either lost a jobor been hired becauseof their looks?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersThe 07*~07~1947*~47Harvard is in Massachusettsand Yale is in Connecticut.In which state is theIvy League's Dartmouth?New ~Hampshire*~nhNew ~Jersey*~njNew ~York*~nySince overchilling can maskthe flavor of champagne, howlong before serving it shoul~FeetIn the days when gentlemenwore fancy wigs, if youtricked someone, you werepulling the what"over their eyes"?~Wool~Hair~CurlsAccording to the oft-quotedline, what is"only skin deep"?~Beauty~Flaws~LovePostmark, date of receipt ordathis Aunt Polly?Tom ~SawyerHuck ~FinnRed ~RyderAccording to theiradvertising campaign, whichdried fruit is known as"nature's candy"?~Raisins~Dates~PrunesHead, back, or feet... onwhich part of the body isyour skin the thickest?~Back~Headn he was singing with agroup called"The Hoboken Four"?Frank ~SinatraBing ~CrosbyAndy ~WilliamsHow many years does theaverage divorced Americanwait between divorceand remarriage?~2*~two~1*~one~4*~fourWhat famous child of fictionlived with se in French by saying,"pommes frites." What willyou be ordering?French ~FriesOnion ~Rings~Fish and ~ChipsWhat type of women'sswimsuit did French designerJacques Heim introducein 1946?~Bikini~Sequin~ToplessWhat superstar was discoveredwhearry the same man allover again?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfWhat common species of birdcan fly backward?~Hummingbird~Parakeet~HawkIf you want to impress yourcompanion at lunch, orderthe pound. What is theJapanese unit ofmoney called?~Yen~Sou~SushiHere's some comic striptrivia. What color hair doesLittle Orphan Annie have?~Red*~orange~Yellow~BlackAccording to"Good Housekeeping," whatfraction of married women saythey'd minces~Cities~StatesA few of this zany comedian'scharacters include MaynardTeslinger, Elwood P. Sugginsand Maude Frickett.Who is he?Jonathan ~WintersRobin ~WilliamsGeorge ~CarlinThe American unit of money isthe dollar; the British unitis there" dress have?~High~Low~NormalOut of every 3 readerssurveyed by "GoodHousekeeping" magazine, howmany had microwave ovens?~2*~two~1*~one~3*~threeNew Brunswick, Newfoundland,Saskatchewan and Nova Scotiaare all names ofCanadian what?~Proviarexpression, what does onemake "while the sun shines"?~Hay~Oats~HoneyThe late John Belushi was oneof the two "Blues Brothers."Who was the other?Dan ~AykroydBill ~MurraySteve ~MartinHigh, low, normal... whattype of waistline does an"empi actor made a big splashboth singin' and dancin'in the rain?Gene ~KellyJames ~CagneyFred ~AstaireWhat is the only properpatriotic way to dispose ofan unusable American flag?~Burn it~Bury it~Send it to ~Washington, D.C.According to the familare these legendarychorus girls?~RockettesJune ~Taylor ~DancersBob ~Fosse ~DancersIf a man has a little stubbleon his face because he needsa shave, he is said to have a"5 o'clock..." what?~Shadow~Whisker~BeardIn "Singin' in the Rain,"whichhili*~chile~Steak~Tamale pieMedically speaking, our 4vital signs are temperature,pulse rate, respiration rate,and what other?Blood ~pressureBlood ~count~ReflexesThey've been dancing on thestage of Radio City MusicHall for over 50 years. Whoud in your..."what?~Eye~Hair~SoupOn which television game showdo you always hear the words,"C'mon down"?The ~Price Is ~RightLet's ~Make a ~Deal~Truth or ~ConsequencesWhat dish is regarded as theofficial food of the greatstate of Texas?~Cgazine,Orwell was all wet! It was apretty good year. What yearare we talking about?~1984*~84~1980*~80~1981*~81According to Julia Child,what kind of oil is bestfor deep-frying?~Peanut~Olive~CornAccording to thistraditional toast,"Here's mhastity?~CherBarbra ~StreisandOlivia ~Newton ~JohnWhat fraction of peoplesurveyed listed as their bestfriend someone of theopposite sex?~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersAccording to "Life" maGood ~luck~Bad ~luckMany ~childrenDuring the early years of"Hollywood Squares," whatlate comedian was the longtime occupant of thecenter square?Paul ~LyndeGeorge ~GobelCharlie ~WeaverWhat actress-singer'soffspring are named ElijahBlue and Cportedly called for $25,000for every hour he performs inwhat sport?~Football~Basketball~BaseballWhat American President said,"Ask not what your countrycan do for you; ask what youcan do for your country"?John ~Kennedy*~jfkFranklin ~Roosevelt*awnAccording to "The Ladies HomeJournal," approximately whatfraction of women say theyare pleased when men whistleat them on the street?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfDoug Flutie's contractre women, how manynever touch the water?~7*~seven~4*~four~2*~twoWhat is usually attached tothe end of a fob?~Watch~Belt~Telephone*~phoneAccording to the old saying,what is it that"an early bird"is supposed to catch?The ~wormA ~coldThe ~deaded by that #1 G-Man,J. Edgar Hoover?~FBI~CIA~National ~Security Agency*~nsaAunt Jemima is famous forpancakes. What is Uncle Benfamous for?~Rice~Popcorn~Hot ~Dogs*~franksAccording to "Newsweek," outof every 10 swimsuits boughtby Americanby women?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoA leading feminist, she wasonce a Playboy Bunny wholater told her story in theTV movie, "A Bunny's Tale."Who is she?Gloria ~SteinemJane ~FondaCandice ~BergenUnder 9 presidents, whatgovernmental agency wash~Florida*~fl~Arizona*~az*~ariz~California*~ca*~calIn the Walt Disney film"Pinocchio," which charactersings "When You Wish Upona Star"?Jiminy ~Cricket~Pinocchio~GeppettoOf every 5 salads served inour restaurants these days,how many are eaten onday*~monIn the world of crime, a"paperhanger"passes bad what?~Checks~Currency~ArtWhat is the present name ofthe country ruled by the Kingin "The King and I"?~Thailand~Cambodia~Sri ~LankaWhat is America's mostpopular retirement state?prestigiousbicycle endurance race iscalled by what name?~Tour de ~France~Indianapolis ~500~Boston ~MarathonAccording to the AmericanCouncil of Life Insurance,on which day of the week isit best to avoid your boss?~Friday*~fri~Wednesday*~wed~M1*~one~2*~two~3*~threeAccording to Dept. of Justicestatistics, what fraction ofprisoners sentenced to lifein prison are out afteronly 4 years?~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarterThe world's most huge,macho women. What is it?~Amazon~Volga~NileWhich magazine is famous forits covers which were paintedby Norman Rockwell?~Saturday Evening ~Post~Ladies Home ~Journal~Architectural ~DigestHow many Americans out of 3suffer from insomnia?~~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarterThe palm branch is a symbolof victory, but what tree'sbranch has been associatedwith peace?~Olive~Cherry~RoseIt's the name of a river anda legendary tribe of .. amarried woman, a single womanor an engaged woman?~Engaged~Married~SingleWhich summer month is themost popular month of theyear for vacations?~August*~aug~June~JulyWhat fraction of automobileaccidents occur at speeds of40 mph or less?*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters"Look, Ma, no cavities!" wasin the ad of which fluoridetoothpaste?~Crest~Colgate~AquafreshAccording to "Glamour"magazine, who is most likelyto splurge on lingerie.ecredo of the garage sale:"One man's trash is anotherman's..." what?~Treasure~Job~GarbageThe owl, eagle or parrot...which one is the world'ssmartest bird?~Owl~Eagle~ParrotWhat fraction of womenexecutives say they prefer amale boss?~1/4th*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersThey weren't married, butthis famous couple appearedin 9 films together. She'sKatharine Hepburn.Who was he?Spencer ~TracyWilliam ~HoldenTyrone ~PowerThis antique saying is the of check... whichdetermines whether creditorsconsider your payment on timeor late?~Date of ~receipt~Postmark~Date of ~checkAccording to the NationalCommission on Working Women,what fraction of workingwomen have never married?~1/4*~25%*~fourmericans?~Money~Television*~tv~HealthIn the entertainmentbusiness, the initials"S.R.O." mean"Standing Room..." what?~Only~Orchestra~OutsideAccording to the old phrase,"It only hurts when I..."what?~Laugh~Cry~MoveHousing, medical caremmandments onMt. Sinai?~Moses~Joshua~SolomonAccording to the old phrase,a person may be how late and"a dollar short"?A ~dayAn ~hourA ~yearMoney, television orhealth... according to astudy in "Parade" magazine,what is the #1 obsessionof Aarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfAccording to "The Well ChildBook," how many inches willthe average child grow duringhis first year of life?~10 inches*~ten~15 inches*~fifteen~20 inches*~twentyIn the Bible, who receivedthe Ten CoPrevention"magazine, if you are tryingto lose weight, which mealshould you definitelynot skip?~Breakfast~Lunch~DinnerAs it turns out, most famouschefs are men. But whatfraction of cookbook buyersare women?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quhatFair held?St. ~LouisSan ~Francisco*~frisco~Chicago*~chiAccording to the idiom,"All work and no play"makes who "a dull boy"?~Jack~Dick~BillAccording to this traditionaltoast, "Here's mud in your..."what?~Eye~Hair~SoupAccording to "cket~TennisWhat was Shakespearereferring to when he wrote,"It provokes the desires buttakes away fromthe performance"?~Liquor~Smoking~FoodIced tea was created to coolthe sweltering patrons of the1904 World's Fair. In whatAmerican city was te average workingwoman spend on her clotheseach year?~$500*~five ~hundred~$1,000*~one ~thousand~$300*~three ~hundredYou're in Britain on a lovelyafternoon, sitting in yourprivate box at Ascot. Whatsporting event will you see?~Horse Racing~Criovember*~novWhat familiar first name hasbeen traditionally given tomen who like to hang aroundstage doors?~Johnny~Mickey~OllieIn the oh-so-familiar saying,"Revenge is..." what?~Sweet~Expensive~Petty$300, $500 or $1,000... howmuch does thn versus anAmerican to earn the money tobuy a pound of butter?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoEven though the Chinese NewYear and Groundhog Day occurduring this month, it's stillconsidered the mostdepressing. Which month?~February*~feb~April*~apr~Nwhich alcoholicbeverage did they ordermost often?~Wine~Scotch~VodkaIf an actor gets a "boggo"review from a critic, whatkind of performancedid he give?~Great~Fair~Terrible2 times, 3 times, or 4times... how much longer doesit take a Russiaive or veryattractive?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarterRonald Reagan has Nancy andAbe Lincoln had Mary. Whodid James Madison have?~Dolley~Abigail~EileenIn a poll of chief executiveofficers, ge~Chanel~JontueOne of the oldestorganizations in our historyis the "D.A.R.," which standsfor "Daughters of theAmerican..." what?~Revolution~Republic~ReorganizationIn a "Glamour" magazine poll,what fraction of women judgedthemselves attract00 cars, allnamed "The General Lee," weredestroyed in the 6 1/2-yearrun of what populartelevision program?The ~Dukes of ~HazzardThe ~Fall ~Guy~Hill ~Street BluesAccording to the slogan, youcan "promise her anything,but give her..." what?~Arpesenger railservice was taken over by thegovernment in 1970 andrenamed what?~Amtrak~Conrail~FedrailIf your child is 3 years ofage or older, how oftenshould you have hiseyes examined?~Once a ~year~Twice a ~yearEvery ~2 ~yearsApproximately 1television commercials?Bill ~CosbyJohn ~HousemanGeorge ~BurnsTo the nearest $500, how muchdoes the average businessmanspend on business clothingduring a year?~$1,000*~one ~thousand~$500*~five ~hundred~$1,500*~fifteen ~hundredThe nation's pas~fdrDwight ~Eisenhower*~ikeIn what classic adventurestory will you find acharacter named "Friday"?Robinson ~Crusoe~Treasure ~IslandThe ~Scarlet ~LetterAccording to the "Wall StreetJournal," who is consideredthe most convincing celebritydoing s*~3If you're making a "faux-pas"in French, you're making awhat in English?~MistakeFrench ~pastryFrench ~gownAccording to a study in"Beauty Digest," how manytimes a month does theaverage woman cry?~5*~five~6*~six~2*~twoWhat famous comedi?~Linen~Wool~SilkHe's mainstay of the"Tonight Show" and also hosts"Star Search."What's his name?Ed ~McMahonDoc ~SeverinsenTommy ~NewsomeHow many times a year doesthe average woman visit thedentist?~Twice*~2*~two~Once*~1*~one~Three timeiom, "All roads leadto..." where?~RomeThe ~End~HeavenIn some countries,St. George's Day iscelebrated on April 23rd.What animal is St. Georgenoted for slaying?~Dragon~Lion~ElephantWool, silk, linen... which isthe oldest fabric knownto man motherreturn to work?~3*~three~2*~two~1*~oneWhat professional sport isdepicted in Robert Redford'smovie, "The Natural"?~Baseball~FootballIce ~HockeyIf you want to say the samegoal may be reached by manydifferent ways, you might usethe id alady to do at arestaurant table?Brush her ~hairPowder her ~nosePut on ~lipstickOn what part of her bodywould a woman wear a toque,a coronet or a tiara?~Head~Fingers~FeetOn the average, within howmany months after having ababy does a newe"?~WastebasketManicuring ~tool~Marching ~band formationAccording to the oldchildhood saying, what partof the body will break"if you step on a crack"?~Back~Foot~ToePowder her nose, brush herhair, put on lipstick...which is never proper forose weight this year?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~37%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWhat country would you be inif you were exchanging aruble for 100 kopeks?~Russia~China~JapanIn the world of slang, whatis a "circular filebbie~JaneWhat's the only Americanstate that produces coffee?~Hawaii*~hi~Alaska*~al~California*~caIn the famous quotation,"All is fair in love and..."what?~War~MarriageLas ~VegasIn a "USA Today" poll, whatfraction of people resolvedto lths*~three ~quartersOut of every 5 necktiesbought in the United States,how many are bought by women?~3*~three~4*~four~2*~twoAccording to the NamesSociety, this famous childstar of the 1930's led to ageneration of girlsnamed what?~Shirley~D of StateHenry Kissenger speaks withan accent. In what countrywas he born?~Germany~France~AustriaOn the average, what fractionof total family earnings doworking wives contribute?~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*~75%*~three ~four~Yellowstone~Yosemite~GlacierWhat bird is embossed on allU. S. passports?~Eagle~Turkey~CondorAccording to "Family Circle"magazine, a well-dressedman's basic wardrobe shouldinclude how many suits?~3*~three~2*~two~1*~oneFormer SecretaryippledHe was ~blindIn Ancient Greece, athleteswere awarded this vegetableinstead of a gold medal. Nowdieters munch on it. Whatvegetable is it?~Celery~Carrots~BroccoliIn which of our NationalParks is the favorite geyser,Old Faithful, located?classicdo you find a character namedAshley Wilkes?~Gone with the ~Wind~Casablanca~Star ~WarsWhen he conducted the firstperformance of his famedNinth Symphony, Beethoven wassuffering from a physicalhandicap. What was it?He was ~deafHe was ~crus for years formaking whatmusical instrument?~Guitar~Piano~HarmonicaThe Air Force teaches itsfliers that man can go 30days without food. How manydays do they say we can gowithout water?~7*~seven~10*~ten~14*~fourteenIn what American film edthe nicknames "Mr. Warmth"and "The Merchant of Venom"?Don ~RicklesJohnny ~CarsonRodney ~DangerfieldOut of every 5 of today'sfirst-time brides, how manyare over 25 years of age?~1*~one~2*~two~3*~threeThe famous Fender Company hasbeen famo ortransportation... whichfamily expense is increasingat the greatest rate?~Medical care~Housing~TransportationBy what unit of measurementis firewood generally sold?~Cord~Pound*~lb~TruckloadWhat is the name of thatnasty comedian who's earnn came toearth in "Starman."What's his name?~Jeff ~Bridges~Beau ~BridgesTimothy ~BottomsAs of 1988, how many men havewalked on the moon?~12*~twelve~8*~eight~4*~fourOut of every 5 marriedcouples, how many wouldprefer their first bornto be lfSpiders, being home alone, ortalking in front of class...which is #1 on a list ofchildren's fears?Being home ~alone~Spiders~Talking in front of classHe received Oscar nominationsfor "The Last Picture Show"and "Thunderbolt andLightfoot," theccording to the oldadage, what "...isthicker than water"?~Blood~Milk~JuiceWhat fraction of all womenbetween the ages of 25 and44 are currently in thework force?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~hamen by 3, 5,or 7 years?~7*~seven~5*~five~3*~threeWhich former Mouseketeer isnow the TV spokesperson forSkippy Peanut Butter?~Annette~Cubby~TommyWhich country are you in ifyou are attending the CannesFilm Festival?~France~Italy~SpainApouse?~Looks~Companionship~IntelligenceSaudi Arabia, Canada orMexico... from which of thesecountries does the UnitedStates get most of itsimported oil?~MexicoSaudi ~Arabia~CanadaAccording to census figures,on the average, do womenoutlive Molly" and "Lucille" were allwritten and originallyperformed by whom?Little ~RichardElvis ~Presley*~elvisBuddy ~HollyLooks, companionship orintelligence... according to"Glamour" magazine, which domen say is the leastimportant when choosinga seen called the"Neon Capital of the World."What city is it?Las ~VegasNew ~York*~ny~Atlantic CityAccording to the popularBiblical saying, two whats"are better than one"?~Heads~Birds~MenRock classics such as "LongTall Sally," "Good Golly Missws ~BestThe ~Addams ~Family~Leave It To ~BeaverIf the prescription from yourdoctor says "Hora Somni,"when should you takeyour medication?At ~bedtime~Before ~eating*~before ~meal~After ~eating*~after ~mealBecause this city rarelysleeps, it's bJimBad ~Brady~GregMazola brand cooking oiladvertises that it's"made from maize." So, whatkind of oil is Mazola?~Corn oil~Safflower oil~Peanut oilOn what television show wereBetty, Kathy and Bud Andersonthe names of the children?~Father Knod "Hawaii"paid back his collegescholarship with a 2-milliondollar gift. Who is he?James ~MichenerNorman ~MailerGore ~VidalJames Buchanan Brady, the NewYork financier, was thesubject of several movies.What was his well-knownnickname?~Diamond icans howmany have some kind ofcredit card?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~two3 of the 7 virtues are calledthe "Cardinal Virtues."They are faith, hopeand what?~Charity~Clemency~ChastityThe author of such bestsellers as "The Source,""Centennial," an,the clog, the reel and thefandango are all typesof what?~Dances~Plumbing supplies~HatsAccording to the Bible,the love of what is"the root of all evil"?~Money~Beauty~FleshAccording to a survey by"Money" magazine, out ofevery 5 adult Amertops supervisors' lists ofemployees' mostirritating habits?~Smoking~Gossiping~Gum snappingOut of every 5 newlywed men,how many said their life hasbecome more exciting sincethey got married?~2*~two~3*~three~4*~fourThe cakewalk, the hornpipenbuy Craftsman andKenmore Products?~SearsJ.C. ~Penney~K ~MartIn a "Psychology Today"survey, out of every 5people, how many said ahusband should be olderthan his wife?~2*~two~3*~three~4*~fourSmoking, gossiping orsnapping gum... which onereed of dog is thatlovable comic stripcharacter Snoopy?~Beagle~Dalmatian~AiredaleWhat funny entertainer isknown for using the phrase,"Can we talk"?Joan ~RiversJohnny ~CarsonSteve ~MartinWhich is the only nationalchain store in which you caan soldtickets at Disneyland beforehe became famous as a"wild and crazy guy"?Steve ~MartinGeorge ~CarlinEddie ~MurphyFrom 1948 to 1953, who wasthe slapstick star oftelevision's"Texaco Star Theatre"?Milton ~BerlePinky ~LeeSid ~CaesarWhat bz#     ϠѮ²ɠ,averagehuman body is made of muscle?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersWhat comic book super herodid Billy Batson turn intowhen he said, "Shazam"?Captain ~MarvelThe ~FlashGreen ~LanternOut of er parents?~3*~three~4*~four~5*~fiveCornell, Purdue, Brown...which is not anIvy League school?~Purdue~Cornell~BrownYou may have ordered one ofthese in a restaurant.So, what's the"T" in a "BLT"?~Tomato~Turkey~ToastWhat fraction of the ~thousand~$50,000*~fifty ~thousand~$25,000*~twenty ~five ~thousandWhat kind of animal is thecartoon character namedPepe Le Pew?~SkunkFrench ~Poodle~MouseOut of every 10 of today'steenagers, how many say theyhave a great relationshipwith theian burst upon theadvertising world and asked,"Where's the beef?"for what fast-food chain?~Wendy's~McDonald's~Burger ~KingTo the nearest $25,000, whatis the average annual salaryof a member of the UnitedStates Congress?~$75,000*~seventy ~five issued theEmancipation Proclamation?Abraham ~LincolnAndrew ~JohnsonUlysses S. ~GrantOut of every 5 teenagers in apoll taken by "Co-Ed"magazine, how many consideralcohol to be a drug?~4*~four~5*~five~3*~threeSeveral years ago, an elderlywomuarter~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quartersIf you're in a Frenchrestaurant and you see theword "Poisson" on the menu,what choice are youbeing offered?~Fish~Salad~PastryJames Monroe proclaimed theMonroe Doctrine, but whichU.S. President h?~Tuna~Shark~AnchoviesWhat country covers almosthalf of South America?~Brazil~Argentina~ChileAccording to a recentnational survey of collegefreshmen, what fraction saidthat they canprogram a computer?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~q~three~1*~oneShe was once a platinumblonde named Diane Belmont.Then she dyed her hair redand became television'smadcap redhead. Who was she?Lucille ~BallCarol ~BurnettImogene ~CocaSkipjack, yellowfin andbluefin are all tasty typesof what fisSally ~FieldJane ~FondaWhich General served asPresident of ColumbiaUniversity and Presidentof the United States?Dwight ~EisenhowerRichard ~NixonGerald ~FordOf every 5 members ofAlcoholics Anonymous thesedays, how many arewomen?~2*~two~3*                                     ~dessertAnyone who has ever been orknown a mother should knowthis one. "Feed a cold,starve a..." what?~Fever~Flu~VirusWhat talented actressappeared in all these hitmovies... "Silkwood," "Kramervs. Kramer" and"Sophie's Choice"?Meryl ~Streepoday" survey,out of every 5 people, howmany said a husband should beolder than his wife?~2*~two~3*~three~4*~fourThe last time you visited arestaurant, you may havenoticed "Chateaubriand" onthe menu. What is"Chateaubriand"?A ~steakA ~wineA se 5.5minutes of life every time wehave one of these.What is it?A ~cigaretteA drink of ~booze*~alcoholA cup of ~coffeeAccording to the old saying,"He who travels fastest,travels..." how?~AloneBy ~planeWith ~baggageIn a recent"Psychology Tropean capital wouldyou be in if you arestrolling along that famedtourist hangout, theVia Veneto?~Rome~Venice~ParisWhich mineral do we mostcommonly associate withbuilding strong bonesand teeth?~Calcium~Iron~PotassiumExperts predict we loAlabama*~ala~Arkansas*~arkAccording to the child'srhyme, what was it that JackSpratt could not eat?~Fat~Sugar~MuttonAccording to the FederalReserve Board, how manyAmerican families out of 5own their homes?~3*~three~4*~four~2*~twoWhat Eua male?~4*~four~3*~three~2*~twoExxon, General Motors orSony... which is the largestcompany in the world?~Exxon~General ~Motors*~gm~SonyThis state produces the mostpeanuts, but is known as"The Peach State."Which state is it?~Georgia*~ga~'s favorite thingto collect?~Stamps~Coins~AntiquesWhich toothpaste brandadvertised its product byhaving a jubilant kid screech,"Look, ma, no cavities"?~Crest~Colgate~PepsodentHere's a shocker! whatfraction of Americans havenever set foot e color of thetraditional wooden pencil.~Yellow*~Yel~Blue~GreenOf every 10 women under 45who get divorced, how manyremarry within the first5 years?~7*~Seven~5*~Five~6*~SixHere's one from the"fascinating facts"department. What is theworldy~30 Hours*~Thirty~50 Hours*~FiftyA psychiatrist, psychologist,or psychoanalyst... which oneis required to have amedical degree?A ~psychiatristA ~psychologistA ~psychoanalystIf you haven't been writingwith a ballpoint pen too long,tell us th?~8*~Eight~4*~Four~10*~TenOn what part of the face isthe most popular plasticsurgery performed on menthese days?~Nose~Eyes~ChinAccording to theAdministrative ManagementSociety, how many hours a weekdo most Americans work?~40 Hours*~Fortties...Washington, D.C., New Yorkand which other?~Philadelphia~Boston~BaltimoreOne of the most famous dogsis snoopy of "Peanuts"fame. What breed of dogis Snoopy?~Beagle~Poodle~RetrieverInsects have 6 legs, but howmany legs do spiders haveo a Rand YouthPoll, on what do girls intheir late teens spend mostof their money?~Clothes~Cosmetics~MusicWho was our President duringWorld War I?Woodrow ~WilsonTheodore ~RooseveltCalvin ~CoolidgeOur nation's capital has beenlocated in 3 cithese cabinet departmentswould you find theSecret Service?~Treasury~Defense~InteriorA "U.S. News & World Report"poll reported that of every10 young Americans, how manyexpect to marry andhave children?~9*~nine~8*~eight~7*~sevenAccording t 19...approximately how many milesis the regulation distancefor marathon runners?~26*~twenty ~six~31*~thirty ~one~19*~ninteenOn which continent will youfind Cape Horn?~South America~Africa~AsiaDefense, Interior orTreasury... under which oftissue back in 1964. Now it'swhich magazine's best-sellingsingle issue formen and women?Sports ~Illustrated*~si~Playboy~PeopleAbout 40% of adults take oneor more vitamins regularly.Which vitamin is the mostcommonly taken?~C~B~A31, 26, orSecretary of ~DefenseSecretary of ~LaborWhich sport begins with a"face-off"?~Hockey~Basketball~FootballWhat foreign nation did GreatBritain defeat in the 1982war over theFalkland Islands?~Argentina~Brazil~ChileIt began its annual swimsuiina study feel they're too fat?~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourths*~three ~quarters~1/4*~25%*~fourth*~quarter~1/2*~50%*~halfBefore Donald Regan becameformer President RonaldReagan's Chief of Staff, whatcabinet post did he hold?Secretary of the ~Treasurythe same ageas himself?~Younger~Older~Same ageWhat are you probablyinterested in if yousubscribe to"Ring" magazine?~Boxing*~prize ~fighting~Weddings~CollarsAccording to a report fromthe University of Cincinnati,what fraction of the women s ~garterHis ~boutonniere*~flower~RiceA clumsy person is sometimesreferred to as a what"in a China shop"?~Bull~Clown~TerrorA university study showed aman is likely to live longerif he is married to a youngerwoman, an older woman, or awoman very 5 of today'steenagers, how many say theyalready decided what theywant to do as a career?~3*~three~4*~four~2*~twoAt a wedding, it istraditional for the bride tothrow her bouquet. But whatis it traditional for thegroom to throw?The bride' (4)"BRUN MRH_PYLI"    Ba b  lXZ abY[a0b0XZݩ   tww|gg \\NNf.V}__AWW$kk{zzyy]]%ww0tFF&ttlnnKz\\[ttF~.``by(vvgg3``SSMSS[rrpp bbzzznnxhhzpGGezzepp__XXgddilluu9bbTyypp/7SSooqqwwr||y__qqT{{@]ziikrrppFY{{ OOw [[<VVz.XXff.oo&QQVVsllhttHzz_pbNccOvvShhɳ1NNǴnQQqqXhhɷ1rr"ɹffPOO@qqc>{{fii#kkTܣdeexxJ^^¥{{ wwmmAMMu©mmmڪrra\\ӫss/``SSۭC{{ZZ]bm͒hhiPPѓ!ՔssfssٕL˖PPcggee qqoogg__Sff||LccȜ+tt!ss3[[rVV͠7llPZZkk-hh||ŅAiiƆ/}}_ww܈Seeqhh֊>uuދkkStt2YY -wwn}}4mq<<`rrrrsccssxxtqqtrrpurruddTvvzzTwoowmm=xvvxdd yy>vv?@}}@HArrASS?BB^CTTD &DD&&' ((YYH)gg)ww**aa+yy+kk+c,@@ -zzI--BBM..RR)/__{/mm/{{G00^11@@22@3pp3mm@4^^4riikmmVVWxxIOPP ZZYHkkttJGGbbggW x!!"DD4#SSx##\$$z%                                          ill of a wealthy American.Which one?Howard ~HughesJ. Paul ~GettyNelson ~RockefellerWhen the British refer to a"water closet," what room arethey talking about?~Bathroom~Kitchen~Laundry roomIn the zodiac, what sign doesthe archer represent?merican Navy"?John Paul ~JonesNathan ~HaleDavid ~FarragutWhat is the more commonname for the"Aurora Borealis"?~Northern ~Lights~North ~Star~Milky WayA guy named Melvin Dummar hada movie made about him becausehe claimed he was named in thewranking privileges,"What does he get for free?~Mail~Phone calls*~Telephone~Lunch*~MealsThe city of Sao Paulo is thelargest city in South America.What country is it in?~Brazil~Argentina~ChileWhat early patriot is knownas the "Father of theAswill themselves be married?~3/4*~75%*~Three ~fourths~1/4*~25%*~Fourth~1/2*~50%*~HalfCounting all meals and snacks,how many times a day does theaverage American eat?~5*~Five~4*~Four~3*~ThreeWhen a member of Congresstakes advantage of his"fDo most grocery shoppersbegin their shopping byentering the store and goingclockwise, counter-clockwise,or down the middle?~Counter clockwise~ClockwiseDown the ~middleIn the next 10 years, whatfraction of all the much-talked-about baby boomerhim with his 8 wives, howmany wives did Henry VIII ofEngland actually have?~6*~Six~7*~Seven~8*~EightThis comes to us from the"New York Times." In sheernumbers, which is the fastestgrowing church in theUnited States?~Mormon~Catholic~Baptist gaucho ridingthe Pampas, in what countrywould you be?~Argentina~Mexico~AustraliaWhat's the French expressionfor the feeling that we areexperiencing something we'veexperienced before?~Deja vuA la ~carteAu ~revoirThough Mickey Rooney toppedng &Rubicam, McCann-Erickson, andJ. Walter Thompsonhousehold names?~Advertising~Real estate~Stock brokersYou might get your feet wetif you don't know this one.How many high tides arethere each 24 hours?~2*~Two~1*~One~3*~ThreeIf you were a" what is ourfavorite thing to eat ata ball park?Hot ~dogs*~Frankfurter*~Frank~Peanuts*~Goobers~PopcornA Weimeraner dog is named fora German province, but whatdog is named for aMexican state?~Chihuahua~Taxco~TostadaIn what business are Youhen mostpeople are thinking, do theylook up, down, orstraight ahead?~Up~Down~Straight aheadOut of every 10 babies born toAmerican married couples, howmany are planned pregnancies?~6*~Six~4*~Four~8*~EightAccording to a survey by"USA Today,ry JaneHere's one from the"Press Your Luck" city-slickerfile. What fraction ofAmericans live inmetropolitan areas?~3/4*~75%*~Three ~fourths~1/4*~25%*~Fourth~1/2*~50%*~HalfA book called "Imponderables"came up with the answer tothis question: Wohn" one ofthe Merry Men?Robin ~HoodThe ~DoorsSmokey ~RobinsonAmong her many characters,Lily Tomlin created a seriouslittle girl who rocked in abig chair and stuck her tongueout at people. Who wasthat little girl?~Edith AnnLittle ~Louise~Mase~Carnation~PansyAccording to a universitystudy, out of every 10 girls,how many would rather date anon-smoker than a smoker?~7*~Seven~8*~Eight~9*~NineTeenagers all seem to knowwhich rock star is in whichband. But in whose band was"Little Jology Today," with whichdid more women say they'remost dissatisfied?~Weight~Height~FaceWhat's the first name of FredFlintstone's daughter?~Pebbles~Tabitha~WilmaAccording to a recent survey,what flower is the favoriteof most Americans?~Rot'sportrait on it.Which President Is it?~Washington~Lincoln~JeffersonWhen someone has deceived you,what is It you might saythey've pulled over Your eyes?The ~woolA ~scarfA ~lieTheir height, their weight, ortheir face... according to"Psychin a library?~1/4*~25%*~Fourth~1/2*~50%*~Half~3/4*~75%*~Three ~fourthsAn actress, a heavenly body,or a bird...what is a starling?A ~birdAn ~actressA heavenly ~bodyThe U.S. Postal Service isprinting the 50th issue ofstamps with this PresidenWho is he?Mr. ~MagooMr. ~BelvedereMr. ~BillWhen we think of peanuts, wethink of Georgia. But whatnut comes to mind when wespeak of Hawaii?~Macadamia~Cashew~PistachioAccording to a poll oftelevision actresses by"TV Guide," what TV actorwa%*~Half~1/4*~25%*~Fourth~3/4*~75%*~Three ~fourthsIn what mountain range willyou find theContinental Divide?~Rockies~Sierra Nevadas~AppalachiansJim Backus was the voice ofthis nearsighted old man whostarred in many cartoonsfrom the 1950's on.p?Thou shall not ~killRemember the ~SabbathThou shall not ~stealHow many hours of televisionwould you say the averageAmerican adult male watcheseach day?~4*~Four~2*~Two~6*~SixWhat fraction of marriedAmericans will endup divorced?~1/2*~50~Sunday*~Sun~Wednesday*~Wed~Thursday*~ThuIf you break a mirror, howmany years of bad luck willyou have?~7 years*~Seven~5 years*~Five~9 years*~NineAccording to a national poll,which of The 10 Commandmentsdid we say is the easiestfor us to keeChevrolet*~ChevyIn a wedding receiving line,the bride's mother is first.Who stands next to her?The groom's ~motherThe ~brideThe bride's ~fatherThe three days of the weekmovie theaters do their bestbusiness are Friday,Saturday and what other?~Alaska*~AK~Michigan*~MI~Idaho*~IDWhat sport would you probablybe engaged in if yourcompanions keep yelling,"Tallyho"?Fox ~hunting~Cricket~PoloIf you're behind the wheelof a "Beemer," what make ofcar are you driving?~BMW~Volkswagen*~VW~ from "Peanuts"named Schroeder?~Beethoven~Mozart~BrahmsHere's a question from thetough part of town. What doyou use to chase whiskey whenyou drink a boilermaker?~Beer~Ginger ale~7 Up*~Seven ~upWhat state has the longestborder with Canada?As men become more and morevain these days, what fractionof cosmetic surgery patientsare male?~1/4*~25%*~Fourth~1/2*~50%*~Half~3/4*~75%*~Three ~fourthsHere's one from the funnies.Which classical composer isidolized by that comic stripcharacterals that describe it,and that is "self-containedunderwater breathingapparatus." What is it?~Scuba~Snorkel~Submarine*~SubWhich letter from the Greekalphabet also names the fan-shaped area where a riverflows into the ocean?~Delta~Sigma~Omegaow many willyou spend in bed?~2*~Two~1*~One~3*~ThreeAccording to "The New YorkTimes," what is it abouttheir dining experience thatrestaurant-goers rate astheir #1 pet peeve?Poor ~serviceBad ~foodToo much ~noiseIts name comes from theinitieek, Michigan,on the map?~Cereal~Cheese~BreadAccording to the AmericanDental Association, howoften should you replaceyour toothbrush?Every ~3 monthsEvery ~2 monthsOnce a ~monthIf you are like mostAmericans, of every 6 yearsof your life, hrition Letter" tells usthat the three big days forgrocery shopping are Friday,Saturday and which other day?~Thursday*~Thu*~thurs~Sunday*~Sun~Monday*~MonYou can visit Hershey,Pennsylvania, to see chocolatemade, but what type of foodput Battle Crlth~InvestmentsUnder which president didSpiro Agnew serve asVice President?~Nixon~Johnson~FordNovember, June and Septemberare 3 of the 4 months thathave 30 days. What is the 4th?~April*~Apr~March*~Mar~August*~AugThe "Tufts UniversityNut "hit man"because of "Endless Love" andhis Oscar-winning "Say You,Say Me." Who is he?Lionel ~Richie*~ritchiePhil ~CollinsPaul ~WilliamsRestaurants, health, orinvestments... about which ofthese do people most oftenseek advice?~Restaurants~Hea glitters is not..."what?~Gold~Diamonds~LoveAccording to "Newsweek"magazine, which AmericanPresident wore gold-embroidered pantyhose andliked at least 1 1/2-inchhigh heels?~Washington~Grant~Nixon"People" magazine called himpop music's #1~Sagittarius~Pisces~AriesAccording to "Newsweek," ifthey had their druthers,would most women prefer afull-time job, a part-timejob, or not to work at all?~Part time job~Full time job~Not work at all*~NoneAccording to the old saying,"All thatvery 5crimes that are committednationwide, how manyare solved?~1*~One~2*~Two~3*~Three"A lot of people assumed thatbecause I was pretty, I wasalso dumb," is a quote fromthe sharp and snappy star of"Moonlighting." Who is she?Cybill ~ShepherdMknown bywhat nickname?Billy the ~Kid~Buffalo Bill~Steamboat BillIn the Nathaniel Hawthornenovel, "The Scarlet Letter"was affixed to a woman namedHester Prynne for immorality.What letter was it?~A~F~HAccording to F.B.I.statistics, out of eark ismade by a dot over a comma?A ~semi colonA ~colonAn ~apostropheJamie Lee Curtis has twofamous parents. Her fatheris Tony Curtis. Who isher mother?Janet ~LeighDebbie ~ReynoldsSophia ~LorenThe famous outlaw, William H.Bonney, is better phere is knownas which doctrine?~Monroe Doctrine~Truman Doctrine~Nixon DoctrineHot, warm, or cold... whattemperature water should youuse when operating the garbagedisposal in your sink?~Cold~Hot~WarmLet's check out yourpunctuation. Which m 20, 30, or 40years of age?~30*~Thirty~20*~Twenty~40*~FourtyBesides making a pretty goodsalary, what specificallydoes a cartographer make?~Maps~Cars~BoatsThe U.S. resolve that noEuropean nation shouldestablish a colony in theWestern Hemisne ofthese food groups does "USAToday" say people are mostliable to be allergic to?~Dairy products~Wheat~ShellfishAccording to the Bible, whodied at the ripe oldage of 969?~Methuselah~Adam~NoahIs the average first-time homebuyer closer toive~15%*~15*~Fifteen~25%*~25*~Twenty ~fiveAccording to a recent "Brides"magazine, the average groomwas 25 years old. How old wasthe average bride?~23*~Twenty ~three~22*~Twenty ~two~24*~Twenty ~fourDairy products, wheat, orshellfish... which onAunt Millie's sauce coverspasta. What does AuntJemima's product cover?~Pancakes~Cereal~Cookies15, 25, or 35%... accordingto a recent study, whatpercent of children born todaywill live with a stepparentbefore they are 18?~35%*~35*~Thirty ~fis the comedic spokespersonfor Jello?Bill ~CosbyRodney ~DangerfieldEddie ~MurphyWho signed the Declaration ofIndependence in large letters,stating, "I guess King Georgewill be able to read that"?John ~HancockThomas ~JeffersonBenjamin ~Frankliher country in the world.Which country is it?~China~Thailand~VietnamPeople with high bloodpressure should avoid eatingsalt because it containswhat chemical?~Sodium~Chlorine~CalciumIf you know your commercials,you should know this one. Whorge"?~HotelGrocery ~store~FarmAccording to a governmentstudy, what fraction of ourmonthly budget goes forhousing and transportation?~1/2*~50%*~Half~1/4*~25%*~Fourth~3/4*~75%*~Three ~fourthsOne Asian country bordersmore countries than anyotr~Roosevelt*~FDRAccording to the "New EnglandJournal of Medicine," doeshard exercise increase,decrease, or have no effecton a woman's fertility?~Decrease~IncreaseHave ~no effectWhat sort of business wouldyou be in if you were hiringa "concieitsnational sport?~Japan~China~KoreaFor every dollar a man makes,does a woman make$.50, $.70, or $.90?~$.70*~70~$.50*~50~$.90*~90The "Chicago Tribune" madenews when it mistakenly ranthe headline, "DeweyDefeats..." who?~Truman~EisenhoweChocolate~Sugar~VanillaHow many states make up theNew England states?~6*~Six~8*~Eight~10*~TenWhich famous Warner Brothers'cartoon character has agirlfriend named Petunia?~Porky Pig~Daffy Duck~Bugs BunnyWhich nation has sumowrestling as lue~GreenWhich foreign country isAmerica's biggesttrading partner?~Canada~Mexico~JapanBecause we're all trying tofind healthier ways to eatthese days, carob has becomea popular substitute for oneof our favorite indulgences.What is carob?~s rated their #1 hunk?Don ~JohnsonRobert ~WagnerTom ~SelleckIs a pickle considered to bea fruit, a vegetable,or a nut?A ~vegetableA ~fruitA ~nutIf you're in good health andin tip-top condition, wemight say you're"in the..." what?~Pink~Bed on TV, youmight get this one. What wasCapone's full first name?~Alphonse~Alvin~AllanAccording to governmentfigures, the average woman isaround 5 feet 4 and weighsclosest to 105, 125,or 145 pounds?~145 pounds*~one ~hundred ~forty ~five~105 of2 parts Champagne to1 part what?~Orange juice~Ginger ale~Lime juiceAccording to the NationalRestaurant Association, onwhich meal do we spend themost money in restaurants?~Dinner~Breakfast~LunchIf you watched Al Capone'svault being opennes?The ~eyeThe ~earThe ~brainHow's your etiquette? Ifsomeone should propose atoast to you, should youdrink first, drink with theothers, or not drink thetoast at all?~Don't drink at allDrink ~firstDrink with ~othersA mimosa is a drink madereporterhas Perry White as his bossat "The Daily Planet"?Clark ~KentBob ~WoodwardBruce ~BannerWhich alcoholic beverage isimplicated in most drunken-driving incidents?~Beer~Wine~WhiskeyIn what part of the humanbody will you find rodsand cossHealth care costs today arehow many times higher thanin 1974?~3 times*~Three~2 times*~Two~5 times*~FiveQuick! what is the firstlegal American holiday ofeach new year?~New Year's Day~Lincoln's Birthday~Valentine's DayWhich mild-mannered on spent most of hisyouth. Which state is it?~Nebraska*~NE~Iowa~Kansas*~KSWhat instrument does theconcert master of asymphony orchestra play?~Violin~Tuba~OboeBrie, cheddar, or Swisscheese... which has themost calories?~Cheddar~Brie~Swi0%*~Half~1/4*~25%*~fourth~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourthsWho ran on the 1984presidential ticket withGeraldine Ferraro?Walter ~MondaleJohn ~AndersonJessie ~JacksonGerald Ford and Henry Fondawere born in the same mid-western state in which JohnnyCarstelchain. Which one?~Hilton~Hyatt~MarriottHow many millimeters arein one meter?~1000*~one ~thousand~10*~ten~100*~one ~hundredFor what fraction of an hourwould you have to run fast toburn off the calories in anaverage cheeseburger?~1/2*~5oreAmerican homes?~Double~Queen~KingLet's check your knowledge ofbig cities. In what city willyou find a fashionableresidential section calledBeacon Hill?~Boston~San Francisco*~SF~AtlantaLiz Taylor's first husbandwas an heir to a large horown*~RC~Canada DryIf you have hyperopia, areyou farsighted, nearsighted, or crosseyed?~Farsighted*~far~Nearsighted*~near~Crosseyed*~crossDouble, queen, or king...according to "Better Homes &Gardens" magazine, which sizebed will you find in mgrees*~Thirty ~twoWhen unexpected bad newsoverwhelms us, we say itnever rains but it does what?~Pours~Drizzles~InundatesTwo large companies control80% of the total American softdrink market. One is Coca-Cola. What's the other?~Pepsi~Royal Ceyes," you rolled a 2.What total number have youthrown if you'vehit "boxcars"?~12*~Twelve~3*~Three~7*~SevenWater boils at 212 degreesFahrenheit. What degree doesit boil on theCentigrade scale?~100 degrees*~One ~hundred~0 degrees*~Zero~32 deuesday*~Tue~Wednesday*~WedWhat kind of meat do you findin a Reuben sandwich?Corned ~beef~Ham~TurkeyWhich movie strongman marriednewslady Maria Shriver?Arnold ~SchwarzeneggerSylvester ~StalloneChuck ~NorrisIn dice, if you've thrown"snakes ky~George~HarveyHere's one that's older thanall of us: An eye for an eye,a what for a what?~Tooth~Hand~FootWhen a theatre is closed,it's said to be "dark." So,traditionally, what weekdaynight is the "dark" nighton Broadway?~Monday*~Mon~Tty~30 minutes*~Thirty~10 minutes*~TenWhen we don't want to getinvolved, we often say wewouldn't touch somethingwith what?A ~10 foot pole*~TenA ~5 foot pole*~FiveA ~12 foot pole*~TwelveWhat was the name ofBullwinkle's TVsquirrel friend?~Rocorgan ~FairchildLoni ~AndersonIf you have a gherkin in yourhand, what would you probablydo with it?~Eat it~Sing to it~Bury itAccording to the AmericanMedical Association, what isthe average waiting time ina doctor's office?~20 minutes*~Twennal "Maxim's"?~Paris~Rome~London"Buy me some peanuts andCrackerjacks" are lyrics of asong referring to what sport?~Baseball~Football~BasketballEven though people say,"The French have a word forit," French doesn't have allthe words. Which lgged that "Smith Barneymakes money the old-fashionedway." What do they sell?~Stocks and bonds~Oil~Real estateThe original "Maxim's" is oneof the world's most famousand most expensive rest-aurants. In what foreigncapital will you find thatorigiomgood families?Good ~athletesGood ~studentsFrom good ~familiesThe "100-Years War" was solong, nobody remembers whowon it. But can you rememberwhat modern country won the"6-Day War"?~Israel~Germany~VietnamFor years, actor John Housemanbraurths~1/4*~25%*~fourth~1/2*~50%*~halfWhat supermarket chain isconsidered to be thecountry's largest?~Safeway~A&P~Kroger"Psychology Today" says thattoday's high school girls aremost impressed by boys whoare good athletes, goodstudents, or frd "Newsweek" arethe big 3 weekly newsmagazines. Which one has thebiggest circulation?~Time~U.S. News~NewsweekAccording to a recent survey,what fraction of men said theywere happier in their secondmarriage than their first?~3/4*~75%*~three ~foof "old ski nose"?Bob ~HopeJimmy ~DuranteJerry ~ColonnaThe shapes of 2 states inWestern America form almostperfect rectangles. One ofthem is Colorado. What isthe other?~Wyoming*~WY~Arizona*~AZ~Idaho*~ID"U.S. News & World Report,""Time," aner ~CronkiteJohnny ~CarsonAndy ~RooneyWhat rating is a movie givenif children under 17 can'tsee it without a parent orguardian accompanying them?~R*~restricted~PG*~parential ~guidence~XWhat perennial funnyman hashad to live with the nickname3 PM*~three~2 PM*~two~4 PM*~fourMedical experts say itdoesn't work, but many peoplewith arthritis like to wearbracelets made of which metal?~Copper~Tin~SilverWho became famous for endinghis TV show by saying,"And that's the way it is"?Walt~Twice*~Two*~2~Once*~One*~1~3 Times*~threeThe English translation ofwhat book is known as the"King James Version"?~BibleEncyclopedia ~BritannicaDante's ~InfernoAt what hour of the afternoondo most of us experience ourbiggest energy slump?~s usthat Larry Holmes and ThomasHearns were the highest paidathletes one year. What istheir sport?~Boxing*~prize ~fighting~Golf~BaseballAccording to "Family Circle"magazine, how many times anight should you expect yournewborn baby to wake up?lly speaking, what'sthe name of the cat who isknown as the"finicky" feline?~Morris~Tabby~GeorgeWhen Noah set sail in theArk, how many days and nightsdid it rain?~40*~forty~14*~fourteen~144*~one ~hunderd ~forty ~four"Sports" magazine informTempo ~blocks~SnaresYou ate 4 meals in restaurantsthis week. Does that make youabove, below, or averagefor an American adult?~Average~Above~BelowThe sitar is a native musicalinstrument of what country?~India~Scotland~YugoslaviaCommerciay*~FriHere's one from the historybooks. What inventor patentedthe cotton gin?Eli ~WhitneyAlexander Graham ~BellThomas ~EdisonWhat are those little rhythminstruments that Spanishdancers hold in their handsand click while they dance?~Castanets"how many children do theHuxtables have?~5*~Five~3*~Three~4*~FourAccording to a poll taken by"Professional SecretariesInternational," what day ofthe week is the moststressful for thesebosses' helpers?~Monday*~Mon~Thursday*~Thu*~thurs~Fridacross theU.S. "On the Road"?Charles ~KuraltBill ~MoyersDan ~RatherWhat former movie sex symbolis famous for saying, "it'snot the men in my life thatcount; It's the lifein my men"?Mae ~WestMarilyn ~MonroeJean ~HarlowOn TV's "The Cosby Show, pounds*~one ~hundred ~five~125 pounds*~one ~hundred ~twenty ~fiveAfter everyone thought hischaracter was dead, actorPatrick Duffy returned towhich prime-time soap opera?~Dallas~Dynasty~Knots LandingWhich well-known journalisttook TV viewers acegas pumps?~7*~Seven~5*~Five~9*~NineWhat fraction of peopleconvicted of violent crimesdrank liquor just beforethe crime?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourthsIf you remember this warning,"1 if by land, 2 if by sea,"canh room does"Mc Call's" magazinerecommend placing it?~Bedroom~Bathroom~KitchenPopeye's girlfriend is OliveOyl and his rival is Bluto.Who is his hamburger-loving friend?~Wimpy~Walrus~WilburOut of every 10 drivers, howmany use the self-servi~75%*~three ~fourthsGeneral Grant was theCommanding General of theUnion Army in the Civil Warand later became President.What were hisfamous initials?~U.S.*~US~U.N.*~UN~U.A.*~UAIf you have only one smokedetector in your home, in(or near) whicue Bayous," but what stateis most famousfor its bayous?~Louisiana*~LA~Texas*~TX*~tex~Massachusetts*~MA*~massHere's a taxing question.What fraction of its incomedoes the average family payin federal taxes?~1/4*~25%*~fourth~1/2*~50%*~half~3/4*se vixen is thefemale name of what animal?~Fox~Cat~SquirrelThe Puerto Rican drink, PinaColada, translates assomething like "strainedpineapple." What kind ofliquor will you find in aPina Colada?~Rum~Tequila~GinLinda Ronstadt sang about"Blis it?Rice ~Krispies~CheeriosGrape ~NutsPresidents Kennedy, Johnson,Nixon, Ford and Carter allserved in the same branch ofthe armed forces during WorldWar II. Which branch was it?~Navy~Army~Air ForceWe call a conniving woman a"vixen" becau3*~ThreeAccording to an article in the"Wall Street Journal," whathas been acclaimed as the bestsingle exercise you can do?~Push up~Sit up~Jumping jackFor the past 35 years, thiscereal has promised us it"snaps, crackles and pops."Which cereal ickels, dimes,quarters... which coin dowe use the least?~Nickels~Pennies~DimesAccording to a recentuniversity study, out of every5 women who reach the age of30 without marrying, how manycan expect to eventuallybecome a wife?~1*~One~2*~Two~... whatis the most over-usedseasoning in America?~Salt~Pepper~GarlicIf it's not "what" you know,but "who" you know, out ofevery 10 people workingtoday, how many got their jobbecause of "who" they knew?~7*~Seven~3*~Three~5*~FivePennies, nould most Americangals rather be called awoman, a lady, or a girl?~Woman~Lady~GirlBelieve it or not, thereare 35 thousand bakeries inthe U.S. What bakery item isthe biggest seller inthose bakeries?~Donuts~Cookies~CakesThink about this one9?~Stock Market~Hindenberg Zeppelin~TitanicThis midwestern city on theshores of Lake Michigan playshost to half of the country'slargest trade shows andconventions. What city is it?~ChicagoSt. ~Louis~DetroitAccording to "Glamour"magazine, wleDinah ~ShoreYou are most likely to havefreckles if you havewhat color hair?~Red~Blonde~BrownWhat famous Americanuniversity carries thenickname of"The Fighting Irish"?Notre ~Dame~LoyolaSt. ~John'sWhat crashed on"Black Thursday"in 192In the well-used phrase, whatis it we say "is mightierthan the sword"?The ~penA ~bulletAn ~arrowShe vacated the guest-hostspot on the "Tonight Show"to compete with her ownshort-lived late-nighttalk show. Who is she?Joan ~RiversToni ~Tennilk~BaseballRemember "Dick and Jane"from your grammar schoolreader days? What wastheir dog's name?~Spot~Fido~RoverAccording to the GoldInformation Center, of every10 newly married men, howmany wear a wedding ring?~9*~Nine~7*~Seven~8*~Eight War II, HowardHughes built a "flying boat"that flew only once.What is its nickname?~Spruce GooseChina ~Clipper~Spirit of St. LouisWalter Payton recently becamethe fifth athlete to everappear on a Wheaties box.What's his sport?~Football~Tracanguagecontains the most words?~English~Russian~GermanThis actor partied in hisparents' house in one film,played a jet pilot inanother, and Dustin Hoffman'sbrother in a third.Who is he?Tom ~CruiseJudd ~NelsonMatthew ~BroderickDuring Worldcouple's engagement, howmany months elapse betweenthe proposal and the wedding?~6 months*~six~3 months*~three~9 months*~nineWhat supernatural creature issupposedly killed by a stakedriven through its heart?A ~vampire*~draculaA ~werewolf*~wolfmoviequestion. What superstaractor played the titlerole In "Cool Hand Luke"?Paul ~NewmanSteve ~McQueenLee ~MarvinHere's one from the EastCoast. How many of New York's5 boroughs are on islands?~4*~Four~3*~Three~2*~TwoIn the average Americang thatgoes, "You could have knockedme over with a..." what?~Feather~Slap~KissYoung boys and girls don'tagree on much, but they doagree on their favoritecomic strip, which is abouta cat named what?~Garfield~Heathcliff~FelixHere's a "cool" him?To the ~fairTo the ~marketTo the ~moonAccording to Greek mythology,the only way to kill Achilleswas to wound him where?His ~heelHis ~legHis ~hairYou would use a lorgnette tohelp you do what better?~See~Hear~WalkThere's an old sayinquashDoes "Cosmopolitan" magazinetell us single women preferto meet men at parties, atwork, or atsingles' hangouts?At ~partiesAt ~workAt ~singles' hangoutsLet's check out your long-term memory. Where was thepieman going whenSimple Simon met Folgers~Hills BrothersIn the words of the press,actor Michael Gross plays"TV's favorite white dad,"Steven Keaton.What's the show?~Family Ties~Growing PainsWho's the ~BossWhich racquet game do youplay with a shuttlecock?~Badminton~Tennis~Svertised single brandname in America. What is it?~McDonaldBurger ~King~Kentucky Fried Chicken*~KFCDo more women say theyovereat due tohunger, stress, or boredom?~Stress~Hunger~BoredomWhose coffee is"good to the last drop"?~Maxwell House~lyJimmy ~StewartHow tall would a stack of onemillion pennies be...one yard high, one storyhigh, or one mile high?One ~mileOne ~yardOne ~story"The New York Times" saysthis favorite with youngfolks, and the home of the"Big Mac," is the mostadeck up on your powersof observation. How manytimes is the serial numberprinted on aone-dollar bill?~Twice*~Two*~2~Once*~One*~1~3 TimesWhat actor won an Oscar forplaying George M. Cohan inthe film, "YankeeDoodle Dandy"?James ~CagneyGene ~Kel to besealed, we say "Thehandwriting is on the..."what?~Wall~Paper~TableAlready home to the Indians,Cavaliers and Browns, thisOhio city is now also home tothe Rock 'n' Roll Hall ofFame. Which city is it?~Cleveland~Columbus~ToledoLet's chstion.What is the best-selling beerin the United States?~Budweiser~Schlitz~PabstAll right, you poker players.If you held a hand of 3 of akind and one pair, whatwould you have?A ~full house*full houseA ~flushA ~straightWhen our fate appearson is a formerFirst Lady who is betterknown by her nickname.What is it?Lady ~BirdCee ~Jay~MagicAccording to Roper Reports,how many Americans in 5admit to having skinny-dipped in mixed company?~1*~One~2*~Two~3*~ThreeHere's a summertime quen        ut lines, or wideraisles... which did womensupermarket shoppers saythey wanted most?Faster ~checkoutLonger ~hoursWider ~aislesHere's one for fruit lovers.A nectarine is a smooth-skinned version ofwhat fruit?~Peach~Pear~CherryClaudia Johnse our meat cooked?~Medium~Rare~Well doneLincoln never did it. TheodoreRoosevelt did it about 37times, and so far, RichardNixon has done it 5 times.What are we talking about?~Wrote books~Shot bears~Paid taxesLonger store hours, fasterchecko you remember in whichAmerican city is Paul Revere's house located?~Boston~HartfordNew ~YorkRobin Hood's "best girl"was a comely maiden namedMaid... who?~Marian~Matilda~MaureenRare, medium, or well-done...which way do more of us saywe liklsfor what product?~Pepsi~Coca ~Cola*~coke~McDonald's*~mcdonaldOf every 5 people 65 andolder, how many have lostall their teeth?~2*~Two~1*~One~3*~Three*ow signsoff with either Hugh Downsor Barbara Walters tellingus, "We're in touch, so yoube in touch"?~20/20~60 MinutesA ~Current AffairIn the biggest endorsement inadvertising history, MichaelJackson was paid 15 milliondollars to do 3 commerciaous trainer.What does he train?~Animals~Singers~Swimmers32-Year-old Michael Wilding,star of the daytime soapopera, "The Guiding Light,"is the son of a famousactress. Which one?Elizabeth ~TaylorAnn ~MillerDebbie ~ReynoldsWhat weekly news shalike, we say they're"cut from the same whole..."what?~Cloth~Pattern~DoughWhich Constitutional amendmentguarantees our right to freespeech?~1st Amendment*~first~3rd Amendment*~third~5th Amendment*~fifthGunther Gebel-Williams is aworld-famee~2*~TwoIn which Disney film wouldyou hear the song,"Whistle While You Work"?~Snow White~Cinderella101 ~DalmatiansHow many inches long is theaverage newborn baby?~20 inches*~twenty~10 inches*~ten~30 inches*~thirtyIf people are said to be~Relish~Ketchup*~CatsupStop signs are traditionallyred, and so are fire engines.But what color is thetraditional American taxicab?~Yellow~White~BlackHere's a weighty question.Out of every 6 adult dieters,how many are women?~4*~Four~3*~ThrceAmericans Billy Olsen and JoeDial and Russian Sergei Bubkahave been setting records inwhat popular track andfield event?~Pole vault~Mile run~Discus throwAccording to a recent survey,what one thing do most of usput on our hot dogs?~Mustard are not completedbecause the person beingcalled is "not available"?~4*~Four~2*~Two~3*~ThreeDolly Parton's dream came truewhen she cut the ribbon on hernew theme park. What is thename of thisfamily attraction?~Dollywood~Dollyland~Parton Pla phrase tells usyou can kill two "what"with one stone?~Birds~Bugs~SnakesHis car license plate reads"A-1-ANA-2" and his themesong is "Bubbles in theWine." Who is he?Lawrence ~Welk~LiberaceVictor ~BorgeOut of every 6 business calls,how manyhe Olympic Games?~5*~Five~6*~Six~7*~Seven"60 Minutes" and "20/20" havebeen around for a while. Whatis CBS's newest show withreporters Jane Wallace,Meredith Vieiraand Bob Sirott?West ~57th StreetFace the ~NationAmerican ~AlmanacThe familiarwer*~IkeGeorge ~WashingtonFranklin ~Roosevelt*~fdrWhat do we call the scissorswith scalloped or serratedblades that are used to keepcloth from fraying when cut?~Pinking shears~Lopping shears~Nibbling shearsHow many rings are in thesymbol of t"?Reggie ~JacksonSteve ~GarveyPete ~RoseHow many senators are electedfrom each U.S. state?~2*~Two~4*~Four~6*~SixThough there's no longer anysilver in our silver dollars,there is a President'slikeness on the coin.Who is he?Dwight ~Eisenho does the"con carne"add to the chili?~Meat~Beans~OnionsIn 1968, a U.S. Navyintelligence-gathering shipwas seized by North Korea.What was the nameof that ship?~Pueblo~Pt 109~NautilusWhat heavy-hitting baseballplayer is called"Mr. October todrive your car?~Saturday*~sat~Monday*~mon~Wednesday*~wedIn the children's song,"The Farmer in the Dell,"who is the first personthe farmer takes?A ~wifeA ~childA ~motherWe've probably all had "chilicon carne" at one time oranother. WhatmanA ~ghostAccording to "Cosmopolitan"magazine, what fraction ofmen who date a girl one timecall for a second date?~1/2*~50%*~half~1/4*~25%*~fourth~3/4*~75%*~three ~fourthsAccording to statistics,which day of the week is themost dangerous dayTL 悥p0L_HHH(H $ii'HH =%$L Q _` % ȱȱȱȱȱiiL ii $ i i'ee'LL LL % ȱgLRWLH悥p0LUHHH(H $i:i&HH =%$THHH(H $i:i&HH =%$LF PT^tLj LHtH =%8H?HHHHH =%k8H]HH HHH =%k8HHH HHH =%k8HHH HHH =%k8HHH HHH =%k8HHH HHH =%k9HHHHHH =%k =% LHtH =%9HHHH =%!9H0HH HHH =%k9HSHH HHH =%k =%˩HHHHH =%k =% LHtH =%6HHHHHH =%k7H HHHHH =%k7H-HH HHH =%k7HOHH HHH =%k7HuHH HHH =%k7HHH HHH =%k7HHH HHH =%k7HHHHHH =%k8HHHHHH =%k8H'HHHHH =%k =% =% LHtH =%5H-HHHHH =%k5HUHHHHH =%k5H}HHHHH =%k5HHHHHH =%k5HHH HHH =%k5HHH HHH =%k6HHH HHH =%k6H8HH HHH =%k6HNHHHHH =%k6HsHHHHH =%k6HHHHHH =%k6HxHHHHH =%k3HHHHHH =%k3HHHHHH =%k3HHHHHH =%k4HHH HHH =%k4H&HH HHH =%k4HKHH HHH =%k4HgHHHHH =%k4HHHHHH =%k4HHHHHH =%k4HHHHHH =%k4HHHHHH =%k5HHHHHH =%k1HHH HHH =%k2HHH HHH =%k2H"&*.26:>(#('(+(/(3(7(;(?#'+/37;?P P$P(P,P0P4P8P< $(,048"&*.26:>P#P'P+P/P3P7P;P?#'+/37;?((((PPPPPRESS YOUR LUCK i &HHl    l $(,048< $(,048<!%)-159=!%)-159="&*.26:>"&*.26:>#'+/37;?#'+/37;?( ($(((,(0(4(8(< $(,048<(!(%()(-(1(5(9(=!%)-159=(" 8vv` %Vv`(`(`hh8iehȱ %Hȥq`lhh hihi8  8   qȥqȱЅ $`ȥ  `8`8L;$i`i`hh8ieh%HyHl ȱ ` %6` %!ȱȱ"#HH =%#HH =%#ȱ L#HH =%#: : ` ` % ȱ`  `L % :ȱ:ȱ $ixi9 ` % % ȱ $m:m: ȱp0LO"L^"C:: `)L}" ` =%# ȑȱȱȱȱ   =%# ȑȱȱ st8q9ʆr9::m9::n9:::ą::9::9: ȑ ! % ` %v9w9 $L!恥L! $m:m:L!HH =%!L! 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The passed spins become mandatory spins for the new player, and must be used before the player can play (or pass) his remaining earned spins.Exception: If the pl the player's console for each WHAMMY hit.)6. Prior to each spin at the Board, the player may press the 'P' key to pass his spins to the opponent with the largest amount of money. Using this "pass strategy," a player hopes to avoid hitins.)b. If it is a LOSE ONE SPIN square, the spin is deducted (in addition to the spin in step 5a).c. If the Board lands on a WHAMMY, the player loses all his winnings, but may continue to play if he has spins left. (A red card pops up ont indicates what that player has won (or lost):a. If it is a cash award, that amount appears on the player's console and is added to any previous winnings. (With each spin of the Bonus Board, 1 spin is deducted from the player's total sp inside the Bonus Board.4. To activate the Bonus Board, the player presses the SPACE BAR (or joystick Button); to stop the Bonus Board, he also press the SPACE BAR (or joystick Button).5. When the Board stops, the square that remains li of the screen goes first.)3. The starting player appears in the center of the Bonus Board with his spins (earned or passed) and his dollar earnings shown on the console. The other two players' earnings appear in a box at the upper left, lowest, then the highest. In Bonus Round Two, the player with the least amount of money earned in Bonus Round One goes first, followed by the next lowest, then the highest. (If there is a tie in money earned, the player at the left side squares which randomly flash on and off. Each square may contain one or more cash awards, prizes, move instructions, or a WHAMMY.2. In Bonus Round One, the player with the lowest number of earned spins goes first, followed by the next ,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~